Reverted changes to update_cygwin.cmd previously committed which added an attempt to call mkgroup.exe and mkpasswd.exe with "-l localhost" arguments. Added sed.exe commands to strip the '<HOST>+ section from the beginning of lines in group and passwd if it exists.

Removed "-t rsa1" argument from ssh-keygen.exe command. Recent versions don't support this and display an error. Without the argument, the key will be generated with the default type.

Added command at the end of update_cygwin.cmd to delete the 'VCL Update Cygwin' scheduled task if it exists. It doesn't need to be called on every reboot.

Added call to to delete the 'VCL Post Load' scheduled task if it exists. Also added identical call to to make sure that both the 'VCL Post Load' and 'VCL Update Cygwin' scheduled tasks don't both exist because they cause conflicts.

Added call to to delete the 'VCL Update Cygwin' scheduled task if it exists before adding the 'VCL Post Load' scheduled task.

Added '/RL HIGHEST' argument to schtasks.exe call in It causes the task to run with "highest privileges". This seems to have corrected issues on at least one image where update_cygwin.cmd failed to run because of what seems to be a UAC issue.

Added call to to copy the update_cygwin.cmd file from the management node to ensure the most recent copy is used.
3 files changed