Title: Buy Stuff

license: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0


The Apache Software Foundation licenses its trademarks and logos to a variety of entities that sell Apache-branded merchandise and contribute some or all of the profits to the Foundation. Those wishing to license the ASF and/or Apache Project logos for merchandising (swag, apparel, pins, stickers, etc.) may contact ASF Brand Management for further details.



The ASF has an official store at RedBubble that Apache Community Development (ComDev) runs. An array of products featuring dozens of Apache Project logos are available. To add your favorite Apache Project to this collection, submit a request to Mark Thomas (ASF VP Brand Management) by emailing dev@community.apache.org.

Those interested in items from the ASF‘s earlier days and who want to contribute a portion of each sale’s proceeds may find what they're looking for at: