blob: 444f7a1748d4e0a9d7c88319b7ac31f3dba25f26 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "./dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="TreeViewer Sample">
<s2 title="Running TreeViewer">
<p><code>TreeViewer</code> displays the input file in a graphical tree
based interface. This sample highlights the error handling
capabilities of the parser, demonstrating how the parser can
recover from many types of common errors. </p>
<li>&javaparsername; is loaded on your computer.</li>
<ul><li>JDK 1.1.8 and Swing1.1.1 are is loaded on your computer.</li></ul>
<ul><li>Java 2 (jdk1.2.2) is loaded on your computer.</li></ul>
<p>Source code: </p>
<s2 title="TreeViewer">
<p><em>To run TreeViewer:</em></p>
<li>open up a MS-DOS command line window</li>
<li>set the path to the jdk\bin directory</li>
<li>change directory to the latest &javaparserdirectory; directory</li>
<li>invoke the <code>TreeViewer</code> sample</li>
<p><em>On Windows:</em></p>
<p>The easiest way to do this is to create a .bat file using the
Notepad editor. Then <code>TreeViewer</code> can be invoked by double clicking
on the file name or icon. The following command lines assume that
both the jdk and the &javaparserdirectory; directories are located directly below
the c: drive.</p>
<p><em>With jdk1.1.8:</em></p>
<source>set PATH=%PATH%;c:\jdk1.1.8\bin
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:\&javaparserdirectory;\xerces.jar;c:\&javaparserdirectory;\xercesSamples.jar
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:\Swing-1.1.1\swingall.jar
cd c:\&javaparserdirectory;
java ui.TreeViewer data/personal.xml</source>
<p><em>With jdk1.2.2:</em></p>
<p>Swing is included in the Java 2 release and it doesn't required
a separate reference. </p>
<source>set PATH=%PATH%;c:\jdk1.2.2\bin
set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;c:\&javaparserdirectory;\xerces.jar;c:\&javaparserdirectory;\xercesSamples.jar
cd c:\&javaparserdirectory;
java ui.TreeViewer data/personal.xml</source>
<note>Parse your own XML file instead of data/personal.xml</note>