blob: e3db978c7a2f406daa8fc7a5fc81aadf6be292f9 [file] [log] [blame]
<j:jelly xmlns:j="jelly:core" xmlns:u="jelly:util" xmlns:ant="jelly:ant" xmlns:maven="jelly:maven">
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<section name="Dependencies">
<p>These are the various dependencies required by the Wicket examples.</p>
If you're using maven to build your project and just want to know what
dependencies to add to your POM, just scroll down to the
<a href="#pomDependencies">next section</a>.
<subsection name="Required JARS">
The following list of JAR dependencies are required in order to be able
to use Wicket. These dependencies are also needed in the build process.
<th>Required JARs</th>
<j:forEach var="lib" items="${pom.artifacts}">
<j:set var="dep" value="${lib.dependency}"/>
<j:if test="${dep.getProperty('')=='required'}">
<td><a href="${dep.url}">${dep.artifact}</a></td>
<subsection name="Optional JARs">
The following JAR dependencies are optional. This means that depending on
your situation you might need (one of) these jars to use Wicket to the
<th>Optional JARs</th>
<j:forEach var="lib" items="${pom.artifacts}">
<j:set var="dep" value="${lib.dependency}"/>
<j:if test="${dep.getProperty('')=='optional'}">
<td><a href="${dep.url}">${dep.artifact}</a></td>
<subsection name="Build JARs">
The following depenencies are only used when you are building Wicket yourself.
These libraries are not necessary to create Wicket applications.
<th>JARs for buiding Wicket</th>
<j:forEach var="lib" items="${pom.artifacts}">
<j:set var="dep" value="${lib.dependency}"/>
<j:if test="${dep.getProperty('')=='test' or dep.getProperty('')=='compile'}">
<td><a href="${dep.url}">${dep.artifact}</a></td>
<section name="Dependencies">
<a name="pomDependencies"></a>
If you are using <a href="">maven</a> to build
your project then you can simply cut and paste the following dependencies
into your project.xml.
Note that if you are reading this on the Wicket website then the version
numbers reflect what is currently in CVS, not necessarily what versions
are in use in the distribution that you have downloaded. In particular,
the version number for Wicket itself may not reflect a version currently
available in the maven repository.
If you are reading this from the documentation that came bundled with a
particular distribution of Wicket then you can use these values without
<j:forEach var="lib" items="${pom.artifacts}"><j:set var="dep" value="${lib.dependency}" /> <j:if
test="${dep.getProperty('')=='optional' or dep.getProperty('')=='required'}">