blob: 0bc6c5703c1f9909efe7339e6847cdc79718c17f [file] [log] [blame]
* $Id$ $Revision:
* 1.13 $ $Date$
* ==================================================================== Licensed
* under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this
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* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* the License.
package wicket.examples.hangman;
import wicket.AttributeModifier;
import wicket.markup.html.basic.Label;
import wicket.markup.html.image.Image;
import wicket.markup.html.list.ListItem;
import wicket.markup.html.list.ListView;
import wicket.model.Model;
import wicket.model.PropertyModel;
* The main guess page for the hangman application.
* @author Chris Turner
* @author Jonathan Locke
public class Guess extends HangmanPage
* Create the guess page.
public Guess()
// Components for displaying the guesses remaining & the hangman
add(new Label("guessesRemaining", new PropertyModel(getGame(), "guessesRemaining")));
// Components for displaying the current word
add(new Label("word", new Model()
public Object getObject(wicket.Component component)
return getGame().getWord().asString(true);
// Show the game's letters
add(new ListView("letters", getGame().getLetters())
protected void populateItem(final ListItem listItem)
final Letter letter = (Letter)listItem.getModelObject();
final Link link = new Link("letter")
protected void onBeginRequest()
// Set enable state of link
public void onClick()
// Guess the letter
// Is the game over?
if (getGame().isWon())
// Redirect to win page
setResponsePage(new Win());
else if (getGame().isLost())
// Redirect to lose page
setResponsePage(new Lose());
// Return to guess page with new state to display
.add(new AttributeModifier("id", true, new Model("letter_"
+ letter.asString())));
link.add(new Image("image", letter.getSharedImageResource()));