=========================== | |
Client Widget Signer Guide | |
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This is the client digital signature widget signing package developed as part of Apache Wookie . | |
See http://dev.w3.org/2006/waf/widgets-digsig/ | |
and https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WOOKIE-139 | |
for more info. (Thanks to Pushpalanka Jayawardhana) | |
Guide to the Swing based client application | |
=========================================== | |
Run "SignCoordinator" (as a standalone java app) or you can also run the top | |
level ant task 'build-signer' to generate an executable jar package. | |
A swing based application should appear. | |
What follows is a brief explanation of the fields in the application. | |
Author/Distributor | |
------------------ | |
Your role should be selected. Depending on your role, files will be selected for signing | |
according to the W3C widget digsig specification. An Author will sign all the content of the | |
widget except distributor signatures. A distributor will sign all the content of a widget | |
except other distributor signatures. | |
Keystore File | |
------------- | |
The recommended key length is 4096 bits. Only RSA keystores are accepted here according to W3C | |
widget digsig specification. You can use the given sample keystore file for testing purposes | |
which is generated using Java keytool. (Found in digsig-client/java/resources/wookie_test_store.jks) | |
Alternatively see below on how to generate a new one. | |
Keystore Password | |
----------------- | |
Password given for Keystore file. For the sample keystore file this is 'wookie'. | |
Private Key Alias | |
----------------- | |
The key alias given in key generation. For the sample this is 'wookietest'. | |
Private Key Password | |
-------------------- | |
You can keep this blank to use the same password as of the keystore, which is the default setting. | |
If it differs you can enter it here. | |
Certificate Alias | |
----------------- | |
The alias for the X509 certificate. You can keep this blank to use the same alias as of the private | |
key, which is the default setting. | |
Path to Widget | |
-------------- | |
Point to the folder which carries widget content. Once you select the path, the content to be signed | |
will be shown in the below text area. According to your role files will be selected and any hidden | |
files(name starting with '.') will be skipped. Before signing you can check whether the signing content | |
is correct. Any modifications needed should be done in the widget folder and reselect the folder in GUI. | |
Widget Name | |
----------- | |
Any preferred name for the widget. | |
Once you press 'Sign' the signer will generate a signature file for the selected content, using the given | |
key details. The generated signature file will be stored in the same folder. Also the signed content and the | |
signature will be packed into 'widget_name.wgt' and stored in the same folder, that you can directly send | |
to deployment. | |
How to generate a new keystore file | |
=================================== | |
Replace <your *something*> with your own values below | |
C:\temp>keytool -genkeypair -alias <your alias> -storepass <your password> -validity 365 -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -keystore <filename>.jks | |
What is your first and last name? | |
[Unknown]: <enter your name> | |
What is the name of your organizational unit? | |
[Unknown]: <enter your ou> | |
What is the name of your organization? | |
[Unknown]: <enter your org> | |
What is the name of your City or Locality? | |
[Unknown]: <enter your city> | |
What is the name of your State or Province? | |
[Unknown]: <enter your state> | |
What is the two-letter country code for this unit? | |
[Unknown]: <enter your county, i,e GB> | |
Is CN=Fred Bloggs, OU=myDept, O=Acme99 Inc, L=someTown, ST=someState, C=gb correct? | |
[no]: yes | |
Enter key password for <your alias> | |
(RETURN if same as keystore password): | |
C:\temp> |