VCL-1110 - expose maxinitial time for images in web UI

-modified fieldWidth: added case for maxinitialtime
-modified fieldDisplayName: change title for maxinitial time from "Max Initial Time" to "Max Reservation Duration"
-modified addEditDialogHTML: added form item for maxinitialtime
-modified AJsaveResource: added check for maxinitialtime being changed, and add to $updates array if changed
-modified validateResourceData: added check for maxinitialtime

requests.php: modified AJeditRequest: modified code that determines how long a reservation can be extended to include maxinitialtime for the image if it is set

-modified colformatter: separated maxinitialtime out into its own conditional
-modified inlineEditResourceCB: added line to set maxinitialtime to passed in value
-modified saveResource: added code to validate maxinitialtime
-modified saveResourceCB: added line to set maxinitialtime to passed in value
3 files changed