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<div class="section"><h3>Apache Wink 1.1.3 Release Notes<a name="Apache_Wink_1.1.3_Release_Notes"></a></h3></div><div class="section"><h4>Overview<a name="Overview"></a></h4></div><p>This is the fifth official release of Apache Wink project. Apache Wink is a framework that helps you to produce and consume RESTful Web Services. Apache Wink is TCK compliant implementation of the JAX-RS v1.1 specification. The project also introduces Java API for writing clients that consume HTTP-based RESTful Web Services.</p><div class="section"><h4>Complete list of issues fixed in 1.1.3<a name="Complete_list_of_issues_fixed_in_1.1.3"></a></h4></div><div class="section"><h5>Bug<a name="Bug"></a></h5></div><ul><li>WINK-286 - GET methods fail to serve requests without Content-Type if the class/interface has @Consumes</li><li>WINK-292 - Add proxy authentification support for the RestClient</li><li>WINK-307 - Fix obscure error message during Service Doc generation</li><li>WINK-311 - Resource Locator's @PathParam resolution is not correct.</li><li>WINK-312 - GenericsUtils.isAssignable() cannot handle primitive types</li><li>WINK-316 - AdminServlet doesn't process QueryParams properly</li><li>WINK-317 - HttpHeadersImpl.getCookies() only ever returns the first cookie in the Cookie header</li><li>WINK-320 - The JSON4J tests are failing due to not being able to find test resources</li><li>WINK-332 - JAXBXmlProvider blocks JAXB implementation from successfully parsing XML when no concrete type can be found.</li><li>WINK-339 - org.apache.wink.test.mock.MockHttpServletRequestWrapper doesn't handle getContentType() and parameter related methods</li></ul><div class="section"><h5>Improvement<a name="Improvement"></a></h5></div><ul><li>WINK-287 - Support web beans / (J)CDI / JSR-299</li><li>WINK-294 - Some plugins missing versions</li><li>WINK-295 - Upgrade to SLF4J 1.6.0</li><li>WINK-296 - DEBUG -&gt; TRACE logging reform</li><li>WINK-297 - serviceability improvement; externalize strings, confirm formatting</li><li>WINK-299 - Make Jackson the default JSON provider for Wink</li><li>WINK-304 - serviceability improvement, output information upon application registration, errors</li><li>WINK-305 - allow configuration file for SSL</li><li>WINK-310 - Annotations inherited by a resource class should determine parameter type from the subclass, not the superclass</li><li>WINK-315 - Improve the tolerance of malformed media types</li><li>WINK-319 - Simplify addition of Request/Response handlers</li><li>WINK-325 - Allow AtomCommonAttributes#otherAttributes and AtomCommonAttributesSimpleContent#otherAttributes to be lazy initialized.</li></ul><div class="section"><h5>New Feature<a name="New_Feature"></a></h5></div><ul><li>WINK-313 - WADL support</li><li>WINK-318 - Wink JSON model</li><li>WINK-321 - Support @XmlJavaTypeAdapter and @XmlElement on method params</li><li>WINK-322 - Add JSR250 life cycle management support</li><li>WINK-326 - AsyncHttpClient module</li><li>WINK-336 - Add a wink provider for Google Protocol Buffer</li><li>WINK-337 - Add a wink provider for Apache Thrift</li></ul><div class="section"><h5>Test<a name="Test"></a></h5></div><ul><li>WINK-298 - enhance DTD expansion tests</li></ul>
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