blob: 7fa2e9b16550178ba5dcf6676f67b2400bc066f6 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!-- $Id$ -->
<!DOCTYPE releases SYSTEM 'dtd/releases.dtd'>
<release version='NOT YET RELEASED'>
<note>Implemented support for UCS-4 and UCS-2 encodings.</note>
<submitter name='Neil Graham'/>
<note>Added internal subset string to DOM.</note>
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
<release version='Xerces 2.0.0 (beta4)'>
This release fixes a number of bugs, introduces more changes to the Xerces
Native Interface, provides partial experimental DOM Level 3 implementation,
and includes full XML Schema support.
Implemented schema particle derivation restriction checking
<submitter name="Lisa Martin"/>
Added checking for schema constraint cos-element-consistent
<submitter name="Lisa Martin"/>
resolved misc. SAX2 bugs
<submitter name="Lisa Martin"/>
Added implementation of DOMInputSource, DOMError, DOMLocator and wrappers
for entity resolver and error handler (DOM Level 3).
<submitter name='Gopal Sharma, Elena Litani'/>
Added implementation of DOMWriter, DocumentLS, DOMImplementationLS and new
features support for save and load: create-cdata-nodes,
split-cdata-sections (DOM Level 3).
<submitter name='Rahul Srivastava, Elena Litani'/>
Added implementation of DOMBuilder, DOMASBuilder and partial
implementation of ASModel. Add support for a new feature
"include-comments" (DOM Level 3).
<submitter name='Pavani Mukthipudi, Neil Graham, Elena Litani'/>
Added Augmentations interface to core XNI interfaces and PSVI interfaces
as an extension to XNI (unstable). Added DOM Level 3 interfaces to
xerces.dom3 package. Modified samples accordingly.
<submitter name='Elena Litani'/>
Implemented split of xerces.jar file into an API-only jar file
(xmlParserAPIs.jar) and a jarfile containing only the API
implementation (xercesImpl.jar).
<submitter name="Neil Graham"/>
Modified XNI document handler interface to include Augmentations as an
extra parameter on each parser event. Modified XMLAttributes interface to
include getter methods for augmentations.
<submitter name='Elena Litani'/>
Implemented PSVI support in Xerces and added PSVIWriter, PSVIParser and
PSVIConfiguration sample files.
<submitter name='Arun Yadav, Elena Litani, Sandy Gao'/>
Added "external-schemaLocation" and "external-noNamespaceSchemaLocation"
<submitter name='Sandy Gao'/>
New schema simple type interface and implementation. It fixes various bugs
in the old implementation, and provides enough information for PSVI
<submitter name='Sandy Gao, Neeraj Bajaj'/>
Internalize all symbols in SymbolTable using
java.lang.String#intern(). Now applications can compare the symbols by
<submitter name='Sandy Gao'/>
Added "schema-full-checking" feature, and implemented "Unique Particle
Attribution" constraint.
<submitter name='Sandy Gao'/>
Changed the default configuration to standard parser configuration (that
does not include XML Schema validator), modified how and when the pipeline
is constructed.
<submitter name='Elena Litani'/>
Changed XML Schema validation behavior back to validate only if the feature is true. Note: XML Schema
validation is off by default.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Added constructor to new DTDXSParserConfiguration so it can
share settings from a parent configuration.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
The parser no longer wraps RuntimeException with XNIException
in the parse method.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed cloneNode() for Entity, EntityReference and DocumentType. Fixed
importNode() of EntityReference nodes which mistakenly carried the old
value. Fixed handling EntityReference node subtrees that left the node
empty in non deferred DOM.
<submitter name='Arnaud Le Hors'/>
Added missing default attribute values in the DOM and fixed
double entity value bug in deferred DOM.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed getElementById() in the DOMParser. Bound namespace attributes to (DOM only).
<submitter name='Elena Litani'/>
<note>Various documentation fixes.</note>
<submitter name='Andy Clark, Elena Litani'/>
Added more DOM Level 3 interfaces to xerces.dom3 package. Implemented
DOMImplementationRegistry (DOMImplementationSource really),
Node.set/getTextContent(), Node.isSameNode(), Node.getInterface(),
Node.set/getUserData(). Extended dom.mem.Test to test these additions.
<submitter name='Arnaud Le Hors'/>
Added ASBuilder sample to the DOM samples package to show how
to use the new DOM level 3 ASBuilder interface to implement a
form of grammar caching.
<submitter name='Sandy Gao'/>
Enabled the parser to process documents encoded in EBCDIC and
<submitter name='Neil Graham'/>
<release version='Xerces 2.0.0 (beta3)'>
This release fixes a number of bugs, introduces some changes to
the Xerces Native Interface, and is the first Xerces2 release to
include XML Schema validation support. Please note that the XML
Schema validation code was completely rewritten for Xerces2 and
should be considered alpha at this time.
Redesigned and rewrote XML Schema validation code. Also updated
standard parser configuration to include the XML Schema validator
in the document pipeline by default.
<submitter name='Sandy Gao, Lisa Martin, Neil Graham, Elena Litani, Rahul Srivastava, Gopal Sharma, Pavani Mukthipudi, Neeraj Bajaj'/>
Added new default parser configuration that includes DTD and XML Schema
validators (DTDXSParserConfiguration). Implemented dynamic validation for
both validators.
<submitter name='Sandy Gao, Elena Litani'/>
Synced up javax.xml.parsers package with latest code from xml-commons
module and various bug fixes.
<submitter name='Edwin Goei'/>
DOM/ DOMParser bug fixes.
<submitter name='Ted Leung, Andy Clark, Elena Litani, Arun Yadav'/>
Fixed newline normalization bug. Previously, the sequence #x0A #x0D
was being converted to #x0A instead of #x0A #x0A per section 2.11 of
the XML 1.0 specification. Thanks to Aleksander Slominski for the
bug report.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Added getter methods to XMLParserConfiguration interface and added
filter interfaces for components that consume and produce document
and DTD information.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed DTD scanner from reporting entity boundaries appearing
inside of markup declarations. Entity boundaries appearing
in the content model of an element declaration is still
reported, though.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Simplified XMLAttributes interface by removing the methods
related to entities appearing in attribute values.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Changed the XMLDTDHandler defined in XNI to add a non-normalized
value parameter to the internal element declaration callback. Also
implemented the non-normalized value for attribute values.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed bug in entity manager that would never resolve IANA encoding
names to Java encoding names properly. (Bug #3449)
<submitter name='Pavani Mukthipudi' mailto=''/>
Fixed bug in SAX parser that was not forwarding external entity
declarations in the DTD. (Bug #3392)
<submitter name='Neeraj Bajaj' mailto=''/>
Separated the XMLDocumentScannerImpl class so that it derives
from XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl which enables an
application to parse document fragments.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Ported the deferred DOM implementation from the Xerces 1.x
<submitter name='Arnaud Le Hors'/>
<release version='&ParserName; 2.0.0 (beta2)'>
This is primarily a bug fix release. However, a new XNI
interface and additional documentation have been added.
Fixed bug for when namespace bindings were added as default
attributes from the DTD.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed Xerces2 standard components to properly recognize and use
the features and properties that they are documented to accept.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Added documentation to the XNI Manual for re-using the Xerces2
parser components.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Moved Xerces 1.x to "xerces_j_1" branch and moved Xerces2 to the main
trunk of the "xml-xerces" module.
<submitter name='Arnaud Le Hors'/>
Improved ability of document and DTD scanners to perform pull parsing.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed bug where namespace binder would turn an emptyElement callback into
startElement and endElement callbacks.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Updated standard parser configuration to separate DTD validation
and namespace binding in the parsing pipeline.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Removed old XML Schema code that was not being used. This code
is intended to be replaced by either a port of the Xerces 1.x
XML Schema implementation or by a re-designed, re-implemented
XML Schema implementation.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed bug in scanner that allowed the built-in entity references
to be sent via XNI. The default value for this feature should have
been false.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
<note>Fixed several SAX bugs.</note>
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Synchronized DOM implementation code from Xerces 1.x codebase.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
<release version='&ParserName; 2.0.0 (beta)'>
First beta release of the Xerces2 code. Besides numerous bug
fixes, this release has changes and additions to XNI. The new
XNI parser configuration framework has been added in this release.
Refer to the <link idref='xni'>XNI Manual</link> for complete
Added document and DTD scanner interfaces to XNI to allow
parser configuration pipelines to be constructed generically.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Fixed bug in DTD grammar for mixed content models that was
building the wrong validation content model.
<submitter name='Sandy Gao'/>
Removed SAX dependency from XNI framework. Now the only
dependence on external API such as SAX is in the implementation
of the AbstractSAXParser and DOMParser so that legacy code
doesn't break.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
Rewrote existing documentation, added XNI information, cleaned
up stylesheets, and converted some docs to use custom DTDs.
<submitter name='Andy Clark'/>
<note>DTD method ordering problem for INCLUDE/IGNORE sections.</note>
<submitter name='Petr Kuzel'/>
<note>Improved DFA build-time performance.</note>
<submitter name='' mailto=''/>
<note>Synchronized with Xerces 1.3.0</note>
<submitter name='Arnaud Le Hors'/>
<release version='&ParserName; 2.0.0 (alpha)'>
<desc>Initial alpha release of Xerces2 code.</desc>