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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* $Id$
package org.apache.xalan.xsltc.compiler.util;
import java.util.ListResourceBundle;
* @author Morten Jorgensen
public class ErrorMessages_fr extends ListResourceBundle {
* XSLTC compile-time error messages.
* General notes to translators and definitions:
* 1) XSLTC is the name of the product. It is an acronym for "XSLT Compiler".
* XSLT is an acronym for "XML Stylesheet Language: Transformations".
* 2) A stylesheet is a description of how to transform an input XML document
* into a resultant XML document (or HTML document or text). The
* stylesheet itself is described in the form of an XML document.
* 3) A template is a component of a stylesheet that is used to match a
* particular portion of an input document and specifies the form of the
* corresponding portion of the output document.
* 4) An axis is a particular "dimension" in a tree representation of an XML
* document; the nodes in the tree are divided along different axes.
* Traversing the "child" axis, for instance, means that the program
* would visit each child of a particular node; traversing the "descendant"
* axis means that the program would visit the child nodes of a particular
* node, their children, and so on until the leaf nodes of the tree are
* reached.
* 5) An iterator is an object that traverses nodes in a tree along a
* particular axis, one at a time.
* 6) An element is a mark-up tag in an XML document; an attribute is a
* modifier on the tag. For example, in <elem attr='val' attr2='val2'>
* "elem" is an element name, "attr" and "attr2" are attribute names with
* the values "val" and "val2", respectively.
* 7) A namespace declaration is a special attribute that is used to associate
* a prefix with a URI (the namespace). The meanings of element names and
* attribute names that use that prefix are defined with respect to that
* namespace.
* 8) DOM is an acronym for Document Object Model. It is a tree
* representation of an XML document.
* SAX is an acronym for the Simple API for XML processing. It is an API
* used inform an XML processor (in this case XSLTC) of the structure and
* content of an XML document.
* Input to the stylesheet processor can come from an XML parser in the
* form of a DOM tree or through the SAX API.
* 9) DTD is a document type declaration. It is a way of specifying the
* grammar for an XML file, the names and types of elements, attributes,
* etc.
* 10) XPath is a specification that describes a notation for identifying
* nodes in a tree-structured representation of an XML document. An
* instance of that notation is referred to as an XPath expression.
* 11) Translet is an invented term that refers to the class file that contains
* the compiled form of a stylesheet.
// These message should be read from a locale-specific resource bundle
/** Get the lookup table for error messages.
* @return The message lookup table.
public Object[][] getContents()
return new Object[][] {
"Plusieurs feuilles de style ont \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9finies dans le m\u00eame fichier."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a
* template. The same name was used on two different templates in the
* same stylesheet.
"Le mod\u00e8le ''{0}'' est d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fini dans cette feuille de style."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a
* template. A reference to the template name was encountered, but the
* template is undefined.
"Le mod\u00e8le ''{0}'' n''est pas d\u00e9fini dans cette feuille de style."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a variable
* that was defined more than once.
"La variable ''{0}'' est d\u00e9finie plusieurs fois dans la m\u00eame port\u00e9e."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a variable
* or parameter. A reference to the variable or parameter was found,
* but it was never defined.
"La variable ou le param\u00e8tre ''{0}'' n''est pas d\u00e9fini."},
* Note to translators: The word "class" here refers to a Java class.
* Processing the stylesheet required a class to be loaded, but it could
* not be found. The substitution text is the name of the class.
"La classe ''{0}'' est introuvable."},
* Note to translators: The word "method" here refers to a Java method.
* Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by
* the substitution text, but it could not be found. "public" is the
* Java keyword.
"La m\u00e9thode externe ''{0}'' est introuvable (doit \u00eatre public)."},
* Note to translators: The word "method" here refers to a Java method.
* Processing the stylesheet required a reference to the method named by
* the substitution text, but no method with the required types of
* arguments or return type could be found.
"Impossible de convertir le type d''argument/de retour lors de l''appel de la m\u00e9thode ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: The file or URI named in the substitution text
* is missing.
"Le fichier ou l'' URI ''{0}'' est introuvable."},
* Note to translators: This message is displayed when the URI
* mentioned in the substitution text is not well-formed syntactically.
"URI non valide ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The file or URI named in the substitution text
* exists but could not be opened.
"Impossible d''ouvrir le fichier ou l''URI ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: <xsl:stylesheet> and <xsl:transform> are
* keywords that should not be translated.
"L'\u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:stylesheet> ou <xsl:transform> est attendu."},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet contained a reference to a
* namespace prefix that was undefined. The value of the substitution
* text is the name of the prefix.
"Le pr\u00e9fixe de l''espace de noms ''{0}'' n''est pas d\u00e9clar\u00e9."},
* Note to translators: The Java function named in the stylesheet could
* not be found.
"Impossible de r\u00e9soudre l''appel \u00e0 la fonction ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a
* function. A literal string here means a constant string value.
"L''argument de ''{0}'' doit \u00eatre une cha\u00eene litt\u00e9rale."},
* Note to translators: This message indicates there was a syntactic
* error in the form of an XPath expression. The substitution text is
* the expression.
"Erreur lors de l''analyse de l''expression XPath ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: An element in the stylesheet requires a
* particular attribute named by the substitution text, but that
* attribute was not specified in the stylesheet.
"L''attribut obligatoire ''{0}'' est absent."},
* Note to translators: This message indicates that a character not
* permitted in an XPath expression was encountered. The substitution
* text is the offending character.
"Caract\u00e8re ''{0}'' non conforme dans l''expression XPath."},
* Note to translators: A processing instruction is a mark-up item in
* an XML document that request some behaviour of an XML processor. The
* form of the name of was invalid in this case, and the substitution
* text is the name.
"Nom ''{0}'' non conforme dans l''instruction de traitement."},
* Note to translators: This message is reported if the stylesheet
* being processed attempted to construct an XML document with an
* attribute in a place other than on an element. The substitution text
* specifies the name of the attribute.
"L''attribut ''{0}'' est \u00e0 l''ext\u00e9rieur de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment."},
* Note to translators: An attribute that wasn't recognized was
* specified on an element in the stylesheet. The attribute is named
* by the substitution
* text.
"Attribut ''{0}'' non conforme."},
* Note to translators: "import" and "include" are keywords that should
* not be translated. This messages indicates that the stylesheet
* named in the substitution text imported or included itself either
* directly or indirectly.
"import/include circulaire. La feuille de style ''{0}'' est d\u00e9j\u00e0 charg\u00e9e."},
* Note to translators: A result-tree fragment is a portion of a
* resulting XML document represented as a tree. "<xsl:sort>" is a
* keyword and should not be translated.
"Tri impossible des fragments de l'arborescence de r\u00e9sultats (les \u00e9l\u00e9ments <xsl:sort> sont ignor\u00e9s). Vous devez trier les noeuds lors de la cr\u00e9ation de l'arborescence de r\u00e9sultats."},
* Note to translators: A name can be given to a particular style to be
* used to format decimal values. The substitution text gives the name
* of such a style for which more than one declaration was encountered.
"Le formatage d\u00e9cimal ''{0}'' est d\u00e9j\u00e0 d\u00e9fini."},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet version named in the
* substitution text is not supported.
"La version XSL ''{0}'' n''est pas prise en charge par XSLTC."},
* Note to translators: The definitions of one or more variables or
* parameters depend on one another.
"R\u00e9f\u00e9rence variable/param\u00e8tre circulaire dans ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The operator in an expresion with two operands was
* not recognized.
"Op\u00e9rateur inconnu dans une expression binaire."},
* Note to translators: This message is produced if a reference to a
* function has too many or too few arguments.
"Argument(s) incorrect(s) pour l'appel de fonction."},
* Note to translators: "document()" is the name of function and must
* not be translated. A node-set is a set of the nodes in the tree
* representation of an XML document.
"Le deuxi\u00e8me argument de la fonction document() doit \u00eatre un ensemble de noeuds."},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:when>" and "<xsl:choose>" are keywords
* and should not be translated. This message describes a syntax error
* in the stylesheet.
"Au moins un \u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:when> est requis dans <xsl:choose>."},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:otherwise>" and "<xsl:choose>" are
* keywords and should not be translated. This message describes a
* syntax error in the stylesheet.
"Un seul \u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:otherwise> est autoris\u00e9 dans <xsl:choose>."},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:otherwise>" and "<xsl:choose>" are
* keywords and should not be translated. This message describes a
* syntax error in the stylesheet.
"<xsl:otherwise> peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 uniquement dans <xsl:choose>."},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:when>" and "<xsl:choose>" are keywords
* and should not be translated. This message describes a syntax error
* in the stylesheet.
"<xsl:when> peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 uniquement dans <xsl:choose>."},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:when>", "<xsl:otherwise>" and
* "<xsl:choose>" are keywords and should not be translated. This
* message describes a syntax error in the stylesheet.
"Seuls les \u00e9l\u00e9ments <xsl:when> et <xsl:otherwise> sont autoris\u00e9s dans <xsl:choose>."},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:attribute-set>" and "name" are keywords
* that should not be translated.
"Attribut 'name' absent de <xsl:attribute-set>."},
* Note to translators: An element in the stylesheet contained an
* element of a type that it was not permitted to contain.
"El\u00e9ment enfant incorrect."},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet tried to create an element with
* a name that was not a valid XML name. The substitution text contains
* the name.
"Vous ne pouvez pas appeler un \u00e9l\u00e9ment ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet tried to create an attribute
* with a name that was not a valid XML name. The substitution text
* contains the name.
"Vous ne pouvez pas appeler un attribut ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: The children of the outermost element of a
* stylesheet are referred to as top-level elements. No text should
* occur within that outermost element unless it is within a top-level
* element. This message indicates that that constraint was violated.
* "<xsl:stylesheet>" is a keyword that should not be translated.
"Donn\u00e9es textuelles \u00e0 l'ext\u00e9rieur de l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment de niveau sup\u00e9rieur <xsl:stylesheet>."},
* Note to translators: JAXP is an acronym for the Java API for XML
* Processing. This message indicates that the XML parser provided to
* XSLTC to process the XML input document had a configuration problem.
"L'analyseur JAXP n'est pas configur\u00e9 correctement"},
* Note to translators: The substitution text names the internal error
* encountered.
"Erreur interne \u00e0 XSLTC irr\u00e9m\u00e9diable : ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet contained an element that was
* not recognized as part of the XSL syntax. The substitution text
* gives the element name.
"El\u00e9ment XSL non pris en charge ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The stylesheet referred to an extension to the
* XSL syntax and indicated that it was defined by XSLTC, but XSTLC does
* not recognized the particular extension named. The substitution text
* gives the extension name.
"Extension XSLTC ''{0}'' non reconnue."},
* Note to translators: The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
* was not, in fact, a stylesheet. XSLTC is able to detect that in this
* case because the outermost element in the stylesheet has to be
* declared with respect to the XSL namespace URI, but no declaration
* for that namespace was seen.
"Le document de base n'est pas une feuille de style (l'espace de noms XSL n'est pas d\u00e9clar\u00e9 dans l'\u00e9l\u00e9ment root)."},
* Note to translators: XSLTC could not find the stylesheet document
* with the name specified by the substitution text.
"La feuille de style cible ''{0}'' est introuvable."},
* Note to translators: This message represents an internal error in
* condition in XSLTC. The substitution text is the class name in XSLTC
* that is missing some functionality.
"Non impl\u00e9ment\u00e9 : ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The XML document given to XSLTC as a stylesheet
* was not, in fact, a stylesheet.
"Le document de base ne contient pas de feuille de style XSL."},
* Note to translators: The element named in the substitution text was
* encountered in the stylesheet but is not recognized.
"Impossible d''analyser l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: "use", "<key>", "node", "node-set", "string"
* and "number" are keywords in this context and should not be
* translated. This message indicates that the value of the "use"
* attribute was not one of the permitted values.
"L'attribut use de <key> doit avoir la valeur node, node-set, string ou number."},
* Note to translators: An XML document can specify the version of the
* XML specification to which it adheres. This message indicates that
* the version specified for the output document was not valid.
"La version du document XML de sortie doit \u00eatre 1.0"},
* Note to translators: The operator in a comparison operation was
* not recognized.
"Op\u00e9rateur inconnu dans une expression relationnelle."},
* Note to translators: An attribute set defines as a set of XML
* attributes that can be added to an element in the output XML document
* as a group. This message is reported if the name specified was not
* used to declare an attribute set. The substitution text is the name
* that is in error.
"Tentative d''utilisation d''un jeu d''attributs ''{0}'' inexistant."},
* Note to translators: The term "attribute value template" is a term
* defined by XSLT which describes the value of an attribute that is
* determined by an XPath expression. The message indicates that the
* expression was syntactically incorrect; the substitution text
* contains the expression that was in error.
"Impossible d''analyser le mod\u00e8le de valeur d''attribut ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: ???
"Type de donn\u00e9es inconnu dans la signature pour la classe ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text refers to data types.
* The message is displayed if a value in a particular context needs to
* be converted to type {1}, but that's not possible for a value of
* type {0}.
"Impossible de convertir le type de donn\u00e9es ''{0}'' en ''{1}''."},
* Note to translators: "Templates" is a Java class name that should
* not be translated.
"Cette classe Templates ne contient pas de d\u00e9finition de classe translet valide."},
* Note to translators: "Templates" is a Java class name that should
* not be translated.
"Cette classe Templates ne contient pas de classe portant le nom ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a class.
"Impossible de charger la classe translet ''{0}''."},
"La classe translet est charg\u00e9e, mais il est impossible de cr\u00e9er une instance translet."},
* Note to translators: "ErrorListener" is a Java interface name that
* should not be translated. The message indicates that the user tried
* to set an ErrorListener object on object of the class named in the
* substitution text with "null" Java value.
"Tentative de d\u00e9finition de l''\u00e9l\u00e9ment ErrorListener pour ''{0}'' \u00e0 une valeur null"},
* Note to translators: StreamSource, SAXSource and DOMSource are Java
* interface names that should not be translated.
"Seuls StreamSource, SAXSource et DOMSource sont pris en charge par XSLTC"},
* Note to translators: "Source" is a Java class name that should not
* be translated. The substitution text is the name of Java method.
"L''objet source transmis \u00e0 ''{0}'' est vide."},
* Note to translators: The message indicates that XSLTC failed to
* compile the stylesheet into a translet (class file).
"Impossible de compiler la feuille de style"},
* Note to translators: "TransformerFactory" is a class name. In this
* context, an attribute is a property or setting of the
* TransformerFactory object. The substitution text is the name of the
* unrecognised attribute. The method used to retrieve the attribute is
* "getAttribute", so it's not clear whether it would be best to
* translate the term "attribute".
"TransformerFactory ne reconna\u00eet pas l''attribut ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: "setResult()" and "startDocument()" are Java
* method names that should not be translated.
"setResult() doit \u00eatre appel\u00e9 avant startDocument()."},
* Note to translators: "Transformer" is a Java interface name that
* should not be translated. A Transformer object should contained a
* reference to a translet object in order to be used for
* transformations; this message is produced if that requirement is not
* met.
"Transformer ne comporte pas d'objet translet encapsul\u00e9."},
* Note to translators: The XML document that results from a
* transformation needs to be sent to an output handler object; this
* message is produced if that requirement is not met.
"Aucun gestionnaire de sortie n'a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9fini pour le r\u00e9sultat de la transformation."},
* Note to translators: "Result" is a Java interface name in this
* context. The substitution text is a method name.
"L''objet Result object transmis \u00e0 ''{0}'' n''est pas valide."},
* Note to translators: "Transformer" is a Java interface name. The
* user's program attempted to access an unrecognized property with the
* name specified in the substitution text. The method used to retrieve
* the property is "getOutputProperty", so it's not clear whether it
* would be best to translate the term "property".
"Tentative d''acc\u00e8s \u00e0 une propri\u00e9t\u00e9 Transformer non valide ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: SAX2DOM is the name of a Java class that should
* not be translated. This is an adapter in the sense that it takes a
* DOM object and converts it to something that uses the SAX API.
"Impossible de cr\u00e9er l''adaptateur SAX2DOM : ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: "" is a Java method name.
* "systemId" is an XML term that is short for "system identification".
"Appel de la part de sans d\u00e9finition d'identification du syst\u00e8me."},
"Le r\u00e9sultat doit \u00eatre vide"},
* Note to translators: This message indicates that the value argument
* of setParameter must be a valid Java Object.
"La valeur du param\u00e8tre {0} doit \u00eatre un objet Java valide"},
"L'option -i doit \u00eatre utilis\u00e9e avec l'option -o."},
* Note to translators: This message contains usage information for a
* means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line. The message is
* formatted for presentation in English. The strings <output>,
* <directory>, etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can
* be translated - the argument <package> refers to a Java package, so
* it should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK
* documentation.
"SYNOPSIS\n java org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Compile [-o <sortie>]\n [-d <r\u00e9pertoire>] [-j <fichierjar>] [-p <package>]\n [-n] [-x] [-u] [-v] [-h] { <feuille_de_style> | -i }\n\nOPTIONS\n -o <sortie> attribue le nom <sortie> au translet\n g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9. Par d\u00e9faut, le nom du translet est\n d\u00e9riv\u00e9 du nom <feuille_de_style>. Cette option\n est ignor\u00e9e si plusieurs feuilles de style sont compil\u00e9es.\n -d <r\u00e9pertoire> sp\u00e9cifie un r\u00e9pertoire de destination pour translet\n -j <fichier_jar> rassemble les classes translet dans le fichier \n <fichier_jar>\n -p <module> sp\u00e9cifie un pr\u00e9fixe de nom de module pour toutes les classes\n translet g\u00e9n\u00e9r\u00e9es.\n -n active la mise en ligne de mod\u00e8le (comportement par d\u00e9faut - pr\u00e9f\u00e9rable \n on en moyenne).\n -x active le d\u00e9bogage suppl\u00e9mentaire de sortie de message\n -u interpr\u00e8te les arguments <feuille_de_style> comme des adresses URL\n -i force le compilateur \u00e0 lire la feuille de style dans stdin\n -v imprime la version du compilateur\n -h imprime cette instruction de syntaxe\n"},
* Note to translators: This message contains usage information for a
* means of invoking XSLTC from the command-line. The message is
* formatted for presentation in English. The strings <jarfile>,
* <document>, etc. indicate user-specified argument values, and can
* be translated - the argument <class> refers to a Java class, so it
* should be handled in the same way the term is handled for JDK
* documentation.
"SYNOPSIS \n java org.apache.xalan.xsltc.cmdline.Transform [-j <fichierjar>]\n [-x] [-n <it\u00e9rations>] {-u <url_document> | <document>}\n <classe> [<param1>=<valeur1> ...]\n\n utilise la <classe> translet pour transformer un document XML \n d\u00e9fini comme <document>. La <classe> translet se trouve dans la\n fonction CLASSPATH de l'utilisateur ou dans le <fichier_jar> indiqu\u00e9 en option.\nOPTIONS\n -j <fichierjar> sp\u00e9cifie un fichier jar \u00e0 partir duquel charger le translet\n -x active le d\u00e9bogage suppl\u00e9mentaire de sortie de message\n -n <it\u00e9rations> ex\u00e9cute la transformation <it\u00e9rations> fois et\n affiche des informations de profil\n -u <url_document> d\u00e9finit le document d'entr\u00e9e XML comme une URL\n"},
* Note to translators: "<xsl:sort>", "<xsl:for-each>" and
* "<xsl:apply-templates>" are keywords that should not be translated.
* The message indicates that an xsl:sort element must be a child of
* one of the other kinds of elements mentioned.
"<xsl:sort> peut \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 uniquement dans <xsl:for-each> ou <xsl:apply-templates>."},
* Note to translators: The message indicates that the encoding
* requested for the output document was on that requires support that
* is not available from the Java Virtual Machine being used to execute
* the program.
"Le codage de sortie ''{0}'' n''est pas pris en charge dans cette JVM."},
* Note to translators: The message indicates that the XPath expression
* named in the substitution text was not well formed syntactically.
"Erreur de syntaxe dans ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a Java
* class. The term "constructor" here is the Java term. The message is
* displayed if XSLTC could not find a constructor for the specified
* class.
"Impossible de trouver le constructeur externe ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: "static" is the Java keyword. The substitution
* text is the name of a function. The first argument of that function
* is not of the required type.
"Le premier argument de la fonction Java non static ''{0}'' n''est pas une r\u00e9f\u00e9rence d''objet valide."},
* Note to translators: An XPath expression was not of the type
* required in a particular context. The substitution text is the
* expression that was in error.
"Erreur lors de la v\u00e9rification du type de l''expression ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: An XPath expression was not of the type
* required in a particular context. However, the location of the
* problematic expression is unknown.
"Erreur de contr\u00f4le du type d'une expression se trouvant dans un emplacement inconnu."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a command-
* line option that was not recognized.
"L''option de ligne de commande ''{0}'' n''est pas valide."},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a command-
* line option.
"Un argument obligatoire est absent de l''option de ligne de commande ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity
* of another message. The substitution text contains two error
* messages. The spacing before the second substitution text indents
* it the same amount as the first in English.
"AVERTISSEMENT : ''{0}''\n :{1}"},
* Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity
* of another message. The substitution text is an error message.
"AVERTISSEMENT : ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity
* of another message. The substitution text contains two error
* messages. The spacing before the second substitution text indents
* it the same amount as the first in English.
"ERREUR BLOQUANTE : ''{0}''\n :{1}"},
* Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity
* of another message. The substitution text is an error message.
"ERREUR BLOQUANTE : ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity
* of another message. The substitution text contains two error
* messages. The spacing before the second substitution text indents
* it the same amount as the first in English.
"ERREUR : ''{0}''\n :{1}"},
* Note to translators: This message is used to indicate the severity
* of another message. The substitution text is an error message.
"ERREUR : ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: The substitution text is the name of a class.
"Transformation \u00e0 l''aide du translet ''{0}'' "},
* Note to translators: The first substitution is the name of a class,
* while the second substitution is the name of a jar file.
"Transformation \u00e0 l''aide du translet ''{0}'' \u00e0 partir du fichier jar ''{1}''"},
* Note to translators: "TransformerFactory" is the name of a Java
* interface and must not be translated. The substitution text is
* the name of the class that could not be instantiated.
"Impossible de cr\u00e9er une instance de la classe TransformerFactory ''{0}''."},
* Note to translators: This message is produced when the user
* specified a name for the translet class that contains characters
* that are not permitted in a Java class name. The substitution
* text "{0}" specifies the name the user requested, while "{1}"
* specifies the name the processor used instead.
"Le nom ''{0}'' ne peut pas \u00eatre utilis\u00e9 pour la classe translet du fait qu''elle contient des caract\u00e8res qui ne sont pas admis dans le nom d''une classe Java. Le nom ''{1}'' a \u00e9t\u00e9 utilis\u00e9 \u00e0 la place."},
* Note to translators: The following message is used as a header.
* All the error messages are collected together and displayed beneath
* this message.
"Erreurs de compilation :"},
* Note to translators: The following message is used as a header.
* All the warning messages are collected together and displayed
* beneath this message.
"Avertissements de compilation :"},
* Note to translators: The following message is used as a header.
* All the error messages that are produced when the stylesheet is
* applied to an input document are collected together and displayed
* beneath this message. A 'translet' is the compiled form of a
* stylesheet (see above).
"Erreurs de translet :"},
* Note to translators: An attribute whose value is constrained to
* be a "QName" or a list of "QNames" had a value that was incorrect.
* 'QName' is an XML syntactic term that must not be translated. The
* substitution text contains the actual value of the attribute.
"Un attribut dont la valeur doit \u00eatre un QName ou une liste de QName d\u00e9limit\u00e9e par des espaces poss\u00e8de la valeur ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: An attribute whose value is required to
* be an "NCName".
* 'NCName' is an XML syntactic term that must not be translated. The
* substitution text contains the actual value of the attribute.
"Un attribut dont la valeur doit \u00eatre un NCName poss\u00e8de la valeur ''{0}''"},
* Note to translators: An attribute with an incorrect value was
* encountered. The permitted value is one of the literal values
* "xml", "html" or "text"; it is also permitted to have the form of
* a QName that is not also an NCName. The terms "method",
* "xsl:output", "xml", "html" and "text" are keywords that must not
* be translated. The term "qname-but-not-ncname" is an XML syntactic
* term. The substitution text contains the actual value of the
* attribute.
"L''attribut method d''un \u00e9l\u00e9ment <xsl:output> poss\u00e8de la valeur ''{0}''. La valeur doit \u00eatre ''xml'', ''html'', ''text'' ou qname-but-not-ncname"},
"Le nom de la fonction ne peut pas avoir une valeur null dans TransformerFactory.getFeature (nom cha\u00eene)."},
"Le nom de la fonction ne peut pas avoir la valeur null dans TransformerFactory.setFeature (nom cha\u00eene, valeur bool\u00e9nne)."},
"Impossible de d\u00e9finir la fonction ''{0}'' sur cet \u00e9l\u00e9ment TransformerFactory."}