blob: dc4dbf6045be2ea8971b45da882b7a4560068c17 [file] [log] [blame]
Apache AXIOM 1.2.10 Release Note
Axiom 1.2.10 is a maintenance release that contains the following improvements:
* Improved DOM compatibility and performance for DOOM. Users running Rampart on Axis2 1.5.2
may want to upgrade Axiom to 1.2.10 to take advantage of these improvements.
* Improved interoperability with various StAX implementation, in particular
support for Woodstox 4.0.
* It is now possible to specify a configuration when requesting an XMLStreamWriter
from StAXUtils, similarly to what is already possible for XMLStreamReader instances.
This feature is required to support the next Abdera release (see ABDERA-267).
- The Apache Axiom Team.