layout: default title: IDE Support for Wicket development

Wicket Plugins

For all leading IDE‘s support is under development. Here’s a list of efforts for the major IDE's.

These projects are not maintained or supported by the core Wicket team, but by their respective development teams.

Setting up your IDE


Eclipse offers a good support for Maven based projects with plugin M2Eclipse. Once installed you can go to ‘Import...->Existing Maven Projects’ and import one or more Maven projects into your workspace.

Alternatively, you can generate an Eclipse project typing the following command on project's root:

{% highlight console %} mvn eclipse:eclipse {% endhighlight %}

Maven will add all the necessary JAR files to the project's classpath. Now the sources can be imported in Eclipse using the “Existing Projects into Workspace” wizard.

If not already present the M2_REPO classpath variable has to point to your local Maven repository. The repository is typically found in C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\.m2\repo or (for unix buffs) ~/.m2/repo. It can be set within Eclipse (Preferences->Java->Build Path->Classpath Variables) or with the help of Maven:

{% highlight console %} mvn -Declipse.workspace= eclipse:add-maven-repo {% endhighlight %}

If you want to go along with the Wicket way of code formatting you should import the Wicket code format profile into your workspace (Preferences->Java->Code Style->Formatter), found in:

{% highlight console %} /wicket-core/EclipseCodeFormat.xml {% endhighlight %}

Finally configure the editor to automatically format all edited lines and organize imports on save (Preferences->Java->Editor->Save Actions).


NetBeans comes with Maven integration. Further help can be found at their Wiki


IntelliJ IDEA comes with Maven support too.

With the Eclipse Code Formatter plugin the Wicket format profile can be used in IntelliJ IDEA too. Configure the IDE to prevent star imports (Settings->Code Style->Imports).