Configuring the Secretary Workbench

Install Dependencies

Change directory to whimsy/www/secretary/workbench


$ bundle install

Look for a line that says either Bundle complete! or Bundle updated!.

Indentify where files are to be found

Copy template

$ cp local_paths.yml ~/.secassist

Edit file paths in ~/.secassist. For all but the mail entry, what you will be specifying is the path to a local checkout of the associated ASF repository. And, yes, many of these entries are subdirectories of others that are in the list, which gives flexibility should have have done your initial checkout specifying the --depth parameter. Just identify where each can be found.

For the last entry, specify the name of a new file location which will be used in the next step to configure mail. I suggest .secmail in your home directory. This needs to be a full path (i.e., don’t start with a ~).

Configure Apache to display documents received

Edit /etc/apache2/other/whimsy.conf. Search for # for secretary workbench. On the next two lines, update the paths to point to where you have a local checkout of documents/received.


$ sudo apachectl restart

Install pdftk

Download from pdflabs.