blob: a4d4d086c2170d068af5e463a3b2c8add304869b [file] [log] [blame]
import wicket.Component;
import wicket.markup.html.form.IChoiceRenderer;
import wicket.model.IModel;
import wicket.model.PropertyModel;
* A filtered property column that creates a textfield filter component. The
* default model of the created textfield is a property model with the same
* property expression as the one used to display data. This works well when the
* filter state object is of the same type as the objects in the data table.
* @author Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg)
public class ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn extends FilteredPropertyColumn
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private IModel filterChoices;
* @param displayModel
* @param sortProperty
* @param propertyExpression
* @param filterChoices
* collection choices used in the choice filter
public ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn(IModel displayModel, String sortProperty,
String propertyExpression, IModel filterChoices)
super(displayModel, sortProperty, propertyExpression);
this.filterChoices = filterChoices;
* @param displayModel
* @param propertyExpression
* @param filterChoices
* collection of choices used in the choice filter
public ChoiceFilteredPropertyColumn(IModel displayModel, String propertyExpression,
IModel filterChoices)
super(displayModel, propertyExpression);
this.filterChoices = filterChoices;
* @see,
public Component getFilter(String componentId, FilterForm form)
ChoiceFilter filter = new ChoiceFilter(componentId, getFilterModel(form), form,
filterChoices, enableAutoSubmit());
IChoiceRenderer renderer = getChoiceRenderer();
if (renderer != null)
return filter;
* Returns the model that will be passed on to the text filter. Users can
* override this method to change the model.
* @param form
* filter form
* @return model passed on to the text filter
protected IModel getFilterModel(FilterForm form)
return new PropertyModel(form.getModel(), getPropertyExpression());
* Returns true if the constructed choice filter should autosubmit the form
* when its value is changed.
* @return true to make choice filter autosubmit, false otherwise
protected boolean enableAutoSubmit()
return true;
* Returns choice renderer that will be used to create the choice filter
* @return choice renderer that will be used to create the choice filter
protected IChoiceRenderer getChoiceRenderer()
return null;