blob: aa4116c6852ec200686510b89a43feb8b589e485 [file] [log] [blame]
* The Apache Software License, Version 1.1
* Copyright (c) 2000 The Apache Software Foundation. All rights
* reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in
* the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
* distribution.
* 3. The end-user documentation included with the redistribution,
* if any, must include the following acknowledgment:
* "This product includes software developed by the
* Apache Software Foundation ("
* Alternately, this acknowledgment may appear in the software itself,
* if and wherever such third-party acknowledgments normally appear.
* 4. The names "Xerces" and "Apache Software Foundation" must
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* 5. Products derived from this software may not be called "Apache",
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* ====================================================================
* This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many
* individuals on behalf of the Apache Software Foundation and was
* originally based on software copyright (c) 1999, International
* Business Machines, Inc., For more
* information on the Apache Software Foundation, please see
* <>.
package org.apache.xerces.validators.schema;
import org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLErrorReporter;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.common.Grammar;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolver;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.common.GrammarResolverImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLElementDecl;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLAttributeDecl;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaSymbols;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.XUtil;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeValidator;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeValidatorFactoryImpl;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.InvalidDatatypeValueException;
import org.apache.xerces.utils.StringPool;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
//REVISIT: for now, import everything in the DOM package
import org.w3c.dom.*;
import java.util.*;
//Unit Test
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.DOMParser;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.common.XMLValidator;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.DatatypeValidator.*;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.datatype.InvalidDatatypeValueException;
import org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLContentSpec;
import org.apache.xerces.utils.QName;
import org.apache.xerces.utils.NamespacesScope;
import org.apache.xerces.parsers.SAXParser;
import org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLParser;
import org.apache.xerces.framework.XMLDocumentScanner;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException;
import org.xml.sax.EntityResolver;
import org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.OutputFormat;
import org.apache.xml.serialize.XMLSerializer;
import org.apache.xerces.validators.schema.SchemaSymbols;
* Instances of this class get delegated to Traverse the Schema and
* to populate the Grammar internal representation by
* instances of Grammar objects.
* Traverse a Schema Grammar:
* As of April 07, 2000 the following is the
* XML Representation of Schemas and Schema components,
* Chapter 4 of W3C Working Draft.
* <schema
* attributeFormDefault = qualified | unqualified
* blockDefault = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {equivClass, extension, restriction}
* elementFormDefault = qualified | unqualified
* finalDefault = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* id = ID
* targetNamespace = uriReference
* version = string>
* Content: ((include | import | annotation)* , ((simpleType | complexType | element | group | attribute | attributeGroup | notation) , annotation*)+)
* </schema>
* <attribute
* form = qualified | unqualified
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* ref = QName
* type = QName
* use = default | fixed | optional | prohibited | required
* value = string>
* Content: (annotation? , simpleType?)
* </>
* <element
* abstract = boolean
* block = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {equivClass, extension, restriction}
* default = string
* equivClass = QName
* final = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* fixed = string
* form = qualified | unqualified
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* name = NCName
* nullable = boolean
* ref = QName
* type = QName>
* Content: (annotation? , (simpleType | complexType)? , (unique | key | keyref)*)
* </>
* <complexType
* abstract = boolean
* base = QName
* block = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* content = elementOnly | empty | mixed | textOnly
* derivedBy = extension | restriction
* final = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: (annotation? , (((minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | precision | scale | length | minLength | maxLength | encoding | period | duration | enumeration | pattern)* | (element | group | all | choice | sequence | any)*) , ((attribute | attributeGroup)* , anyAttribute?)))
* </>
* <attributeGroup
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* ref = QName>
* Content: (annotation?, (attribute|attributeGroup), anyAttribute?)
* </>
* <anyAttribute
* id = ID
* namespace = ##any | ##other | ##local | list of {uri, ##targetNamespace}>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </anyAttribute>
* <group
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* name = NCName
* ref = QName>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | all | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </>
* <all
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </all>
* <choice
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </choice>
* <sequence
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </sequence>
* <any
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* namespace = ##any | ##other | ##local | list of {uri, ##targetNamespace}
* processContents = lax | skip | strict>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </any>
* <unique
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: (annotation? , (selector , field+))
* </unique>
* <key
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: (annotation? , (selector , field+))
* </key>
* <keyref
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* refer = QName>
* Content: (annotation? , (selector , field+))
* </keyref>
* <selector>
* Content: XPathExprApprox : An XPath expression
* </selector>
* <field>
* Content: XPathExprApprox : An XPath expression
* </field>
* <notation
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* public = A public identifier, per ISO 8879
* system = uriReference>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </notation>
* <annotation>
* Content: (appinfo | documentation)*
* </annotation>
* <include
* id = ID
* schemaLocation = uriReference>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </include>
* <import
* id = ID
* namespace = uriReference
* schemaLocation = uriReference>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </import>
* <simpleType
* abstract = boolean
* base = QName
* derivedBy = | list | restriction : restriction
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: ( annotation? , ( minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | precision | scale | length | minLength | maxLength | encoding | period | duration | enumeration | pattern )* )
* </simpleType>
* <length
* id = ID
* value = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </length>
* <minLength
* id = ID
* value = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </minLength>
* <maxLength
* id = ID
* value = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </maxLength>
* <pattern
* id = ID
* value = string>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </pattern>
* <enumeration
* id = ID
* value = string>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </enumeration>
* <maxInclusive
* id = ID
* value = string>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </maxInclusive>
* <maxExclusive
* id = ID
* value = string>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </maxExclusive>
* <minInclusive
* id = ID
* value = string>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </minInclusive>
* <minExclusive
* id = ID
* value = string>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </minExclusive>
* <precision
* id = ID
* value = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </precision>
* <scale
* id = ID
* value = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </scale>
* <encoding
* id = ID
* value = | hex | base64 >
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </encoding>
* <duration
* id = ID
* value = timeDuration>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </duration>
* <period
* id = ID
* value = timeDuration>
* Content: ( annotation? )
* </period>
* @author Eric Ye, Jeffrey Rodriguez, Andy Clark
* @see org.apache.xerces.validators.common.Grammar
* @version $Id$
public class TraverseSchema implements
private static final int TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE = -1;
private static boolean DEBUGGING = false;
//private data members
private XMLErrorReporter fErrorReporter = null;
private StringPool fStringPool = null;
private GrammarResolver fGrammarResolver = null;
private SchemaGrammar fSchemaGrammar = null;
private Element fSchemaRootElement;
private DatatypeValidatorFactoryImpl fDatatypeRegistry =
private Hashtable fComplexTypeRegistry = new Hashtable();
private Hashtable fAttributeDeclRegistry = new Hashtable();
private Vector fIncludeLocations = new Vector();
private Vector fImportLocations = new Vector();
private int fAnonTypeCount =0;
private int fScopeCount=0;
private int fCurrentScope=TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE;
private int fSimpleTypeAnonCount = 0;
private Stack fCurrentTypeNameStack = new Stack();
private Hashtable fElementRecurseComplex = new Hashtable();
private boolean fElementDefaultQualified = false;
private boolean fAttributeDefaultQualified = false;
private int fTargetNSURI;
private String fTargetNSURIString = "";
private NamespacesScope fNamespacesScope = null;
private String fCurrentSchemaURL = "";
private XMLAttributeDecl fTempAttributeDecl = new XMLAttributeDecl();
private XMLElementDecl fTempElementDecl = new XMLElementDecl();
// REVISIT: maybe need to be moved into SchemaGrammar class
public class ComplexTypeInfo {
public String typeName;
public DatatypeValidator baseDataTypeValidator;
public ComplexTypeInfo baseComplexTypeInfo;
public int derivedBy = 0;
public int blockSet = 0;
public int finalSet = 0;
public boolean isAbstract = false;
public int scopeDefined = -1;
public int contentType;
public int contentSpecHandle = -1;
public int templateElementIndex = -1;
public int attlistHead = -1;
public DatatypeValidator datatypeValidator;
//REVISIT: verify the URI.
public final static String SchemaForSchemaURI = "";
private TraverseSchema( ) {
// new TraverseSchema() is forbidden;
public void setGrammarResolver(GrammarResolver grammarResolver){
fGrammarResolver = grammarResolver;
public void startNamespaceDeclScope(int prefix, int uri){
public void endNamespaceDeclScope(int prefix){
//TO DO, do we need to do anything here?
private String resolvePrefixToURI (String prefix) throws Exception {
String uriStr = fStringPool.toString(fNamespacesScope.getNamespaceForPrefix(fStringPool.addSymbol(prefix)));
if (uriStr == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("prefix : [" + prefix +"] can not be resolved to a URI");
return "";
//REVISIT, !!!! a hack: needs to be updated later, cause now we only use localpart to key build-in datatype.
if ( prefix.length()==0 && uriStr.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
&& fTargetNSURIString.length() == 0) {
uriStr = "";
return uriStr;
public TraverseSchema(Element root, StringPool stringPool,
SchemaGrammar schemaGrammar,
GrammarResolver grammarResolver,
XMLErrorReporter errorReporter,
String schemaURL
) throws Exception {
fErrorReporter = errorReporter;
fCurrentSchemaURL = schemaURL;
doTraverseSchema(root, stringPool, schemaGrammar, grammarResolver);
public TraverseSchema(Element root, StringPool stringPool,
SchemaGrammar schemaGrammar,
GrammarResolver grammarResolver
) throws Exception {
doTraverseSchema(root, stringPool, schemaGrammar, grammarResolver);
public void doTraverseSchema(Element root, StringPool stringPool,
SchemaGrammar schemaGrammar,
GrammarResolver grammarResolver) throws Exception {
fNamespacesScope = new NamespacesScope(this);
fSchemaRootElement = root;
fStringPool = stringPool;
fSchemaGrammar = schemaGrammar;
fGrammarResolver = grammarResolver;
if (root == null) {
// REVISIT: Anything to do?
//Make sure namespace binding is defaulted
String rootPrefix = root.getPrefix();
if( rootPrefix == null || rootPrefix.length() == 0 ){
String xmlns = root.getAttribute("xmlns");
if( xmlns.length() == 0 )
root.setAttribute("xmlns", SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA );
//Retrieve the targetnamespace URI information
fTargetNSURIString = root.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_TARGETNAMESPACE);
if (fTargetNSURIString==null) {
fTargetNSURI = fStringPool.addSymbol(fTargetNSURIString);
if (fGrammarResolver == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Internal error: don't have a GrammarResolver for TraverseSchema");
fGrammarResolver.putGrammar(fTargetNSURIString, fSchemaGrammar);
// Retrived the Namespace mapping from the schema element.
NamedNodeMap schemaEltAttrs = root.getAttributes();
int i = 0;
Attr sattr = null;
boolean seenXMLNS = false;
while ((sattr = (Attr)schemaEltAttrs.item(i++)) != null) {
String attName = sattr.getName();
if (attName.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
String attValue = sattr.getValue();
String prefix = attName.substring(attName.indexOf(":")+1);
fNamespacesScope.setNamespaceForPrefix( fStringPool.addSymbol(prefix),
fStringPool.addSymbol(attValue) );
if (attName.equals("xmlns")) {
String attValue = sattr.getValue();
fNamespacesScope.setNamespaceForPrefix( fStringPool.addSymbol(""),
fStringPool.addSymbol(attValue) );
seenXMLNS = true;
if (!seenXMLNS && fTargetNSURIString.length() == 0 ) {
fNamespacesScope.setNamespaceForPrefix( fStringPool.addSymbol(""),
fStringPool.addSymbol("") );
fElementDefaultQualified =
fAttributeDefaultQualified =
//REVISIT, really sticky when noTargetNamesapce, for now, we assume everyting is in the same name space);
if (fTargetNSURI == StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) {
fElementDefaultQualified = true;
//fAttributeDefaultQualified = true;
fCurrentScope = -1;
//extract all top-level attribute, attributeGroup, and group Decls and put them in the 3 hasn table in the SchemaGrammar.
for (Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(root); child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
String name = child.getNodeName();
if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION) ) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE )) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE )) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT )) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
} else if (name.equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE ) ) {
traverseAttributeDecl( child, null );
} else if (name.equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_WILDCARD) ) {
traverseWildcardDecl( child);
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP) && child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF).equals("")) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_NOTATION)) {
; //TO DO
else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_INCLUDE)) {
else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_IMPORT)) {
} // for each child node
} // traverseSchema(Element)
private void checkTopLevelDuplicateNames(Element root) {
//TO DO : !!!
private void extractTopLevel3Components(Element root){
for (Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(root); child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
String name = child.getNodeName();
if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
fSchemaGrammar.topLevelAttrGrpDecls.put(name, child);
} else if (name.equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE ) ) {
fSchemaGrammar.topLevelAttrDecls.put(name, child);
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP) && child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF).equals("")) {
fSchemaGrammar.topLevelGroupDecls.put(name, child);
} // for each child node
* Expands a system id and returns the system id as a URL, if
* it can be expanded. A return value of null means that the
* identifier is already expanded. An exception thrown
* indicates a failure to expand the id.
* @param systemId The systemId to be expanded.
* @return Returns the URL object representing the expanded system
* identifier. A null value indicates that the given
* system identifier is already expanded.
private String expandSystemId(String systemId, String currentSystemId) throws Exception{
String id = systemId;
// check for bad parameters id
if (id == null || id.length() == 0) {
return systemId;
// if id already expanded, return
try {
URL url = new URL(id);
if (url != null) {
return systemId;
catch (MalformedURLException e) {
// continue on...
// normalize id
id = fixURI(id);
// normalize base
URL base = null;
URL url = null;
try {
if (currentSystemId == null) {
String dir;
try {
dir = fixURI(System.getProperty("user.dir"));
catch (SecurityException se) {
dir = "";
if (!dir.endsWith("/")) {
dir = dir + "/";
base = new URL("file", "", dir);
else {
base = new URL(currentSystemId);
// expand id
url = new URL(base, id);
catch (Exception e) {
// let it go through
if (url == null) {
return systemId;
return url.toString();
* Fixes a platform dependent filename to standard URI form.
* @param str The string to fix.
* @return Returns the fixed URI string.
private static String fixURI(String str) {
// handle platform dependent strings
str = str.replace(, '/');
// Windows fix
if (str.length() >= 2) {
char ch1 = str.charAt(1);
if (ch1 == ':') {
char ch0 = Character.toUpperCase(str.charAt(0));
if (ch0 >= 'A' && ch0 <= 'Z') {
str = "/" + str;
// done
return str;
private void traverseInclude(Element includeDecl) throws Exception {
//TO DO: !!!!! location needs to be resolved first.
String location = includeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_SCHEMALOCATION);
location = expandSystemId(location, fCurrentSchemaURL);
if (fIncludeLocations.contains((Object)location)) {
DOMParser parser = new DOMParser() {
public void ignorableWhitespace(char ch[], int start, int length) {}
public void ignorableWhitespace(int dataIdx) {}
parser.setEntityResolver( new Resolver() );
parser.setErrorHandler( new ErrorHandler() );
try {
parser.setFeature("", false);
parser.setFeature("", true);
parser.setFeature("", false);
}catch( org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException e ) {
}catch( org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException e ) {
try {
parser.parse( location);
}catch( IOException e ) {
}catch( SAXException e ) {
Document document = parser.getDocument(); //Our Grammar
Element root = null;
if (document != null) {
root = document.getDocumentElement();
if (root != null) {
String targetNSURI = root.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_TARGETNAMESPACE);
if (targetNSURI.length() > 0 && !targetNSURI.equals(fTargetNSURIString) ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("included schema '"+location+"' has a different targetNameSpace '"
else {
boolean saveElementDefaultQualified = fElementDefaultQualified;
boolean saveAttributeDefaultQualified = fAttributeDefaultQualified;
int saveScope = fCurrentScope;
String savedSchemaURL = fCurrentSchemaURL;
Element saveRoot = fSchemaRootElement;
fSchemaRootElement = root;
fCurrentSchemaURL = location;
fCurrentSchemaURL = savedSchemaURL;
fCurrentScope = saveScope;
fElementDefaultQualified = saveElementDefaultQualified;
fAttributeDefaultQualified = saveAttributeDefaultQualified;
fSchemaRootElement = saveRoot;
private void traverseIncludedSchema(Element root) throws Exception {
// Retrived the Namespace mapping from the schema element.
NamedNodeMap schemaEltAttrs = root.getAttributes();
int i = 0;
Attr sattr = null;
boolean seenXMLNS = false;
while ((sattr = (Attr)schemaEltAttrs.item(i++)) != null) {
String attName = sattr.getName();
if (attName.startsWith("xmlns:")) {
String attValue = sattr.getValue();
String prefix = attName.substring(attName.indexOf(":")+1);
fNamespacesScope.setNamespaceForPrefix( fStringPool.addSymbol(prefix),
fStringPool.addSymbol(attValue) );
if (attName.equals("xmlns")) {
String attValue = sattr.getValue();
fNamespacesScope.setNamespaceForPrefix( fStringPool.addSymbol(""),
fStringPool.addSymbol(attValue) );
seenXMLNS = true;
if (!seenXMLNS && fTargetNSURIString.length() == 0 ) {
fNamespacesScope.setNamespaceForPrefix( fStringPool.addSymbol(""),
fStringPool.addSymbol("") );
fElementDefaultQualified =
fAttributeDefaultQualified =
//REVISIT, really sticky when noTargetNamesapce, for now, we assume everyting is in the same name space);
if (fTargetNSURI == StringPool.EMPTY_STRING) {
fElementDefaultQualified = true;
//fAttributeDefaultQualified = true;
fCurrentScope = -1;
//extract all top-level attribute, attributeGroup, and group Decls and put them in the 3 hasn table in the SchemaGrammar.
for (Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(root); child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
String name = child.getNodeName();
if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION) ) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE )) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE )) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT )) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
} else if (name.equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE ) ) {
traverseAttributeDecl( child, null );
} else if (name.equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_WILDCARD) ) {
traverseWildcardDecl( child);
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP) && child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF).equals("")) {
} else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_NOTATION)) {
; //TO DO
else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_INCLUDE)) {
else if (name.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_IMPORT)) {
} // for each child node
private void traverseImport(Element importDecl) throws Exception {
String location = importDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_SCHEMALOCATION);
location = expandSystemId(location, fCurrentSchemaURL);
String namespaceString = importDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAMESPACE);
SchemaGrammar importedGrammar = new SchemaGrammar();
if (fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(namespaceString) != null) {
importedGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(namespaceString);
if (fImportLocations.contains((Object)location)) {
DOMParser parser = new DOMParser() {
public void ignorableWhitespace(char ch[], int start, int length) {}
public void ignorableWhitespace(int dataIdx) {}
parser.setEntityResolver( new Resolver() );
parser.setErrorHandler( new ErrorHandler() );
try {
parser.setFeature("", false);
parser.setFeature("", true);
parser.setFeature("", false);
}catch( org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException e ) {
}catch( org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException e ) {
try {
parser.parse( location);
}catch( IOException e ) {
}catch( SAXException e ) {
Document document = parser.getDocument(); //Our Grammar
Element root = null;
if (document != null) {
root = document.getDocumentElement();
if (root != null) {
String targetNSURI = root.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_TARGETNAMESPACE);
if (!targetNSURI.equals(namespaceString) ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("imported schema '"+location+"' has a different targetNameSpace '"
+targetNSURI+"' from what is declared '"+namespaceString+"'.");
new TraverseSchema(root, fStringPool, importedGrammar, fGrammarResolver, fErrorReporter, location);
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("Could not get the doc root for imported Schema file: "+location);
* No-op - Traverse Annotation Declaration
* @param comment
private void traverseAnnotationDecl(Element comment) {
return ;
* Traverse SimpleType declaration:
* <simpleType
* abstract = boolean
* base = QName
* derivedBy = | list | restriction : restriction
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: ( annotation? , ( minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive | maxInclusive | precision | scale | length | minLength | maxLength | encoding | period | duration | enumeration | pattern )* )
* </simpleType>
* @param simpleTypeDecl
* @return
private int traverseSimpleTypeDecl( Element simpleTypeDecl ) throws Exception {
String varietyProperty = simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_DERIVEDBY );
if (varietyProperty.length() == 0) {
varietyProperty = SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION;
String nameProperty = simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME );
String baseTypeQNameProperty = simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE );
String abstractProperty = simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_ABSTRACT );
int newSimpleTypeName = -1;
if ( nameProperty.equals("")) { // anonymous simpleType
newSimpleTypeName = fStringPool.addSymbol(
"#S#"+fSimpleTypeAnonCount++ );
//""+fSimpleTypeAnonCount++ );
} else
newSimpleTypeName = fStringPool.addSymbol( nameProperty );
int basetype;
DatatypeValidator baseValidator = null;
if( baseTypeQNameProperty!= null ) {
basetype = fStringPool.addSymbol( baseTypeQNameProperty );
String prefix = "";
String localpart = baseTypeQNameProperty;
int colonptr = baseTypeQNameProperty.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = baseTypeQNameProperty.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = baseTypeQNameProperty.substring(colonptr+1);
String uri = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
baseValidator = getDatatypeValidator(uri, localpart);
if (baseValidator == null) {
Element baseTypeNode = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
if (baseTypeNode != null) {
traverseSimpleTypeDecl( baseTypeNode );
baseValidator = getDatatypeValidator(uri, localpart);
if (baseValidator == null) {
new Object [] { simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE ),
simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME) });
return -1;
//reportGenericSchemaError("Base type could not be found : " + baseTypeQNameProperty);
else {
new Object [] { simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE ),
simpleTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME) });
return -1;
//reportGenericSchemaError("Base type could not be found : " + baseTypeQNameProperty);
// Any Children if so then check Content otherwise bail out
Element content = XUtil.getFirstChildElement( simpleTypeDecl );
int numFacets = 0;
Hashtable facetData = null;
if( content != null ) {
//Content follows: ( annotation? , facets* )
//annotation ? ( 0 or 1 )
if( content.getNodeName().equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION ) ){
traverseAnnotationDecl( content );
content = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
//TODO: If content is annotation again should raise validation error
// if( content.getNodeName().equal( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATIO ) {
// throw ValidationException(); }
//facets * ( 0 or more )
int numEnumerationLiterals = 0;
facetData = new Hashtable();
Vector enumData = new Vector();
while (content != null) {
if (content.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
Element facetElt = (Element) content;
if (facetElt.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION)) {
String enumVal = facetElt.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE);
//Enumerations can have annotations ? ( 0 | 1 )
Element enumContent = XUtil.getFirstChildElement( facetElt );
if( enumContent != null && enumContent != null && enumContent.getNodeName().equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION ) ){
traverseAnnotationDecl( content );
//TODO: If enumContent is encounter again should raise validation error
// enumContent.getNextSibling();
// if( enumContent.getNodeName().equal( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATIO ) {
// throw ValidationException(); }
} else {
facetData.put(facetElt.getNodeName(),facetElt.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE ));
//content = (Element) content.getNextSibling();
content = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(content);
if (numEnumerationLiterals > 0) {
facetData.put(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION, enumData);
// create & register validator for "generated" type if it doesn't exist
String nameOfType = fStringPool.toString( newSimpleTypeName);
if (fTargetNSURIString.length () != 0) {
nameOfType = fTargetNSURIString+","+nameOfType;
try {
DatatypeValidator newValidator =
fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator( nameOfType );
if( newValidator == null ) { // not previously registered
boolean derivedByList =
varietyProperty.equals( SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST ) ? true:false;
fDatatypeRegistry.createDatatypeValidator( nameOfType, baseValidator,
facetData, derivedByList );
} catch (Exception e) {
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.DatatypeError,new Object [] { e.getMessage() });
return fStringPool.addSymbol(nameOfType);
* <any
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* namespace = ##any | ##other | ##local | list of {uri, ##targetNamespace}
* processContents = lax | skip | strict>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </any>
private int traverseAny(Element child) throws Exception {
int anyIndex = -1;
String namespace = child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAMESPACE).trim();
String processContents = child.getAttribute("processContents").trim();
int processContentsAny = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY;
int processContentsAnyOther = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER;
int processContentsAnyLocal = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL;
if (processContents.length() > 0 && !processContents.equals("strict")) {
if (processContents.equals("lax")) {
processContentsAny = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LAX;
processContentsAnyOther = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER_LAX;
processContentsAnyLocal = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL_LAX;
else if (processContents.equals("skip")) {
processContentsAny = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_SKIP;
processContentsAnyOther = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_OTHER_SKIP;
processContentsAnyLocal = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ANY_LOCAL_SKIP;
if (namespace.length() == 0 || namespace.equals("##any")) {
anyIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(processContentsAny, -1, -1, false);
else if (namespace.equals("##other")) {
String uri = child.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement().getAttribute("targetNamespace");
int uriIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(uri);
anyIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(processContentsAnyOther, -1, uriIndex, false);
else if (namespace.equals("##local")) {
anyIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(processContentsAnyLocal, -1, -1, false);
else if (namespace.length() > 0) {
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(namespace);
Vector tokens = new Vector();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (token.equals("##targetNamespace")) {
token = child.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement().getAttribute("targetNamespace");
String uri = (String)tokens.elementAt(0);
int uriIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(uri);
int leafIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(processContentsAny, -1, uriIndex, false);
int valueIndex = leafIndex;
int count = tokens.size();
if (count > 1) {
uri = (String)tokens.elementAt(1);
uriIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(uri);
leafIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(processContentsAny, -1, uriIndex, false);
int otherValueIndex = leafIndex;
int choiceIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE, valueIndex, otherValueIndex, false);
for (int i = 2; i < count; i++) {
uri = (String)tokens.elementAt(i);
uriIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(uri);
leafIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(processContentsAny, -1, uriIndex, false);
otherValueIndex = leafIndex;
choiceIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE, choiceIndex, otherValueIndex, false);
anyIndex = choiceIndex;
else {
anyIndex = leafIndex;
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Empty namespace attribute for any element");
return anyIndex;
public DatatypeValidator getDatatypeValidator(String uri, String localpart) {
DatatypeValidator dv = null;
if (uri.length()==0 || uri.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)) {
dv = fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator( localpart );
else {
dv = fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator( uri+","+localpart );
return dv;
* <anyAttribute
* id = ID
* namespace = ##any | ##other | ##local | list of {uri, ##targetNamespace}>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </anyAttribute>
private XMLAttributeDecl traverseAnyAttribute(Element anyAttributeDecl) throws Exception {
XMLAttributeDecl anyAttDecl = new XMLAttributeDecl();
String processContents = anyAttributeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_PROCESSCONTENTS).trim();
String namespace = anyAttributeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAMESPACE).trim();
String curTargetUri = anyAttributeDecl.getOwnerDocument().getDocumentElement().getAttribute("targetNamespace");
if ( namespace.length() == 0 || namespace.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDANY) ) {
anyAttDecl.type = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_ANY;
else if (namespace.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDOTHER)) {
anyAttDecl.type = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER; = fStringPool.addSymbol(curTargetUri);
else if (namespace.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TWOPOUNDLOCAL)) {
anyAttDecl.type = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL;
else if (namespace.length() > 0){
anyAttDecl.type = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST;
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(namespace);
int aStringList = fStringPool.startStringList();
Vector tokens = new Vector();
while (tokenizer.hasMoreElements()) {
String token = tokenizer.nextToken();
if (token.equals("##targetNamespace")) {
token = curTargetUri;
if (!fStringPool.addStringToList(aStringList, fStringPool.addSymbol(token))){
reportGenericSchemaError("Internal StringPool error when reading the "+
"namespace attribute for anyattribute declaration");
anyAttDecl.enumeration = aStringList;
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Empty namespace attribute for anyattribute declaration");
// default processContents is "strict";
anyAttDecl.defaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.PROCESSCONTENTS_STRICT;
if (processContents.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_SKIP)){
anyAttDecl.defaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.PROCESSCONTENTS_SKIP;
else if (processContents.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LAX)) {
anyAttDecl.defaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.PROCESSCONTENTS_LAX;
return anyAttDecl;
private XMLAttributeDecl mergeTwoAnyAttribute(XMLAttributeDecl oneAny, XMLAttributeDecl anotherAny) {
if (oneAny.type == -1) {
return oneAny;
if (anotherAny.type == -1) {
return anotherAny;
if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_ANY) {
return anotherAny;
if (anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_ANY) {
return oneAny;
if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER) {
if (anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER) {
if ( == ) {
return oneAny;
else {
oneAny.type = -1;
return oneAny;
else if (anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL) {
return anotherAny;
else if (anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
if (!fStringPool.stringInList(anotherAny.enumeration, ) {
return anotherAny;
else {
int[] anotherAnyURIs = fStringPool.stringListAsIntArray(anotherAny.enumeration);
int newList = fStringPool.startStringList();
for (int i=0; i< anotherAnyURIs.length; i++) {
if (anotherAnyURIs[i] != ) {
fStringPool.addStringToList(newList, anotherAnyURIs[i]);
anotherAny.enumeration = newList;
return anotherAny;
if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL) {
if ( anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER
|| anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL) {
return oneAny;
else if (anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
oneAny.type = -1;
return oneAny;
if (oneAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
if ( anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER){
if (!fStringPool.stringInList(oneAny.enumeration, ) {
return oneAny;
else {
int[] oneAnyURIs = fStringPool.stringListAsIntArray(oneAny.enumeration);
int newList = fStringPool.startStringList();
for (int i=0; i< oneAnyURIs.length; i++) {
if (oneAnyURIs[i] != ) {
fStringPool.addStringToList(newList, oneAnyURIs[i]);
oneAny.enumeration = newList;
return oneAny;
else if ( anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL) {
oneAny.type = -1;
return oneAny;
else if (anotherAny.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST) {
int[] result = intersect2sets( fStringPool.stringListAsIntArray(oneAny.enumeration),
int newList = fStringPool.startStringList();
for (int i=0; i<result.length; i++) {
fStringPool.addStringToList(newList, result[i]);
oneAny.enumeration = newList;
return oneAny;
// should never go there;
return oneAny;
int[] intersect2sets(int[] one, int[] theOther){
int[] result = new int[(one.length>theOther.length?one.length:theOther.length)];
// simple implemention,
int count = 0;
for (int i=0; i<one.length; i++) {
for(int j=0; j<theOther.length; j++) {
if (one[i]==theOther[j]) {
result[count++] = one[i];
int[] result2 = new int[count];
System.arraycopy(result, 0, result2, 0, count);
return result2;
* Traverse ComplexType Declaration.
* <complexType
* abstract = boolean
* base = QName
* block = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* content = elementOnly | empty | mixed | textOnly
* derivedBy = extension | restriction
* final = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: (annotation? , (((minExclusive | minInclusive | maxExclusive
* | maxInclusive | precision | scale | length | minLength
* | maxLength | encoding | period | duration | enumeration
* | pattern)* | (element | group | all | choice | sequence | any)*) ,
* ((attribute | attributeGroup)* , anyAttribute?)))
* </complexType>
* @param complexTypeDecl
* @return
//REVISIT: TO DO, base and derivation ???
private int traverseComplexTypeDecl( Element complexTypeDecl ) throws Exception {
String isAbstract = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_ABSTRACT );
String base = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_BASE);
String blockSet = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_BLOCK );
String content = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_CONTENT);
String derivedBy = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_DERIVEDBY );
String finalSet = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_FINAL );
String typeId = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ID );
String typeName = complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME);
boolean isNamedType = false;
System.out.println("traversing complex Type : " + typeName +","+base+","+content+".");
if (typeName.equals("")) { // gensym a unique name
//typeName = ""+fTypeCount++;
typeName = "#"+fAnonTypeCount++;
else {
isNamedType = true;
if (isTopLevel(complexTypeDecl)) {
String fullName = fTargetNSURIString+","+typeName;
ComplexTypeInfo temp = (ComplexTypeInfo) fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fullName);
if (temp != null ) {
return fStringPool.addSymbol(fullName);
int scopeDefined = fScopeCount++;
int previousScope = fCurrentScope;
fCurrentScope = scopeDefined;
Element child = null;
int contentSpecType = -1;
int csnType = 0;
int left = -2;
int right = -2;
ComplexTypeInfo baseTypeInfo = null; //if base is a complexType;
DatatypeValidator baseTypeValidator = null; //if base is a simple type or a complex type derived from a simpleType
DatatypeValidator simpleTypeValidator = null;
int baseTypeSymbol = -1;
String fullBaseName = "";
boolean baseIsSimpleSimple = false;
boolean baseIsComplexSimple = false;
boolean baseFromAnotherSchema = false;
String baseTypeSchemaURI = null;
boolean derivedByRestriction = true;
boolean derivedByExtension = false;
int baseContentSpecHandle = -1;
Element baseTypeNode = null;
//int parsedderivedBy = parseComplexDerivedBy(derivedBy);
//handle the inhreitance here.
if (base.length()>0) {
//first check if derivedBy is present
if (derivedBy.length() == 0) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("derivedBy must be present when base is present in "
+" "+ typeName);
derivedBy = SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION;
if (derivedBy.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION)) {
derivedByRestriction = false;
String prefix = "";
String localpart = base;
int colonptr = base.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = base.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = base.substring(colonptr+1);
int localpartIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
String typeURI = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
// check if the base type is from the same Schema;
if ( ! typeURI.equals(fTargetNSURIString)
&& ! typeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
&& typeURI.length() != 0 ) /*REVISIT, !!!! a hack: for schema that has no target namespace, e.g. personal-schema.xml*/{
baseFromAnotherSchema = true;
baseTypeSchemaURI = typeURI;
baseTypeInfo = getTypeInfoFromNS(typeURI, localpart);
if (baseTypeInfo == null) {
baseTypeValidator = getTypeValidatorFromNS(typeURI, localpart);
if (baseTypeValidator == null) {
//TO DO: report error here;
System.out.println("Could not find base type " +localpart
+ " in schema " + typeURI);
baseIsSimpleSimple = true;
else {
fullBaseName = typeURI+","+localpart;
// assume the base is a complexType and try to locate the base type first
baseTypeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo) fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fullBaseName);
// if not found, 2 possibilities: 1: ComplexType in question has not been compiled yet;
// 2: base is SimpleTYpe;
if (baseTypeInfo == null) {
baseTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
if (baseTypeValidator == null) {
baseTypeNode = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE,localpart);
if (baseTypeNode != null) {
baseTypeSymbol = traverseComplexTypeDecl( baseTypeNode );
baseTypeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo)
fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fStringPool.toString(baseTypeSymbol)); //REVISIT: should it be fullBaseName;
else {
baseTypeNode = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
if (baseTypeNode != null) {
baseTypeSymbol = traverseSimpleTypeDecl( baseTypeNode );
simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
if (simpleTypeValidator == null) {
//TO DO: signal error here.
baseIsSimpleSimple = true;
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Base type could not be found : " + base);
else {
simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator;
baseIsSimpleSimple = true;
//Schema Spec : 5.11: Complex Type Definition Properties Correct : 2
if (baseIsSimpleSimple && derivedByRestriction) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("base is a simpledType, can't derive by restriction in " + typeName);
//if the base is a complexType
if (baseTypeInfo != null ) {
//Schema Spec : 5.11: Derivation Valid ( Extension ) 1.1.1
// 5.11: Derivation Valid ( Restriction, Complex ) 1.2.1
if (derivedByRestriction) {
//REVISIT: check base Type's finalset does not include "restriction"
else {
//REVISIT: check base Type's finalset doest not include "extension"
if ( baseTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle > -1) {
if (derivedByRestriction) {
//REVISIT: !!! really hairy staff to check the particle derivation OK in 5.10
checkParticleDerivationOK(complexTypeDecl, baseTypeNode);
baseContentSpecHandle = baseTypeInfo.contentSpecHandle;
else if ( baseTypeInfo.datatypeValidator != null ) {
baseTypeValidator = baseTypeInfo.datatypeValidator;
baseIsComplexSimple = true;
//Schema Spec : 5.11: Derivation Valid ( Extension ) 1.1.1
if (baseIsComplexSimple && !derivedByRestriction ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("base is ComplexSimple, can't derive by extension in " + typeName);
} // END of if (base.length() > 0) {}
// skip refinement and annotations
child = null;
if (baseIsComplexSimple) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
int numEnumerationLiterals = 0;
int numFacets = 0;
Hashtable facetData = new Hashtable();
Vector enumData = new Vector();
//REVISIT: there is a better way to do this,
for (child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(complexTypeDecl);
child != null && (child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MINEXCLUSIVE) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MININCLUSIVE) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXEXCLUSIVE) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXINCLUSIVE) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PRECISION) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SCALE) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_LENGTH) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MINLENGTH) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_MAXLENGTH) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENCODING) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PERIOD) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_DURATION) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION) ||
child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_PATTERN) ||
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child))
if ( child.getNodeType() == Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) {
Element facetElt = (Element) child;
if (facetElt.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION)) {
//Enumerations can have annotations ? ( 0 | 1 )
Element enumContent = XUtil.getFirstChildElement( facetElt );
if( enumContent != null && enumContent.getNodeName().equals( SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION ) ){
traverseAnnotationDecl( child );
// TO DO: if Jeff check in new changes to TraverseSimpleType, copy them over
} else {
facetData.put(facetElt.getNodeName(),facetElt.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE ));
if (numEnumerationLiterals > 0) {
facetData.put(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ENUMERATION, enumData);
//if (numFacets > 0)
// baseTypeValidator.setFacets(facetData, derivedBy );
if (numFacets > 0) {
simpleTypeValidator = fDatatypeRegistry.createDatatypeValidator( typeName, baseTypeValidator,
facetData, false );
simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator;
if (child != null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Invalid child '"+child.getNodeName()+"' in complexType : '" + typeName
+ "', because it restricts another complexSimpleType");
// if content = textonly, base is a datatype
if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TEXTONLY)) {
if (base.length() == 0) {
simpleTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator("", SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_STRING);
else if ( baseTypeValidator == null
&& baseTypeInfo != null && baseTypeInfo.datatypeValidator==null ) // must be datatype
new Object [] { base }); //REVISIT check forward refs
//handle datatypes
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
-1, false);
else {
if (!baseIsComplexSimple) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
boolean mixedContent = false;
//REVISIT: is the default content " elementOnly"
boolean elementContent = true;
boolean textContent = false;
boolean emptyContent = false;
left = -2;
right = -2;
boolean hadContent = false;
if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EMPTY)) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY;
emptyContent = true;
elementContent = false;
left = -1; // no contentSpecNode needed
} else if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_MIXED) ) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_MIXED;
mixedContent = true;
elementContent = false;
} else if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ELEMENTONLY) || content.equals("")) {
elementContent = true;
} else if (content.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TEXTONLY)) {
textContent = true;
elementContent = false;
if (mixedContent) {
// add #PCDATA leaf
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
-1, // -1 means "#PCDATA" is name
-1, false);
boolean seeParticle = false;
boolean seeOtherParticle = false;
boolean seeAll = false;
for (child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(complexTypeDecl);
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
int index = -2; // to save the particle's contentSpec handle
hadContent = true;
seeParticle = false;
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
if (mixedContent || elementContent) {
System.out.println(" child element name " + child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME));
QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
seeParticle = true;
seeOtherParticle = true;
else {
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.EltRefOnlyInMixedElemOnly, null);
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
seeParticle = true;
seeOtherParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ALL)) {
index = traverseAll(child);
seeParticle = true;
seeAll = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
index = traverseChoice(child);
seeParticle = true;
seeOtherParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
index = traverseSequence(child);
seeParticle = true;
seeOtherParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE) ||
childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP)) {
break; // attr processing is done later on in this method
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
index = traverseAny(child);
seeParticle = true;
seeOtherParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION)) {
//REVISIT, do nothing for annotation for now.
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE)) {
//REVISIT, do nothing for attribute wildcard for now.
else { // datatype qual
if (!baseIsComplexSimple )
if (base.equals(""))
new Object [] { "unrecognized child '"+childName+"' in complex type "+typeName });
new Object [] { "unrecognized child '"+childName+"' in complex type '"+typeName+"' with base "+base });
// if base is complextype with simpleType content, can't have any particle children at all.
if (baseIsComplexSimple && seeParticle) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+", base type is complexType with simpleType content, can't have any particle children at all");
hadContent = false;
left = index = -2;
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
if (seeAll && seeOtherParticle) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( " 'All' group needs to be the only child in Complextype : " + typeName);
if (seeAll) {
//check the minOccurs = 1 and maxOccurs = 1
// check the minOccurs and maxOccurs of the particle, and fix the
// contentspec accordingly
if (seeParticle) {
index = expandContentModel(index, child);
if (index == -2 ) {
} //end of if (seeParticle)
if (left == -2) {
left = index;
} else if (right == -2) {
right = index;
} else {
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
right = index;
} //end looping through the children
if ( ! ( seeOtherParticle || seeAll ) && (elementContent || mixedContent)
&& (base.length() == 0 || ( base.length() > 0 && derivedByRestriction && !baseIsComplexSimple)) ) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
simpleTypeValidator = getDatatypeValidator("", SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_STRING);
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( " complexType '"+typeName+"' with a elementOnly or mixed content "
+"need to have at least one particle child");
if (hadContent && right != -2)
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
if (mixedContent && hadContent) {
// set occurrence count
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE,
left, -1, false);
// if derived by extension and base complextype has a content model,
// compose the final content model by concatenating the base and the
// current in sequence.
if (!derivedByRestriction && baseContentSpecHandle > -1 ) {
if (left == -2) {
left = baseContentSpecHandle;
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
// REVISIT: this is when sees a topelevel <complexType name="abc">attrs*</complexType>
if (content.length() == 0 && base.length() == 0 && left == -2) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_ANY;
if (content.length() == 0 && simpleTypeValidator == null && left == -2 ) {
if (base.length() > 0 && baseTypeInfo != null
&& baseTypeInfo.contentType == XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY;
System.out.println("!!!!!>>>>>" + typeName+", "+ baseTypeInfo + ", "
+ baseContentSpecHandle +", " + left +", "+scopeDefined);
ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo = new ComplexTypeInfo();
typeInfo.baseComplexTypeInfo = baseTypeInfo;
typeInfo.baseDataTypeValidator = baseTypeValidator;
int derivedByInt = -1;
if (derivedBy.length() > 0) {
derivedByInt = parseComplexDerivedBy(derivedBy);
typeInfo.derivedBy = derivedByInt;
typeInfo.scopeDefined = scopeDefined;
typeInfo.contentSpecHandle = left;
typeInfo.contentType = contentSpecType;
typeInfo.datatypeValidator = simpleTypeValidator;
typeInfo.blockSet = parseBlockSet(complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_BLOCK));
typeInfo.finalSet = parseFinalSet(complexTypeDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FINAL));
typeInfo.isAbstract = isAbstract.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TRUE) ? true:false ;
//add a template element to the grammar element decl pool.
int typeNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(typeName);
int templateElementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol("$"+typeName);
typeInfo.templateElementIndex =
fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(new QName(-1, templateElementNameIndex,typeNameIndex,fTargetNSURI),
(fTargetNSURI==-1) ? -1 : fCurrentScope, scopeDefined,
contentSpecType, left,
-1, simpleTypeValidator);
typeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex);
// (attribute | attrGroupRef)*
XMLAttributeDecl attWildcard = null;
Vector anyAttDecls = new Vector();
for (child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(complexTypeDecl);
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE)) {
if ((baseIsComplexSimple||baseIsSimpleSimple) && derivedByRestriction) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+
", base type has simpleType "+
"content and derivation method is"+
" 'restriction', can't have any "+
"attribute children at all");
traverseAttributeDecl(child, typeInfo);
else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP) ) {
if ((baseIsComplexSimple||baseIsSimpleSimple) && derivedByRestriction) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+", base "+
"type has simpleType content and "+
"derivation method is 'restriction',"+
" can't have any attribute children at all");
else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE) ) {
attWildcard = traverseAnyAttribute(child);
if (attWildcard != null) {
XMLAttributeDecl fromGroup = null;
final int count = anyAttDecls.size();
if ( count > 0) {
fromGroup = (XMLAttributeDecl) anyAttDecls.elementAt(0);
for (int i=1; i<count; i++) {
fromGroup = mergeTwoAnyAttribute(fromGroup,(XMLAttributeDecl)anyAttDecls.elementAt(i));
if (fromGroup != null) {
int saveProcessContents = attWildcard.defaultType;
attWildcard = mergeTwoAnyAttribute(attWildcard, fromGroup);
attWildcard.defaultType = saveProcessContents;
else {
//REVISIT: unclear in the Scheme Structures 4.3.3 what to do in this case
// merge in base type's attribute decls
XMLAttributeDecl baseAttWildcard = null;
if (baseTypeInfo != null && baseTypeInfo.attlistHead > -1 ) {
int attDefIndex = baseTypeInfo.attlistHead;
SchemaGrammar aGrammar = fSchemaGrammar;
if (baseFromAnotherSchema) {
aGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(baseTypeSchemaURI);
if (aGrammar == null) {
reportGenericSchemaError("In complexType "+typeName+", can NOT find the grammar "+
"with targetNamespace" + baseTypeSchemaURI+
"for the base type");
while ( attDefIndex > -1 ) {
aGrammar.getAttributeDecl(attDefIndex, fTempAttributeDecl);
if (fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_ANY
||fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LIST
||fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_LOCAL
||fTempAttributeDecl.type == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ANY_OTHER ) {
if (attWildcard == null) {
baseAttWildcard = fTempAttributeDecl;
attDefIndex = aGrammar.getNextAttributeDeclIndex(attDefIndex);
// if found a duplicate, if it is derived by restriction. then skip the one from the base type
int temp = fSchemaGrammar.getAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex,;
if ( temp > -1) {
if (derivedByRestriction) {
attDefIndex = fSchemaGrammar.getNextAttributeDeclIndex(attDefIndex);
fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex,, fTempAttributeDecl.type,
fTempAttributeDecl.enumeration, fTempAttributeDecl.defaultType,
attDefIndex = aGrammar.getNextAttributeDeclIndex(attDefIndex);
// att wildcard will inserted after all attributes were processed
if (attWildcard != null) {
if (attWildcard.type != -1) {
fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex,, attWildcard.type,
attWildcard.enumeration, attWildcard.defaultType,
else {
//REVISIT: unclear in Schema spec if should report error here.
else if (baseAttWildcard != null) {
fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex,, baseAttWildcard.type,
baseAttWildcard.enumeration, baseAttWildcard.defaultType,
typeInfo.attlistHead = fSchemaGrammar.getFirstAttributeDeclIndex(typeInfo.templateElementIndex);
if (!typeName.startsWith("#")) {
typeName = fTargetNSURIString + "," + typeName;
typeInfo.typeName = new String(typeName);
System.out.println("add complex Type to Registry: " + typeName +","+content+".");
// before exit the complex type definition, restore the scope, mainly for nested Anonymous Types
fCurrentScope = previousScope;
if (isNamedType) {
//set template element's typeInfo
fSchemaGrammar.setElementComplexTypeInfo(typeInfo.templateElementIndex, typeInfo);
typeNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(typeName);
return typeNameIndex;
} // end of method: traverseComplexTypeDecl
private void checkRecursingComplexType() throws Exception {
if ( fCurrentTypeNameStack.empty() ) {
if (! fElementRecurseComplex.isEmpty() ) {
Enumeration e = fElementRecurseComplex.keys();
while( e.hasMoreElements() ) {
QName nameThenScope = (QName) e.nextElement();
String typeName = (String) fElementRecurseComplex.get(nameThenScope);
int eltUriIndex = nameThenScope.uri;
int eltNameIndex = nameThenScope.localpart;
int enclosingScope = nameThenScope.prefix;
ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo =
(ComplexTypeInfo) fComplexTypeRegistry.get(fTargetNSURIString+","+typeName);
if (typeInfo==null) {
throw new Exception ( "Internal Error in void checkRecursingComplexType(). " );
else {
int elementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(new QName(-1, eltNameIndex, eltNameIndex, eltUriIndex),
enclosingScope, typeInfo.scopeDefined,
fSchemaGrammar.setElementComplexTypeInfo(elementIndex, typeInfo);
private void checkParticleDerivationOK(Element derivedTypeNode, Element baseTypeNode) {
//TO DO: !!!
private int expandContentModel ( int index, Element particle) throws Exception {
String minOccurs = particle.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_MINOCCURS).trim();
String maxOccurs = particle.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_MAXOCCURS).trim();
int min=1, max=1;
if(minOccurs.equals("0") && maxOccurs.equals("0")){
return -2;
if (minOccurs.equals("")) {
minOccurs = "1";
if (maxOccurs.equals("") ){
if ( minOccurs.equals("0")) {
maxOccurs = "1";
else {
maxOccurs = minOccurs;
int leafIndex = index;
//REVISIT: !!! minoccurs, maxoccurs.
if (minOccurs.equals("1")&& maxOccurs.equals("1")) {
else if (minOccurs.equals("0")&& maxOccurs.equals("1")) {
//zero or one
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE,
else if (minOccurs.equals("0")&& maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")) {
//zero or more
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_MORE,
else if (minOccurs.equals("1")&& maxOccurs.equals("unbounded")) {
//one or more
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ONE_OR_MORE,
else if (maxOccurs.equals("unbounded") ) {
// >=2 or more
try {
min = Integer.parseInt(minOccurs);
catch (Exception e) {
new Object [] { "illegal value for minOccurs : '" +e.getMessage()+ "' " });
if (min<2) {
//REVISIT: report Error here
// => a,a,..,a+
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ONE_OR_MORE,
for (int i=0; i < (min-1); i++) {
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
else {
// {n,m} => a,a,a,...(a),(a),...
try {
min = Integer.parseInt(minOccurs);
max = Integer.parseInt(maxOccurs);
catch (Exception e){
new Object [] { "illegal value for minOccurs or maxOccurs : '" +e.getMessage()+ "' "});
if (min==0) {
int optional = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE,
index = optional;
for (int i=0; i < (max-min-1); i++) {
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
else {
for (int i=0; i<(min-1); i++) {
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
int optional = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_ZERO_OR_ONE,
for (int i=0; i < (max-min); i++) {
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
return index;
* Traverses Schema attribute declaration.
* <attribute
* form = qualified | unqualified
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* ref = QName
* type = QName
* use = default | fixed | optional | prohibited | required
* value = string>
* Content: (annotation? , simpleType?)
* <attribute/>
* @param attributeDecl
* @return
* @exception Exception
private int traverseAttributeDecl( Element attrDecl, ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo ) throws Exception {
String attNameStr = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME);
int attName = fStringPool.addSymbol(attNameStr);// attribute name
String isQName = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FORM);//form attribute
DatatypeValidator dv = null;
// attribute type
int attType = -1;
boolean attIsList = false;
int dataTypeSymbol = -1;
String ref = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF);
String datatype = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_TYPE);
String localpart = null;
if (!ref.equals("")) {
if (XUtil.getFirstChildElement(attrDecl) != null)
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.NoContentForRef, null);
String prefix = "";
localpart = ref;
int colonptr = ref.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = ref.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = ref.substring(colonptr+1);
String uriStr = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
if (!uriStr.equals(fTargetNSURIString)) {
addAttributeDeclFromAnotherSchema(localpart, uriStr, typeInfo);
return -1;
// TO DO
// REVISIT: different NS, not supported yet.
// REVISIT: Localize
//reportGenericSchemaError("Feature not supported: see an attribute from different NS");
Element referredAttribute = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE,localpart);
if (referredAttribute != null) {
traverseAttributeDecl(referredAttribute, typeInfo);
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Couldn't find top level attribute " + ref);
return -1;
if (datatype.equals("")) {
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(attrDecl);
while (child != null &&
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
if (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
dataTypeSymbol = traverseSimpleTypeDecl(child);
localpart = fStringPool.toString(dataTypeSymbol);
else {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
localpart = "string";
dataTypeSymbol = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
localpart = fStringPool.toString(dataTypeSymbol);
dv = fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator(localpart);
} else {
String prefix = "";
localpart = datatype;
dataTypeSymbol = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
int colonptr = datatype.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = datatype.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = datatype.substring(colonptr+1);
String typeURI = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
if ( typeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
|| typeURI.length()==0) {
dv = getDatatypeValidator("", localpart);
if (localpart.equals("ID")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ID;
} else if (localpart.equals("IDREF")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_IDREF;
} else if (localpart.equals("IDREFS")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_IDREF;
attIsList = true;
} else if (localpart.equals("ENTITY")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ENTITY;
} else if (localpart.equals("ENTITIES")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_ENTITY;
attIsList = true;
} else if (localpart.equals("NMTOKEN")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_NMTOKEN;
} else if (localpart.equals("NMTOKENS")) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_NMTOKEN;
attIsList = true;
} else if (localpart.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_NOTATION)) {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_NOTATION;
else {
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
if (dv == null && typeURI.length() == 0) {
Element topleveltype = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
if (topleveltype != null) {
traverseSimpleTypeDecl( topleveltype );
dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
}else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("simpleType not found : " + localpart);
} else {
// check if the type is from the same Schema
dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
if (dv == null && typeURI.equals(fTargetNSURIString) ) {
Element topleveltype = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
if (topleveltype != null) {
traverseSimpleTypeDecl( topleveltype );
dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
}else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("simpleType not found : " + localpart);
attType = XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
// attribute default type
int attDefaultType = -1;
int attDefaultValue = -1;
String use = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_USE);
boolean required = use.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_REQUIRED);
if (dv == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("could not resolve the type or get a null validator for datatype : "
+ fStringPool.toString(dataTypeSymbol));
if (required) {
attDefaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.DEFAULT_TYPE_REQUIRED;
} else {
if (use.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_FIXED)) {
String fixed = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE);
if (!fixed.equals("")) {
attDefaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.DEFAULT_TYPE_FIXED;
attDefaultValue = fStringPool.addString(fixed);
else if (use.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_DEFAULT)) {
// attribute default value
String defaultValue = attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_VALUE);
if (!defaultValue.equals("")) {
attDefaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.DEFAULT_TYPE_DEFAULT;
attDefaultValue = fStringPool.addString(defaultValue);
else if (use.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_PROHIBITED)) {
attDefaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.DEFAULT_TYPE_IMPLIED;
//attDefaultValue = fStringPool.addString("");
else {
attDefaultType = XMLAttributeDecl.DEFAULT_TYPE_IMPLIED;
} // check default value is valid for the datatype.
if (attType == XMLAttributeDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE && attDefaultValue != -1) {
try {
if (dv != null)
dv.validate(fStringPool.toString(attDefaultValue), null);
new Object [] { datatype });
} catch (InvalidDatatypeValueException idve) {
new Object [] { attrDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME), idve.getMessage() });
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Internal error in attribute datatype validation");
int uriIndex = -1;
if ( isQName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_QUALIFIED)||
fAttributeDefaultQualified || isTopLevel(attrDecl) ) {
uriIndex = fTargetNSURI;
QName attQName = new QName(-1,attName,attName,uriIndex);
System.out.println(" the dataType Validator for " + fStringPool.toString(attName) + " is " + dv);
//put the top-levels in the attribute decl registry.
if (isTopLevel(attrDecl)) {
fTempAttributeDecl.datatypeValidator = dv;;
fTempAttributeDecl.type = attType;
fTempAttributeDecl.defaultType = attDefaultType;
fTempAttributeDecl.list = attIsList;
if (attDefaultValue != -1 ) {
fTempAttributeDecl.defaultValue = new String(fStringPool.toString(attDefaultValue));
fAttributeDeclRegistry.put(attNameStr, new XMLAttributeDecl(fTempAttributeDecl));
// add attribute to attr decl pool in fSchemaGrammar,
if (typeInfo != null) {
fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex,
attQName, attType,
dataTypeSymbol, attDefaultType,
fStringPool.toString( attDefaultValue), dv, attIsList);
return -1;
} // end of method traverseAttribute
private int addAttributeDeclFromAnotherSchema( String name, String uriStr, ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo) throws Exception {
SchemaGrammar aGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(uriStr);
if (uriStr == null || ! (aGrammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("!!Schema not found in #addAttributeDeclFromAnotherSchema, schema uri : " + uriStr);
return -1;
Hashtable attrRegistry = aGrammar.getAttirubteDeclRegistry();
if (attrRegistry == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("no attribute was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
return -1;
XMLAttributeDecl tempAttrDecl = (XMLAttributeDecl) attrRegistry.get(name);
if (tempAttrDecl == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError( "no attribute named \"" + name
+ "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
return -1;
if (typeInfo!= null) {
fSchemaGrammar.addAttDef( typeInfo.templateElementIndex,, tempAttrDecl.type,
-1, tempAttrDecl.defaultType,
return 0;
* <attributeGroup
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* ref = QName>
* Content: (annotation?, (attribute|attributeGroup), anyAttribute?)
* </>
private int traverseAttributeGroupDecl( Element attrGrpDecl, ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo, Vector anyAttDecls ) throws Exception {
// attribute name
int attGrpName = fStringPool.addSymbol(attrGrpDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME));
String ref = attrGrpDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF);
// attribute type
int attType = -1;
int enumeration = -1;
if (!ref.equals("")) {
if (XUtil.getFirstChildElement(attrGrpDecl) != null)
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.NoContentForRef, null);
String prefix = "";
String localpart = ref;
int colonptr = ref.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = ref.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = ref.substring(colonptr+1);
String uriStr = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
if (!uriStr.equals(fTargetNSURIString)) {
traverseAttributeGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema(localpart, uriStr, typeInfo, anyAttDecls);
return -1;
// TO DO
// REVISIST: different NS, not supported yet.
// REVISIT: Localize
//reportGenericSchemaError("Feature not supported: see an attribute from different NS");
Element referredAttrGrp = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP,localpart);
if (referredAttrGrp != null) {
traverseAttributeGroupDecl(referredAttrGrp, typeInfo, anyAttDecls);
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Couldn't find top level attributegroup " + ref);
return -1;
for ( Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(attrGrpDecl);
child != null ; child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
if ( child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE) ){
traverseAttributeDecl(child, typeInfo);
else if ( child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP) ) {
traverseAttributeGroupDecl(child, typeInfo,anyAttDecls);
else if ( child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE) ) {
else if (child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION) ) {
// REVISIT: what about appInfo
return -1;
} // end of method traverseAttributeGroup
private int traverseAttributeGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema( String attGrpName , String uriStr,
ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo,
Vector anyAttDecls ) throws Exception {
SchemaGrammar aGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(uriStr);
if (uriStr == null || aGrammar == null || ! (aGrammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("!!Schema not found in #traverseAttributeGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema, schema uri : " + uriStr);
return -1;
// attribute name
Element attGrpDecl = (Element) aGrammar.topLevelAttrGrpDecls.get((Object)attGrpName);
if (attGrpDecl == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError( "no attribute group named \"" + attGrpName
+ "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
return -1;
NamespacesScope saveNSMapping = fNamespacesScope;
int saveTargetNSUri = fTargetNSURI;
fTargetNSURI = fStringPool.addSymbol(aGrammar.getTargetNamespaceURI());
fNamespacesScope = aGrammar.getNamespacesScope();
// attribute type
int attType = -1;
int enumeration = -1;
for ( Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(attGrpDecl);
child != null ; child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
//child attribute couldn't be a top-level attribute DEFINITION,
if ( child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTE) ){
String childAttName = child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME);
if ( childAttName.length() > 0 ) {
Hashtable attDeclRegistry = aGrammar.getAttirubteDeclRegistry();
if (attDeclRegistry != null) {
if (attDeclRegistry.get((Object)childAttName) != null ){
addAttributeDeclFromAnotherSchema(childAttName, uriStr, typeInfo);
return -1;
traverseAttributeDecl(child, typeInfo);
else if ( child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ATTRIBUTEGROUP) ) {
traverseAttributeGroupDecl(child, typeInfo, anyAttDecls);
else if ( child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANYATTRIBUTE) ) {
else if (child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION) ) {
// REVISIT: what about appInfo
fNamespacesScope = saveNSMapping;
fTargetNSURI = saveTargetNSUri;
return -1;
} // end of method traverseAttributeGroupFromAnotherSchema
* Traverse element declaration:
* <element
* abstract = boolean
* block = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {equivClass, extension, restriction}
* default = string
* equivClass = QName
* final = #all or (possibly empty) subset of {extension, restriction}
* fixed = string
* form = qualified | unqualified
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* name = NCName
* nullable = boolean
* ref = QName
* type = QName>
* Content: (annotation? , (simpleType | complexType)? , (unique | key | keyref)*)
* </element>
* The following are identity-constraint definitions
* <unique
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: (annotation? , (selector , field+))
* </unique>
* <key
* id = ID
* name = NCName>
* Content: (annotation? , (selector , field+))
* </key>
* <keyref
* id = ID
* name = NCName
* refer = QName>
* Content: (annotation? , (selector , field+))
* </keyref>
* <selector>
* Content: XPathExprApprox : An XPath expression
* </selector>
* <field>
* Content: XPathExprApprox : An XPath expression
* </field>
* @param elementDecl
* @return
* @exception Exception
private QName traverseElementDecl(Element elementDecl) throws Exception {
int contentSpecType = -1;
int contentSpecNodeIndex = -1;
int typeNameIndex = -1;
int scopeDefined = -2; //signal a error if -2 gets gets through
//cause scope can never be -2.
DatatypeValidator dv = null;
String name = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME);
System.out.println("traversing element decl : " + name );
String ref = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF);
String type = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_TYPE);
String minOccurs = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_MINOCCURS);
String maxOccurs = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_MAXOCCURS);
String dflt = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_DEFAULT);
String fixed = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FIXED);
String equivClass = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_EQUIVCLASS);
// form attribute
String isQName = elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FORM);
String fromAnotherSchema = null;
if (isTopLevel(elementDecl)) {
int nameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(name);
int eltKey = fSchemaGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(fTargetNSURI, nameIndex,TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
if (eltKey > -1 ) {
return new QName(-1,nameIndex,nameIndex,fTargetNSURI);
// parse out 'block', 'final', 'nullable', 'abstract'
int blockSet = parseBlockSet(elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_BLOCK));
int finalSet = parseFinalSet(elementDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FINAL));
boolean isNullable = elementDecl.getAttribute
(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NULLABLE).equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TRUE)? true:false;
boolean isAbstract = elementDecl.getAttribute
(SchemaSymbols.ATT_ABSTRACT).equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TRUE)? true:false;
int elementMiscFlags = 0;
if (isNullable) {
elementMiscFlags += SchemaSymbols.NULLABLE;
if (isAbstract) {
elementMiscFlags += SchemaSymbols.ABSTRACT;
//if this is a reference to a global element
int attrCount = 0;
if (!ref.equals("")) attrCount++;
if (!type.equals("")) attrCount++;
//REVISIT top level check for ref & archref
if (attrCount > 1)
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.OneOfTypeRefArchRef, null);
if (!ref.equals("")) {
if (XUtil.getFirstChildElement(elementDecl) != null)
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.NoContentForRef, null);
String prefix = "";
String localpart = ref;
int colonptr = ref.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = ref.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = ref.substring(colonptr+1);
int localpartIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
String uriString = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
QName eltName = new QName(prefix != null ? fStringPool.addSymbol(prefix) : -1,
uriString != null ? fStringPool.addSymbol(uriString) : -1);
//if from another schema, just return the element QName
if (! uriString.equals(fTargetNSURIString) ) {
return eltName;
int elementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(eltName, TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
//if not found, traverse the top level element that if referenced
if (elementIndex == -1 ) {
Element targetElement = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT,localpart);
if (targetElement == null ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Element " + localpart + " not found in the Schema");
//REVISIT, for now, the QName anyway
return eltName;
//return new QName(-1,fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart), -1, fStringPool.addSymbol(uriString));
else {
// do nothing here, other wise would cause infinite loop for
// <element name="recur"><complexType><element ref="recur"> ...
//eltName= traverseElementDecl(targetElement);
return eltName;
// Handle the equivClass
Element equivClassElementDecl = null;
int equivClassElementDeclIndex = -1;
boolean noErrorSoFar = true;
String equivClassUri = null;
String equivClassLocalpart = null;
String equivClassFullName = null;
ComplexTypeInfo equivClassEltTypeInfo = null;
DatatypeValidator equivClassEltDV = null;
if ( equivClass.length() > 0 ) {
equivClassUri = resolvePrefixToURI(getPrefix(equivClass));
equivClassLocalpart = getLocalPart(equivClass);
equivClassFullName = equivClassUri+","+equivClassLocalpart;
if ( !equivClassUri.equals(fTargetNSURIString) ) {
equivClassEltTypeInfo = getElementDeclTypeInfoFromNS(equivClassUri, equivClassLocalpart);
if (equivClassEltTypeInfo == null) {
equivClassEltDV = getElementDeclTypeValidatorFromNS(equivClassUri, equivClassLocalpart);
if (equivClassEltDV == null) {
//TO DO: report error here;
noErrorSoFar = false;
reportGenericSchemaError("Could not find type for element '" +equivClassLocalpart
+ "' in schema '" + equivClassUri+"'");
else {
equivClassElementDecl = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT, equivClassLocalpart);
if (equivClassElementDecl == null) {
equivClassElementDeclIndex =
fSchemaGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(fTargetNSURI, getLocalPartIndex(equivClass),TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
if ( equivClassElementDeclIndex == -1) {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Equivclass affiliation element "
+" in element declaration "
else {
equivClassElementDeclIndex =
fSchemaGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(fTargetNSURI, getLocalPartIndex(equivClass),TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
if ( equivClassElementDeclIndex == -1) {
equivClassElementDeclIndex =
fSchemaGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(fTargetNSURI, getLocalPartIndex(equivClass),TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE);
if (equivClassElementDeclIndex != -1) {
equivClassEltTypeInfo = fSchemaGrammar.getElementComplexTypeInfo( equivClassElementDeclIndex );
if (equivClassEltTypeInfo == null) {
fSchemaGrammar.getElementDecl(equivClassElementDeclIndex, fTempElementDecl);
equivClassEltDV = fTempElementDecl.datatypeValidator;
if (equivClassEltDV == null) {
//TO DO: report error here;
noErrorSoFar = false;
reportGenericSchemaError("Could not find type for element '" +equivClassLocalpart
+ "' in schema '" + equivClassUri+"'");
// resolving the type for this element right here
ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo = null;
// element has a single child element, either a datatype or a type, null if primitive
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(elementDecl);
while (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
boolean haveAnonType = false;
// Handle Anonymous type if there is one
if (child != null) {
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE)) {
if (child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME).length() > 0) {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("anonymous complexType in element '" + name +"' has a name attribute");
typeNameIndex = traverseComplexTypeDecl(child);
if (typeNameIndex != -1 ) {
typeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo)
else {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("traverse complexType error in element '" + name +"'");
haveAnonType = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE)) {
// TO DO: the Default and fixed attribute handling should be here.
if (child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME).length() > 0) {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("anonymous simpleType in element '" + name +"' has a name attribute");
typeNameIndex = traverseSimpleTypeDecl(child);
if (typeNameIndex != -1) {
dv = fDatatypeRegistry.getDatatypeValidator(fStringPool.toString(typeNameIndex));
else {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("traverse simpleType error in element '" + name +"'");
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
haveAnonType = true;
} else if (type.equals("")) { // "ur-typed" leaf
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_ANY;
//REVISIT: is this right?
//contentSpecType = fStringPool.addSymbol("UR_TYPE");
// set occurrence count
contentSpecNodeIndex = -1;
} else {
System.out.println("unhandled case in TraverseElementDecl");
// handle type="" here
if (haveAnonType && (type.length()>0)) {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError( "Element '"+ name +
"' have both a type attribute and a annoymous type child" );
// type specified as an attribute and no child is type decl.
else if (!type.equals("")) {
if (equivClassElementDecl != null) {
checkEquivClassOK(elementDecl, equivClassElementDecl);
String prefix = "";
String localpart = type;
int colonptr = type.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = type.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = type.substring(colonptr+1);
String typeURI = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
// check if the type is from the same Schema
if ( !typeURI.equals(fTargetNSURIString)
&& !typeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
&& typeURI.length() != 0) { // REVISIT, only needed because of resolvePrifixToURI.
fromAnotherSchema = typeURI;
typeInfo = getTypeInfoFromNS(typeURI, localpart);
if (typeInfo == null) {
dv = getTypeValidatorFromNS(typeURI, localpart);
if (dv == null) {
//TO DO: report error here;
noErrorSoFar = false;
reportGenericSchemaError("Could not find type " +localpart
+ " in schema " + typeURI);
else {
typeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo) fComplexTypeRegistry.get(typeURI+","+localpart);
if (typeInfo == null) {
dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
if (dv == null )
if (typeURI.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA)
&& !fTargetNSURIString.equals(SchemaSymbols.URI_SCHEMAFORSCHEMA))
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("type not found : " + typeURI+":"+localpart);
else {
Element topleveltype = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_COMPLEXTYPE,localpart);
if (topleveltype != null) {
if ( > - 1) {
//then we found a recursive element using complexType.
// REVISIT: this will be broken when recursing happens between 2 schemas
int uriInd = -1;
if ( isQName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_QUALIFIED)||
fElementDefaultQualified) {
uriInd = fTargetNSURI;
int nameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(name);
QName tempQName = new QName(fCurrentScope, nameIndex, nameIndex, uriInd);
fElementRecurseComplex.put(tempQName, localpart);
return new QName(-1, nameIndex, nameIndex, uriInd);
else {
typeNameIndex = traverseComplexTypeDecl( topleveltype );
typeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo)
else {
topleveltype = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SIMPLETYPE, localpart);
if (topleveltype != null) {
typeNameIndex = traverseSimpleTypeDecl( topleveltype );
dv = getDatatypeValidator(typeURI, localpart);
// TO DO: the Default and fixed attribute handling should be here.
else {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("type not found : " + typeURI+":"+localpart);
else if (haveAnonType){
if (equivClassElementDecl != null ) {
checkEquivClassOK(elementDecl, equivClassElementDecl);
// this element is ur-type, check its equivClass afficliation.
else {
// if there is equivClass affiliation and not type defintion found for this element,
// then grab equivClass affiliation's type and give it to this element
if ( typeInfo == null && dv == null ) typeInfo = equivClassEltTypeInfo;
if ( typeInfo == null && dv == null ) dv = equivClassEltDV;
if (typeInfo == null && dv==null) {
if (noErrorSoFar) {
// Actually this Element's type definition is ur-type;
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_ANY;
// REVISIT, need to wait till we have wildcards implementation.
// ADD attribute wildcards here
else {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ("untyped element : " + name );
// if element belongs to a compelx type
if (typeInfo!=null) {
contentSpecNodeIndex = typeInfo.contentSpecHandle;
contentSpecType = typeInfo.contentType;
scopeDefined = typeInfo.scopeDefined;
dv = typeInfo.datatypeValidator;
// if element belongs to a simple type
if (dv!=null) {
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
if (typeInfo == null) {
fromAnotherSchema = null; // not to switch schema in this case
// key/keyref/unique processing\
child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(elementDecl);
Vector idConstraints = null;
while (child != null){
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_KEY) ) {
traverseKey(child, idCnstrt);
else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_KEYREF) ) {
traverseKeyRef(child, idCnstrt);
else if ( childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_UNIQUE) ) {
traverseUnique(child, idCnstrt);
if (idCnstrt!= null) {
if (idConstraints != null) {
idConstraints = new Vector();
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
// Create element decl
int elementNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(name);
int localpartIndex = elementNameIndex;
int uriIndex = -1;
int enclosingScope = fCurrentScope;
if ( isQName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_QUALIFIED)||
fElementDefaultQualified ) {
uriIndex = fTargetNSURI;
if ( isTopLevel(elementDecl)) {
uriIndex = fTargetNSURI;
enclosingScope = TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE;
//There can never be two elements with the same name and different type in the same scope.
int existSuchElementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(uriIndex, localpartIndex, enclosingScope);
if ( existSuchElementIndex > -1) {
fSchemaGrammar.getElementDecl(existSuchElementIndex, fTempElementDecl);
DatatypeValidator edv = fTempElementDecl.datatypeValidator;
ComplexTypeInfo eTypeInfo = fSchemaGrammar.getElementComplexTypeInfo(existSuchElementIndex);
if ( ((eTypeInfo != null)&&(eTypeInfo!=typeInfo))
|| ((edv != null)&&(edv != dv)) ) {
noErrorSoFar = false;
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("duplicate element decl in the same scope : " +
QName eltQName = new QName(-1,localpartIndex,elementNameIndex,uriIndex);
// add element decl to pool
int attrListHead = -1 ;
// copy up attribute decls from type object
if (typeInfo != null) {
attrListHead = typeInfo.attlistHead;
int elementIndex = fSchemaGrammar.addElementDecl(eltQName, enclosingScope, scopeDefined,
contentSpecType, contentSpecNodeIndex,
attrListHead, dv);
if ( DEBUGGING ) {
System.out.println("########elementIndex:"+elementIndex+" ("+fStringPool.toString(eltQName.uri)+","
+ fStringPool.toString(eltQName.localpart) + ")"+
" eltType:"+type+" contentSpecType:"+contentSpecType+
" SpecNodeIndex:"+ contentSpecNodeIndex +" enclosingScope: " +enclosingScope +
" scopeDefined: " +scopeDefined+"\n");
if (typeInfo != null) {
fSchemaGrammar.setElementComplexTypeInfo(elementIndex, typeInfo);
else {
fSchemaGrammar.setElementComplexTypeInfo(elementIndex, typeInfo);
// REVISIT: should we report error from here?
// mark element if its type belongs to different Schema.
fSchemaGrammar.setElementFromAnotherSchemaURI(elementIndex, fromAnotherSchema);
// set BlockSet, FinalSet, Nullable and Abstract for this element decl
fSchemaGrammar.setElementDeclBlockSet(elementIndex, blockSet);
fSchemaGrammar.setElementDeclFinalSet(elementIndex, finalSet);
fSchemaGrammar.setElementDeclMiscFlags(elementIndex, elementMiscFlags);
// setEquivClassElementFullName
fSchemaGrammar.setElementDeclEquivClassElementFullName(elementIndex, equivClassFullName);
return eltQName;
}// end of method traverseElementDecl(Element)
int getLocalPartIndex(String fullName){
int colonAt = fullName.indexOf(":");
String localpart = fullName;
if ( colonAt > -1 ) {
localpart = fullName.substring(colonAt+1);
return fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
String getLocalPart(String fullName){
int colonAt = fullName.indexOf(":");
String localpart = fullName;
if ( colonAt > -1 ) {
localpart = fullName.substring(colonAt+1);
return localpart;
int getPrefixIndex(String fullName){
int colonAt = fullName.indexOf(":");
String prefix = "";
if ( colonAt > -1 ) {
prefix = fullName.substring(0,colonAt);
return fStringPool.addSymbol(prefix);
String getPrefix(String fullName){
int colonAt = fullName.indexOf(":");
String prefix = "";
if ( colonAt > -1 ) {
prefix = fullName.substring(0,colonAt);
return prefix;
private void checkEquivClassOK(Element elementDecl, Element equivClassElementDecl){
//TO DO!!
private Element getTopLevelComponentByName(String componentCategory, String name) throws Exception {
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(fSchemaRootElement);
if (child == null) {
return null;
while (child != null ){
if ( child.getNodeName().equals(componentCategory)) {
if (child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME).equals(name)) {
return child;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
return null;
private boolean isTopLevel(Element component) {
//REVISIT, is this the right way to check ?
if (component.getParentNode() == fSchemaRootElement ) {
return true;
if (component.getParentNode().getNodeName().endsWith(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SCHEMA) ) {
return true;
return false;
DatatypeValidator getTypeValidatorFromNS(String newSchemaURI, String localpart) throws Exception {
// The following impl is for the case where every Schema Grammar has its own instance of DatatypeRegistry.
// Now that we have only one DataTypeRegistry used by all schemas. this is not needed.
Grammar grammar = fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(newSchemaURI);
if (grammar != null && grammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) {
SchemaGrammar sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) grammar;
DatatypeValidator dv = (DatatypeValidator) fSchemaGrammar.getDatatypeRegistry().getDatatypeValidator(localpart);
return dv;
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("could not resolve URI : " + newSchemaURI + " to a SchemaGrammar in getTypeValidatorFromNS");
return null;
return getDatatypeValidator(newSchemaURI, localpart);
ComplexTypeInfo getTypeInfoFromNS(String newSchemaURI, String localpart) throws Exception {
Grammar grammar = fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(newSchemaURI);
if (grammar != null && grammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) {
SchemaGrammar sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) grammar;
ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo = (ComplexTypeInfo) sGrammar.getComplexTypeRegistry().get(newSchemaURI+","+localpart);
return typeInfo;
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("could not resolve URI : " + newSchemaURI + " to a SchemaGrammar in getTypeInfoFromNS");
return null;
DatatypeValidator getElementDeclTypeValidatorFromNS(String newSchemaURI, String localpart) throws Exception {
Grammar grammar = fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(newSchemaURI);
if (grammar != null && grammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) {
SchemaGrammar sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) grammar;
int eltIndex = sGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(fStringPool.addSymbol(newSchemaURI),
DatatypeValidator dv = null;
if (eltIndex>-1) {
sGrammar.getElementDecl(eltIndex, fTempElementDecl);
dv = fTempElementDecl.datatypeValidator;
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("could not find global element : '" + localpart
+ " in the SchemaGrammar "+newSchemaURI);
return dv;
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("could not resolve URI : " + newSchemaURI
+ " to a SchemaGrammar in getELementDeclTypeValidatorFromNS");
return null;
ComplexTypeInfo getElementDeclTypeInfoFromNS(String newSchemaURI, String localpart) throws Exception {
Grammar grammar = fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(newSchemaURI);
if (grammar != null && grammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) {
SchemaGrammar sGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) grammar;
int eltIndex = sGrammar.getElementDeclIndex(fStringPool.addSymbol(newSchemaURI),
ComplexTypeInfo typeInfo = null;
if (eltIndex>-1) {
typeInfo = sGrammar.getElementComplexTypeInfo(eltIndex);
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("could not find global element : '" + localpart
+ " in the SchemaGrammar "+newSchemaURI);
return typeInfo;
else {
reportGenericSchemaError("could not resolve URI : " + newSchemaURI
+ " to a SchemaGrammar in getElementDeclTypeInfoFromNS");
return null;
* Traverse attributeGroup Declaration
* <attributeGroup
* id = ID
* ref = QName>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </>
* @param elementDecl
* @exception Exception
/*private int traverseAttributeGroupDecl( Element attributeGroupDecl ) throws Exception {
int attributeGroupID = fStringPool.addSymbol(
attributeGroupDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ID ));
int attributeGroupName = fStringPool.addSymbol(
attributeGroupDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME ));
return -1;
* Traverse Group Declaration.
* <group
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* name = NCName
* ref = QName>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | all | choice | sequence | any)*)
* <group/>
* @param elementDecl
* @return
* @exception Exception
private int traverseGroupDecl( Element groupDecl ) throws Exception {
String groupName = groupDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAME);
String ref = groupDecl.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_REF);
if (!ref.equals("")) {
if (XUtil.getFirstChildElement(groupDecl) != null)
reportSchemaError(SchemaMessageProvider.NoContentForRef, null);
String prefix = "";
String localpart = ref;
int colonptr = ref.indexOf(":");
if ( colonptr > 0) {
prefix = ref.substring(0,colonptr);
localpart = ref.substring(colonptr+1);
int localpartIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(localpart);
String uriStr = resolvePrefixToURI(prefix);
if (!uriStr.equals(fTargetNSURIString)) {
return traverseGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema(localpart, uriStr);
int contentSpecIndex = -1;
Element referredGroup = getTopLevelComponentByName(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP,localpart);
if (referredGroup == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("Group " + localpart + " not found in the Schema");
//REVISIT, this should be some custom Exception
throw new Exception("Group " + localpart + " not found in the Schema");
else {
contentSpecIndex = traverseGroupDecl(referredGroup);
return contentSpecIndex;
boolean traverseElt = true;
if (fCurrentScope == TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE) {
traverseElt = false;
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(groupDecl);
while (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
int contentSpecType = 0;
int csnType = 0;
int allChildren[] = null;
int allChildCount = 0;
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
int left = -2;
int right = -2;
boolean hadContent = false;
boolean seeAll = false;
boolean seeParticle = false;
for (;
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
int index = -2;
hadContent = true;
boolean illegalChild = false;
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ALL)) {
index = traverseAll(child);
//seeParticle = true;
seeAll = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
index = traverseChoice(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
index = traverseSequence(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
index = traverseAny(child);
seeParticle = true;
else {
illegalChild = true;
new Object [] { "group", childName });
if ( ! illegalChild ) {
index = expandContentModel( index, child);
if (seeParticle && seeAll) {
reportSchemaError( SchemaMessageProvider.GroupContentRestricted,
new Object [] { "'all' needs to be 'the' only Child", childName});
if (left == -2) {
left = index;
} else if (right == -2) {
right = index;
} else {
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
right = index;
if (hadContent && right != -2)
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
return left;
private int traverseGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema( String groupName , String uriStr ) throws Exception {
SchemaGrammar aGrammar = (SchemaGrammar) fGrammarResolver.getGrammar(uriStr);
if (uriStr == null || aGrammar==null ||! (aGrammar instanceof SchemaGrammar) ) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError("!!Schema not found in #traverseGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema, "+
"schema uri: " + uriStr
+", groupName: " + groupName);
return -1;
Element groupDecl = (Element) aGrammar.topLevelGroupDecls.get((Object)groupName);
if (groupDecl == null) {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError( "no group named \"" + groupName
+ "\" was defined in schema : " + uriStr);
return -1;
NamespacesScope saveNSMapping = fNamespacesScope;
int saveTargetNSUri = fTargetNSURI;
fTargetNSURI = fStringPool.addSymbol(aGrammar.getTargetNamespaceURI());
fNamespacesScope = aGrammar.getNamespacesScope();
boolean traverseElt = true;
if (fCurrentScope == TOP_LEVEL_SCOPE) {
traverseElt = false;
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(groupDecl);
while (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
int contentSpecType = 0;
int csnType = 0;
int allChildren[] = null;
int allChildCount = 0;
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
int left = -2;
int right = -2;
boolean hadContent = false;
for (;
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
int index = -2;
hadContent = true;
boolean seeParticle = false;
String childName = child.getNodeName();
int childNameIndex = fStringPool.addSymbol(childName);
String formAttrVal = child.getAttribute(SchemaSymbols.ATT_FORM);
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ALL)) {
index = traverseAll(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
index = traverseChoice(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
index = traverseSequence(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
index = traverseAny(child);
seeParticle = true;
else {
new Object [] { "group", childName });
if (seeParticle) {
index = expandContentModel( index, child);
if (left == -2) {
left = index;
} else if (right == -2) {
right = index;
} else {
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
right = index;
if (hadContent && right != -2)
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
fNamespacesScope = saveNSMapping;
fTargetNSURI = saveTargetNSUri;
return left;
} // end of method traverseGroupDeclFromAnotherSchema
* Traverse the Sequence declaration
* <sequence
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </sequence>
int traverseSequence (Element sequenceDecl) throws Exception {
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(sequenceDecl);
while (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
int contentSpecType = 0;
int csnType = 0;
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
int left = -2;
int right = -2;
boolean hadContent = false;
for (;
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
int index = -2;
hadContent = true;
boolean seeParticle = false;
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
index = traverseChoice(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
index = traverseSequence(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
index = traverseAny(child);
seeParticle = true;
else {
new Object [] { "group", childName });
if (seeParticle) {
index = expandContentModel( index, child);
if (left == -2) {
left = index;
} else if (right == -2) {
right = index;
} else {
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
right = index;
if (hadContent && right != -2)
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
return left;
* Traverse the Sequence declaration
* <choice
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </choice>
int traverseChoice (Element choiceDecl) throws Exception {
// REVISIT: traverseChoice, traverseSequence can be combined
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(choiceDecl);
while (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
int contentSpecType = 0;
int csnType = 0;
contentSpecType = XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
int left = -2;
int right = -2;
boolean hadContent = false;
for (;
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
int index = -2;
hadContent = true;
boolean seeParticle = false;
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
index = traverseChoice(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
index = traverseSequence(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
index = traverseAny(child);
seeParticle = true;
else {
new Object [] { "group", childName });
if (seeParticle) {
index = expandContentModel( index, child);
if (left == -2) {
left = index;
} else if (right == -2) {
right = index;
} else {
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
right = index;
if (hadContent && right != -2)
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(csnType, left, right, false);
return left;
* Traverse the "All" declaration
* <all
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger>
* Content: (annotation? , (element | group | choice | sequence | any)*)
* </all>
int traverseAll( Element allDecl) throws Exception {
Element child = XUtil.getFirstChildElement(allDecl);
while (child != null && child.getNodeName().equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANNOTATION))
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child);
int allChildren[] = null;
int allChildCount = 0;
int left = -2;
for (;
child != null;
child = XUtil.getNextSiblingElement(child)) {
int index = -2;
boolean seeParticle = false;
String childName = child.getNodeName();
if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ELEMENT)) {
QName eltQName = traverseElementDecl(child);
index = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode( XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_LEAF,
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_GROUP)) {
index = traverseGroupDecl(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_CHOICE)) {
index = traverseChoice(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_SEQUENCE)) {
index = traverseSequence(child);
seeParticle = true;
else if (childName.equals(SchemaSymbols.ELT_ANY)) {
index = traverseAny(child);
seeParticle = true;
else {
new Object [] { "group", childName });
if (seeParticle) {
index = expandContentModel( index, child);
try {
allChildren[allChildCount] = index;
catch (NullPointerException ne) {
allChildren = new int[32];
allChildren[allChildCount] = index;
catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ae) {
int[] newArray = new int[allChildren.length*2];
System.arraycopy(allChildren, 0, newArray, 0, allChildren.length);
allChildren[allChildCount] = index;
left = buildAllModel(allChildren,allChildCount);
return left;
/** builds the all content model */
private int buildAllModel(int children[], int count) throws Exception {
// build all model
if (count > 1) {
// create and initialize singletons
XMLContentSpec choice = new XMLContentSpec();
choice.type = XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_CHOICE;
choice.value = -1;
choice.otherValue = -1;
int[] exactChildren = new int[count];
// build all model
sort(exactChildren, 0, count);
int index = buildAllModel(exactChildren, 0, choice);
return index;
if (count > 0) {
return children[0];
return -1;
/** Builds the all model. */
private int buildAllModel(int src[], int offset,
XMLContentSpec choice) throws Exception {
// swap last two places
if (src.length - offset == 2) {
int seqIndex = createSeq(src);
if (choice.value == -1) {
choice.value = seqIndex;
else {
if (choice.otherValue != -1) {
choice.value = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(choice.type, choice.value, choice.otherValue, false);
choice.otherValue = seqIndex;
swap(src, offset, offset + 1);
seqIndex = createSeq(src);
if (choice.value == -1) {
choice.value = seqIndex;
else {
if (choice.otherValue != -1) {
choice.value = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(choice.type, choice.value, choice.otherValue, false);
choice.otherValue = seqIndex;
return fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(choice.type, choice.value, choice.otherValue, false);
// recurse
for (int i = offset; i < src.length - 1; i++) {
choice.value = buildAllModel(src, offset + 1, choice);
choice.otherValue = -1;
sort(src, offset, src.length - offset);
shift(src, offset, i + 1);
int choiceIndex = buildAllModel(src, offset + 1, choice);
sort(src, offset, src.length - offset);
return choiceIndex;
} // buildAllModel(int[],int,ContentSpecNode,ContentSpecNode):int
/** Creates a sequence. */
private int createSeq(int src[]) throws Exception {
int left = src[0];
int right = src[1];
for (int i = 2; i < src.length; i++) {
left = fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
left, right, false);
right = src[i];
return fSchemaGrammar.addContentSpecNode(XMLContentSpec.CONTENTSPECNODE_SEQ,
left, right, false);
} // createSeq(int[]):int
/** Shifts a value into position. */
private void shift(int src[], int pos, int offset) {
int temp = src[offset];
for (int i = offset; i > pos; i--) {
src[i] = src[i - 1];
src[pos] = temp;
} // shift(int[],int,int)
/** Simple sort. */
private void sort(int src[], final int offset, final int length) {
for (int i = offset; i < offset + length - 1; i++) {
int lowest = i;
for (int j = i + 1; j < offset + length; j++) {
if (src[j] < src[lowest]) {
lowest = j;
if (lowest != i) {
int temp = src[i];
src[i] = src[lowest];
src[lowest] = temp;
} // sort(int[],int,int)
/** Swaps two values. */
private void swap(int src[], int i, int j) {
int temp = src[i];
src[i] = src[j];
src[j] = temp;
} // swap(int[],int,int)
* Traverse Wildcard declaration
* <any
* id = ID
* maxOccurs = string
* minOccurs = nonNegativeInteger
* namespace = ##any | ##other | ##local | list of {uri, ##targetNamespace}
* processContents = lax | skip | strict>
* Content: (annotation?)
* </any>
* @param elementDecl
* @return
* @exception Exception
private int traverseWildcardDecl( Element wildcardDecl ) throws Exception {
int wildcardID = fStringPool.addSymbol(
wildcardDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ID ));
int wildcardMaxOccurs = fStringPool.addSymbol(
wildcardDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_MAXOCCURS ));
int wildcardMinOccurs = fStringPool.addSymbol(
wildcardDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_MINOCCURS ));
int wildcardNamespace = fStringPool.addSymbol(
wildcardDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_NAMESPACE ));
int wildcardProcessContents = fStringPool.addSymbol(
wildcardDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_PROCESSCONTENTS ));
int wildcardContent = fStringPool.addSymbol(
wildcardDecl.getAttribute( SchemaSymbols.ATT_CONTENT ));
return -1;
// utilities from Tom Watson's SchemaParser class
// TO DO: Need to make this more conformant with Schema int type parsing
private int parseInt (String intString) throws Exception
if ( intString.equals("*") ) {
return SchemaSymbols.INFINITY;
} else {
return Integer.parseInt (intString);
private int parseSimpleDerivedBy (String derivedByString) throws Exception
if ( derivedByString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST) ) {
return SchemaSymbols.LIST;
else if ( derivedByString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
return SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ("SimpleType: Invalid value for 'derivedBy'");
return -1;
private int parseComplexDerivedBy (String derivedByString) throws Exception
if ( derivedByString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION) ) {
return SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION;
else if ( derivedByString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
return SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "ComplexType: Invalid value for 'derivedBy'" );
return -1;
private int parseSimpleFinal (String finalString) throws Exception
if ( finalString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_POUNDALL) ) {
return SchemaSymbols.ENUMERATION+SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION+SchemaSymbols.LIST+SchemaSymbols.REPRODUCTION;
} else {
int enumerate = 0;
int restrict = 0;
int list = 0;
int reproduce = 0;
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer (finalString, " ");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = t.nextToken ();
if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
if ( restrict == 0 ) {
restrict = SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ("restriction in set twice");
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST) ) {
if ( list == 0 ) {
list = SchemaSymbols.LIST;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ("list in set twice");
else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Invalid value (" +
finalString +
")" );
return enumerate+restrict+list+reproduce;
private int parseComplexContent (String contentString) throws Exception
if ( contentString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EMPTY) ) {
return XMLElementDecl.TYPE_EMPTY;
} else if ( contentString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_ELEMENTONLY) ) {
return XMLElementDecl.TYPE_CHILDREN;
} else if ( contentString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_TEXTONLY) ) {
return XMLElementDecl.TYPE_SIMPLE;
} else if ( contentString.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_MIXED) ) {
return XMLElementDecl.TYPE_MIXED;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Invalid value for content" );
return -1;
private int parseDerivationSet (String finalString) throws Exception
if ( finalString.equals ("#all") ) {
return SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION+SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION+SchemaSymbols.REPRODUCTION;
} else {
int extend = 0;
int restrict = 0;
int reproduce = 0;
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer (finalString, " ");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = t.nextToken ();
if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "extension already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
if ( restrict == 0 ) {
restrict = SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "restriction already in set" );
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Invalid final value (" + finalString + ")" );
return extend+restrict+reproduce;
private int parseBlockSet (String finalString) throws Exception
if ( finalString.equals ("#all") ) {
return SchemaSymbols.EQUIVCLASS+SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION+SchemaSymbols.LIST+SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION+SchemaSymbols.REPRODUCTION;
} else {
int extend = 0;
int restrict = 0;
int reproduce = 0;
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer (finalString, " ");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = t.nextToken ();
if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EQUIVCLASS) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.EQUIVCLASS;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "'equivClass' already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "extension already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.LIST;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "'list' already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
if ( restrict == 0 ) {
restrict = SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "restriction already in set" );
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Invalid final value (" + finalString + ")" );
return extend+restrict+reproduce;
private int parseFinalSet (String finalString) throws Exception
if ( finalString.equals ("#all") ) {
return SchemaSymbols.EQUIVCLASS+SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION+SchemaSymbols.LIST+SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION+SchemaSymbols.REPRODUCTION;
} else {
int extend = 0;
int restrict = 0;
int reproduce = 0;
StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer (finalString, " ");
while (t.hasMoreTokens()) {
String token = t.nextToken ();
if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EQUIVCLASS) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.EQUIVCLASS;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "'equivClass' already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_EXTENSION) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.EXTENSION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "extension already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_LIST) ) {
if ( extend == 0 ) {
extend = SchemaSymbols.LIST;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "'list' already in set" );
} else if ( token.equals (SchemaSymbols.ATTVAL_RESTRICTION) ) {
if ( restrict == 0 ) {
restrict = SchemaSymbols.RESTRICTION;
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "restriction already in set" );
} else {
// REVISIT: Localize
reportGenericSchemaError ( "Invalid final value (" + finalString + ")" );
return extend+restrict+reproduce;
private void reportGenericSchemaError (String error) throws Exception {
if (fErrorReporter == null) {
System.err.println("__TraverseSchemaError__ : " + error);
else {
reportSchemaError (SchemaMessageProvider.GenericError, new Object[] { error });
private void reportSchemaError(int major, Object args[]) throws Exception {
if (fErrorReporter == null) {
System.out.println("__TraverseSchemaError__ : " + SchemaMessageProvider.fgMessageKeys[major]);
for (int i=0; i< args.length ; i++) {
else {
//Unit Test here
public static void main(String args[] ) {
if( args.length != 1 ) {
System.out.println( "Error: Usage java TraverseSchema yourFile.xsd" );
DOMParser parser = new DOMParser() {
public void ignorableWhitespace(char ch[], int start, int length) {}
public void ignorableWhitespace(int dataIdx) {}
parser.setEntityResolver( new Resolver() );
parser.setErrorHandler( new ErrorHandler() );
try {
parser.setFeature("", false);
parser.setFeature("", false);
}catch( org.xml.sax.SAXNotRecognizedException e ) {
}catch( org.xml.sax.SAXNotSupportedException e ) {
try {
parser.parse( args[0]);
}catch( IOException e ) {
}catch( SAXException e ) {
Document document = parser.getDocument(); //Our Grammar
OutputFormat format = new OutputFormat( document ); outWriter = new;
XMLSerializer serial = new XMLSerializer( outWriter,format);
TraverseSchema tst = null;
try {
Element root = document.getDocumentElement();// This is what we pass to TraverserSchema
//serial.serialize( root );
tst = new TraverseSchema( root, new StringPool(), new SchemaGrammar(), (GrammarResolver) new GrammarResolverImpl() );
catch (Exception e) {
static class Resolver implements EntityResolver {
private static final String SYSTEM[] = {
private static final String PATH[] = {
public InputSource resolveEntity(String publicId, String systemId)
throws IOException {
// looking for the schema DTDs?
for (int i = 0; i < SYSTEM.length; i++) {
if (systemId.equals(SYSTEM[i])) {
InputSource source = new InputSource(getClass().getResourceAsStream(PATH[i]));
return source;
// use default resolution
return null;
} // resolveEntity(String,String):InputSource
} // class Resolver
static class ErrorHandler implements org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler {
/** Warning. */
public void warning(SAXParseException ex) {
System.err.println("[Warning] "+
getLocationString(ex)+": "+
/** Error. */
public void error(SAXParseException ex) {
System.err.println("[Error] "+
getLocationString(ex)+": "+
/** Fatal error. */
public void fatalError(SAXParseException ex) throws SAXException {
System.err.println("[Fatal Error] "+
getLocationString(ex)+": "+
throw ex;
// Private methods
/** Returns a string of the location. */
private String getLocationString(SAXParseException ex) {
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
String systemId_ = ex.getSystemId();
if (systemId_ != null) {
int index = systemId_.lastIndexOf('/');
if (index != -1)
systemId_ = systemId_.substring(index + 1);
return str.toString();
} // getLocationString(SAXParseException):String