blob: 16955d1fe86e9666fad6ac4b8b47ddc727b5997e [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#if !defined(DOUBLESUPPORT_HEADER_GUARD_1357924680)
// Base include file. Must be first.
#include <xalanc/PlatformSupport/PlatformSupportDefinitions.hpp>
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <float.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <functional>
#if defined(SOLARIS)
#include <math.h>
#include <xalanc/XalanDOM/XalanDOMString.hpp>
using xercesc::MemoryManager;
// A class to help us support IEEE 754.
* Perform static initialization. See class PlatformSupportInit.
static void
* Perform static shut down. See class PlatformSupportInit.
static void
// Use these functions to determine if a value represents one of these
// special values. On some platforms, regular C/C++ operators don't work
// as we need them too, so we have these helper functions.
* Determine if target is not a number
* @param theNumber target number
* @return true if target represents the "not a number" value
static bool
isNaN(double theNumber)
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
return _isnan(theNumber) != 0;
#elif defined(XALAN_POSIX2_AVAILABLE) && !defined(CYGWIN) && !defined(MINGW)
#if defined(SOLARIS)
return isnan(theNumber) != 0;
return std::isnan(theNumber) != 0;
return s_NaN == theNumber;
* Determine if target is positive infinity
* @param theNumber target number
* @return true if target represents the value for positive infinity
static bool
isPositiveInfinity(double theNumber)
return s_positiveInfinity == theNumber;
* Determine if target is negative infinity
* @param theNumber target number
* @return true if target represents the value for negative infinity
static bool
isNegativeInfinity(double theNumber)
return s_negativeInfinity == theNumber;
* Determine if target is positive 0.
* @param theNumber target number
* @return true if target represents the value for positive 0.
static bool
isPositiveZero(double theNumber)
return s_positiveZero == theNumber;
* Determine if target is negative 0
* @param theNumber target number
* @return true if target represents the value for negative 0
static bool
isNegativeZero(double theNumber)
return s_negativeZero == theNumber;
// These can be used to initialize values, but should not
// be used to do equality comparisons, as == may fail on
// some platforms.
* Double value that represents "not a number"
* @return "not a number" value
static double
return s_NaN.d;
* Double value that represents positive infinity
* @return positive infinity value
static double
return s_positiveInfinity.d;
* Double value that represents negative infinity
* @return negative infinity value
static double
return s_negativeInfinity.d;
* Compare two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to compare
* @param theRHS a number to compare
* @return the result of the compare
static bool
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Compare two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to compare
* @param theRHS a number to compare
* @return the result of the compare
static bool
double theLHS,
double theRHS)
return !equal(theLHS, theRHS);
* Compare two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to compare
* @param theRHS a number to compare
* @return the result of the compare
static bool
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Compare two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to compare
* @param theRHS a number to compare
* @return the result of the compare
static bool
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Compare two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to compare
* @param theRHS a number to compare
* @return the result of the compare
static bool
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Compare two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to compare
* @param theRHS a number to compare
* @return the result of the compare
static bool
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Add two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to add
* @param theRHS a number to add
* @return the result of the addition
static double
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Subtract two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to subtract
* @param theRHS a number to subtract
* @return the result of the subtraction
static double
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Multiply two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to multiply
* @param theRHS a number to multiply
* @return the result of the multiplication
static double
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Divide two double values, taking into account
* the fact that we must support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to divide
* @param theRHS a number to divide
* @return the result of the division
static double
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Determine the modulus two double values,
* taking into account the fact that we must
* support IEEE 754
* @param theLHS a number to divide
* @param theRHS a number to divide
* @return the result of the modulus
static double
double theLHS,
double theRHS);
* Determine the negative of a double value,
* taking into account the fact that we must
* support IEEE 754
* @param theDouble a number to negate
* @return the result of the negation
static double
negative(double theDouble);
* Return the absolute value of theDouble. If theDouble is NaN,
* NaN is returned
* @param theDouble a number to fabs
* @return the result of the fabs
static double
abs(double theDouble);
// Some functors to do the same thing. This is for
// STL integration...
struct equalFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return equal(theLHS, theRHS);
struct notEqualFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return notEqual(theLHS, theRHS);
struct lessThanFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return lessThan(theLHS, theRHS);
struct lessThanOrEqualFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return lessThanOrEqual(theLHS, theRHS);
struct greaterThanFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return greaterThan(theLHS, theRHS);
struct greaterThanOrEqualFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return greaterThanOrEqual(theLHS, theRHS);
struct addFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return add(theLHS, theRHS);
struct subtractFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return subtract(theLHS, theRHS);
struct multiplyFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return multiply(theLHS, theRHS);
struct divideFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return divide(theLHS, theRHS);
struct modulusFunction
const double& theLHS,
const double& theRHS) const
return modulus(theLHS, theRHS);
struct negativeFunction
operator()(const double& theDouble) const
return negative(theDouble);
* Determine whether or not a string contains
* a valid floating point number.
* @param theString The string to check.
* @return true if the string is valid, false if not.
static bool
isValid(const XalanDOMString& theString);
* Determine whether or not a string contains
* a valid floating point number.
* @param theString The string to check.
* @return true if the string is valid, false if not.
static bool
isValid(const XalanDOMChar* theString);
* Convert a string to a double value. Returns
* NaN if the string is not a valid floating
* point number.
* @param theString The string to convert.
* @param theManager The MemoryManager instance to use.
* @return The result of the conversion
static double
const XalanDOMString& theString,
MemoryManager& theManager);
* Convert a string to a double value. Returns
* NaN if the string is not a valid floating
* point number.
* @param theString The string to convert.
* @param theManager The MemoryManager instance to use.
* @return The result of the conversion
static double
const XalanDOMChar* theString,
MemoryManager& theManager);
* Round a number according to the XPath
* rules.
* @param theValue The value to round.
* @return The result of the rounding
static double
round(double theValue);
* Returns the ceiling of a number according to the XPath
* rules.
* @param theValue The value to round.
* @return The result of the rounding
static double
ceiling(double theValue)
return std::ceil(theValue);
* Returns the floor of a number according to the XPath
* rules.
* @param theValue The value to round.
* @return The result of the rounding
static double
floor(double theValue)
return std::floor(theValue);
union NumberUnion
double d;
unsigned int dw1;
unsigned int dw2;
} dwords;
operator==(double theNumber) const
const NumberUnion temp = { theNumber };
return dwords.dw1 == temp.dwords.dw1 &&
dwords.dw2 == temp.dwords.dw2;
static const NumberUnion s_NaN;
static const NumberUnion s_positiveInfinity;
static const NumberUnion s_negativeInfinity;
static const NumberUnion s_positiveZero;
static const NumberUnion s_negativeZero;