layout: post title: Apache Wicket 7.9.0 released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 7.9.0!

Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at

This release marks another minor release of Wicket 7. We use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to 7.0.0.

New and noteworthy

This release fixes WICKET-6457 and WICKET-6465 which caused the page store not to be cleared when session ends.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):

{% highlight xml%} org.apache.wicket wicket-core 7.9.0 {% endhighlight%}

Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 7.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 7.0.0, please read our Wicket 7 migration guide found at

Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

iQIcBAABAgAGBQJZvBu5AAoJEAzCjx+CMhBVaPMP/0pZ+1p6uIfnzV7EHDNqv35F WJ82gFCqWZov29EUFcb+2YOCjFOU6BG61pgP98IzB+qhXomHf34hhrzomuEZCtlR hxYjMxnvaPHR5C/2SEkbtGtHs8YFE5SylmKB2V9Qchpx0ClicApSu1JvAb8q3rnL CDLIOEDEtKsioLcsVZpXT67ctgKc/Pp5Gdd0lRClnEOUONQ1WJ7yQ1uy5JfxS+Xv 48zdiIumzgdTWgm1HJXzM41Lp4NdpwZx6/GVvD/9RjNMMOxxsPw5ZZUG/P9jtPTg anSXIjA2q40Y2NDRwdMMgKFNBsPoef4QHqgniiNTTZVsitGHo/jl0LqSjyXZ7MSE VwzSv/FOQcEfiVCMklJG+8JFIpq2/CLDCIWvlNpBC1QTqzw97xLW0gw/R88rcAoe ESrl7k4OSKS/YWilDRgCgaw5nBhGwqpN/Luv5Yzvxe91BFi1RXcBVq4xs/ceQd8c r7Sa8ZC2uvCFGdRBbMK1OjYU7Y8DjTJb3Fp2EzQRjIqAqaj6PMINEYdYvKJG8d3Y Z90qMv2QqF3q5BNbBU9Lf9z0Kau/W3jGXFC0wxj9tYj5gz3F5EEWDLbHj3pRiH0/ vAHPPMZekI7GQbsYel+nGtkHBj3osPGUQ/ESQDLutJiqJ9t1e1Eijd/CdX+r5pUL JG97c19NWfJaKfKdCT60 =ReUR -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Signature for apache-wicket-7.9.0.tar.gz:

iQIcBAABAgAGBQJZvBu5AAoJEAzCjx+CMhBVtzkQAKjDi4eBTH9A/gl0e4r5VQxP E+RPPVzo1Jf2+1Szz4gR4cLgFGGFqLQoqBM7YGWRSSaxdI1/ys7sn91MTg+pLCSB I5Xh145t/Ok58czr1N5VsIPLo3pU0pHMZwmPv+xDjv42EbogpsoFaEQsN3XorKyo DlrtN9WAh3pXj2y05nHqFNsUUuWACPmo+CCAuAPsTIqYbxDyB0OjlFA54ovSY41Q sP5UP7EuhM7W9Px38RzArUUT2WNIJlDdHogISZrurkj3aS5K5qTe1KGx2u15B6Gi gjU9P2aw3pzpHiBXsBInAthwGXWecIkvvRst85mQo3ivLydmyIla00+DZCe3vgkE cJHDCFig8QwF9kC1rtma3Rep3aXDiq+mLdDWXPqMC66s1BzzuH4xeX78/OadyVOB 7PIjs3vUfJUIwITVG4RlLNQebDeIeFaWubT19zjcelet325WlAJpwAOGtWxj31bG 7pWmUUAkJo0yUuK1wLBb+TN+GHQBsjwSMTxs/PTAAsq6m53fPkOFerzL5ygCshvt dlFAd48VZVIzWZTc0yYq0X5oHtQETIDgIKcFuJp88uBfTc0Io9r+QMdAWTgUIuzH OqMV4TXjaM/YBWurQ4B/Xz1KPgR7gtSjifnw3hytEIT7RHq/Av+3bJTjvby4t7r9 CeQiIicC2Ghx4BrN1Lxk =b9ky -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


This Release

CHANGELOG for 7.9.0:

  • [WICKET-6429] - AbstractRequestLogger should not create new Sessions
  • [WICKET-6455] - AjaxFormSubmitBehavior doesn't submit inner forms
  • [WICKET-6457] - PageStore not cleared at session end
  • [WICKET-6459] - Ajax re-renders of enclosures do not render their children's header contributions
  • [WICKET-6462] - When an Ajax Button is submitted, AjaxFormSubmitBehavior # onSubmit is called twice
  • [WICKET-6465] - PageStore not cleared at session end
  • [WICKET-6454] - WicketApplication behind a proxy with restrictive internet access can not initialized
  • [WICKET-6463] - Please add additional constructor to Roles