blob: f1c28185e3c758e2faacfe2465b7c7ae94bc99c3 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="no"?>
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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* limitations under the License.
<!DOCTYPE s1 SYSTEM "sbk:/style/dtd/document.dtd">
<s1 title="Mailing Lists">
<s2 title="Overview">
<p>The &XercesCName; project hosts two mailing lists:
<jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserEmailAddress;">&XercesCUserEmailAddress;</jump>
for general usage questions and
<jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelEmailAddress;">&XercesCDevelEmailAddress;</jump>
for the development-related discussions. Note that both lists accept
posts from subscribers only so you need to subscribe before sending
your questions (see below). Previous message archives and NNTP news
gateways are available for both mailing lists. For more information
on Apache-hosted mailing lists see <jump href="">
Mailing Lists and Usage Notes</jump>.</p>
<s3 title="User mailing list">
<p>To subscribe send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserSAddress;">&XercesCUserSAddress;</jump></p>
<p>To unsubscribe send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserUAddress;">&XercesCUserUAddress;</jump></p>
<p>For help send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserHAddress;">&XercesCUserHAddress;</jump></p>
<p>To post to the mailing list send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCUserEmailAddress;">&XercesCUserEmailAddress;</jump></p>
<p>NNTP news gateway: <jump href="nntp://">gmane.text.xml.xerces-c.user</jump></p>
<p>Mailing list archives:
<jump href="">MARC</jump>,
<jump href="">Gmane</jump>,
<jump href="">Apache</jump></p>
<s3 title="Developer mailing list">
<p>To subscribe send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelSAddress;">&XercesCDevelSAddress;</jump></p>
<p>To unsubscribe send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelUAddress;">&XercesCDevelUAddress;</jump></p>
<p>For help send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelHAddress;">&XercesCDevelHAddress;</jump></p>
<p>To post to the mailing list send an email to <jump href="mailto&colon;&XercesCDevelEmailAddress;">&XercesCDevelEmailAddress;</jump></p>
<p>NNTP news gateway: <jump href="nntp://">gmane.text.xml.xerces-c.devel</jump></p>
<p>Mailing list archives:
<jump href="">MARC</jump>,
<jump href="">Gmane</jump>,
<jump href="">Apache</jump></p>