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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<title>IntelliJ IDEA Kick Start Guide</title>
<meta name="keyword" content="wicket, web, j2ee, java, intellij, idea" />
<section name="IntelliJ IDEA Kick Start Guide">
This kick start is a small guide to get you up and running to start using Wicket
within minutes. This project is meant to be a starting point for your first project.
If you are looking for examples, please look at the example projects.
This document and project assume you have no special plugins or application servers
installed on your machine. In the
<a href="#Next_Steps">final section</a>
of this document some hints are given to speed up your development even further.
<subsection name="Summary">
For the more seasoned developers here's a short list of steps to quickstart your
Wicket development. All these steps are explained in more detail below.
the quickstart project for your IDE
<li>unzip in your projects directory</li>
<li>rename the directory to the name of your project</li>
<li>start IDEA and load the project file</li>
<li>rename the project and the module</li>
<li>edit the module settings to select the Java SDK you wish to use</li>
<li>create a new Application configuration using Start as the main class</li>
<li>run the Application</li>
open browser to
<a href="http://localhost:8081/quickstart">
At the
<a href="#Next_Steps">end of this document</a>
we suggest some next steps to take.
<section name="Setting Up">
<subsection name="Prerequisites">
<p>We assume you have the following already installed:</p>
<li>Java SDK 1.4 (or newer)</li>
<li>IntelliJ IDEA 4.5 (or newer)</li>
It is assumed, but not obligatory, that you have installed IntelliJ IDEA in the
following (Windows) directory:
<p>and that your project resides in the default location:</p>
Like stated before, it is not obligatory to use these settings, but if your
installation does not match this one, please substitute your setup for these
<subsection name="The QuickStart Project">
Next you need to download the quickstart distribution project from our
sourceforge site.
Download the
wicket-quickstart distribution
Unzip the distribution into your IntelliJ IDEA project directory (which is typically located
Rename the directory that was just created to your required project name. In the
following the directory name is renamed to 'foobar'.
<img src="images/idea-rename.png" />
<section name="Running IntelliJ IDEA">
<subsection name="Configuring IntelliJ IDEA">
Now it is time to start IntelliJ IDEA, if you haven't done so already. In order to
get IDEA working with the project you need to open the project file supplied
with the Quickstart distribution.
<li>Select 'File -> Open Project' from the menu bar in IDEA.</li>
Navigate to the project directory, select the
<code>wicket-kickstart.ipr</code> and click open.
<img src="images/idea-openproject.png" />
On the project tab, right click on 'wicket-kickstart' and select
'Refactor -> Rename' from the popup menu. Change the name to match
that of your project (e.g. foobar) and click ok.
<img src="images/idea-rename2.png" />
On the project tab, right click on the new project name (e.g. foobar)
and select 'Module Settings' from the popup menu. Select the
'Libraries (Classpath)' tab and then select the 'Target JDK' from
those that you have added to IDEA (or add a JDK if necessary).
Select ok to close the module settings dialog.
<img src="images/idea-jdk.png" />
<subsection name="Running the Application">
The application has an internal webserver (
<a href="">Jetty</a>
) which can be used to quickly develop webapplications. All you need to do is to
run the application and point your browser to the webserver running from within
IntelliJ IDEA.
From the IDEA toolbar select the run dropdown and then the
'Edit Configurations' option.
Select the 'Application' tag and create a new application
configuration, using the Start as the
main class.
<img src="images/idea-application.png" />
Close the dialog and run the Quickstart application configuration
from the IDEA toolbar.
<li>Start your browser</li>
Point the browser to the local Jetty server:
<a href="http://localhost:8081/quickstart">
<section name="Next Steps">
<p>This section gives some pointers on where to go now.</p>
take a look at the
<a href="/Examples.html">examples</a>
find more information in the
<a href="/manual.html">manual</a>
find more information on the
<a href="/wiki">wiki</a>
<subsection name="Jetty Configuration">
<p>The Jetty configuration file is located in the project directory:</p>
Jetty is started on port 8081 in order to avoid conflicts with other installed
application servers (for instance Tomcat). This way it is easier to test with
different application servers. This can be configured in the configuration file.
See the
<a href="">
Jetty documentation
for information on how to configure Jetty.
Jetty is started in the
-method of the
<subsection name="Customizing the Application">
The main page definitions can be found in the
HTML file and the
<subsection name="Other Application Servers">
Even though this project is aimed at Jetty, it is not prohibited to develop
using other application servers. If you have another setup, please leave a
note on how you set up your environment on the <a href="/wiki">wiki</a>.