blob: 290d9caa1ff794d6a9b46dd9aeccba2595dc5f05 [file] [log] [blame]
# exit on failures and undeclared variables, echo commands
set -o errexit
set -o nounset
set -o pipefail
export MARKDOWN_SOCKET=/tmp/markdown
# launch markdown daemon
# erase temporary files and target directory
find $VELOCITY/velocity-site/src/content -name "*~" | xargs -r rm
rm -rf $VELOCITY/velocity-site-target/* $VELOCITY/velocity-site-target/.htaccess
echo Generating site...
$CMS/build/ --source-base $VELOCITY/velocity-site/src --target-base $VELOCITY/velocity-site/target
echo Copying to production directory...
rm -rf $VELOCITY/velocity-site-prod/* $VELOCITY/velocity-site-prod/.htaccess
cp -r $VELOCITY/velocity-site/target/content/* $VELOCITY/velocity-site-prod/
cp -r $VELOCITY/velocity-site/target/content/.htaccess $VELOCITY/velocity-site-prod/
echo Post processing...
find $VELOCITY/velocity-site-prod/ -name "*.html" | xargs sed -ri -e "s'<span></span>''g"
echo Running web server...
echo Review the changes at http://localhost:8080
echo Press ctrl-c to exit.
cd $VELOCITY/velocity-site-prod
python -m SimpleHTTPServer