blob: cc11337ad6bac5979004754f1507d563359ee8a9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Script to invoke tocsplit.rb and check the output
# tocsplit.rb processes agenda/minute file and extracts the Incubator ToCs
# as some were created with more than one copy
FILE=${1:?file to split}
TMPF='/tmp/tocsplit' # Must agree with tocsplit.rb
# Get path to script even if it is a symlink
# N.B. $BASH_SOURCE[0] does not work on macOS High Sierra
DIRNAME=$(dirname $(readlink "$BASH_SOURCE" || echo "$BASH_SOURCE"))
rm -f ${TMPF}*.tmp
$DIRNAME/tocsplit.rb $FILE || exit
# How many files were created?
PARTS=$(ls ${TMPF}*.tmp | wc -l)
ls -l ${TMPF}*.tmp
# Check that the split worked OK (needs bash, not sh)
diff <(cat ${TMPF}*.tmp) $FILE && echo Split worked
if [ $PARTS -eq 5 ] # file start, start of Incubator, ToC*2, rest of file
if diff ${TMPF}10[34].tmp
echo "Files 103/104 are the same - can drop one of them"
rm ${TMPF}104.tmp # remove second
cat ${TMPF}*.tmp > ${FILE}.tmp
echo Created ${FILE}.tmp with duplicate removed
echo "ToC sections in $FILE have differences; cannot decide which to drop"
elif [ $PARTS -eq 4 ]
echo "File $FILE appears to have the correct number of ToC sections"
echo "$FILE has an unexpected number of parts ($PARTS); cannot perform diff"