blob: ad7d32cfe742ad705b1cd0a462c6ab77469c6418 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<html xmlns="" >
<title>Wicket Examples - sample panel</title>
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Everything outside of the &lt;wicket:panel&gt; tags will be ignored.
Might be handy as preview code.
<p style="border: 2px dotted #fc0; padding: 5px;">
Here are some panel contents for ya.<br />
Put arbitrairy Wicket components in your Panels,
like this label: <span wicket:id="label" class="mark">to be replaced</span>, or<br />
even another panel: <span wicket:id="otherPanel" class="mark">also to be replaced</span>.<br />
You can nest panels any deep you want.