layout: default title: Download Apache Wicket subtitle: Get the most recent version of Wicket in one source package preamble: Wicket is released as a source archive, convenience binaries and through the Maven Central Repository. The most convenient way of getting Wicket is through the Maven dependency management system.

Get the Production Release

The current stable, production ready release of Wicket is version {{site.wicket.version}}. To see what changed in this release (and prior releases) you can read the [change log]({{site.wicket.version}}/CHANG ELOG-6.x)

All projects intended for production use should use this version. These releases follow semantic versioning so upgrades between minor releases will not break compatibility.

You can get the release using Maven or download it manually.

Get the Production Release Using Maven

Use the following Maven dependency to use Wicket in your project:

{% highlight xml %} org.apache.wicket wicket-core {{site.wicket.version}} {% endhighlight xml %}

Add the snippet above to your project's POM in the dependency (management) section.

If you are not a Maven user, you can obtain the Wicket release manually.

Download the Production Release

Use the following links to download Wicket manually to build Wicket from source:

Or use the following links to get the pre-packaged binaries instead:

Don't mix Wicket versions

You cannot mix different Wicket versions in your project. You should always use the artifacts from a particular release. For example it is not possible to use Wicket Extensions 1.5 in a Wicket 6 project. The same goes for 3rd party libraries: make sure you always use a compatible version of your 3rd party library.

Apache Wicket {{site.wicket.version}} is the current stable release. Most users get Apache Wicket using Apache Maven's dependency management, which incidentally is the most convenient way of obtaining the latest and greatest Wicket.

Developer releases

If you like to live on the cutting edge and help development of Wicket further along, you can try out the development milestone releases:

This release is not fit for production use yet: it is only intended for developers of Wicket, or for people trying out our development versions. API changes will occur between releases.


Java version

  • Apache Wicket 7.x requires JDK 7.0 or newer
  • Apache Wicket 6.x requires JDK 6.0 or newer
  • Apache Wicket 1.5.x requires JDK 1.5 or newer
  • Apache Wicket 1.4.x requires JDK 1.5 or newer


You cannot use Wicket without adding an SLF4J logging implementation to your classpath. Most people use log4j.

If you do, just include slf4j-log4j12.jar on your classpath to get Wicket to use log4j too. If you want to use commons-logging or JDK14 logging or something else, please see the SLF4J site for more information.

Migrating from earlier versions

If you are migrating an existing application from earlier versions of Wicket you may find our migration guides invaluable:


Add the following snippet to your Maven project descriptor (pom.xml):

{% highlight xml %} org.apache.wicket wicket-core {{site.wicket.version}} {% endhighlight %}

For the SLF4J log4j binding:

{% highlight xml %} org.slf4j slf4j-log4j12 1.6.4 {% endhighlight %}

SNAPSHOTs and latest bleeding-edge code

If you wish to build the latest code from scratch, master and branches live in the Git repository:


  • 7.x: master
  • 6.x: wicket-6.x
  • 1.5.x: wicket-1.5.x
  • 1.4.x: wicket-1.4.x
  • 1.3.x: wicket-1.3.x
  • 1.2.x: wicket-1.2.x

There's also a Maven 2 repository providing SNAPSHOTs available here:

{% highlight xml %} false true apache.snapshots Apache Snapshot Repository default {% endhighlight %}

Looking for older releases?

If you are looking for older releases of Wicket (1.5 or 1.4), please see the download archive for more informations on our older releases.