blob: e2e9327fbda7bdd1534b63a8d5ed888a014b8753 [file] [log] [blame]
h2. Apache Wink 1.1.1 Release Notes
h3. Overview
This is the fourth official release of Apache Wink project.
Apache Wink is a framework that helps you to produce and consume RESTful Web Services.
Apache Wink is TCK compliant implementation of the JAX-RS v1.0 specification.
The project also introduces Java API for writing clients that consume HTTP-based RESTful Web Services.
h3. Complete list of issues fixed in 1.1.1
h4. Bug
* WINK-281 - ResourceImpl log doesn't generate the message properly
* WINK-289 - URISyntaxException when using "[" brackets in query string
* WINK-290 - DeploymentConfiguration is not propertly initialized when the servlet doesn't create the RequestProcessor
* WINK-291 - DTD expansion should be disabled
* WINK-293 - Merge trunk into 1.1 branch
h4. Improvement
* WINK-288 - Change the pom.xml to not include slf4j-jdk during compile
h4. New Feature
* WINK-152 - Automatic content encoding