layout: post title: Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M3 released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.0.0-M3!

Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at

This release marks the first milestone of the major release of Wicket 8. We use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to 8.0.0.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):

{% highlight xml %} org.apache.wicket wicket-core 8.0.0-M3 {% endhighlight %}

Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 7 migration guide found at

Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

iQIcBAABAgAGBQJYYY7kAAoJEAzCjx+CMhBViFgP/jQAzVOtJJql/uDnNGG+k2IL KxXjTsE1q8+UkEp2OUaqvMAoHn+ZyZUguyuixQgcso0YmYOBQvayOh6x3UznTSFj Jbg3EfPmu/Wz7qZSuD42lAA2FnTbUP2mdDnwLSN/PVqEfpds44RLVMNdZ3DiGycy LqJp7LBhwtv9IKjhC6Cn+R5z7SFoqsYK5Lcruc3JkYcgxLPYMWkaX2vNzsYdEM08 jgCH/ban9shiW9w9jCwkVl7OuBtMiFoFFcEadDyjB1682vCEnI6ZZQqW0cmmtv9X xpbCW3kzUHcTRnkqjm+dUQrZkRM+XBjRMVQ6gRUaN8WyyIGVaw9QabWOJNnidHWl ouAvPBbKQVl2ARcvtUeK4WsxsAMoRrgveRh1VqE6LEqo+ZKB+f76PxO/wq0khTJk RP3fxWoH784jM0vfLzPBmojIhZZFYf9lkWQFcsV0KDpBFCfBkgCZMasZj4ArzlQA yVzo1+OGdHCYDgqZ22ZUxFFm4C61Oz1d8PL9nd0wg47WxoDleI2V+2zN7Xf72Mf8 J+mvg9/JMktm4HuPZC4zKVsHpDls89MW/st92AyDWd2/Kbb2vweX2CB9s/5ylpkt CtVqDz9C/kHphJu2RaP/6y3sIbzMdJDOcdKyTF7PyuXGPVFoy4mQW7fgd27V9yON vTwwTh/JE4i0wxK2aO1G =TB5x -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Signature for apache-wicket-8.0.0-M3.tar.gz:

iQIcBAABAgAGBQJYYY7kAAoJEAzCjx+CMhBVfqAP/itRxoqr7DB8wDQipagAjHh7 z2F9fCtmuzhFEWyg3fkpDckraLtROcqQUoZor0AqQDChKDBs210wxkWqxt4UMMC8 KnBhFdKPTFcYrkKVbklDd6g9OPAH/61G5effgK7+RXZflX3h/DEgutzevcGMgimX bmjDTQq0wArrXeTr2kUnR/cHrCaaTqPTpl7I++TBE/792luD9ZHFfaepEwu/49PM o/hUn4UJmJRo0b+V529DzBOC8uSN7YzyIAfdi04lJxnC1kjg3ACJ5jidYNMM0aRo OQqRo4YQtXfgk5zBb2lz6g9QO3bCRdjT9mODixXsH87WtRPgeTQGzOfZQD4O2Os7 uQCAp73VziRgFmEWSIEIWKp6SWoZygaLD40ZzY7P2RhKG6a2qj6bvaXiMQZsjKag 0S9ISdH3wHfLeJF4pgC7guk++UDdVOOuzSqU9sn/PX/b6dTmrjrLP4SUd/8+9ibq zoFAPsrCco4M37nOXRuVwntwiNAJfGfFpBBm3LnEXca/kbbo5C+I32vhVfnMMPM/ 0MqO/zQyejcie6WzXRgpA7FMiatqnN+lNSOb320bxbqse13Kgh2tyTgmWCVY/3qH UUo5DUGM3P97qOiz8eI9EQ6gxgPCsEBU/9OEgI9jLVCgEbHo5wEWZxTQHN+Ph4p/ Nz1FYWT9PWULN0TeTktN =jApl -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

This Release

CHANGELOG for 8.0.0-M3:

  • [WICKET-6041] - Nested forms / parent FormComponents do not reflect updated model when nested form submitted
  • [WICKET-6256] - 8.0.0-M1 wicket:link MarkupNotFoundException
  • [WICKET-6257] - Page instance isn't mapped to an URL just after the ‘cid’ parameter is add
  • [WICKET-6262] - IllegalArgumentException: Argument ‘filterPrefix’ may not be null or empty with WebSocketBehavior
  • [WICKET-6267] - Native Websocket exception when the page is expired
  • [WICKET-6270] - No upload is seen as empty upload after WICKET-6210
  • [WICKET-6277] - Broadcasting ClosedMessage about the JSR 356 WebSocket connection after the container was turned off
  • [WICKET-6279] - AttributeModifier.VALUELESS_ATTRIBUTE_REMOVE does not work after deserialisation
  • [WICKET-6283] - Page parameter equality should not depend on named parameters order
  • [WICKET-6285] - NoRecordsToolbar should override onConfigure rather than isVisible
  • [WICKET-6289] - Autolinking adds onclick attribute to tags
  • [WICKET-6290] - CssUrlReplacer doesn't understand data: urls and breaks them
  • [WICKET-6292] - Button.onSubmit not called for multipart requests
  • [WICKET-6296] - Not possible to add WebSocketBehavior in ajax request
  • [WICKET-6298] - Markup not found for Component id =header and WICKET-6231, regression ?
  • [WICKET-5920] - roll a version of ListDataProvider implementing ISortableDetachable model
  • [WICKET-6056] - Improvements to browser info gathering implementation
  • [WICKET-6258] - Repeater example page show the back button with the enable link style when disabled
  • [WICKET-6260] - Revert Ajax detection needed for character encoding to WebRequest.isAjax()
  • [WICKET-6261] - CheckGroupSelector default selection state incorrect when the list of Checks is empty
  • [WICKET-6263] - Fix JavaScript tests to pass with jQuery 2.x. and 3.x
  • [WICKET-6264] - Form: improve error message for disabled/invisible IFormSubmittingComponent
  • [WICKET-6269] - Use jdk-serializable-functional voor Serializable functional interfaces
  • [WICKET-6271] - IRequestableComponent getPage() javaDoc and Component implementation mismatch
  • [WICKET-6274] - Add origin header to ajax requests in BaseWicketTester
  • [WICKET-6276] - Reduce memory footprint for LambdaModel
  • [WICKET-6281] - Listener interfaces' methods should use empty default methods for friendlier extension
  • [WICKET-6282] - Make native web socket message classes serializable
  • [WICKET-6284] - Introduce lambda-enhanced factory method in ResourceReference
  • [WICKET-6293] - Behavior#onTag() should pass the Component as well
  • [WICKET-6297] - Add wicket:label tag in wicket.xsd
New Feature
  • [WICKET-6275] - Stream support for MarkupContainer