blob: 17a97b62e1cd3d15eccfc1d06b6721ffd2e59331 [file] [log] [blame]
function fValConfig()
/* Globals. Modify these to suit your setup
------------------------------------------- */
// Attribute used for fValidate Validator codes
this.code = 'alt';
// Attribute used for custom error messages (override built-in error messages)
this.emsg = 'emsg';
// Attribute used for pattern with custom validator type
this.pattern = 'pattern';
// Change this to the classname you want for the error highlighting
this.errorClass = 'errHilite';
// If you wish fValidate to use only single classNames for errors
this.useSingleClassNames = false; // or true
// This is the even that triggers the clearing of the errorClass hilighting
this.clearEvent = 'change'; // 'change' | 'blur' | null
// For browsers that don't support attachEvent or addEventListere - override existing events for error reverting?
this.eventOverride = false;
// If the bConfirm flag is set to true, the users will be prompted with CONFIRM box with this message
// See your language file for this value
this.confirmMsg = fvalidate.i18n.config.confirmMsg;
// If user cancels CONFIRM, then this message will be alerted. If you don't want this alert to show, then
// empty the variable ( this.confirmAbortMsg = ''; )
// See your langauge file for this value
this.confirmAbortMsg = fvalidate.i18n.config.confirmAbortMsg;
// Enter the name/id of your form's submit button here. Can be a string or array of strings
this.submitButton = ['Submit','Submit2'];
// Enter the name/id of your form's reset button here
this.resetButton = 'Reset';
// Ender the name or id of the SELECT object here. Make sure you pay attention to the values (CC Types)
// used in the case statement for the function validateCC()
this.ccType = 'Credit_Card_Type';
// NOTE: The config value below exists for backwards compatibility with fValidate 3.55b. If you have a newer
// version, use the above this.ccType instead.
// Enter the DOM name of the SELECT object here. Make sure you pay attention to the values (CC Types)
// used in the case statement for the function validateCC()
this.ccTypeObj = 'form1.Credit_Card_Type';
// Element where box errors will appear
this.boxError = 'errors';
// Prefix given to all error paragraphs in box error mode
this.boxErrorPrefix = 'fv_error_';
// EOF