layout: post title: Apache Wicket 8.12.0 released

The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 8.12.0!

Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at

This release marks another minor release of Wicket 8. We use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to 8.0.0.

Using this release

With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):

{% highlight xml%} org.apache.wicket wicket-core 8.12.0 {% endhighlight%}

Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our convenience binary package you can find here:

Upgrading from earlier versions

If you upgrade from 8.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If you come from a version prior to 8.0.0, please read our Wicket 8 migration guide found at

Have fun!

— The Wicket team


The signatures for the source release artefacts:

Signature for

iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAmBjgYwACgkQh48B+qjT VuGx1hAAgWOaWkXxyH5rlNnwS2PIWi8qGyprtfEO8oQgTv7CV5CT6ZJBVPoKU5JB bRb91LMZr4TzsRFoTixEZKdT3+9317+RCH6J1GNfiB/oZ+jjset9luVpOOOa0Zfj 35FLl+JeisDvJwlGQ3V1eQf4SsGWZT6KK47RE5UV2S3g/IdoP97YBJ7QiaauB+Hz 7YH4auBGQVWcNaImYXqB2vl/12bNfj/9Rd+BTWrgps6fPjbR0olCNtc/xYyHMvZ8 c7KNGUTjcdPpk1ag4bMLPLGvkkO8RgN6qTdMgJd15RjvSwbjj02629b1dosBxObn bnnHzN3X/L+0ydxtshct+sBlu0/TrxvjebeAnUmGy5lEWCTRPQ4xOM3mdg67tLTW Q0XGKqoP4j5ClJ1btIz+M9ip0Kh8iXDa0tTZ1OqSdYcnefFeZ6yBs/BN67F4J59G z7akJM7wzdl31I9IFKFFpeUA1HOXQvKTBnH1xv9TDbTzGqxYvyxOPtzyLSjd+q/J a2pUzF4DkRXJ9rmwbHEugy3KqR+FeoRGFvxO2hjGZH1FusGbQ+cZZprLYwzXY5MF bLUsZBbDPWme3ULHj50EZH5ex2DIQolIlPofRQeBTbcPxcmkjJuZqqByuP61Vs30 jZOP0+UDFGy0N4Y3gNz3GUfvB+1A1y9vjZwCYR8zh85g2gRTwmk= =1+4F -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----

Signature for apache-wicket-8.12.0.tar.gz:

iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAmBjgYwACgkQh48B+qjT VuG/SA/+KEnLeHR6CPpHzPrIgMuWu7+Y/7ueV7PawXRFeEJFa3lP6VpUSzvrFSxZ 3Gjt8kT3N2L/tAL1RLhy+6OJ5z6frTjkM+zR5RGE0TWB+lcXuylQrukt45QQ3EFX ZARr57CBzYOpRucI1UeaonJHNnzGvTZx6AFE9ESwdTbMjbONesyk+BjH3WSjhWDY zZjsIRuoOShI45OgRdSqg5JMZSlcRuJ+nitlS8LSOoP9Y23slFDZpkDbPrTrNOz2 1ksmI+0cJHn3nnhlNOrzZWBpATncqBGE0psy8EaGMXK83Zqkdm8d2WEnRxKYrwdY fSZqzKdcLT2Xi/F8JSNagYDxvsmeCIOVK86fVOoIu6x1TVYayN2q0uCtKPUd2pT1 PQLpOkXbQP/XtuzwMvtmMVW441E6qlbFO0fP7pAQSN3rq+kcB+Xif5SnXx3v7eEe IuXloiKpKtkK2KMYRZ99fInyMrgQadeHpYSI9RqHqfu6oAs1BVKdzbYCu/CLVGnN Q6BFuV3FhGX+PBLlj43wcaOGjPbA6j4oi+floZ9cLv7SWEOf0Mzufe+P47q6hhKN aF3f5ZMvnxctLpdebwKsU+4NpSzzSA2oVJzK80ppkoGLep0NLdmQaTt5t+GLdFNc udHa8eBkkbVMLs7JPuaULYiWm+U4NqlW1lra0Mp3eViXn5jaJOs= =659R -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----


This Release

CHANGELOG for 8.12.0:

  • [WICKET-6815] - Incorrect parsing of html attributes
  • [WICKET-6858] - Do not lower case the session cookie name
  • [WICKET-6860] - ConcatBundleResource double scope processing when CssUrlReplacer is used
  • [WICKET-6863] - Method Component.setVisibilityAllowed should call onVisibleStateChanged()
  • [WICKET-6865] - JS Error on keyup in AutoCompleteTextField
  • [WICKET-6867] - AutoComplete list don't choose any item, if click took more then 500 ms
  • [WICKET-6868] - UploadProcessBar doesn't work anymore with AjaxFormSubmitBehaviour(“change”) out of the box
  • [WICKET-6869] - StalePageException does not refresh page
  • [WICKET-6870] - Wicket complains about component failing to render
  • [WICKET-6871] - Exception with nested AjaxLazyLoadPanel
  • [WICKET-6873] - Upgrade jQuery to 3.6.0