blob: 02723878c7f31cf40f19865c7341749e8789be7e [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# $Id$
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
=head1 NAME
VCL::Core::State - VCL state base module
use base qw(VCL::Module::State);
This is the base module for all of the state objects which are instantiated by
vcld (,, etc).
package VCL::Module::State;
# Specify the lib path using FindBin
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../..";
# Configure inheritance
use base qw(VCL::Module);
# Specify the version of this module
our $VERSION = '2.5.1';
# Specify the version of Perl to use
use 5.008000;
use strict;
use warnings;
use diagnostics;
use English '-no_match_vars';
use POSIX qw(floor);
use VCL::utils;
use VCL::DataStructure;
=head2 initialize
Parameters : none
Returns : boolean
Description : Prepares VCL::Module::State objects to process a reservation.
- Renames the process
- Updates reservation.lastcheck
- Creates OS, management node OS, VM host OS (conditional), and
provisioner objects
- If this is a cluster request parent reservation, waits for
child reservations to begin
- Updates request.state to 'pending'
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "initializing VCL::Module::State object");
$self->{start_time} = time;
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id();
my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id();
my $is_vm = $self->data->get_computer_vmhost_id(0);
my $is_parent_reservation = $self->data->is_parent_reservation();
my $reservation_count = $self->data->get_reservation_count();
my $nathost_id = $self->data->get_nathost_id(0);
# Initialize the database handle count
$ENV->{dbh_count} = 0;
# Attempt to get a database handle
if ($ENV->{dbh} = getnewdbh()) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "obtained a database handle for this state process, stored as \$ENV->{dbh}");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "unable to obtain a database handle for this state process");
# Update reservation lastcheck value to prevent processes from being forked over and over if a problem occurs
my $reservation_lastcheck = update_reservation_lastcheck($reservation_id);
if ($reservation_lastcheck) {
# If this is a cluster request, wait for all reservations to begin before proceeding
if ($reservation_count > 1) {
if (!$self->wait_for_all_reservations_to_begin('begin', 300, 5)) {
$self->reservation_failed("failed to detect start of processing for all reservation processes", 'available');
# Parent reservation needs to update the request state to pending
if ($is_parent_reservation) {
if ($reservation_count > 1) {
# Check if any reservations have failed
if (my @failed_reservation_ids = $self->does_loadstate_exist_any_reservation('failed')) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "reservations failed: " . join(', ', @failed_reservation_ids));
# Update the request state to pending for this reservation
if (!update_request_state($request_id, "pending", $request_state_name)) {
# Check if request was deleted
if (is_request_deleted($request_id)) {
# Check the current state
my ($current_request_state, $current_request_laststate) = get_request_current_state_name($request_id);
if (!$current_request_state) {
# Request probably complete and already removed
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "current request state could not be retrieved, it was probably completed by another vcld process");
if ($current_request_state =~ /^(deleted|complete)$/ || $current_request_laststate =~ /^(deleted)$/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "current request state: $current_request_state/$current_request_laststate, exiting");
$self->reservation_failed("failed to update request state to pending");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "child reservation, not updating request state to 'pending'");
# Set the PID and PPID in the DataStructure
# These will be wrong if set in get_request_info before the state process is forked
$self->data->set_process_ppid(getppid() || '<unknown>');
# Create an OS object
if (my $os = $self->create_os_object()) {
else {
$self->reservation_failed("failed to create OS object");
# Set the os under mn_os to the OS object for the computer being loaded
# This allows the $self->mn_os object to call $self->os to retrieve the OS object for the computer being loaded
# This is useful because the DataStructure object changes when mn_os is created and it would otherwise not have access to the original data
if ($self->mn_os()) {
# Create a VM host OS object if vmhostid is set for the computer
my $vmhost_os;
if ($is_vm) {
$vmhost_os = $self->create_vmhost_os_object();
if (!$vmhost_os) {
$self->reservation_failed("failed to create VM host OS object");
# Create a NAT host OS object if computer is mapped to a NAT host
my $nathost_os;
if ($nathost_id) {
$nathost_os = $self->create_nathost_os_object();
if (!$nathost_os) {
$self->reservation_failed("failed to create NAT host OS object");
# Allow the OS object to access the nathost_os object
# This is necessary to allow the OS code to call the subroutines to forward ports
# Allow the NAT host OS object to access the OS object
# This allows the NAT host OS object to retrieve info about the computer being loaded
# Create a provisioning object
if (my $provisioner = $self->create_provisioning_object()) {
# Allow the provisioning object to access the OS object
# Allow the OS object to access the provisioning object
# This is necessary to allow the OS code to be able to call the provisioning power* subroutines if the OS reboot or shutdown fails
else {
$self->reservation_failed("failed to create provisioning object");
# Create a VM host OS object if vmhostid is set for the computer
if ($is_vm) {
# Check if provisioning object already has a VM host OS object
my $provisioner_vmhost_os = $self->provisioner->vmhost_os(0);
if (ref($provisioner_vmhost_os) ne ref($vmhost_os)) {
return 1;
} ## end sub initialize
=head2 user_connected
Parameters : none
Returns : boolean
Description : Checks if the user is connected to the computer. If the user
isn't connected and this is a cluster request, checks if a
computerloadlog 'connected' entry exists for any of the other
reservations in cluster.
sub user_connected {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL::/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my @reservation_ids = $self->data->get_reservation_ids();
my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id();
my $reservation_lastcheck = $self->data->get_reservation_lastcheck_time();
my $reservation_count = $self->data->get_request_reservation_count();
my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id();
my $computer_short_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name();
my $server_request_id = $self->data->get_server_request_id();
my $request_duration_epoch_secs = $self->data->get_request_duration_epoch();
my $request_duration_hrs = floor($request_duration_epoch_secs / 60 / 60);
my $ignore_connections_gte_min = $self->os->get_timings('ignore_connections_gte');
my $ignore_connections_gte = floor($ignore_connections_gte_min / 60);
# Check if the request state changed for any reason
# This will occur if the user deletes the request, makeproduction is initiated, reboot is initiated, image capture is started
if ($self->request_state_changed()) {
# Check if this is a server request, causes process to exit if server request
if ($server_request_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "server reservation detected, set as user is connected");
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "connected", "user connected to $computer_short_name");
return 1;
# If duration is >= 24 hrs set as connected and return
if ($request_duration_hrs >= $ignore_connections_gte) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "reservation duration is $request_duration_hrs hrs is >= to ignore_connections setting $ignore_connections_gte hrs, skipping inuse checks");
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "connected", "user connected to $computer_short_name");
return 1;
# Check if the user has connected to the reservation being processed
if ($self->os->is_user_connected()) {
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "connected", "user connected to $computer_short_name");
# If this is a cluster request, update the lastcheck value for all reservations
# This signals the other reservation inuse processes that a connection was detected on another computer
if ($reservation_count > 1) {
return 1;
if ($reservation_count > 1) {
my $current_reservation_lastcheck = get_current_reservation_lastcheck($reservation_id);
if ($current_reservation_lastcheck ne $reservation_lastcheck) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "user connected to another computer in the cluster, reservation.lastcheck updated since this process began: $reservation_lastcheck --> $current_reservation_lastcheck");
return 1;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "no connection to another computer in the cluster detected, reservation.lastcheck has not been updated since this process began: $reservation_lastcheck");
return 0;
=head2 request_state_changed
Parameters : none
Returns : boolean
Description : Returns true if the neither current request state changed after
the process began, including:
* Request deleted
* Request deleted and makeproduction initiated
* Image capture initiated
* Checkpoint capture initiated
* Reboot initiated
sub request_state_changed {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL::/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method, reservation failure tasks not attempted, process exiting");
exit 1;
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $processing_request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my ($current_state_name, $current_laststate_name) = get_request_current_state_name($request_id);
if (!$current_state_name || !$current_laststate_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "request $request_id state data could not be retrieved, assuming request is deleted and was removed from the database, returning true");
return 1;
elsif (($current_state_name ne 'pending' and $current_state_name ne $processing_request_state_name) ||
($current_state_name eq 'pending' and $current_laststate_name ne $processing_request_state_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request state changed after this process began: $processing_request_state_name --> $current_state_name/$current_laststate_name, returning true");
return 1;
else {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "request state has NOT changed after this process began: $processing_request_state_name --> $current_state_name/$current_laststate_name, returning false");
return 0;
=head2 reservation_failed
Parameters : $message
Returns : exits
Description : Performs the steps required when a reservation fails:
- Checks if request was deleted, if so:
- Sets computer.state to 'available'
- Exits with status 0
- Inserts 'failed' computerloadlog table entry
- Updates log.ending to 'failed'
- Updates computer.state to 'failed'
- Updates request.state to 'failed', laststate to request's
previous state
- Removes computer from blockcomputers table if this is a block
- Exits with status 1
sub reservation_failed {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL::/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method, reservation failure tasks not attempted, process exiting");
exit 1;
# Check if a message was passed as an argument
my $message = shift;
if (!$message) {
$message = 'reservation failed';
# Check if computer needs to be marked as failed
my $computer_input_state = shift;
if (!$computer_input_state) {
$computer_input_state = 0;
# Get the required data
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id();
my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id();
my $computer_short_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name();
my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $request_laststate_name = $self->data->get_request_laststate_name();
my $computer_state_name = $self->data->get_computer_state_name();
# Determine if the failure occurred during initialization
my $calling_subroutine = get_calling_subroutine();
my $initialize_failed = 0;
if ($calling_subroutine =~ /initialize/) {
$initialize_failed = 1;
# Check if the request has been deleted
# Ignore if this process's state is deleted
# If a 'deleted' request fails during initialization and before the request state was changed to 'pending', vcld will try to process over and over again
if ($request_state_name ne 'deleted' && is_request_deleted($request_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has been deleted, setting computer state to available and exiting");
# Update the computer state to available
if ($computer_state_name !~ /^(maintenance)/) {
if (update_computer_state($computer_id, "available")) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_short_name ($computer_id) state set to 'available'");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "failed to set $computer_short_name ($computer_id) state to 'available'");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer $computer_short_name ($computer_id) state NOT set to available because the current state is $computer_state_name");
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "exiting 0");
exit 0;
} ## end if (is_request_deleted($request_id))
my $new_request_state_name;
my $new_computer_state_name;
my $request_log_ending;
if ($request_state_name =~ /(inuse|reboot|server)/) {
# Check if the request end time has not been reached
my $request_end_time_epoch = convert_to_epoch_seconds($self->data->get_request_end_time());
my $current_time_epoch = time;
if ($request_end_time_epoch <= $current_time_epoch) {
# If the end has been reached, set the request state to complete and the computer state to failed
# This was likely caused by this process failing to initialize all of its module objects
$new_request_state_name = 'complete';
$new_computer_state_name = 'failed';
$request_log_ending = 'EOR';
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, ($initialize_failed ? 'process failed to initialize: ' : '') . "$message, request end time has been reached, setting request state to $new_request_state_name, computer state to $new_computer_state_name");
else {
# End time has not been reached, never set inuse requests to failed, set the state back to inuse
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, ($initialize_failed ? 'process failed to initialize: ' : '') . "$message, setting request and computer states back to 'inuse'");
$self->state_exit('inuse', 'inuse');
else {
# Display the message
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "reservation failed on $computer_short_name" . ($initialize_failed ? ', process failed to initialize' : '') . ": $message");
if ($request_state_name =~ /(image|checkpoint)/) {
$new_request_state_name = 'maintenance';
$new_computer_state_name = 'maintenance';
elsif ($request_state_name eq 'deleted') {
$new_request_state_name = 'complete';
$new_computer_state_name = 'failed';
elsif ($computer_input_state) {
$new_request_state_name = 'failed';
$new_computer_state_name = $computer_input_state;
else {
$new_request_state_name = 'failed';
$new_computer_state_name = 'failed';
if ($request_state_name =~ /^(new|reserved)/) {
# Update log table ending column to failed for this request
$request_log_ending = 'failed';
# Insert a row into the computerloadlog table
if (insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "failed", $message)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "inserted computerloadlog 'failed' entry for reservation $reservation_id");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to insert computerloadlog entry");
# Check if computer is part of a blockrequest, if so pull out of blockcomputers table
if (is_inblockrequest($computer_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_short_name in blockcomputers table");
if (clearfromblockrequest($computer_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "removed $computer_short_name from blockcomputers table");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "failed to remove $computer_short_name from blockcomputers table");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "$computer_short_name is NOT in blockcomputers table");
$self->state_exit($new_request_state_name, $new_computer_state_name, $request_log_ending);
} ## end sub reservation_failed
=head2 does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations
Parameters : $loadstate_name, $ignore_current_reservation (optional)
Returns : boolean
Description : Checks the computerloadlog entries for all reservations belonging
to the request. True is returned if an entry matching the
$loadstate_name argument exists for all reservations. The
$ignore_current_reservation argument may be used to check all
reservations other than the one currently being processed. This
may be used by a parent reservation to determine when all child
reservations have begun to be processed.
sub does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
my $loadstate_name = shift;
if (!defined($loadstate_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog loadstate name argument was not supplied");
my $ignore_current_reservation = shift;
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $request_state = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id();
# Retrieve computerloadlog entries for all reservations
my $request_loadstate_names = get_request_loadstate_names($request_id);
if (!$request_loadstate_names) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve request loadstate names");
my @exists;
my @does_not_exist;
for my $check_reservation_id (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$request_loadstate_names) {
# Ignore the current reservation
if ($ignore_current_reservation && $check_reservation_id eq $reservation_id) {
my @loadstate_names = @{$request_loadstate_names->{$check_reservation_id}};
if (grep { $_ eq $loadstate_name } @loadstate_names) {
push @exists, $check_reservation_id;
else {
push @does_not_exist, $check_reservation_id;
if (@does_not_exist) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog '$loadstate_name' entry does NOT exist for all reservations:\n" .
"exists for reservation IDs: " . join(', ', @exists) . "\n" .
"does not exist for reservation IDs: " . join(', ', @does_not_exist)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog '$loadstate_name' entry exists for all reservations");
if (wantarray) {
return (\@exists, \@does_not_exist);
else {
return !scalar(@does_not_exist);
=head2 does_loadstate_exist_any_reservation
Parameters : $loadstate_name, $ignore_current_reservation (optional)
Returns : array or integer
Description : Checks the computerloadlog entries for all reservations belonging
to the request. An array is returned containing reservation IDs
of any reservations for which have a corresponding
computerloadlog $loadstate_name entry. The
$ignore_current_reservation argument may be used to check all
reservations other than the one currently being processed.
sub does_loadstate_exist_any_reservation {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
my $loadstate_name = shift;
if (!defined($loadstate_name)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog loadstate name argument was not supplied");
my $ignore_current_reservation = shift;
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $request_state = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id();
# Retrieve computerloadlog entries for all reservations
my $request_loadstate_names = get_request_loadstate_names($request_id);
if (!$request_loadstate_names) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve request loadstate names");
my @exists;
my @does_not_exist;
for my $check_reservation_id (keys %$request_loadstate_names) {
# Ignore the current reservation
if ($ignore_current_reservation && $check_reservation_id eq $reservation_id) {
my @loadstate_names = @{$request_loadstate_names->{$check_reservation_id}};
if (grep { $_ eq $loadstate_name } @loadstate_names) {
push @exists, $check_reservation_id;
else {
push @does_not_exist, $check_reservation_id;
if (@exists) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog '$loadstate_name' entry exists for reservation:\n" .
"exists for reservation IDs: " . join(', ', @exists) . "\n" .
"does not exist for reservation IDs: " . join(', ', @does_not_exist)
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog '$loadstate_name' entry does NOT exist for any reservation");
return (wantarray) ? @exists : scalar(@exists);
=head2 wait_for_all_reservations_to_begin
Parameters : $loadstate_name (optional), $total_wait_seconds (optional), $attempt_delay_seconds (optional)
Returns : boolean
Description : Loops until a computerloadlog entry exists for all child
reservations matching the loadstate specified by the
$loadstate_name argument. Returns false if the loop times out.
Exits if the request has been deleted. The default
$total_wait_seconds value is 300 seconds. The default
$attempt_delay_seconds value is 15 seconds.
sub wait_for_all_reservations_to_begin {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
my $loadstate_name = shift;
if (!$loadstate_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog loadstate name argument was not supplied");
my $total_wait_seconds = shift || 300;
my $attempt_delay_seconds = shift || 30;
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $result = $self->code_loop_timeout(
sub {
if ($request_state_name ne 'deleted' && is_request_deleted($request_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has been deleted, exiting");
return $self->does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations($loadstate_name, 1);
"waiting for all reservation processes to begin", $total_wait_seconds, $attempt_delay_seconds
if (!$result) {
my ($exists, $not_exists) = $self->does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations($loadstate_name, 1);
if (!defined($exists) || !defined($not_exists)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine if all reservation processes have begun, does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations returned a null value");
elsif (!ref($exists) || !ref($not_exists) || ref($exists) ne 'ARRAY' || ref($not_exists) ne 'ARRAY') {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine if all reservation processes have begun, does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations did not return 2 array references:\n1st item returned:\n" . format_data($exists) . "\n2nd item returned:\n" . format_data($not_exists));
if (scalar(@$not_exists) == 0) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "detected all reservation processes have begun after loop timed out");
return 1;
my $string = '';
for my $reservation_id (@$not_exists) {
my $management_node_hostname = get_reservation_management_node_hostname($reservation_id) || '<unknown>';
$string .= "$reservation_id: $management_node_hostname\n"
$string =~ s/\n$//;
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine if processes for the following reservations have begun, computerloadlog '$loadstate_name' entry does not exist:\n$string");
return $result;
=head2 wait_for_reservation_loadstate
Parameters : $reservation_id, $loadstate_name, $total_wait_seconds (optional), $attempt_delay_seconds (optional)
Returns : boolean
Description : Waits for a computerloadlog entry to exist for a particular
sub wait_for_reservation_loadstate {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
my ($reservation_id, $loadstate_name, $total_wait_seconds, $attempt_delay_seconds) = @_;
if (!$reservation_id) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog loadstate name argument was not supplied");
elsif (!$loadstate_name) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog loadstate name argument was not supplied");
$total_wait_seconds = 300 unless defined($total_wait_seconds);
$attempt_delay_seconds = 30 unless defined($attempt_delay_seconds);
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $result = $self->code_loop_timeout(
sub {
if ($request_state_name ne 'deleted' && is_request_deleted($request_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has been deleted, exiting");
return get_reservation_computerloadlog_time($reservation_id, $loadstate_name);
"waiting for reservation $reservation_id to generate a $loadstate_name computerloadlog entry", $total_wait_seconds, $attempt_delay_seconds
if ($result) {
return $result;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computerloadlog '$loadstate_name' entry does not exist for reservation $reservation_id, waited $total_wait_seconds seconds");
=head2 wait_for_child_reservations_to_exit
Parameters : $total_wait_seconds (optional), $attempt_delay_seconds (optional)
Returns : boolean
Description : Loops until an 'exited' computerloadlog entry exists for all
child reservations which also have a 'begin' entry. Returns false
if the loop times out. The default $total_wait_seconds value is
300 seconds. The default $attempt_delay_seconds value is 15
sub wait_for_child_reservations_to_exit {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
my $total_wait_seconds = shift || 300;
my $attempt_delay_seconds = shift || 15;
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $subroutine_name = get_current_subroutine_name();
return $self->code_loop_timeout(
sub {
# Commented out - causes problems for cluster requests
# Example: request deleted while in pending/reserved, waiting for acknowledgement
# Parent sees state=deleted, and doesn't wait for child reserved processes to exit
# Parent's deleted/ process starts up
# -Parent sees 'begin' entries for the child reservations
# -Sets request state to pending/deleted
# processes are never created for children
# Child computer state gets left in 'reserved'
#if (is_request_deleted($request_id)) {
# notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has been deleted, exiting");
# exit;
my ($exited, $not_exited) = $self->does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations('exited', 1);
# If no reservations are missing an 'exited' entry return true
if (!@$not_exited) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$subroutine_name: computerloadlog 'exited' entry exists for all reservations");
return 1;
# Some reservations are missing an 'exited' entry
# Ignore reservations missing both an 'exited' and 'begin' entry
my ($began, $not_began) = $self->does_loadstate_exist_all_reservations('begin', 1);
my @began_not_exited = get_array_intersection($began, $not_exited);
if (@began_not_exited) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$subroutine_name: reservation exists with a computerloadlog 'begin' entry but no 'exited' entry, returning false\n" . join(', ', @began_not_exited));
return 0;
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$subroutine_name: no reservations have a computerloadlog 'begin' entry but no 'exited' entry, returning true");
return 1;
[$self, 'exited', 1],
"waiting for child reservation processes to exit", $total_wait_seconds, $attempt_delay_seconds
=head2 state_exit
Parameters : $request_state_name_new (optional), $computer_state_name_new (optional), $request_log_ending (optional)
Returns : none, exits
Description : Performs common tasks before a reservation process exits and then
sub state_exit {
my $self = shift;
if (ref($self) !~ /VCL/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine can only be called as a class method of a VCL object");
# Set flag to avoid this subroutine from being called more than once
$ENV->{state_exit} = 1;
my ($request_state_name_new, $computer_state_name_new, $request_log_ending) = @_;
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "beginning state module exit tasks, " .
"request state argument: " . ($request_state_name_new ? $request_state_name_new : '<not specified>') . ', ' .
"computer state argument: " . ($computer_state_name_new ? $computer_state_name_new : '<not specified>') . ', ' .
"log ending argument: " . ($request_log_ending ? $request_log_ending : '<not specified>')
my $calling_sub = get_calling_subroutine();
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my $request_logid = $self->data->get_request_log_id(0);
my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id();
my @reservation_ids = $self->data->get_reservation_ids();
my $reservation_count = $self->data->get_reservation_count();
my $is_parent_reservation = $self->data->is_parent_reservation();
my $request_state_name_old = $self->data->get_request_state_name();
my $request_laststate_name_old = $self->data->get_request_laststate_name();
my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id();
my $computer_shortname = $self->data->get_computer_short_name();
my $nathost_hostname = $self->data->get_nathost_hostname(0);
if ($is_parent_reservation) {
# If parent of a cluster request, wait for child processes to exit before switching the state
if ($reservation_count > 1) {
# Check frequently if reservation timed out to cause Reservations page to remove the Connect button ASAP
if ($request_state_name_new && $request_state_name_new =~ /(timeout)/) {
$self->wait_for_child_reservations_to_exit(300, 3);
else {
# Check if any reservations failed
my @failed_reservation_ids = $self->does_loadstate_exist_any_reservation('failed');
if (@failed_reservation_ids && (!$request_state_name_new || $request_state_name_new ne 'failed')) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "another reservation failed, request state will be updated to 'failed'");
$request_state_name_new = 'failed';
if ($request_state_name_new && $request_state_name_new eq 'failed') {
# Child reservations will leave the state of the computer to 'reloading' if they didn't fail
# Need to change state back to available for child reservations which didn't fail
for my $cluster_reservation_id (@reservation_ids) {
next if $cluster_reservation_id eq $reservation_id;
my $reservation_data = $self->data->get_reservation_data($cluster_reservation_id) || next;
my $reservation_computer_id = $reservation_data->get_computer_id() || next;
my $reservation_computer_hostname = $reservation_data->get_computer_hostname() || next;
if (!(grep { $_ eq $cluster_reservation_id } @failed_reservation_ids)) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "child reservation $cluster_reservation_id did not fail, checking state of computer assigned to reservation: $reservation_computer_id");
my $computer_current_state_name = get_computer_current_state_name($reservation_computer_id) || next;
if ($computer_current_state_name =~ /(reloading)/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "state of computer $reservation_computer_id assigned to child reservation $cluster_reservation_id is $computer_current_state_name, reservation did not fail, changing state to available");
update_computer_state($reservation_computer_id, 'available');
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "state of computer $reservation_computer_id assigned to child reservation $cluster_reservation_id is $computer_current_state_name, reservation did not fail, state of computer will not be changed");
if ($request_state_name_new) {
# Never set request state to failed if previous state is image
# Allow pending/checkpoint --> reserved/checkpoint
if ($request_state_name_old =~ /(image|checkpoint)/ && $request_state_name_new !~ /(reserved|complete|maintenance)/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "previous request state is $request_state_name_old, not setting request state to $request_state_name_new, setting request and computer state to maintenance");
$request_state_name_new = 'maintenance';
$computer_state_name_new = 'maintenance';
elsif ($request_state_name_old =~ /(inuse|reboot|server)/ && $request_state_name_new !~ /(inuse|timeout|maintenance)/) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "previous request state is $request_state_name_old, not setting request state to $request_state_name_new, setting request and computer state to inuse");
$request_state_name_new = 'inuse';
$computer_state_name_new = 'inuse';
# If $request_log_ending was passed this should be the end of the reservation
# If NAT is used, rules added to the NAT host should be removed
if ($nathost_hostname) {
my $nat_sanitize_needed = 0;
if ($request_log_ending) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempting to sanitize firewall rules created for reservation $reservation_id on NAT host $nathost_hostname, \$request_log_ending argument was specified");
$nat_sanitize_needed = 1;
elsif ($request_state_name_new && $request_state_name_new =~ /(timeout|deleted|complete|image|checkpoint|failed)/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "attempting to sanitize firewall rules created for reservation $reservation_id on NAT host $nathost_hostname, next request state is '$request_state_name_new'");
$nat_sanitize_needed = 1;
if ($nat_sanitize_needed) {
# Update the computer state if argument was supplied
if ($computer_state_name_new) {
my $computer_state_name_old = $self->data->get_computer_state_name();
if ($computer_state_name_new eq $computer_state_name_old) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "state of computer $computer_shortname not updated, already set to $computer_state_name_old");
elsif (!update_computer_state($computer_id, $computer_state_name_new)) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "failed update state of computer $computer_shortname: $computer_state_name_old->$computer_state_name_new");
if ($is_parent_reservation) {
# Clean computerloadlog as late as possible
if ($request_state_name_old =~ /(new|reserved)/) {
# Only delete computerloadlog entries with loadstatename = 'begin' for all reservations in this request
delete_computerloadlog_reservation(\@reservation_ids, '(begin)');
else {
# Delete all computerloadlog entries for all reservations in this request
# Update log.ending if this is the parent reservation and argument was supplied
if ($request_logid && $request_log_ending) {
if (!update_log_ending($request_logid, $request_log_ending)) {
notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "failed to set log ending to $request_log_ending, log ID: $request_logid");
# Update the reservation.lastcheck time to now if the next request state is inuse
# Do this to ensure that reservations are not processed again quickly after this process exits
# For cluster requests, the parent may have had to wait a while for child processes to exit
# Resetting reservation.lastcheck causes reservations to wait the full interval between inuse checks
if ($request_state_name_new && $request_state_name_new =~ /(reserved|inuse|reboot|server)/) {
# Insert a computerloadlog 'exited' entry
# This is used by the parent cluster reservation
# Do this as late as possible, if request.state is changed to 'complete', vcld may begin processing it before this process exits
# Warning will be generated if request is deleted before insertloadlog is executed
insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "exited", "vcld process exiting");
if ($is_parent_reservation && $request_state_name_new) {
# Update the request state
if ($request_state_name_old ne 'deleted') {
if (is_request_deleted($request_id)) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has been deleted, request state not updated: $request_state_name_old --> $request_state_name_new");
else {
# Check if the request state has already been updated
# This can occur if another reservation in a cluster failed
my ($request_state_name_current, $request_laststate_name_current) = get_request_current_state_name($request_id);
if ($request_state_name_current eq $request_state_name_new && $request_laststate_name_current eq $request_state_name_old) {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has NOT been deleted, current state already set to: $request_state_name_current/$request_laststate_name_current");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "request has NOT been deleted, updating request state: $request_state_name_old/$request_laststate_name_old --> $request_state_name_new/$request_state_name_old");
if (!update_request_state($request_id, $request_state_name_new, $request_state_name_old)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to change request state: $request_state_name_old/$request_laststate_name_old --> $request_state_name_new/$request_state_name_old");
else {
# Current request state = 'deleted', always set the request state to 'complete'
if (!update_request_state($request_id, 'complete', $request_state_name_old)) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to change request state: $request_state_name_old/$request_laststate_name_old --> $request_state_name_new/$request_state_name_old");
# Don't call exit if this was called from DESTROY or else DESTROY gets called again
if ($calling_sub) {
if ($calling_sub =~ /DESTROY/) {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "calling subroutine: $calling_sub, skipping call to exit");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "calling subroutine: $calling_sub, calling exit");
else {
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "calling subroutine not defined, calling exit");
=head2 DESTROY
Parameters : none
Returns : exits
Description : Performs VCL::State module cleanup actions:
- Removes computerloadlog 'begin' entries for reservation
- If this is a cluster parent reservation, removes
computerloadlog 'begin' entries for all reservations in request
- Closes the database connection
my $self = shift;
my $address = sprintf('%x', $self);
notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, ref($self) . " destructor called, address: $address");
my $calling_sub = get_calling_subroutine();
# Check if normal module object data is available
if ($calling_sub && $self && $self->data(0) && !$self->data->is_blockrequest()) {
if (!$ENV->{state_exit}) {
my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id();
my @reservation_ids = $self->data->get_reservation_ids();
if (@reservation_ids && $request_id) {
#notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "computerloadlog states remaining after process exits:\n" . format_data(get_request_loadstate_names($request_id)));
elsif (!$SETUP_MODE) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve the reservation ID, computerloadlog 'begin' rows not removed");
# Uncomment to enable database metrics
# Print the number of database handles this process created for testing/development
#if (defined $ENV->{dbh_count}) {
# notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "number of database handles state process created: $ENV->{dbh_count}");
#if (defined $ENV->{database_select_count}) {
# notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database select queries: $ENV->{database_select_count}");
#if (defined $ENV->{database_select_calls}) {
# my $database_select_calls_string;
# my %hash = %{$ENV->{database_select_calls}};
# my @sorted_keys = sort { $hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a} } keys(%hash);
# for my $key (@sorted_keys) {
# $database_select_calls_string .= "$ENV->{database_select_calls}{$key}: $key\n";
# }
# notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database select called from:\n$database_select_calls_string");
#if (defined $ENV->{database_execute_count}) {
# notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "database execute queries: $ENV->{database_execute_count}");
# Close the database handle
if (defined $ENV->{dbh}) {
if (!$ENV->{dbh}->disconnect) {
notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "\$ENV->{dbh}: database disconnect failed, " . DBI::errstr());
# Check for an overridden destructor
$self->SUPER::DESTROY if $self->can("SUPER::DESTROY");
# Determine how long process took to run
if ($self->{start_time}) {
my $duration = (time - $self->{start_time});
notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, ref($self) . " process duration: $duration seconds");
} ## end sub DESTROY
=head1 SEE ALSO