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<chapter id="wug.introduction">
<subtitle>Why use the VoiceTribe Web Toolkit?</subtitle>
<title>Frameworks, Frameworks Everywhere</title>
<para>If you are looking to do web application programming in Java, you
have a very large number of choices these days. In fact, there are
so many web application frameworks now that it has become somewhat
of a joke. One blog site on the Internet poses the question “How
many Java web frameworks can you name?” The answer given looks like
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="4" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<entry>Echo </entry>
<entry>Jucas </entry>
<entry>Scope </entry>
<entry>Cameleon </entry>
<entry>Cocoon </entry>
<entry>Verge </entry>
<entry>Warfare </entry>
<entry>JFormular </entry>
<entry>Millstone </entry>
<entry>Niggle </entry>
<entry>JWAA </entry>
<entry>Xoplon </entry>
<entry>OXF </entry>
<entry>Bishop </entry>
<entry>Jaffa </entry>
<entry>Japple </entry>
<entry>Struts </entry>
<entry>Barracuda </entry>
<entry>Helma </entry>
<entry>SOFIA </entry>
<entry>Action Framework</entry>
<entry>Macaw </entry>
<entry>Dinamica </entry>
<entry>Tapestry </entry>
<entry>Shocks </entry>
<entry>Smile </entry>
<entry>WebWork </entry>
<entry>TeaServlet </entry>
<entry>MyFaces </entry>
<entry>Nacho </entry>
<entry>RIFE </entry>
<entry>wingS </entry>
<entry>Chiba </entry>
<entry>Cassandra </entry>
<entry>Spring MVC</entry>
<entry>Expresso </entry>
<entry>JBanana </entry>
<entry>Genie </entry>
<entry>Canyamo </entry>
<entry>Bento </entry>
<entry>Jeenius </entry>
<entry>Melati </entry>
<entry>Maverick </entry>
<entry>jStatemachine </entry>
<entry>JWarp </entry>
<entry>Dovetail </entry>
<entry>JPublish </entry>
<entry>jZonic </entry>
<entry>Turbine </entry>
<entry>OpenEmcee </entry>
<entry>JATO </entry>
<entry>Folium </entry>
<para>My own personal list of the more interesting and popular
presentation layer frameworks is:</para>
<informaltable frame="none">
<tgroup cols="4" align="left" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<entry>JSP/Struts </entry>
<entry>Turbine </entry>
<entry>JSF (Java Server Faces)</entry>
<entry>Echo </entry>
<title>Why "Reinvent the Wheel?"</title>
<para>Even given this shorter list, you may be wondering “What good is
another web application framework?!” Indeed. Why “re-invent the
wheel?” One snappy comeback to that old saw is: <emphasis>because
this time we could make it rounder!</emphasis></para>
<para>But it was not simply a desire for higher quality that drove the
creation of VoiceTribe Web Toolkit (Wicket). Even with so many
options, there really is no web toolkit which fills exactly the
niche that Wicket fills. In fact, Wicket is quite unlike each of
the frameworks above. </para>
<para>Wicket’s closest cousins are probably Tapestry and Echo, but even
there the likeness is very shallow. Like Tapestry, Wicket uses a
special HTML attribute to denote components, enabling easy editing
with ordinary HTML editors. Like Echo, Wicket is Swing-like. But
Wicket applications are not like applications written in either
Tapestry or Echo, because in Wicket you get the best of both
worlds. You get the benefits of a Swing-like component model and a
non-intrusive approach to HTML. In many situations, this
combination may prove to be a significant development
<para>To understand why Wicket is so different, it may help to
understand the motivations that created it.</para>
<para><emphasis>Most existing web frameworks provide weak
to non-existent support in managing server-side
state.</emphasis> This normally means lots of ad-hoc
code in web applications dealing with the gory
mechanics of state management. While Wicket will not
allow you to stop thinking about server state, it goes
a long ways towards making it easy and often
transparent to manage that state.</para>
<para>In Wicket, all server side state is automatically
managed. You will never directly use an HttpSession
object or similar wrapper to store state. Instead,
state is associated with
<emphasis>components</emphasis>. Each server-side page
component holds a nested hierarchy of stateful
components, where each component’s model is a
<acronym>POJO</acronym> (Plain Old Java Object). Wicket
maintains a map of these pages in each user’s session.
One purpose of this page map (and the component
hierarchy on each page) is to allow the framework to
hide <emphasis>all</emphasis> details of how your
components and models are accessed. You deal with
simple, familiar Java objects and Wicket deals with
things like URLs, session ids and GET/POST requests.
You will also find that this well-structured server
state makes it very easy to deal with the dreaded "back
button problem". In fact, Wicket has a generic and
robust solution which can identify and expire
browser-cached pages that have become stale due to
structural changes to the model of a component on the
page. Finally, Wicket has been designed to work with
POJO persistence frameworks supporting "detachable
objects", such as Hibernate. This can make database
driven web applications quite easy to write.</para>
<para>For many applications, it will be worth trading off
the increased server load of extra server-side state
for decreased development costs, lower maintenance
costs, quicker time-to-market and generally higher
quality software. The basic observation here is that
<emphasis>software is expensive and complex while
servers from companies like E-machines and Dell are
relatively dirt cheap.</emphasis></para>
<para>In terms of efficiency versus productivity, perhaps
Wicket is to JSP as Java is to C. You can accomplish
anything in Wicket in JSP. You may even do it more
efficiently in terms of memory or processor
consumption. But it may take you weeks or months longer
to develop your application. And in the end, since
state management in JSP is ad-hoc, you are likely find
security problems and bugs popping up everywhere. Most
of the other frameworks above will do only a little
more to help you.</para>
<para><emphasis>Most existing frameworks require special
HTML code.</emphasis> JSP is by far the worst offender,
allowing the embedding of Java code directly in web
pages, but to some degree <emphasis>almost</emphasis>
all of the frameworks from the list (except Tapestry)
above introduce some kind of special syntax to your
HTML code.</para>
<para>Special syntax is highly undesirable because it
<emphasis>changes the nature of HTML</emphasis> from
the kind of pure-and-simple HTML markup that web
designers are familiar with, to some kind of
<emphasis>special HTML</emphasis>. This special HTML
can be more difficult to preview, edit and
<para>Wicket does not introduce any special syntax to HTML.
This means that you can use Macromedia Dreamweaver,
Microsoft Front Page, Word, Adobe Go Live, or any other
existing HTML editor to work on your web pages and web
components. To accomplish this, Wicket consistently
uses a single <emphasis>component name
attribute</emphasis> (the name of which you can choose)
to mark HTML tags that should receive special treatment
by the toolkit.</para>
<para>No “special sauce” in your HTML means designers can
mock up pages <emphasis>that you can use directly in
development.</emphasis> Adding Java components to the
HTML is as simple as setting the component name
attribute. And you can then give the HTML back to your
web designers knowing that they can change it with
confidence. Wicket, more than any other framework gives
you a <emphasis>separation of concerns.</emphasis> Web
designers can work on the HTML with very little
knowledge of the application code (they cannot remove
the component name tags and they cannot arbitrarily
change the nesting of components, but
<emphasis>anything else goes</emphasis>). Likewise,
coders can work on the Java components that attach to
the HTML without concerning themselves with what a
given page looks like. By not stepping on each other’s
toes, everyone can get more work done.</para>
<para><emphasis>Existing frameworks are not easy or
Swing-like.</emphasis> Most of the existing toolkits
have a poorly defined or non-existent object model. In
some cases, the model is defined using special XML
syntaxes. The syntaxes may be so cumbersome that
special tools are required to manipulate all the
configuration information. Since these toolkits are not
simple Java libraries you may or may not be able to use
your favorite IDE tools such as editors, debuggers and
<para>Wicket believes in simplicity. There are no
configuration files to learn in Wicket. Wicket is a
simple class library with a consistent approach to
component structure. In Wicket, your web applications
will more closely resemble a Swing application than a
JSP application. If you know Java (and especially if
you know Swing), you already know a lot about
<para><emphasis>Existing frameworks inhibit
reusability.</emphasis> Even Tapestry and JSF (which at
least have component models) do not make it trivial to
build and package components to be reused as modules.
Wicket has been explicitly designed to make it easy to
create reusable components. It’s surprisingly simple to
make compound components such as a "SignInPanel" or
"AddressForm". It is also relatively easy to create
components that exploit new features of browsers.
Components can be packaged up in JAR files and reused
by simply dropping them in your lib folder – no
configuration necessary!</para>
<para><emphasis>Web programming should be fun!</emphasis>
This is my most personal goal for writing Wicket. None
of the existing frameworks are appealing to me in terms
of intuitiveness, quickness, ease of development, etc.
It is my hope that Wicket represents a significant step
in the direction of making web applications easy and
fun to write.</para>
<para>Coming from these motivations, the following goals for Wicket
<emphasis>easy (simple / consistent /
<para>POJO-centric </para>
<para>All code written in Java ala Swing </para>
<para>Minimize "conceptual surface area" </para>
<para>Avoid overuse of XML configuration files
<para>Fully solve “back button problem” </para>
<para>Easy to create bookmarkable pages </para>
<para>Hibernate integration for easy database
persistence </para>
<para>Maximum type safety and compile-time
problem diagnosis</para>
<para>Maximum diagnosis of run-time problems
<para>Minimum reliance on special tools </para>
<para>Components, containers and conventions
should be consistent</para>
<para>Components written in Wicket should be
fully reusable</para>
<para>Reusable components should be easily
distributed in ordinary JAR files</para>
<para>HTML or other markup not polluted with
programming semantics </para>
<para>Only one simple tagging construct in
markup </para>
<para>Compatible with any ordinary HTML editor
<para>Easy for graphics designers to recognize
and avoid framework tagging</para>
<para>Easy to add tagging back to HTML if
designers accidentally remove it</para>
<para>Code is secure by default </para>
<para>Only explicitly created external page
links can expose state in the page or in
the URL</para>
<para>All logic in Java with maximum type
safety </para>
<para>Easy to integrate with Java security
<emphasis>efficient / scalable</emphasis>
<para>Efficient and lightweight, but not at the
expense of other goals</para>
<para>Use of “sticky sessions” can achieve
scalability (without failover)</para>
<para>Clustering via session replication more
heavyweight, but possible</para>
<para>Although Wicket is a very convenient, efficient and powerful way
to code a web application, it almost certainly will consume more
server side resources (memory in particular) than most existing
frameworks, including JSP, Tapestry and JSF. In other words, the
benefits of Wicket are not achieved without a price. </para>
<para>Since no significant applications have yet been written in
Wicket, performance characteristics of the toolkit are not yet well
understood and it is expected that Wicket may not be appropriate
for web applications which require especially high performance
and/or which must be highly <emphasis>available.</emphasis></para>
<para>If you are unsure whether your application will scale in Wicket,
it would be advisable to write a simple mockup that will simulate
the kind of load you might expect. This can at least give you a
ballpark for how much memory Wicket is going to consume with its
additional server side state. </para>
<para>Pages in the Wicket examples appear to consume something on the
order of 5-20KB of memory per page. With a limit of 10 pages per
session, session would consume as much as 200KB. This would
translate to roughly 5 user sessions per MB. Therefore, on a system
with 256MB of RAM free for user sessions, the system would be able
to support about 1,280 users. This seems like a lot but remember
that many of these sessions at any given time will be abandoned and
awaiting expiration. While pages having more complex component
structures will consume more memory, your average user isn’t going
to view 10 pages. As you can see, the variables involved are very
complex and application-dependent. Given this, the best thing is to
do if you are unsure of yourself is to create a simple mockup and
do some load testing.</para>
<title>Clustering and Scalability / Availability</title>
<para>If high levels of scalability or availability (or both) are
required, you may wish to <emphasis>cluster</emphasis> your web
application. A clustered application runs fairly transparently on
many servers at once. </para>
<para>Wicket 1.0 does not yet provide direct support for clustering,
although it is anticipated that such support will be added in the
future. Generally speaking, good scalability can be achieved
through load balancing via “sticky sessions”, while failover cannot
currently be achieved at all. Adding full-featured clustering in
the future should not be an insurmountable task. It would be fairly
straightforward right now to serialize session properties and pages
to failover server(s). But doing this efficiently and correctly is
beyond the scope of the initial release of Wicket. It is hoped that
someone with real clustering knowledge and experience will step
forward and help the Wicket project out in version 1.1.</para>
<title>The Future of Wicket</title>
<para>Wicket is an open source project, and as such the future of
Wicket depends on people exactly like you. The reader is encouraged
to participate in the Wicket community. Whether you answer or ask
questions or write source code, the Wicket community will
determine, to a large exent, where Wicket will go in the future.
<para>I plan to be active in the Wicket community and a steward of the
open source project. This book and the associated plug-in CD will
be distributed on-line and together these will be the sole sources
of compensation that I will receive for months of hard work
creating the now open source Wicket core. Your purchase of this
book is an important contribution to the Wicket community and will
help to enable me to pitch in and make Wicket better in the future.
<title>How to Read This Book</title>
<para>This book is example driven and most chapters discuss the
examples included in the Wicket SDK blow by blow. However, this is
done by breaking the examples into bite-size fragments which are
inserted in appropriate places in the discussion. To save on paper,
comments are removed in most cases and the full source code for
each example is not printed anywhere in this guide. It is suggested
that you will want to view the full source code in your favorite
IDE, where you can follow along as you read.</para>