The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.1.0!

This release marks another minor release of Wicket 7. We
use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):


Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
convenience binary package

 * Source:
 * Binary:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 7.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
you come from a version prior to 7.0.0, please read our Wicket 7
migration guide found at


Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

Comment: GPGTools -


Signature for apache-wicket-7.1.0.tar.gz:

Comment: GPGTools -



CHANGELOG for 7.1.0:

** Bug

    * [WICKET-5882] - AutoComplete suggestion list disappear when I click on autoComplete scrollbar in IE
    * [WICKET-5941] - Headers not rendered for components inside TransparentWebMarkupContainer on ajax update
    * [WICKET-5959] - HTML input placeholder text breaks AutoCompleteTextField in IE11
    * [WICKET-5960] - Page header isn't rendered for pages where URL has changed during render
    * [WICKET-5964] - Queuing a component within an enclosure
    * [WICKET-5965] - Queuing a component in head
    * [WICKET-5966] - ResourceUtils.getLocaleFromFilename can't handle minimized resources well
    * [WICKET-5967] - Unable to load i18n minified js
    * [WICKET-5968] - CachingResourceLocator lookup key doesn't take strict into account
    * [WICKET-5970] - UrlRenderer does not render fragments
    * [WICKET-5973] - IllegalArgumentException 'bytes' cannot be negative. on opening Inspector
    * [WICKET-5975] - AjaxFallbackOrderByBorder wicketOrder[Up|Down|None] class missing
    * [WICKET-5978] - LazyInitProxyFactory fills permgen space
    * [WICKET-5980] - When using Servlet 3.0 filter Wicket calculates filter path wrong
    * [WICKET-5981] - Significant Performance Degradation From Wicket 6.20.0 to Wicket 7.0.0
    * [WICKET-5983] - O(n^2) complexity in MarkupContainer.add
    * [WICKET-5988] - WICKET-5981 breaks forms inside borders
    * [WICKET-5989] - BaseWicketTester#startComponentInPage fails for pages with <wicket:header-items></wicket:header> placeholder
    * [WICKET-5993] - AjaxButton - image is not shown even though type="image" is in html-template
    * [WICKET-5994] - Mounted TemplateResourceReference throws  org.apache.wicket.WicketRuntimeException when https is used
    * [WICKET-5995] - "Range" header parsing is broken
    * [WICKET-5996] - Mounted packages throw IllegalArgumentException when visiting base package url.
    * [WICKET-5997] - Compatibility problem with Websphere liberty profile
    * [WICKET-5999] - AjaxFormValidatingBehavior not updates initially hidden feedback component
    * [WICKET-6005] - WicketRuntimeException from AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-5948] - wicket-ajax.js probably doesn't traverse the children of <div> or <span>
    * [WICKET-5971] - Code cleanup in ServletWebResponse
    * [WICKET-5974] - Change AjaxPagingNavigator#onAjaxEvent() to only consider parent components that have setOutputMarkupId(true)
    * [WICKET-5976] - Improve the documentation of FeedbackMessages first(int level)
    * [WICKET-5984] - ReplaceHandlerException lacks an accessor for the replacement RequestHandler
    * [WICKET-5986] - NumberTextField<N> should use Models for minimum, maximum and step

** Task

    * [WICKET-5951] - Upgrade Atmosphere to 2.2.8
[maven-release-plugin] prepare release wicket-7.1.0
32 files changed