Oops a couple of typos
2 files changed
tree: 6a5c14dca5e2ea40dd1dda783d957651a77d18ac
  1. content/
  2. data/
  3. theme/
  4. tools/
  5. .asf.yaml
  6. asfdata.yaml
  7. MARKDOWN.md
  8. pelicanconf.py
  9. PROCESS.md
  10. README.md

Apache Foundation Website (www.apache.org)

This repository provides the source for the main website of The Apache Software Foundation.

  • Content -- See creator notes and process notes.

    • .md pages in GitHub Flavored Markdown which can include HTML.
    • .ezmd pages in a combination fo ezt and GitHub Flavored Markdown.
    • .html files are treated as static files.
    • static assets of all types.
    • .htaccess files for redirection and rewrite rules.
  • Issues

  • Branches

  • Pull Requests

The website is built with Pelican. CI/CD is via a .asf.yaml file.

The svn history was not migrated and remains available.

Foundation Records including Board Minutes remain in svn except for the index page.