removing esxthin.README from 2.2 release
diff --git a/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/esxthin.README b/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/esxthin.README
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index 84d6257..0000000
--- a/managementnode/lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/esxthin.README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-You need to install the VMware VI Perl toolkit installed on any management node using the esxthin module
-Each vmware ESX hypervisor you want VCL to provision to requires the NetApp image library volume to be connected and named 'VCL'
-Ensure your NetApp volume (ie: /vol/image_library) is exported via NFS and that it has the following structure. Note: all images use the name image.vmdk and image-flat.vmdk explicitly inside the folders which are each named differently by the image name.
- /inuse (required)
- /golden (required)
- /imagename (a folder in golden for each image in the library)
- image.vmdk
- image-flat.vmdk
- ...
-The Config File:
-Place a config file named esxthin.conf in the same directory as (<location of vcld binary>/../lib/Module/Provisioning/esxthin.conf) Each line of this config file has the form key=value. There are 8 possible keys to use {'ip','user','pass','https','admin_email','density_limit','density_alert_threshold','block_copy_limit'} 'ip', 'user', and 'pass' should each be set to the correct string. 'https' only accepts values 'on' and 'off.' Admin E-mail should be set to the storage administrator or VCL administrator's e-mail. 'density_limit' is measured in blocks, and specifies the number maximum density allowed on a given volume. Volume density are a per-controller, NetApp variable which you should ask NetApp what the correct value is for your hardware.
-Here is an example config file:
-Image requirements:
- All images used by this module must have names in the form of esx3-<anything you want>-v# (where # is the image revision number)
- ssh must be set to start on boot
- ssh keys must be setup so that VCL can ssh into it (put another way, the /root/.ssh/ key from a VCL management node must be added to each image's authorized_keys file)
- The image needs two NICs (eth0 is private, eth1 is public)
- The IP addressing of the private (eth0) interface must be set to DHCP on boot
-The VCL management node acts as a dhcp server for the private (eth0) NICs of the virtual machines that will be provisioned. Configure your management node's private interface eth1 ( to hand out valid IP addresses on the network by configuring your /etc/dhcpd.conf and turning on dhcp. Use the following entry as a guide:
- subnet netmask {
- max-lease-time 43200;
- min-lease-time 43200;
- default-lease-time 43200;
- option subnet-mask;
- option nis-domain "NA";
- option nis-servers noip;
- option time-offset -5;
- range;
-Customizing the ESX module for your hypervisors:
-Update the database record in the 'vmprofile' table where with information specific to your environment
- datastorepath: <NFS mount path> for example a valid entry could be (/vol/images)
- virtualswitch0: <name of your private virtual machine port group>
- virtualswitch1: <name of your public virtual machine port group>
- username: <name of a valid user on your ESX hypervisors>
- password: <password for the ESX hypervisor user>
-For each ESX hypervisor which VCL will provision machines on, do the following:
-1) Create an entry for that hypervisor by going to Manage Computers -> Edit Computer Information -> Add
- Hostname <your ESX's hostname>
- IP <your ESX's IP>
- Type "blade"
- Provisioning Engine: This doesn't matter
- Computer Groups: Don't add the hypervisors to any computer groups
-2) For each ESX hypervisor, manually create an entry in the 'vmhost' database table with the following guidelines:
- computerid: the id of the computer created in step 1
- vmlimit: the max number of vms to have on this hypervisor (ie: 5)
- vmprofileid: the id of the vmprofile entry created in step 4 of the above section labeled "Install the module"
-Assigning VMs to your hypervisors:
-1) Create a virtual machine placeholder for each VM you would like to concurrently run. Do so by going to Manage Computers -> Edit Computer Information -> Add
- Hostname: <the hostname of the vm when it is provisioned and turned on>
- IP: this doesn't matter, our module will populate this field
- Type: virtualmachine
- Provisioning Engine: VMware ESX Thin
- Computer Groups: allComputers
-2) 'assign' these computer placeholders (and their hostnames) to hypervisors by using the 'Virtual Hosts' area of your web interface.
-Now your hypervisors and virtual machines are setup. Add an image:
-1) Create an entry in the image table.
- name: esx3-<what you want>-v0
- OSid: link to the correct operating system entry in the OS table
-2) Create an image revision table with the imageid from the entry created in the image table and the imagename used in that same entry
-3) Create an image in the resource table with resource.type=13 and resource.subid=<your image's image.subid>
-4) Add the image revision to the allImages and allVMimages groups