layout: post title: Apache Wicket 8.6.1 released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.6.1!

Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at

This release marks another minor release of Wicket 8. We use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to 8.0.0.


Due to an error the previous build (version 8.6.0) was not correctly up to date with the source branch. This version solves the issue.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):

{% highlight xml%} org.apache.wicket wicket-core 8.6.1 {% endhighlight%}

Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package you can find here:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 8 migration guide found at

Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAl12h3kACgkQh48B+qjT VuHHJQ//c5inH4cik45cGfLUqIrX3sGq5agEHlBgIpsupjWOs6DjyTIhTtrzfiiB 0KmpYxCzgRPsHhIV3SaB5XUQsBMImnFk83pP49oINOP5CBkX0NFX8hUvmBx2RWBQ emoHXAEO7MJl5My+h3ih6Lqyzn0mlGByodThFFwgidufJ91VRiQuQZZQo648xvwS Z0K2QE9Im+IC6DzZOhSCl8IZ2zBn8pg5jezY/eB577GK3xdElkPaqldCyIH6H4o0 cEdUbnohE923mkIdhbHENazhCgubYNXONs4wIhGUsbB9y+6r1730X3WaQMm2MwDQ VSSK8pIltwJ3gUF+Syt3vuUSJeuT3CtQ2oR9zRHda965J6gUBnnL5iyxPkBSHS3O 8dzLqth3ExeaR6bjfTOQxtfbVC8sizCWlQE0LG9vriAyYdac6ZYQkTgQb6yAGVPC RLhQ+e+Dkq35gsLbKiELdWo18/skJolLs0bZg/Kk/ZOCtFfWgyNzQ4N64Vdf7tAc uFDOpQ8+MRAo7Q1MfOxN1tODfS3ztV5RNjmmL/mOeiQoD6Ef9Y/7pHlFnPWaCAap ZpdfQMTb4be7/20o66rBsQ2m4KWuaO9sLS9WhXXOiVUaWCodiLUsCVe11F54Ygmy URr3Yv90Rfc9gTz3911b10vQ/FSNhgiY3jIMwR2B2IqYiFESRzs= =BY+N -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Signature for apache-wicket-8.6.1.tar.gz:

iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAl12h3gACgkQh48B+qjT VuHkug/+PJigxGkCDpwfb3LlyI1od1mLTUUph9NVPr0/aq6yj6PHrU2hmGnZxG5M nURAOWfgU4LygrcmqaxcBfTmxPZqpqpuYw6sSwDOU1b3o3C4fcjY1Fo89AT3UM6M ExnzHJhAt2nByZR833TgzoszPVtgkt7wV5tElmgzY6+OgJcCONiXBvDSK25DRXVP ltGuI143M+u3jESokWhfwzDCCEi4PsLGm3kVt9Vw4eyBEN5iXv3NU28jTdqBI2dL VT1ZaIkRk3KA0Yzc7EaWWDjbC9ilYEiZzC6D+/FvXNm/CEVidf9GsKF4LilYd3Xv r9LqY1R5vB3NQyNoFNVUaBVbK+yxEDVu8vp4fbldnHIEl7pMTvaXzySJ2yni014V pOsNPnsq2dy5Pa9q4ctisP+wtlc0FCoMgv0N7JpFfHnHXCgjj9HlLv0KrQz8v0Tg gzPXE+KiSoW/sYt3KuTGNr6LEseR9evFuIGVc0+ZjDuMUnXeRkfdpyaNnVCiRyTY RNiv/2HfYV+yLNmq4vSn8INeB9YSQwqutg8X8VifFkKW2wviALKr49p6/Y44zIJi ZYhdE+9+eu78Ai9p4drDeI6GwlZcDYBzReXKTzwEDp18bfSfcLKQ6OAtcU+Irb6k 6p8j0O8hO1ZkIkzpyqSLRd/DcmOxnOJwdwLZjIn+IMbxF0JhBaM= =3yP4 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


This Release

CHANGELOG for 8.6.1:

  • [WICKET-6613] - Wicket 8.1 ModalWindow autosizing problem
  • [WICKET-6671] - IAjaxLink should be serializable
  • [WICKET-6676] - Quickstart application won't deploy to GlassFish
  • [WICKET-6680] - JavaScriptStripper chokes on template literals that contain two forward slashes
  • [WICKET-6689] - ClientProperties.getTimeZone() has some issue when DST and UTC offsets are different
  • [WICKET-6690] - NullPointerException in KeyInSessionSunJceCryptFactory.
  • [WICKET-6692] - Page deserialization on websocket close - possible performance issue
  • [WICKET-6675] - log4j-slf4j-impl requires version 1.7.25 of slf4j-api while Wicket 8.5 requires version 1.7.26
  • [WICKET-6684] - Make autolabel functionality more flexible by introducing a locator interface that allows to specify the component the wicket:for refers to
  • [WICKET-6695] - Add AjaxEditable*Label#shouldTrimInput()