Title: Apache Trademark Listing license: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 asf_headings: False

This document provides a listing of trademarks of The Apache Software Foundation (ASF). You can also read our formal trademark policy denoting proper use of Apache trademarks. Please see a site map of Trademark resources or contact us with questions.

The Apache Software Foundation considers the names of all top level projects, all downloadable software products, our feather logo, and the logos of our projects to be trademarks of the ASF. The ASF owns all Apache trademarks on behalf of our volunteer project communities.

In addition, the ASF holds a number of registered trademarks in the US, EU, India, China, and in other countries, including APACHE®, HADOOP®, OPENOFFICE®, FLEX®, LUCENE® and other project names.


Other Trademarks - Incubator Podlings

The Apache Incubator hosts a number of Podlings, or potential future projects and software products of the ASF. While podlings are in incubation, the ASF treats their project and product names as trademarks, however we do not enforce exclusive use during the incubation process, because it is inherently a process of transferring development from a donor organization to the ASF.

Before a podling can graduate to a formal top level Apache project, the ASF must be able to claim all trademark rights associated with the project and software product. The process of incubation ensures that both the public perception of the source of goods, as well as the independent community governance of the project are firmly established before we make it a formal Apache project.

Potential donors with questions should contact us to clarify details and see if/when a legal trademark assignment agreement is required.

Other Trademarks - Other ASF Projects

The ASF has several projects devoted to the process of software development.

Apache Apache is our registered trademark and service mark for community developed open source software products.

Apache Attic, Attic Apache Attic is our trademark for archived, previously community developed open source software products.

Apache Incubator, Incubator Apache Incubator is our trademark for the process of building community developed open source software products following The Apache Way.

Apache Labs, Labs Apache Labs is our trademark for community developed open source software projects run by Members of the ASF.

Other Trademarks - The Apache Feather

The below names related to the ASF as a whole are trademarks and/or service marks.

Graphical Trademarks of Software Products

The graphical logos of ASF projects and products are our trademarks as well. These are displayed on the homepage or within our software products themselves.

Important Note

Nothing in this ASF policy statement shall be interpreted to allow any third party to claim any association with the Apache Software Foundation or any of its projects or to imply any approval or support by ASF for any third party products or services.