WICKET-6992 Reduce object creation and wasted memory in Url toString() methods

The Url class generates a lot of StringBuilders and temporary buffers.  It's a bit frustrating form a performance
standpoint as the builders often need to resize, further compounding the performance impact.

- QueryParameter.toString(...) can be updated to not generate any extraneous garbage objects using JEP 280 String
concatenation.   This is faster than the original code and avoids extra garbage object creation.

- enhance Url.getPath() by using getPathInternal() which allows the code to return an optimal result.  "" for no segments;
the String for 1 segment, and the resulting StringBuilder for more than 2 segments.  This avoids copying the internal byte[]/char[]
array yet again and wasting more memory.  The callers of this method can then use the returned object in the way that best
suits them.   NB the case for two segments should probably also be handled by explicit invocation of
   seg1 + / + seg2 as is would be faster and save memory.
Note that we now compute the size of the StringBuilder in advance, avoiding the repeated resizing of the builder that had been
happening in the original code.

- enhance getQueryString() in a similar manner.  Handle the n=0 and n=1 common cases without generating any extra garbage.
Size the StringBuilder a little better in this case as well.  Again, the n=2 case should probably with String concatenation.

The Url.toString(mode, charset) method is a bit more complicated.  It is rarely called (if ever?) with StringMode=FULL and it
appears as if fragment is commonly unset as well, so handle that 99% code path at the top efficiently without any
wasted memory.   If not, then fall through into the original code.    The call to getPathInternal here avoids making a copy of
that array.

Note that it might be much more efficient to allow this code to pass a StringBuilder instance around.  This would avoid some
repeated copying of byte[]/char[] arrays.   These changes here greatly reduce the memory waste, but more can still be done.

I'm a bit surprised about the missing ).  Must have fat fingered it at the last second.

I'm a bit surprised about the missing ).  Must have fat fingered it at the last second.

I'm not a fan of the brace style used in this project... ;-)

Two changes in response to the feedback.
- cache the result of a function call
- use charAt() and avoid a toString() call.

Fix code formatting.
2 files changed
tree: 27e52df729561009ae3d01a7f381d8c622555c16
  1. .github/
  2. archetypes/
  3. licenses/
  4. testing/
  5. wicket/
  6. wicket-auth-roles/
  7. wicket-bean-validation/
  8. wicket-cdi/
  9. wicket-core/
  10. wicket-devutils/
  11. wicket-eclipse-settings/
  12. wicket-examples/
  13. wicket-experimental/
  14. wicket-extensions/
  15. wicket-guice/
  16. wicket-ioc/
  17. wicket-jmx/
  18. wicket-native-websocket/
  19. wicket-objectsizeof-agent/
  20. wicket-request/
  21. wicket-spring/
  22. wicket-user-guide/
  23. wicket-util/
  24. wicket-velocity/
  25. .asf.yaml
  26. .gitignore
  27. .travis.yml
  28. build-changelog.sh
  29. build-versions.py
  30. CHANGELOG-9.x
  32. NOTICE
  33. pom.xml
  34. README.md
  35. release.sh
  36. wicket-assembly-all.xml

What is Apache Wicket?

Apache Wicket is an open source, java, component based, web application framework. With proper mark-up/logic separation, a POJO data model, and a refreshing lack of XML, Apache Wicket makes developing web-apps simple and enjoyable again. Swap the boilerplate, complex debugging and brittle code for powerful, reusable components written with plain Java and HTML.

Apache Wicket can be found at https://wicket.apache.org and is licensed under the Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0.

Getting started

The Wicket project has several resources and projects where you can learn from, and get started quickly:

What does Wicket's download package contain?

You can download Wicket's source package here: https://wicket.apache.org/start/wicket-9.x.html . It contains the source code and the jars of the core projects of Wicket. If you are just starting out, you probably only need to include wicket-util-x.jar, wicket-request-x.jar and wicket-core-x.jar, where x stands for the version. As a rule, use just the jars you need.

You will find the source code here:

|-- apidocs
|   |-- org
|   `-- resources
|-- lib
|-- licenses
`-- src
    |-- archetypes
    |-- testing
    |-- wicket
    |-- wicket-auth-roles
    |-- wicket-bean-validation
    |-- wicket-cdi
    |-- wicket-core
    |-- wicket-devutils
    |-- wicket-eclipse-settings
    |-- wicket-examples
    |-- wicket-experimental
    |   |-- wicket-metrics
    |   |-- wicket-http2
    |-- wicket-extensions
    |-- wicket-guice
    |-- wicket-ioc
    |-- wicket-jmx
    |-- wicket-native-websocket
    |-- wicket-objectssizeof-agent
    |-- wicket-request
    |-- wicket-spring
    |-- wicket-util
    |-- wicket-user-guide
    `-- wicket-velocity

Here is a list of projects in the distribution and what they do.

  • wicket-core: the core project, includes the framework and basic components;
  • wicket-extensions: contains utilities and more specialized components;
  • wicket-auth-roles: a basic authorization package based on roles;
  • wicket-jmx: registers JMX beans for managing things like your Wicket configuration and markup cache;
  • wicket-objectssizeof-agent: utility for making better estimates of object sizes in the JVM - most people probably never need this;
  • wicket-ioc: base project for IoC (aka DI) implementations such as Spring and Guice;
  • wicket-spring: support project for using Spring with Wicket and including Spring managed dependencies through using @SpringBean annotations;
  • wicket-guice: support project for using Google Guice with Wicket;
  • wicket-velocity: contains special components for rendering Velocity templates using Wicket components - most people probably don't need this, but it can be neat when you want to do CMS-like things;
  • wicket-examples: contains a basic component reference and many examples of how to use Wicket and Wicket components, including examples for subprojects such as wicket-spring, wicket-velocity and wicket-auth-roles.
  • wicket-devutils: provides small utilities which can help in development phase and during debugging
  • wicket-bean-validation: validates beans with annotation based on javax.validation;
  • wicket-cdi: the context and dependency injection of the jee standard for wicket;
  • wicket-experimental: experimental implementations for wicket;
  • wicket-native-websocket: wicket's native web sockets integration for several servers;
  • wicket-request: lightweight project which contains all classes dealing with request handlers and so on;
  • wicket-util: the util project for wicket;
  • wicket-eclipse-settings: specifies Eclipse settings for a uniform development environment. Most notably the formatting rules;
  • wicket-user-guide: the user guide of wicket
  • wicket-metrics: collects data of a running wicket application
  • wicket-http2: http/2 push support


The easiest way of getting the dependencies of your Wicket based projects right is to use Apache Maven (https://maven.apache.org) with your projects and include the wicket dependencies you want as outlined in the wicket-quickstart. Maven will then take care of including the appropriate dependencies.

If you do not want to use Maven, here is a break-down of the dependencies you need. For the complete and precise reference see the wicket-parent pom.xml in the root folder.

Building Wicket from source

Wicket's source distribution (download package mentioned above) contains also the binaries (jar files) for each of its modules (subprojects). You can use these directly in your applications. The Wicket project uploads the source and JavaDoc jars to the Maven repository used by the Maven build tool as well. So there is actually no specific need to build Wicket yourself from the distribution.

When building using Maven 2 or 3, execute one of the following in the root folder:

  • mvn package

    creates wicket-(subproject)-x.y.z.jar(s) in according target subdirectories.

  • mvn install

    creates wicket-(subproject)-x.y.z.jar(s) in according target subdirectories and installs the jar files into your local Maven repository for use in other projects.

Migrating from 8.x

This file is a copy of the migration guide available on our Wiki:


Getting help

  • Read the online documentation available on our website (https://wicket.apache.org)

  • Read the migration guide above

  • Read the mailing archives available on Nabble, GMane and Apache

  • Send a complete message containing your problem, stacktrace and problem you're trying to solve to our user list (users@wicket.apache.org)

  • Ask a question on IRC at freenode.net, channel ##wicket


Wicket is distributed under the terms of the Apache Software Foundation license, version 2.0. The text is included in the file LICENSE in the root of the project.

Java/Application server requirements

Wicket 9 requires at least Java 11. The application server for running your web application should adhere to the servlet specification version 3.1 or newer.

Cryptographic Software Notice

This distribution includes cryptographic software. The country in which you currently reside may have restrictions on the import, possession, use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check your country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted. See http://www.wassenaar.org for more information.

The U.S. Government Department of Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), has classified this software as Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) 5D002.C.1, which includes information security software using or performing cryptographic functions with asymmetric algorithms. The form and manner of this Apache Software Foundation distribution makes it eligible for export under the License Exception ENC Technology Software Unrestricted (TSU) exception (see the BIS Export Administration Regulations, Section 740.13) for both object code and source code.

The following provides more details on the included cryptographic software:

For encoding HTTP URL data (see org.apache.wicket.core.request.mapper.CryptoMapper) Wicket requires the Java Cryptography extensions (http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/security/). Wicket does not include these libraries itself, but is designed to use them.