| <?php |
| /* |
| Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| |
| http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| |
| Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| /// |
| /// \fn getHeader($refresh) |
| /// |
| /// \param $refresh - bool for adding code to refresh page |
| /// |
| /// \return string of html to go before the main content |
| /// |
| /// \brief builds the html that goes before the main content |
| /// |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| function getHeader($refresh) { |
| global $user, $mode, $authed, $locale, $VCLversion; |
| $v = $VCLversion; |
| #$rt = "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN\">\n"; |
| $rt = "<!DOCTYPE html>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<html lang=\"$locale\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<head>\n"; |
| $usenls = 0; |
| $usenlsstr = "false"; |
| if(! preg_match('/^en/', $locale)) { |
| $usenls = 1; |
| $usenlsstr = "true"; |
| } |
| $rt .= "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<title>VCL :: Virtual Computing Lab</title>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/vcl.css\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"themes/default/css/vcl.css\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<script src=\"js/code.js?v=$v\" type=\"text/javascript\"></script>\n"; |
| if($usenls) |
| $rt .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"js/nls/$locale/messages.js?v=$v\"></script>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "var cookiedomain = '" . COOKIEDOMAIN . "';\n"; |
| $rt .= "usenls = $usenlsstr;\n"; |
| $rt .= "</script>\n"; |
| $rt .= getDojoHTML($refresh); |
| if($refresh) |
| $rt .= "<noscript><META HTTP-EQUIV=REFRESH CONTENT=20></noscript>\n"; |
| $extracss = getExtraCSS(); |
| foreach($extracss as $file) |
| $rt .= "<link rel=stylesheet type=\"text/css\" href=\"css/$file\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "</head>\n\n"; |
| $rt .= "<body class=default>\n\n"; |
| $rt .= "<a class=hidden href=\"#content\" accesskey=2>Skip to content</a>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<table class=\"themelayouttable\" summary=\"\">\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidespacer\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim2\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutcentercell\">\n"; |
| $rt .= " <table class=\"themeheadertable\" summary=\"\">\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TR style=\"background-color: white;\">\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim4\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"nopadding\"><img src=\"themes/default/images/vclbanner_L.jpg\" alt=\"\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutbannercenter\">\n"; |
| if($mode != 'inmaintenance') |
| $rt .= getSelectLanguagePulldown(); |
| $rt .= " </TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"nopadding\"><img src=\"themes/default/images/vclbanner_R.jpg\" alt=\"\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim5\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim4\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayouttopseparator\" colspan=3></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim5\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </table>\n"; |
| |
| $rt .= " <table class=\"themelayouttable\" summary=\"\">\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TR valign=top>\n"; |
| if($authed || NOAUTH_HOMENAV) |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"thememenu\">\n"; |
| else |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"thememenunoauth\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<div id=menulist>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<h3 class=hidden>Resources</h3>\n"; |
| if($authed) { |
| $rt .= "<ul>\n"; |
| $rt .= getNavMenu(1, 1); |
| $rt .= "</ul>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<img src=\"themes/default/images/menu_dividerblock.jpg\" border=0 width=\"158px\" height=\"83px\" alt=\"\"><br/>\n"; |
| } |
| elseif(NOAUTH_HOMENAV) { |
| $rt .= "<ul>\n"; |
| $rt .= getUsingVCL(); |
| $rt .= "</ul>\n"; |
| } |
| $rt .= "</div>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themecontent\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<div id=content>\n"; |
| return $rt; |
| } |
| |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| /// |
| /// \fn getFooter() |
| /// |
| /// \return string of html to go after the main content |
| /// |
| /// \brief builds the html that goes after the main content |
| /// |
| //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| function getFooter() { |
| $year = date("Y"); |
| $rt = "</div>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim5\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themebottomleft\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themebottomcenter\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " <TD class=\"themebottomright\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= " </table>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<div id=\"footer\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<div id=\"footer-box-right\">\n"; |
| $rt .= "<p>\n"; |
| $rt .= "Copyright © 2004-$year by Apache Software Foundation, All Rights Reserved.\n"; |
| $rt .= "</p>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</div>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</div>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim2\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<TD class=\"themelayoutsidetrim3\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= "<TD class=\"themelayoutsidespacer\"></TD>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</TR>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</table>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</body>\n"; |
| $rt .= "</html>\n"; |
| return $rt; |
| } |