blob: 31420b3c3b881ba0cd8c1ded9ab9346bc5ee0732 [file] [log] [blame]
Dependency changes:
Web frontend:
No dependency changes
- none
backend vcld:
No dependency changes
Release Notes - VCL - Version 2.2
** Bug
* [VCL-121] - special characters in API passwords not handled correctly
* [VCL-150] - Pages do not display correctly with IE8
* [VCL-154] - run_scp_command() is not catching permission denied errors
* [VCL-158] - setstaticaddress() does not work correctly for Windows
* [VCL-159] - is not always waiting long enough for ssh to respond on load
* [VCL-160] - Sysprep is overwriting DevicePath key after spdrvscn.exe runs
* [VCL-165] - Fix syntax bugs cause reservation processes to die
* [VCL-181] - VCL desktop request tool - use API to make reservations
* [VCL-189] - cannot add a computer in maintenance state
* [VCL-193] - IP address field not large enough for 15-characters
* [VCL-194] - Marking new computer to be "maintenance" status causes indexing error
* [VCL-197] - _is_user_added routine
* [VCL-210] - getdynamicaddress returns 127.0.01 for missing public adapter
* [VCL-214] - Windows modules don't always disable autoadminlogon
* [VCL-215] - reservation_failed sub in may change state of computer currently in maintenance
* [VCL-220] - VMs in the available state which aren't assigned to a VM host may be reserved
* [VCL-221] - Add check to make sure post_load tasks have run before reserving a computer
* [VCL-227] - deleting user group that owns a resource group
* [VCL-233] - all calls to simpleAddRequest need to check for all return codes
* [VCL-241] - detailed loading summary does not compute times correctly for future reservations that are preloaded
* [VCL-242] - currentimage.txt permissions incorrect set
* [VCL-245] - - always reloads
* [VCL-250] - authentication for XML RPC X-User doesn't properly check to see if no authtype was found
* [VCL-258] - cluster loads - cluster_info file
* [VCL-260] - Problems occur if root is not the owner of /home/root for Windows images
* [VCL-261] - filesystem_entry_exists() subroutine may return true even if output contains "file not found"
* [VCL-262] - Windows capture may remove "Log on as a service" right for existing accounts
* [VCL-265] - Linux adduser cmd - remove uid parameter if uid not defined in user table
* [VCL-266] - New process detects another reload process being complete before it should
* [VCL-267] - cluster loads listing wrong parent and child addresses cluster_info file
* [VCL-269] - logoff_users() does not detect disconnected users
* [VCL-273] - Single quotes in image pretty name can cause image capture to fail
* [VCL-299] - shib users may have incorrect full name and email address.
* [VCL-300] - shib users always have email notices turned off
* [VCL-303] - tomaintenance reservations inserting wrong image revision
* [VCL-306] - Web GUI code has hard coded Eastern Time Zone information - breaks in other time zones
* [VCL-307] - add empty post_reserve routine OS module
* [VCL-317] - scheduler doesn't take imagerevision into account
* [VCL-318] - API error if invalid affiliation is used
* [VCL-325] - removing a subimage from a cluster can result in all subimages getting removed
* [VCL-327] - set_computer_name.vbs causes Sysprep to hang if certain applications are installed
* [VCL-329] - get_computer_private_ip_address() not handling all valid formats in /etc/hosts
* [VCL-331] - Windows code does not handle special characters in Scheduled Task names when changing passwords
* [VCL-332] - cannot delete block requests once the start date has passed
* [VCL-333] - DataStructure %ENV hash not get detected in _initialize routine
* [VCL-334] - numeric userids are not handled correctly
* [VCL-337] - delete_files_by_pattern may delete unintended files if an environment variable isn't defined
* [VCL-338] - vmprofiles that are in use can be deleted
* [VCL-340] - cannot change name of vmprofile
* [VCL-346] - getdynamicaddress routine regex issue
* [VCL-347] - cluster connect page rdp file
* [VCL-349] - sql insert queries for image and imagerevision tables
* [VCL-353] - inserting new images - if original name is not in proper format $oldname does not get set correctly.
* [VCL-356] - vmware esx pm - vmware image directories
* [VCL-362] - power command output not detected under ESX 3.5
* [VCL-363] - Passwords for existing Linux accounts are reset when the root password is set
* [VCL-364] - vmhostid removed when vm put in maintenance state
* [VCL-368] - pre-capture and post load linux steps correct sed cmd line options
* [VCL-370] - Reservation ID not defined errors occur for cluster reservations
* [VCL-371] - Private IP address is not being found in /etc/hosts under some circumstances
* [VCL-377] - multiple clicks on Create Reservation button gives multiple reservations
* [VCL-378] - reservation can be extended into a block allocation for user not in block group
* [VCL-382] - incorrectly handles free server with network datastores
** Improvement
* [VCL-2] - migrate preferredimage to nextimage
* [VCL-9] - Update to use DataStructure methods
* [VCL-11] - Update to use database subroutines
* [VCL-31] - rename conf.php and secrets.php to include -default in the name
* [VCL-32] - modify XMLRPCaddRequest to allow an end time to be specified
* [VCL-93] - LDAP part of a login to fail silently on errors when Shibboleth authentication is used
* [VCL-94] - Rework image capture flow
* [VCL-98] - upgrade all of dojo-0.4.0 code to recent version of dojo
* [VCL-125] - Add ability to control whether or not users have root/administrator access
* [VCL-137] - Update to use provisioning module interface subroutine names
* [VCL-145] - Store product keys in the database
* [VCL-148] - Add management node to current reservations view for ADMIN_DEVELOPER
* [VCL-149] - Prevent multiple vcld processes
* [VCL-153] - Update interface subroutines in to match
* [VCL-155] - Decrease initial Current Reservation page refresh interval
* [VCL-161] - remove xmlrpcKey table from vcl.sql
* [VCL-162] - create structure to add throttling to provisioning modules
* [VCL-163] - move throttle variable from vcld.conf to managment node table
* [VCL-164] - Make installation and configuration easier
* [VCL-200] - add edit node name option in Privilege tree
* [VCL-204] - remove private ssh identity keys from known locations- post load / pre-capture routines
* [VCL-206] - Alphabetize list of virtual hosts
* [VCL-211] - image creation mode - administrator timeout
* [VCL-223] - Remove information user should not be able to access on post_load
* [VCL-224] - Move settings from vcld.conf to database except for database connection settings
* [VCL-244] - Staticics page - show number of failed loads per image
* [VCL-248] - Update provisioning modules' node_status to return READY if SSH works but ping doesn't
* [VCL-251] - Make "Later" reservation time default to a time in the future.
* [VCL-252] - XMLHttpTransport Error
* [VCL-254] - block request improvements
* [VCL-255] - xmlrpc_call routine add better error control
* [VCL-271] - clean out unused routines
* [VCL-272] - block request form
* [VCL-275] - Predictive reloading level_1 module
* [VCL-284] - power_reset sub does not catch error if VMware tools are not running
* [VCL-286] - post_linux load operation - set hostname that matches public IP address
* [VCL-288] - Add Global affiliation to schema
* [VCL-293] - check for remote ldap server being up before connecting to it
* [VCL-295] - Combine normal new reservation and imaging new reservation code
* [VCL-302] - provide feedback to users about block reservation status
* [VCL-305] - update code to work with php 5.3
* [VCL-314] - change Documentation link to have links to ASF docs
* [VCL-320] - random selection of computer for reservations
* [VCL-326] - Shutdown Event Tracker causes autologin to fail
* [VCL-335] - max allowed ram for computers needs to be increased
* [VCL-357] - create update sql script to upgrade to the latest schema
* [VCL-359] - Remove DHCP and static IP configuration sections from provisioning modules
** New Feature
* [VCL-134] - Add ability to control whether or not users have root/administrator access
* [VCL-142] - Add KMS activation server configuration per affiliation
* [VCL-146] - add linux support for all VMWare modules
* [VCL-180] - add power_X(off,on,reset,status) routines to provisioning modules
* [VCL-182] - Linux virtual machine support
* [VCL-195] - Add support for Windows Server 2008
* [VCL-196] - Add support for 64-bit Windows
* [VCL-201] - Add support for Windows Vista VMware images
* [VCL-208] - Ability to easily put the VCL site into a maintenance state to prevent user access
* [VCL-239] - xcat 2.X module
* [VCL-268] - OS table - create additional OS ids
* [VCL-278] - Add setup mechanism to vcld
* [VCL-279] - Add post_load_custom script functionality for Linux images
* [VCL-292] - option to save selected authentication method in cookie
* [VCL-294] - create a login log
* [VCL-298] - Add support for VMware Server 2.x and ESXi 4.x
* [VCL-301] - Add support for Windows 7
* [VCL-351] - extend vm profile to have more virtualswitches
* [VCL-352] - Add additional pre-capture steps for Linux OS
* [VCL-365] - change select box for environment on new reservation page to dojo filteringselect
** Task
* [VCL-138] - remove antiquated vcldquery support
* [VCL-139] - make users' names optional
* [VCL-274] - check for SQL injection / XSS
Dependency changes:
web frontend:
-no testing with PHP 4 was done. VCL may work under PHP 4, but PHP 5 was assumed during development.
Perl modules
- Class-Data-Inheritable-0.08
- Devel-StackTrace-1.20
- Exception-Class-1.26
- Object-InsideOut-3.52
- Module-Build-0.30
- XML-Stream-1.22
- YAML-0.68
- RPC-XML-0.64
- XML-Parser-2.36
- Crypt-SSLeay-0.57
- Compress-Raw-Zlib-2.020
- IO-Compress-2.020
- libwww-perl-5.827
- HTTP-Headers
Bug/Feature issues exported from JIRA
** Sub-task
* [VCL-67] - Allow OS, provisioning engine, and other module objects to access each other
** Bug
* [VCL-14] -'s capture_monitor output always displays "attempt 1/80"
* [VCL-26] - get_reservation_remote_ip subroutine redefined warning
* [VCL-34] - When adding computers, missing requirement for the provisioning module
* [VCL-51] - user groups that have a name that is a number cause problems on the privilege page
* [VCL-54] - disable LDAP referrals for all LDAP connections to handle firewalls
* [VCL-55] - processBulkComputerInput in computers.php not always setting startpripaddress, endpripaddress, startmac
* [VCL-61] - blockrequest and the reload state
* [VCL-62] - Calls to _rpower in cause reservation processes to die
* [VCL-64] - EmptyRecycleBin.exe utility causes problems during image capture
* [VCL-69] - Unknown column 'af.shibonly' in 'field list'
* [VCL-71] - Reservation processes being killed unexpectedly
* [VCL-73] - hangs occasionally
* [VCL-74] - Reservation may fail if user's UID value is null
* [VCL-75] - Bug in Perl 5.8.0 causes exit status to be reported incorrectly
* [VCL-76] - form tags outside of td tags on Edit Image Profiles page
* [VCL-79] - error in how the end time for schedule times is computed
* [VCL-81] - Image retrieval does not verify if it was successful
* [VCL-85] - watchInFlight error appears if image description contains special characters
* [VCL-88] - vclreload account assumed to match the default affiliation
* [VCL-90] - Image reservation for sub-image with "nousercheckout" flag set
* [VCL-91] - edit reservation allows saving/updaing image for cluster reservations
* [VCL-96] - < and > in user's passwords not handled properly
* [VCL-101] - forimaging flag causes wrong user when imaging linux in
* [VCL-103] - vclreload account has invalid curiculumid
* [VCL-108] - apostrophe in image name causes AJAX updates to privilege page to break
* [VCL-109] - viewing requests from timetable not using continuations
* [VCL-111] - missing default values for vmtype table
* [VCL-119] - Reservations insert log.ending = EOR when they shouldn't
* [VCL-126] - get_new_dbh() doesn't return correct value if different database is specified
* [VCL-129] - LockerWrtUser doesn't work with usernames containing underscores
* [VCL-131] - utils getdynamicaddress routine - bad regex
* [VCL-136] - missing perlpackage for id 6 in module table
* [VCL-143] - need to drop allowing new reservations to take priority over reload reservations
* [VCL-151] - apostrophe in last name can cause an error when adding user to database
* [VCL-166] - Windows firewall subs not catching "Object already exists" in netsh.exe output
* [VCL-167] - run_ssh_command not catching host key differs warning messages
* [VCL-172] - - xcat database is locked at dbdimp.c error
* [VCL-186] - Windows images losing default gateway
* [VCL-187] - - not completed
* [VCL-191] - path changes in vshpere SDK vmware perl toolkit
* [VCL-207] - Predictive reload modules not accounting for machines in block computers table
* [VCL-213] - Bug in retrieve_image sub in and calls next instead of return
* [VCL-218] - may delete image being captured by cleanup process
* [VCL-226] - Windows reboot fails - processing another action error
* [VCL-238] - pre-capture routine not shuting down OS
* [VCL-240] - - insert_reload_request
* [VCL-246] - READY flag check for VMware and xCAT is being thrown off by other processes running on machines
* [VCL-247] - computer with shortname only in database not being reloaded after being used
* [VCL-263] - - add default vcl user group
** Improvement
* [VCL-3] - clean up database
* [VCL-6] - update to use modularized code
* [VCL-15] - modify blockrequest module to use frontend API for scheduling
* [VCL-20] - Configuration of sshd port for image retrieval
* [VCL-23] - Modularize Windows OS code
* [VCL-63] - Remove critical notification if image is configured with a user group containing 0 members
* [VCL-65] - Remove pagefile from all drives during image capture
* [VCL-72] - die and warning signals are not handled by the backend code
* [VCL-84] - Prevent users from starting create image until computer is in inuse state
* [VCL-105] - an image cannot have itself as a subimage
* [VCL-106] - mail notifications notify routine
* [VCL-107] - User email notifications
* [VCL-110] - 2 second deley in vcld may cause problems with imaging
* [VCL-112] - Provide access to image affiliation data via
* [VCL-115] - allow user groups with the same name but different affiliations
* [VCL-118] - Add delay to run_ssh_command() & run_scp_command() retry attempts
* [VCL-120] - Add subroutine to set IE's runonce registry keys so user isn't presented with it
* [VCL-124] - locally affiliated users need a way to change their password
* [VCL-128] - Update
* [VCL-132] - vcld check_time
* [VCL-156] - insert current_image.txt file on kickstart based nodes
* [VCL-157] - Add support for xCAT 2.1 partimage format
* [VCL-173] - add power_off,power_on,power_reset,power_status routines to xCAT21 module
* [VCL-175] - Set virtual switch 0 from database value for VMware GSX
* [VCL-176] - Prevent from looping 15 times before checking ssh during load
* [VCL-177] - Remove Windows OS post-load configuration tasks from
* [VCL-183] - contains duplicate subroutines: get_computer_private_ip and get_computer_private_ip_address
* [VCL-184] - Update database schema for 2.1 release
* [VCL-185] - Modularize Linux OS Code
* [VCL-188] - Document Windows tools dependencies
* [VCL-190] - Add time configuration and synchronization commands to Windows post_load
* [VCL-205] - allow esx provisioing module to set MAC addresses
* [VCL-212] - Add code to set SysprepStatus registry keys for Windows 6
* [VCL-217] - xcat modules - Throttle control
* [VCL-228] - Windows image capture fails to delete user profiles because file is open
** New Feature
* [VCL-1] - xCAT 2.0 module
* [VCL-4] - add support for Shibboleth authentication
* [VCL-7] - modify to monitor vms
* [VCL-18] - allow dynamic change of predictive loading module
* [VCL-19] - add configuration of v2 fields for management nodes
* [VCL-21] - add check for existance of image libraries
* [VCL-29] - author an ESX and ESX 3i provisioning module (using netboot)
* [VCL-33] - add user group management to XML RPC API
* [VCL-78] - API for backend to allocate computers for block reservations via the frontend
* [VCL-123] - add Ubuntu Support using the new OS Module framework
* [VCL-209] - create a page that will test for required php modules and correct configuration
** Task
* [VCL-70] - Create a basic provisioning module
* [VCL-95] - Set Subversion properties for files in repository
* [VCL-135] - remove all references to ncsu
* [VCL-198] - Release tasks
* [VCL-264] - VCL 2.1 RC2 todo items