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| Apache Wink : 3 Getting Started with Apache Wink |
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| This page last changed on Sep 23, 2009 by <font color="#0050B2">michael</font>. |
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| <h1><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-GettingStartedwithApacheWink"></a>Getting Started with Apache Wink</h1> |
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| <p>Apache Wink consists of a main library and an additional set of dependant libraries. The Apache Wink distribution also includes an "<b>examples</b>" folder that contains all of the "<b>example projects</b>" referred to in this developer guide.</p> |
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| <h3><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-Thissectioncontainsthefollowing%3A"></a>This section contains the following:</h3> |
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| <ul> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-ApacheWinkDistributionFiles">Apache Wink Distribution Files</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-CreatingaProjectusingtheApacheWink">Creating a Project using the Apache Wink</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-TestingtheProjectDeployment">Testing the Project Deployment</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-HelloWorldDetailedDescription">HelloWorld Detailed Description</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-HelloWorldJ2EEDeploymentDescriptorweb.xml">HelloWorld J2EE Deployment Descriptor - web.xml</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-HelloWorldSpringDeploymentDescriptorHelloWorldContextserver.xml">HelloWorld Spring Deployment Descriptor HelloWorldContext-server.xml</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-BookmarkExampleApplication">Bookmark Example Application</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-ApacheWinkGettingStartedSummary">Apache Wink Getting Started Summary</a></li> |
| </ul> |
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| <h1><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-GettingStartedwithApacheWinkOverview"></a>Getting Started with Apache Wink Overview</h1> |
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| <p>In order to gain an in-depth understanding of the Apache Wink SDK a series of example projects have been designed to help the developer clarify the underlying principles and usage of the Apache Wink.<br/> |
| The following sections provide a detailed step-by-step implementation and deployment of the HelloWorld example application using the Eclipse IDE as the default development environment.</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-ApacheWinkDistributionFiles"></a>Apache Wink Distribution Files</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-CreatingaProjectusingtheApacheWink"></a>Creating a Project using the Apache Wink</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-TestingtheProjectDeployment"></a>Testing the Project Deployment</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-HelloWorldDetailedDescription"></a>HelloWorld Detailed Description</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-HelloWorldJ2EEDeploymentDescriptorweb.xml"></a>HelloWorld J2EE Deployment Descriptor - web.xml</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h3><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-HelloWorldSpringDeploymentDescriptorHelloWorldContextserver.xml"></a>HelloWorld Spring Deployment Descriptor HelloWorldContext-server.xml</h3> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-BookmarkExampleApplication"></a>Bookmark Example Application</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <h2><a name="3GettingStartedwithApacheWink-ApacheWinkGettingStartedSummary"></a>Apache Wink Getting Started Summary</h2> |
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| <p>TBD</p> |
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| <td align="center"><font color="grey">Document generated by Confluence on Nov 11, 2009 06:57</font></td> |
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