layout: post title: Apache Wicket 8.9.0 released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.9.0!

Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at

This release marks another minor release of Wicket 8. We use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to 8.0.0.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):

{% highlight xml%} org.apache.wicket wicket-core 8.9.0 {% endhighlight%}

Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package you can find here:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 8 migration guide found at

Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAl8J7WgACgkQh48B+qjT VuEz5w//UdCdkzpwDEWmusPlpU2RyoTv8XPxRWbr3ZKEdeWEw9CJKm4Mz0lJ3RuQ UfJhkl8vraxVPFSXUJidnH6Zrvp7GBOBG/kzSmlP6tuZU0ZmCKCJFUg6OMDfBO5T MU7eDE7oSB0w4FnXkP0YTnTOnAmWu1/kOy4aKgaEtrNcHj0hVt62UdDxgdkZ29l0 PuklUCzqJLg4dWWQ52/U1rfqB3XVPCgLY7XTnqcwi/T5f5xo0xLMTfcWyNxvUKHQ v2umt3roDTI0sU6JUEqcimlX4sfz/N/0+hIIx8a7/Kcdh9M1cBwjt7tk9YDOUbJ3 leyHqwcMe0iNTpadNr+0n3i5W8ebQf7mRh2JSuPCTWCfbd5LpInYi9FqTHw3pMKU B/z92OvPTUqsJH4g5eCkFRALPjj7E8ehidv/hBNj5EhiBfEIQXLGhvZXY/CtLQOq W3bDgvz4L+RRuyc3TjIwIGDwt5nyocnywweujg2ZFgLllnzeiHkZ926echkri0uA LyfdDFja9p1jkLH7PzPOpEQDnGWkJyVxiZdIc0T3PjQxxC3BpuudI7kSP3WJ29dL yCCRdfGfyAsCZ03LLCy7ieJhf0t8jJGND9k5pS0+35tOQaDUTnFtE93aWf/RSoD3 8TfI891GRWS4AxqxhLwoKHWuAOD3jstq23+J12v1X+kLNspn7Ow= =J8la -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Signature for apache-wicket-8.9.0.tar.gz:

iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAl8J7WcACgkQh48B+qjT VuFqEw//ZJhe42SnRdqwPEFHlgkUccDhlJiUb0pk+H0txaTH3+jDf/wuFmeGzfvS mNe+aSE+jOVxSQ8JwJT2Y5AbSldYYyrFZ3xrALeatWkdfoW2WT99MKvjxiNJrLKq XOZVfVPW1EDVNmxBdDSRAlo30mjnPzjjmuTOcf1cti6K4Ix+bdYss6oKx0637tmU WY10XiqvA/6uAnc05wurazVfmbib46sCw1KVA82/pcRIF4wpDv42mRs8+B3tgTBk v1g/Hpe2Ue5UNYKedckdhad/LTNblK/ZGUgFXsbmAlG6eDaFlH2KRRJdpBzUaCpa tGO2LSo70GEb9zovEmQeVj2bKuFmmUA+b1VQDLwPz9e5b27vsNz3VDG7BmaKntB3 MWmjnuCjG+IhbVjAfaQjg/zMC4BxIlBVNLrMtphtm7u+6fnBHgYndqcx6vB5DtKd FzfD+JauBNI2xK+C+Ix/Ok9RVTd1Wq9tFw7sjK/GD54AXeSTRrtXrmQLhPSVWGMG CItE8AUTGivy/8Pi6CYtiWJY5gLqaXg2lymqx5DvCXufKBgeNE56pDnLGATRf+ZK 848NTpwHA9uumuscGlQ91T/YL0sZiFkfqzhGyqY4AHCdHfLVRGUuCU6fmE5o7gnm 89bk6vx6RBt34jxqDjuliuFN1jV813ZaPX9QHPxp+58GDkJ6zZM= =WcON -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


This Release

CHANGELOG for 8.9.0:

  • [WICKET-6742] - Stacktrace in Fragment example
  • [WICKET-6764] - RedirectToUrlException change the second question mark in URL from “?” to “%3F”
  • [WICKET-6771] - Performance issues accessing component metadata while iterating
  • [WICKET-6782] - WebSocket onError/onAbort is not being called
  • [WICKET-6784] - StockQuote example does not work because the web service is no more available
  • [WICKET-6791] - Offload WebSocket push when initiated in Wicket request cycle
  • [WICKET-6793] - OOM in AsynchronousPageStore
  • [WICKET-6767] - Do not log error for broken pipes in websocket connections
  • [WICKET-6772] - Use StandardCharset for URL encoding and decoding
  • [WICKET-6773] - Improve performance of getting behaviors for components
  • [WICKET-6781] - Timezone can be determined on client side (7.x and 8.x)
  • [WICKET-6792] - Packages#absolutePath keeps unnecessary current dir dot “.”
  • [WICKET-6796] - Report the component path when failing to set a new object to a read only model
  • [WICKET-6800] - Use LinkedHashSet instead of LinkedList for AjaxRequestHandler#listeners
  • [WICKET-6779] - Upgrade JQuery 3 to 3.5.1
  • [WICKET-6783] - Utility classes available in JDK should be deprecated/removed