VCL-1106 - make PHP code compatible with PHP 7

making changes that allow code to run under PHP7 - vast majority of
changes are related to switching from mysql_* functions to mysqli_*

files modified:
addomain.php authentication.php authmethods/itecsauth.php authmethods/ldapauth.php authmethods/shibauth.php blockallocations.php computer.php config.php dashboard.php groups.php help.php image.php managementnode.php oneclick.php privileges.php requests.php resource.php schedule.php serverprofiles.php siteconfig.php sitemaintenance.php statistics.php userpreferences.php utils.php vm.php xmlrpcWrappers.php index.php shibauth/index.php

additional changes in utils.php:
-modified mysql_connect_plus: accept a database argument because the database is passed to mysqli_connect
-modified dbConnect: removed calls to mysql_select_db and added database argument to calls to mysql_connect_plus
-added vcl_mysql_escape_string: mysqli_real_escape_string requires the database handle to be passed; having a wrapper function prevents having to reference the database handle global variable in every function needing to escape database data
-modified datetimeToUnix: removed '-1' argument to mktime as it is removed in php7
-modified unixFlor15: removed '-1' argument to mktime as it is removed in php7
28 files changed