Title: ASF CLA FAQ license: https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0

This page answers most of the common queries that we receive about our contribution agreements.

  1. May I re-use (and modify) the ASF Contributor License Agreements (CLAs) for my own purposes?

  2. What is the scope of patent grants made to the ASF?

  3. Are contributor's employers required to sign a CCLA?

  4. I don't have a printer. How do I “print, sign, scan, and email” the license document?

If none of the above addresses your query, please check the resources at the bottom of this page for general information.


May I re-use (and modify) the ASF Contributor License Agreements (CLAs) for my own purposes?

Yes, you are allowed to re-use and modify them. You just can't hold the ASF legally responsible if these documents are not exactly what you intend them to be. We recommend that you obtain your own legal advice so you know exactly what you are getting yourself into.

And if you adapt these agreements for your purposes, you have to make sure that the phrase ‘Apache Software Foundation’ or any confusingly similar references or parts that specifically refer to the Apache organisation do not appear in your version of the agreements (except to note that your version is derived and differs from the original provided by the ASF).

What is the scope of patent grants made to the ASF?

This is a four part question:

Are contributors' employers required to sign a CCLA?

Only if their employment situation necessitates that a CCLA be signed. See section 4 of the ICLA for details.

Committers must sign an ICLA. They make an individual claim that the code that they contribute is theirs to license. Reviewing their ICLA against their employer's ownership interests, applicable state and national law, and specific aspects of their employment contract and business policies will reveal that they can or cannot make that claim regarding any particular commit to whichever particular project they are committing in.

The CCLA is a backup document that the committer/ICLA signer may use to eliminate all of the ambiguity between all these conflicting laws, contracts, policies and job assignments. We've never required it, many committers are confident of their individual representations under the ICLA, many other committers find it reassuring that their company has backed up their own ICLA with this umbrella document.

It is the ICLA signatory‘s call if it is required, but it isn’t exactly an easy call for many committers employed in the IT/Software industry.

Finally, see section 8 of the ICLA, which requires signers to notify the Foundation when their status changes in ways that may require this to be reassessed.

I don't have a printer. How do I “print, sign, scan, and email” the license document?

ICLA, CCLA, SGA, and Member license documents are PDF forms with entry form fields. There is also space for a signature which cannot be typed. Using a PDF editor will allow the submitter to fill and sign the forms without printing. The precise steps needed depend on the operating system of the submitter.

MacOSX users: use your browser to navigate to the .pdf form and download the form to a local file using the save-as function. Open the file using Preview, the standard PDF viewer/editor. Fill the form fields using the keyboard. For the signature, use the Tools-Annotate-Signature function to attach a signature. Save the filled form. Open the email client and create a message to secretary@apache.org, attach the filled form and send it to secretary. Keep the filled form for your records.

Apple iOS users: use your browser to navigate to the .pdf form and download the form using the Files feature. Open the form using Files, the standard file viewer. Fill the form fields using the keyboard. For the signature, use the Signature function to attach your signature. Save the filled form. Share the file to the email client and send the message with the attached form to secretary@apache.org. Keep the filled form for your records.

Android users need a third party tool to fill and attach a signature. First, install a PDF tool such as Adobe Acrobat. These instructions may differ somewhat if you are not using Adobe Acrobat. Use your web browser to navigate to the .pdf form and download the form to a local file. The file should automatically open in the PDF tool. Fill the form fields using the keyboard. For the signature, use the Edit function and choose Fill & Sign to attach a signature. Save the filled form. Share the file via Share a copy to the email client and send the message with the attached form to secretary@apache.org. Keep the filled form for your records.

Another Place to Look

If you have questions about The Apache Software Foundation, its projects, or its software, we recommend the following link for more information or assistance:

If you have a question specifically about the Apache license or distribution of Apache software, and it has not been answered by this page, please contact the Legal Affairs Committee.