layout: default title: A Quick Tour of Wicket

Nothing says more about a development technology than a few simple examples. After all, how hard should it be to do something easy? The examples below should speak for themselves in demonstrating how easy it is to get things done in Wicket when compared to other frameworks. You will discover that Wicket's component-oriented structure and its “low touch” approach to HTML is quite inviting.

For beginners

Wicket comes with a collection of examples meant to help you understand the basic concepts of the framework. They are particularly helpful if you are new to Wicket and you are reading our [User Guide]({{ site.baseurl }}/learn/#guide). You can see these examples and many more in live action (available also for version 8.x, 7.x and 6.x) without having to install anything.

The following list contains a full description for some of these examples:

{% include ui-frameworks-integration.html %}