blob: 6ec5e92c56a80e93f1ab82f4ae8afbbd96b34e9f [file] [log] [blame]
h2. Apache Wink 0.1 Release Notes
h3. Overview
This is the first official release of Apache Wink project.
Apache Wink is a framework that helps you to produce and consume RESTful Web Services.
Apache Wink is TCK compliant implementation of the JAX-RS v1.0 specification.
The project also introduces Java API for writing clients that consume HTTP-based RESTful Web Services.
h3. Complete list of issues fixed in 0.1
h4. Bug
* WINK-5 - WebDAV QADefect pom.xml bug with QADefect war type dependency
* WINK-7 - Need to apply ASL 2.0 header on all applicable files
* WINK-10 - unnecessary constructor validation on subresource
* WINK-11 - improve error message when no resource can be found
* WINK-13 - Wink should not validate Location header for 201
* WINK-14 - Change the properties names to start with "wink" instead of "symphony"
* WINK-15 - Cookie failures
* WINK-17 - OPTIONS are not handled correctly for Sub-resource methods
* WINK-18 - CaseInsensitiveMultivaluedMap returns incorrect values, when using keySet() api
* WINK-19 - variants of the ResponseBuilderImpl set CONTENT_ENCODING headers istead of ACCEPT_ENCODING
* WINK-20 - URIBuilder throws exception on mailto urls
* WINK-21 - need to remove "com.hp" hard-coded references
* WINK-24 - During the creation of the MethodMetadata, the search for annotation ignores interfaces
* WINK-26 - Update bean names in the Spring context
* WINK-27 - The reference to "Symphony" in all files should be replaced with "Wink"
* WINK-30 - User providers should always be chosen before built-in providers
* WINK-31 - MessageBodyReader.readFrom throws IOException is turned into WebApplicationException but might just need to propagate out?
* WINK-32 - Should attempt to use Data Activation Framework according to spec
* WINK-33 - FlushHeadersOutputStream should override OutputStream.flush() as well
* WINK-35 - Entity lost when using application/x-www-form-urlencoded media type and FormParam
* WINK-36 - WebApplicationException thrown in annotated parameter constructor not processed correctly
* WINK-38 - @Encoded parameter ignored on method
* WINK-42 - Rename init-params, classes and files to eliminate "symphony"
* WINK-47 - honor media type wildcards
* WINK-49 - Annotations is null when searchResult is empty (i.e. when on error path)
* WINK-53 - MessageBodyReader.isReadable methods should do straight ==
* WINK-55 - Source entity parameters should also be supported according to spec
* WINK-70 - History sample is failing
* WINK-71 - getContextResolver search algorithm does not expand for text/*
* WINK-72 - consistent behavior for mis-quoted etag header values
* WINK-73 - Cannot run QADefect example on Geronimo-tomcat6
* WINK-74 - examples\client\GoogleDocs-client doesn't run: Main-Class specified is wrong
* WINK-76 - X-Method-Override and X-Http-Method-Override behavior
* WINK-80 - change package name to org.apache.wink.*
* WINK-81 - regression in search for ContextProvider
* WINK-82 - getContextResolver sort algorithm is incorrect
* WINK-83 - Singletons should be injected
* WINK-85 - Incoming Content-Type null should be application/octet-stream
* WINK-87 - Need to fix integration tests for Tomcat
* WINK-94 - normalize UriInfo paths
* WINK-95 - HttpMethod annotation behaivor
* WINK-96 - proposal: enhance search for matched resources by decoding URI
* WINK-98 - DefaultValue also applies to methods
* WINK-101 - Shouldn't stop application processing if the processing of a resource/provider throws an exception
* WINK-102 - Changes to FlushResultHandler
* WINK-103 - Method invoked but no HttpMethod
* WINK-104 - handle q=0 on Accept http header
* WINK-105 - tests not getting picked up due to class name
* WINK-106 - return path check for q=0 Accept header
* WINK-111 - Write JAXB output using OutputStream instead of Writer for Atom model
* WINK-116 - The OpenSearch description in the QADefect example has an additional "defects" in it's path
* WINK-119 - Root Resources at "/" with Subresource Locators/Methods does not work
* WINK-123 - Error reading an Atom feed
* WINK-124 - Don't use empty string for override header check
* WINK-126 - Missing or incorrect SVN properties in
* WINK-127 - Test failure with Wink 0.1 tag
* WINK-130 - Add LICENSE and NOTICE to root dir
* WINK-131 - remove JAXB source jars from source distribution
* WINK-132 - include licenses for all distributed dependencies
* WINK-133 - Wink 01. release - incorrect public kyes file (KEYS) location
* WINK-134 - DynamicResource methods should match @Path annotation
* WINK-136 - Add 3-rd parties licenses to LICENSE file
* WINK-138 - 0.1 Release Issues
h4. Improvement
* WINK-6 - Use SLF4J instead of JCL for logging facade
* WINK-12 - Update name in pom.xml files to be more readable and show hierarchy
* WINK-28 - Use published org.json dependencies instead of duplicating sources
* WINK-37 - detection of null params to avoid NPE
* WINK-39 - Wink client - add support for Apache Http Client
* WINK-41 - ASF Legal headers validation during Wink build process
* WINK-43 - Configure maven-license-plugin to run only during WInk release
* WINK-50 - Add standalone jetty for running test packages individually
* WINK-52 - Do not report every WebApplicationException to the log as an error
* WINK-57 - Rename OFFactory to LifecycleManager
* WINK-58 - A few source files contain illegal UTF-8 characters that the compile warns about
* WINK-62 - Provide a suggested Eclipse code formatter
* WINK-63 - dos2unix all source files / source reformat before 0.1 release
* WINK-65 - Keep the default build test output quiet
* WINK-66 - Do not build source jars during default build
* WINK-75 - Change legal plugin to not be inherited
* WINK-77 - Drop unneeded bits from pom.xml files
* WINK-109 - Write JAXB output using OutputStream instead of Writer
* WINK-129 - Change file paths to be shorter
h4. Task
* WINK-25 - The Symphony_SDK_2.0_Features_List.pdf and its content need to refer to Wink instead of Symphony
* WINK-44 - Set up the automatic build environment
* WINK-45 - Update the Incubator main site to include the Wink project
* WINK-108 - Update version in poms to use "-incubating" suffix per incubator release rules
h4. Test
* WINK-16 - Drop basic framework integration tests framework
* WINK-23 - Change JAXBElement test for namespace attribute reordering
* WINK-51 - Drop JAXRS providers tests
* WINK-59 - Add JAX-RS Parameters Integration Tests
* WINK-90 - Integration tests for targetting
* WINK-91 - Integration tests for validation
h4. Wish
* WINK-64 - Update howToBuild.txt to include instructions for importing into Eclipse