blob: 5e89d63ce1abab0a775390ca233172ae7f55f65b [file] [log] [blame]
# load configuration information from $HOME/.whimsy
require 'yaml'
require 'etc'
module ASF
# Support for local (development) configuration overrides to be stored in
# <tt>.whimsy</tt> files in YAML format. Allows the specification of where
# subversion, git, and other files are stored, where updated files are
# cached, mailing list configuration, and other values.
# Any .whimsy file in your home directory is processed first.
# Additionally, a search is made for .whimsy files in the current working
# directory and then working up the directory path and finally in /srv.
# If such a .whimsy file is found, it will not only be processed for
# overrides to the configuration, it will establish the default root
# directory for a number of files/directories (among them, svn, git,
# and subscriptions).
class Config
@home = ENV['HOME'] || Dir.home(
@config = {}
if File.exist? "#@home/.whimsy"
@config.merge! YAML.load_file("#@home/.whimsy") rescue {}
# Search up the directory path for a .whimsy file containing overrides.
# Default @root to /srv if no such file is found.
@root = File.realpath(Dir.pwd)
@root = loop do
break '/srv' if @root == @home
break @root if File.exist? "#@root/.whimsy"
break '/srv' if @root == '/'
@root = File.dirname(@root)
if File.exist? "#@root/.whimsy"
@config.merge! YAML.load_file("#@root/.whimsy") || {}
# capture root
@config[:root] ||= @root
# allow for test overrides
@testdata = {}
# default :svn and :git
@config[:svn] ||= "#@root/svn/*"
@config[:git] ||= "#@root/git/*"
# The cache is used for local copies of SVN files that may be updated by Whimsy
# for example: podlings.xml
# www/roster/views/actions/ppmc.json.rb (write)
# lib/whimsy/asf/podlings.rb (read)
# see:
@config[:cache] ||= "#@root/cache"
# Contains the data files from the ezmlm mail server, e.g.
# list-subs - subscriptions
# list-mods - moderators
# The above are used by mlist.rb
# list-flags - flags domain listname
# The above are used by mail.rb
@config[:subscriptions] ||= "#@root/subscriptions"
@config[:lib] ||= []
# add gems to lib
(@config[:gem] || {}).to_a.reverse.each do |name, version|
gem = Gem::Specification.find_by_name(name, version)
@config[:lib] += Dir[gem.lib_dirs_glob]
rescue Gem::LoadError
# add libraries to RUBYLIB, load path
(@config[:lib] || []).reverse.each do |lib|
next unless File.exist? lib
lib = File.realpath(lib)
ENV['RUBYLIB']=([lib] + ENV['RUBYLIB'].to_s.split(':')).uniq.join(':')
$LOAD_PATH.unshift lib.untaint unless $LOAD_PATH.include? lib
# Look up a configuration value by name (generally a symbol, like
# <tt>:svn</tt>).
def self.get(value)
# Look up a configuration value by name (generally a symbol, like
# <tt>:svn</tt>). Allows test overrides
def self.[](value)
@testdata[value] || @config[value]
# Set a local directory corresponding to a path
# Useful as a test data override.
def self.[]=(name, path)
@testdata[name] = File.expand_path(path).untaint
# For debugging purposes, dump the configuration
if __FILE__ == $0
require 'pp'
pp ASF::Config.instance_variable_get(:@config)