ServiceWorkers preview

TL;DR: enables Service Workers on Chrome to (1) provide instant reload and (2) avoid hangs. And to set the stage for future totally offline operation. This may also be basis for future “toaster” style notifications of events like comments being posted or agenda items being updated.

This is an early preview at this time.

Statement of the problem:

Some people like to use tabs. This was fine with older versions of the board agenda tool where every page was loaded from the server. It is problematic with the current board agenda tool where transitions between pages is generally done without any server interaction.

Specifically, the problem is that updates made in one tab (adding a comment, approving a report, adding minutes) need to be reflected in all tabs so that the pages that show the queue of pending change and post-meeting actions are constructed correctly.

Additionally, the current design has the server as the place where changes are merged and sent back to the client. This is done via Server Sent Events, which requires a socket to be kept open. Given that each browser limits the number of open sockets per server to around six, having one socket open per tab is limiting.

The current board agenda tool has code to share a socket and communicate data received to all open tabs. This code is fairly complex (prior to service or shared workers there wasn't an architected ability to run a task “in the background” and communicate results between tabs). This code also seems to have an undebugged leak of sockets, leading to cases where whimsy-vm3 is idle, most users are unaffected, but one user sees whimsy as unresponsive.

FYI: as a workaround, change from to or even These are all aliases for the same server, but from a client perspective are completely different hosts.

Statement of the Solution:

Service Workers have a separate thread of execution from every tab and can post messages to all tabs that are displaying a page in the scope of your application. They can also intercept requests to the server, and have caches.

The board agenda tool will start a service worker when it detects that it is being run from It will intercept load requests to any agenda page and substitute a response of a blank page, leveraging the ability of Vue.js to update pages dynamically. It will then update that page twice: once with a cache of the last known state of the agenda, and then a second time with current data fetched from the server.

The service worker will also host the single socket receiving data from the server. This code is much streamlined as the code to communicate between tabs can use Client.postMessage()

Note: service workers may even continue for a period of time after the last tab is closed, continuing to receive and process events from the server. This means that updates to caches may be made even when you aren't viewing an agenda page.

CSS, JavaScript, and JSON files used by the application are also heavily cached, so generally won't need to be reloaded when you open a new tab or return to the agenda.


Load the agenda page as you would normally, but use has the host. The first time you visit this page it will behave just like it always has. Only after the page is completely loaded will it install a service worker and prefetch some data. This will complete in a few seconds.

Once this is complete, the next time you return to the agenda (or open an agenda page in a new tab) loading should be all done via locally cached data.

Access to the board agenda application via other host aliases (e.g. or is not affected by the installation of a Service Worker.

Known Problems:

Service Workers are only supported on Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Android at this time. It is under active development for Microsoft Edge. There are no known plans to support Service Workers in Safari.

Server Side Events are supported by all browsers but Internet Explorer and Edge. Unfortunately this function is not available to Service Workers in Firefox (

This means that effectively Chrome (and perhaps Opera) are the only browsers that can be used to support this function at this time.

Chrome has a problem when it encounters a page that is in cache, required authentication to originally access it, and now is being fetched by a fresh session in a Service Worker. Service Workers don‘t have access to the DOM and can’t surface modal dialogs to prompt for authentication information. The symptom is that you get an authentication error. If this happens, do a force reload.

Firefox bug report:

To date, I've yet to figure out how to effectively report this bug to Chrome. See twitter, w3c, and blog.

On the plus side, this likely will be resolved as a part of the recent change to the Fetch spec:

This is an early preview, so there may be problems with sockets not restarting after exiting and reloading. The focus so far has been on the display of the agenda, so fetching of other data (for example, queue of pending comments) may not be initially loaded when you return to the page. Any problems noted should be easily be addressed - all the existing code from the board agenda tool is in place, it is only the source of the events that has changed.


When all else fails

Unregister your Service Worker using chrome://serviceworker-internals (for firefox use about:serviceworkers)


Possible future directions: