| #!/usr/bin/perl -w |
| ############################################################################### |
| # $Id$ |
| ############################################################################### |
| # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more |
| # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with |
| # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. |
| # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
| # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with |
| # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| =head1 NAME |
| |
| VCL::Provisioning::libvirt - VCL provisioning module to support the libvirt toolkit |
| |
| =head1 SYNOPSIS |
| |
| use VCL::Module::Provisioning::libvirt; |
| my $provisioner = (VCL::Module::Provisioning::libvirt)->new({data_structure => $self->data}); |
| |
| =head1 DESCRIPTION |
| |
| Provides support allowing VCL to provisioning resources supported by the |
| libvirt toolkit. |
| http://libvirt.org |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| package VCL::Module::Provisioning::libvirt; |
| |
| # Specify the lib path using FindBin |
| use FindBin; |
| use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../.."; |
| |
| # Configure inheritance |
| use base qw(VCL::Module::Provisioning); |
| |
| # Specify the version of this module |
| our $VERSION = '2.5.1'; |
| |
| # Specify the version of Perl to use |
| use 5.008000; |
| |
| use strict; |
| use warnings; |
| use diagnostics; |
| use English qw(-no_match_vars); |
| use File::Basename; |
| |
| use VCL::utils; |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 initialize |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Enumerates the libvirt driver modules directory: |
| lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/libvirt/ |
| |
| Attempts to create and initialize an object for each hypervisor |
| driver module found in this directory. The first driver module |
| object successfully initialized is used. This object is made |
| accessible within this module via $self->driver. This allows |
| libvirt support driver modules to be added without having to |
| alter the code in libvirt.pm. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub initialize { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| # Get the absolute path of the libvirt drivers directory |
| my $driver_directory_path = "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/VCL/Module/Provisioning/libvirt"; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "libvirt driver module directory path: $driver_directory_path"); |
| |
| # Get a list of all *.pm files in the libvirt drivers directory |
| my @driver_module_paths = $self->mn_os->find_files($driver_directory_path, '*.pm'); |
| |
| # Attempt to create an initialize an object for each driver module |
| # Use the first driver module successfully initialized |
| DRIVER: for my $driver_module_path (sort { lc($a) cmp lc($b) } @driver_module_paths) { |
| my $driver_name = fileparse($driver_module_path, qr/\.pm$/i); |
| my $driver_perl_package = ref($self) . "::$driver_name"; |
| |
| # Create and initialize the driver object |
| eval "use $driver_perl_package"; |
| if ($EVAL_ERROR) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to load libvirt $driver_name driver module: $driver_perl_package, error: $EVAL_ERROR"); |
| next DRIVER; |
| } |
| my $driver; |
| eval { $driver = ($driver_perl_package)->new({data_structure => $self->data, os => $self->os, vmhost_os => $self->vmhost_os}) }; |
| if ($driver) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "libvirt $driver_name driver object created and initialized to control $node_name"); |
| $self->{driver} = $driver; |
| $self->{driver}{driver} = $driver; |
| $self->{driver_name} = $driver_name; |
| last DRIVER; |
| } |
| elsif ($EVAL_ERROR) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "libvirt $driver_name driver object could not be created: type: $driver_perl_package, error:\n$EVAL_ERROR"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "libvirt $driver_name driver object could not be initialized to control $node_name"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Make sure the driver module object was successfully initialized |
| if (!$self->driver()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to initialize libvirt provisioning module, driver object could not be created and initialized"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Check if the VM profile virtualswitch0 and virtualswitch1 settings match either a defined network or physical interface on the node |
| if ($request_state_name =~ /(new|reload|reinstall|test)/) { |
| my $virtualswitch0 = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_virtualswitch0(); |
| my $virtualswitch1 = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_virtualswitch1(); |
| |
| my $network_info = $self->get_node_network_info(); |
| if (!defined($network_info)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to initialize libvirt provisioning module, network info could not be retrieved from $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $interface_info = $self->get_node_interface_info(); |
| if (!defined($interface_info)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to initialize libvirt provisioning module, interface info could not be retrieved from $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $vm_network_0_found = (defined($network_info->{$virtualswitch0}) || defined($interface_info->{$virtualswitch0})); |
| my $vm_network_1_found = (defined($network_info->{$virtualswitch1}) || defined($interface_info->{$virtualswitch1})); |
| if (!$vm_network_0_found || !$vm_network_1_found) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to initialize libvirt provisioning module, VM network settings in VM host profile do not correspond to a network or physical interface on $node_name\n" . |
| "VM network 0 setting: $virtualswitch0" . ($vm_network_0_found ? '' : ' <-- MISSING!!!') . "\n" . |
| "VM network 1 setting: $virtualswitch1" . ($vm_network_1_found ? '' : ' <-- MISSING!!!') . "\n" . |
| "networks: " . join(', ', sort keys %$network_info) . "\n" . |
| "physical interfaces: " . join(', ', sort keys %$interface_info) |
| ); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, ref($self) . " provisioning module initialized"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 unload |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Unloads the image on the domain: |
| |
| =over 3 |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub unload { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!$self->delete_existing_domains()) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return 1; |
| |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 load |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Loads the requested image on the domain: |
| |
| =over 3 |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub load { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id(); |
| my $image_name = $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id(); |
| my $computer_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $domain_name = $self->get_domain_name(); |
| my $driver_name = $self->get_driver_name(); |
| my $domain_xml_file_path = $self->get_domain_xml_file_path(); |
| |
| insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "startload", "$computer_name $image_name"); |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Destroy and delete any domains have already been defined for the computer |
| assigned to this reservation. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| $self->delete_existing_domains() || return; |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Construct the default libvirt XML definition for the domain. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| my $domain_xml_definition = $self->generate_domain_xml(); |
| if (!$domain_xml_definition) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to load '$image_name' image on '$computer_name', unable to generate XML definition for '$domain_name' domain"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Call the libvirt driver module's 'extend_domain_xml' subroutine if it is |
| implemented. Pass the default domain XML definition hash reference as an |
| argument. The 'extend_domain_xml' subroutine may add or modify XML values. This |
| allows the driver module to customize the XML specific to that driver. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| if ($self->driver->can('extend_domain_xml')) { |
| $domain_xml_definition = $self->driver->extend_domain_xml($domain_xml_definition); |
| if (!$domain_xml_definition) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to load '$image_name' image on '$computer_name', $driver_name libvirt driver module failed to extend XML definition for '$domain_name' domain"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Call the driver module's 'pre_define' subroutine if it is implemented. This |
| subroutine completes any necessary tasks which are specific to the driver being |
| used prior to defining the domain. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| if ($self->driver->can('pre_define') && !$self->driver->pre_define()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to load '$image_name' image on '$computer_name', $driver_name libvirt driver module failed to complete its steps prior to defining the domain"); |
| return; |
| } |
| insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "transfervm", "performed libvirt driver tasks before defining domain"); |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Create a text file on the node containing the domain XML definition. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| if (!$self->vmhost_os->create_text_file($domain_xml_file_path, $domain_xml_definition)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to load '$image_name' image on '$computer_name', unable to create XML file on $node_name: $domain_xml_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Define the domain on the node by calling 'virsh define <XML file>'. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| if (!$self->define_domain($domain_xml_file_path, 1)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to load '$image_name' image on '$computer_name', unable to define domain"); |
| return; |
| } |
| insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "vmsetupconfig", "defined $computer_name domain node $node_name"); |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Power on the domain. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| if (!$self->power_on($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to start '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| insertloadlog($reservation_id, $computer_id, "startvm", "powered on $computer_name domain node $node_name"); |
| |
| =item * |
| |
| Call the domain guest OS module's 'post_load' subroutine if implemented. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| if ($self->os->can("post_load")) { |
| if ($self->os->post_load()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "performed OS post-load tasks '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to perform OS post-load tasks on '$domain_name' domain on node $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "OS post-load tasks not necessary '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| } |
| |
| =back |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| return 1; |
| } ## end sub load |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 capture |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Captures the image currently loaded on the computer. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub capture { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $old_image_name = $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| |
| # Construct the new image name |
| my $new_image_name = $self->get_new_image_name(); |
| $self->data->set_image_name($new_image_name); |
| |
| my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name(); |
| my $image_id = $self->data->get_image_id(); |
| my $imagerevision_id = $self->data->get_imagerevision_id(); |
| my $image_type = $self->data->get_imagetype_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $computer_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $master_image_directory_path = $self->get_master_image_directory_path(); |
| my $master_image_file_path = $self->get_master_image_file_path(); |
| my $datastore_image_type = $self->data->get_vmhost_datastore_imagetype_name(); |
| my $repository_image_directory_path = $self->get_repository_image_directory_path(); |
| my $repository_image_file_path = $self->get_repository_image_file_path(); |
| my $repository_image_type = $self->data->get_vmhost_repository_imagetype_name(); |
| |
| # Set the imagemeta Sysprep value to 0 to prevent Sysprep from being used |
| $self->data->set_imagemeta_sysprep(0); |
| |
| # Get the domain name |
| my $domain_name = $self->get_domain_name(); |
| if (!$domain_name) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to capture image on $node_name, domain name could not be determined"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "beginning image capture:\n" . <<EOF |
| image id: $image_id |
| imagerevision id: $imagerevision_id |
| old image name: $old_image_name |
| new image name: $new_image_name |
| --- |
| host node: $node_name |
| computer: $computer_name |
| --- |
| master image directory path: $master_image_directory_path |
| master image file path: $master_image_file_path |
| --- |
| old image type: $image_type |
| datastore image type: $datastore_image_type |
| --- |
| repository image type: $repository_image_type |
| repository image directory path: $repository_image_directory_path |
| repository image file path: $repository_image_file_path |
| EOF |
| ); |
| |
| # Call the OS module's pre_capture() subroutine |
| if ($self->os->can("pre_capture") && !$self->os->pre_capture({end_state => 'on'})) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to complete OS module's pre_capture tasks"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Check the power status before proceeding |
| my $power_status = $self->power_status(); |
| if (!$power_status) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to capture image on $node_name, power status of '$domain_name' domain could not be determined"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($power_status !~ /on/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to capture image on $node_name, power status of '$domain_name' domain is $power_status"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Make sure the master image file doesn't already exist |
| if ($self->vmhost_os->file_exists($master_image_file_path)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "master image file already exists on $node_name: $master_image_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Make sure the repository image file doesn't already exist if the repository path is configured |
| if ($repository_image_file_path && $self->vmhost_os->file_exists($repository_image_file_path)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "repository image file already exists on $node_name: $repository_image_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Get the domain XML definition |
| my $domain_xml_string = $self->get_domain_xml_string($domain_name); |
| if (!$domain_xml_string) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to capture image on $node_name, unable to retrieve domain XML definition: $domain_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Delete existing XML definition files |
| $self->os->delete_file("~/*-v*.xml"); |
| |
| # Save the domain XML definition to a file in the image |
| my $image_xml_file_path = "~/$new_image_name.xml"; |
| if ($self->os->create_text_file($image_xml_file_path, $domain_xml_string)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "saved domain XML definition text file in image: $image_xml_file_path"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to capture image on $node_name, unable to save domain XML definition text file in image: $image_xml_file_path, contents:\n$domain_xml_string"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Save the domain XML definition to a file in the master image directory |
| my $master_xml_file_path = $self->get_master_xml_file_path(); |
| if ($self->vmhost_os->create_text_file($master_xml_file_path, $domain_xml_string)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "saved domain XML definition text file to master image directory: $master_xml_file_path"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to capture image on $node_name, unable to save domain XML definition text file: $master_xml_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Update the image name in the database |
| if ($old_image_name ne $new_image_name && !update_image_name($image_id, $imagerevision_id, $new_image_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update image name in the database: $old_image_name --> $new_image_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Update the image type in the database to the datastore image type |
| if ($image_type ne $datastore_image_type && !update_image_type($image_id, $datastore_image_type)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to update image type in the database: $image_type --> $datastore_image_type"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Shutdown domain |
| if (!$self->os->shutdown()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$domain_name has not powered off after the OS module's pre_capture tasks were completed, powering off forcefully"); |
| if (!$self->power_off($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to power off $domain_name after the OS module's pre_capture tasks were completed"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Get the disk file paths from the domain definition |
| my @disk_file_paths = $self->get_domain_disk_file_paths($domain_name); |
| if (scalar @disk_file_paths == 0) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "did not find any disks defined in the XML definition for $domain_name:\n" . format_data($domain_name)); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif (scalar @disk_file_paths > 1) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "found multiple disks defined in the XML definition for $domain_name, only the first disk will be captured:\n" . format_data(\@disk_file_paths)); |
| } |
| |
| # Copy the linked clone to create a new master image file |
| my $linked_clone_file_path = $disk_file_paths[0]; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved linked clone file path from domain $domain_name: $linked_clone_file_path"); |
| if ($self->driver->can('copy_virtual_disk')) { |
| # Get a semaphore so that multiple processes don't try to copy/access the image at the same time |
| # Since this is a new image, should get semaphore on 1st try |
| if (my $semaphore = $self->get_master_image_semaphore()) { |
| if ($self->driver->copy_virtual_disk($linked_clone_file_path, $master_image_file_path, $datastore_image_type)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "created master image from linked clone: $linked_clone_file_path --> $master_image_file_path"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create master image from linked clone: $linked_clone_file_path --> $master_image_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to capture image on $node_name, unable to obtain semaphore before creating master image from linked clone: $linked_clone_file_path --> $master_image_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Copy the master image to the repository if the repository path is configured in the VM host profile |
| if ($repository_image_file_path) { |
| if (my $semaphore = $self->get_repository_image_semaphore()) { |
| if ($self->driver->copy_virtual_disk($master_image_file_path, $repository_image_file_path, $repository_image_type)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "created repository image from master image: $master_image_file_path --> $repository_image_file_path"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create repository image from master image: $master_image_file_path --> $repository_image_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to capture image on $node_name, unable to obtain semaphore before copying master image to repository mounted on $node_name: $master_image_file_path --> $repository_image_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Save the domain XML definition to a file in the repository image directory |
| my $repository_xml_file_path = $self->get_repository_xml_file_path(); |
| if ($self->vmhost_os->create_text_file($repository_xml_file_path, $domain_xml_string)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "saved domain XML definition text file to repository image directory: $master_xml_file_path"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to capture image on $node_name, unable to save domain XML definition text file to repository image directory: $master_xml_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if ($request_state_name !~ /^(image)$/) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "domain will NOT be deleted because the request state is '$request_state_name'"); |
| } |
| else { |
| # Image has been captured, delete the domain |
| $self->delete_domain($domain_name); |
| } |
| |
| return 1; |
| } ## end sub capture |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 does_image_exist |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : array (boolean) |
| Description : Checks if the requested image exists on the node or in the |
| repository. If the image exists, an array containing the image |
| file paths is returned. A boolean evaluation can be done on the |
| return value to simply determine if an image exists. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub does_image_exist { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $master_image_file_path = $self->get_master_image_file_path($image_name); |
| |
| # Get a semaphore in case another process is currently copying to create the master image |
| if (my $semaphore = $self->get_master_image_semaphore()) { |
| # Check if the master image file exists on the VM host |
| if ($self->vmhost_os->file_exists($master_image_file_path)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$image_name image exists on $node_name: $master_image_file_path"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine if $image_name exists on $node_name: $master_image_file_path, unable to obtain semaphore"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Attempt to find the image files in the repository |
| if ($self->find_repository_image_file_paths($image_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$image_name image exists in the repository mounted on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "$image_name image does not exist $node_name"); |
| return 0; |
| } ## end sub does_image_exist |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_image_size |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : integer |
| Description : Returns the size of the image in megabytes. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_image_size { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| |
| my $image_size_bytes = $self->get_image_size_bytes($image_name) || return; |
| |
| # Convert bytes to MB |
| return int($image_size_bytes / 1024 ** 2); |
| } ## end sub get_image_size |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 power_status |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Determines the power state of the domain. A string is returned |
| containing one of the following values: |
| * 'on' |
| * 'off' |
| * 'suspended' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub power_status { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift || $self->get_domain_name(); |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| # Get the domain info hash, make sure domain is defined |
| my $domain_info = $self->get_domain_info(); |
| if (!defined($domain_info->{$domain_name})) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "unable to determine power status of '$domain_name' domain, it is not defined on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # enum virDomainState { |
| # VIR_DOMAIN_NOSTATE = 0 : no state |
| # VIR_DOMAIN_RUNNING = 1 : the domain is running |
| # VIR_DOMAIN_BLOCKED = 2 : the domain is blocked on resource |
| # VIR_DOMAIN_PAUSED = 3 : the domain is paused by user |
| # VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTDOWN = 4 : the domain is being shut down |
| # VIR_DOMAIN_SHUTOFF = 5 : the domain is shut off |
| # } |
| |
| my $domain_state = $domain_info->{$domain_name}{state}; |
| if (!defined($domain_state)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine power status of '$domain_name' domain, the state attribute is not set"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($domain_state =~ /running/i) { |
| return 'on'; |
| } |
| elsif ($domain_state =~ /blocked/i) { |
| return 'blocked'; |
| } |
| elsif ($domain_state =~ /paused/i) { |
| return 'suspended'; |
| } |
| elsif ($domain_state =~ /(shutdown|off)/i) { |
| return 'off'; |
| } |
| elsif ($domain_state =~ /crashed/i) { |
| return 'crashed'; |
| } |
| else { |
| return $domain_state; |
| } |
| |
| } ## end sub power_status |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 power_on |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name (optional) |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Powers on the domain. Returns true if the domain was successfully |
| powered on or was already powered on. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub power_on { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift || $self->get_domain_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| # Start the domain |
| my $command = "virsh start \"$domain_name\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to start '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status eq '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "started '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| elsif (grep(/domain is already active/i, @$output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "'$domain_name' domain is already running on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to start '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| } ## end sub power_on |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 power_off |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Powers off the domain. Returns true if the domain was |
| successfully powered off or was already powered off. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub power_off { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift || $self->get_domain_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| # Start the domain |
| my $command = "virsh destroy \"$domain_name\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to destroy '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status eq '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "destroyed '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| elsif (grep(/domain is not running/i, @$output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "'$domain_name' domain is not running on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| elsif (grep(/SIGKILL: Device or resource busy/i, @$output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "Failed to stop '$domain_name' domain; \"SIGKILL: Device or resource busy\" encountered, waiting 30 seconds and trying again"); |
| # libvirt could not kill VM, wait and try again |
| sleep 30; |
| my $command2 = "virsh -q list --all"; |
| ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command2); |
| my ($id, $name, $state); |
| for my $line (@$output) { |
| ($id, $name, $state) = $line =~ /^\s*([\d\-]+)\s+(.+?)\s+(\w+|shut off|in shutdown)$/g; |
| next if (!defined($id)); |
| last if ($name eq $domain_name); |
| } |
| if ($name ne $domain_name) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "2nd try: $domain_name not found when running 'virsh list' on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| if ($id eq '-') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "'$domain_name' domain now stopped"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "2nd try: failed to execute virsh command to destroy '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status eq '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "2nd try: destroyed '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| elsif (grep(/domain is not running/i, @$output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "2nd try: '$domain_name' domain is not running on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "2nd try: failed to destroy '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to destroy '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| } ## end sub power_off |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 power_reset |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name (optional) |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Resets the power of the domain by powering it off and then back |
| on. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub power_reset { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift || $self->get_domain_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| if (!$self->power_off()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to reset power of '$domain_name' domain on $node_name, domain could not be powered off"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!$self->power_on()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to reset power of '$domain_name' domain on $node_name, domain could not be powered on"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "reset power of '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } ## end sub power_reset |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 post_maintenance_action |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Performs tasks when a VM is unassigned from a host: |
| -Deletes domain from node |
| -Unassigns VM from VM host (sets computer.vmhostid to NULL) |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub post_maintenance_action { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift || $self->get_domain_name(); |
| my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id(); |
| my $computer_short_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $vmhost_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| # Delete the domains on the node which were created for the computer being put into maintenance |
| if (!$self->delete_existing_domains()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to delete existing $domain_name domains on $vmhost_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Set the computer current image in the database to 'noimage' |
| if (!update_computer_imagename($computer_id, 'noimage')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to set computer $computer_short_name current image to 'noimage'"); |
| } |
| |
| # Unassign the VM from the VM host, change computer.vmhostid to NULL |
| if (!switch_vmhost_id($computer_id, 'NULL')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to set the vmhostid to NULL for $domain_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return 1; |
| } ## end sub post_maintenance_action |
| |
| ############################################################################### |
| |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 driver |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : Libvirt driver object |
| Description : Returns a reference to the libvirt driver object which is created |
| when this libvirt.pm module is initialized. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub driver { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!$self->{driver}) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to return libvirt driver object, \$self->{driver} is not set"); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| return $self->{driver}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_driver_name |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the name of the libvirt driver being used to control the |
| node. Example: 'KVM' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_driver_name { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (!$self->{driver_name}) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to return libvirt driver name, \$self->{driver_name} is not set"); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| return $self->{driver_name}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_name |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the name of the domain. This name is passed to various |
| virsh commands. It is also the name displayed in virt-manager. |
| |
| If the request state is 'image', the domain name is retrieved |
| from the list of defined domains on the node because the name |
| will vary based on the base image used. |
| |
| If the request state is anything other than 'image', the domain |
| name is constructed from the computer name, image display name |
| pruned of non-alphanumeric characters, image ID, and revision |
| number: |
| <computer name>_<image display name>_<image ID>-v<revision number>' |
| |
| Example: |
| 'vm4-22_CentOS7Base64bitVM_3081-v5' |
| |
| Parts of the name may be omitted if the overall length exceeds |
| the maximum domain name length on some early versions of |
| libvirt/KVM - 48 characters. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_name { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Only use argument for testing different lengths |
| my $max_length = shift; |
| if (!$max_length) { |
| return $self->{domain_name} if defined $self->{domain_name}; |
| $max_length = 48; |
| } |
| |
| my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name(); |
| my $computer_id = $self->data->get_computer_id(); |
| my $computer_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $image_id = $self->data->get_image_id(); |
| my $image_pretty_name = $self->data->get_image_prettyname(); |
| my $revision_number = $self->data->get_imagerevision_revision(); |
| |
| # If request state is image the domain name will be that of the image used as the base image, not the image being created |
| # Must find existing loaded domain on node in order to determine name |
| if ($request_state_name =~ /(image|checkpoint)/) { |
| if (my $active_domain_name = $self->get_active_domain_name()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved name of domain being captured: '$active_domain_name'"); |
| $self->{domain_name} = $active_domain_name; |
| return $active_domain_name; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine name of domain to be captured"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Request state is not image, construct the domain name |
| # Make sure the computer name by itself isn't too long |
| # This shouldn't ever happen unless very long computer names are used |
| my $computer_name_length = length($computer_name); |
| if ($computer_name_length > $max_length) { |
| $self->{domain_name} = $computer_id; |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "computer name '$computer_name' is longer ($computer_name_length characters) than the maximum domain name length ($max_length characters), domain name will be the computer ID: '$self->{domain_name}'"); |
| return $self->{domain_name}; |
| } |
| |
| my $prefix = "$computer_name\_"; |
| my $prefix_length = length($prefix); |
| |
| my $suffix = "$image_id-v$revision_number"; |
| my $suffix_length = length($suffix); |
| |
| my $prefix_suffix_length = ($prefix_length + $suffix_length); |
| |
| # Make sure computer name prefix + revision suffix don't exceed the maximum length |
| # If so, just use the computer name |
| if ($prefix_suffix_length > $max_length) { |
| $self->{domain_name} = $computer_name; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "length of domain name prefix '$prefix' and suffix '$suffix' ($prefix_suffix_length characters) exceeds the maximum domain name length ($max_length characters), domain name will only contain the computer name: '$self->{domain_name}'"); |
| return $self->{domain_name}; |
| } |
| elsif ($prefix_suffix_length == $max_length) { |
| $self->{domain_name} = $prefix . $suffix; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "length of domain name prefix '$prefix' and suffix '$suffix' ($prefix_suffix_length characters) equals the maximum domain name length ($max_length characters), domain name will only contain these components: '$self->{domain_name}'"); |
| return $self->{domain_name}; |
| } |
| |
| # Figure out the maximum number of characters to include in the middle section |
| # Subtract 1 for the separator character |
| my $max_middle_length = ($max_length - $prefix_suffix_length - 1); |
| if ($max_middle_length < 5) { |
| # Don't bother adding if middle section would be less than 5 characters |
| $self->{domain_name} = $prefix . $suffix; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "length of domain name prefix '$prefix' and suffix '$suffix' ($prefix_suffix_length characters) is close to the maximum domain name length ($max_length characters), domain name will only contain these components: '$self->{domain_name}'"); |
| return$self->{domain_name}; |
| } |
| |
| my $middle_section = ''; |
| |
| # Remove all characters except letters and numbers |
| (my $image_pretty_name_reduced = $image_pretty_name) =~ s/[^a-z0-9]+//ig; |
| my $image_pretty_name_reduced_length = length($image_pretty_name_reduced); |
| if (length($image_pretty_name_reduced) <= $max_middle_length) { |
| $middle_section = $image_pretty_name_reduced; |
| } |
| else { |
| $middle_section = substr($image_pretty_name_reduced, 0, $max_middle_length); |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "truncating middle section of domain name so overall length is $max_length characters: '$image_pretty_name_reduced' --> '$middle_section'"); |
| } |
| |
| $self->{domain_name} = $prefix . $middle_section . '_' . $suffix; |
| my $domain_name_length = length($self->{domain_name}); |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "constructed domain name: '$self->{domain_name}', length: $domain_name_length characters"); |
| return $self->{domain_name}; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_active_domain_name |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Determines the name of the domain assigned to the reservation. |
| This subroutine is mainly used when capturing base images. The |
| name of the domain is chosen by the person capturing it and may |
| not contain the name of the VCL computer. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_active_domain_name { |
| my $self = shift; |
| if (ref($self) !~ /VCL::Module/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $os_type = $self->data->get_image_os_type(); |
| my $computer_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $computer_eth0_mac_address = $self->data->get_computer_eth0_mac_address(); |
| my $computer_eth1_mac_address = $self->data->get_computer_eth1_mac_address(); |
| |
| my @domain_mac_addresses; |
| |
| if (!$self->os->is_ssh_responding()) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "$computer_name is not responding, unable to verify MAC addresses reported by OS match MAC addresses in vmx file") ; |
| @domain_mac_addresses = ($computer_eth0_mac_address, $computer_eth1_mac_address); |
| } |
| else { |
| my $active_os; |
| my $active_os_type = $self->os->get_os_type(); |
| if (!$active_os_type) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine active domain, OS type currently installed on $computer_name could not be determined"); |
| } |
| elsif ($active_os_type ne $os_type) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "OS type currently installed on $computer_name does not match the OS type of the reservation image:\nOS type installed on $computer_name: $active_os_type\nreservation image OS type: $os_type"); |
| |
| my $active_os_perl_package; |
| if ($active_os_type =~ /linux/i) { |
| $active_os_perl_package = 'VCL::Module::OS::Linux'; |
| } |
| else { |
| $active_os_perl_package = 'VCL::Module::OS::Windows'; |
| } |
| |
| if ($active_os = $self->create_os_object($active_os_perl_package)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "created a '$active_os_perl_package' OS object for the '$active_os_type' OS type currently installed on $computer_name"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine active domain name, failed to create a '$active_os_perl_package' OS object for the '$active_os_type' OS type currently installed on $computer_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "'$active_os_type' OS type currently installed on $computer_name matches the OS type of the image assigned to this reservation"); |
| $active_os = $self->os; |
| } |
| |
| # Make sure the active OS object implements the required subroutines called below |
| if (!$active_os->can('get_private_mac_address') || !$active_os->can('get_public_mac_address')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine active domain name, " . ref($active_os) . " OS object does not implement 'get_private_mac_address' and 'get_public_mac_address' subroutines"); |
| @domain_mac_addresses = ($computer_eth0_mac_address, $computer_eth1_mac_address); |
| } |
| else { |
| # Get the MAC addresses being used by the running VM for this reservation |
| my $active_private_mac_address = $active_os->get_private_mac_address(); |
| my $active_public_mac_address = $active_os->get_public_mac_address(); |
| push @domain_mac_addresses, $active_private_mac_address if $active_private_mac_address; |
| push @domain_mac_addresses, $active_public_mac_address if $active_public_mac_address; |
| } |
| } |
| # Remove the colons from the MAC addresses and convert to lower case so they can be compared |
| map { s/[^\w]//g; $_ = lc($_) } (@domain_mac_addresses); |
| |
| my @matching_domain_names; |
| my $domain_info = $self->get_domain_info(); |
| for my $domain_name (keys %$domain_info) { |
| my @check_mac_addresses = $self->get_domain_mac_addresses($domain_name); |
| map { s/[^\w]//g; $_ = lc($_) } (@check_mac_addresses); |
| |
| my @matching_mac_addresses = map { my $domain_mac_address = $_; grep(/$domain_mac_address/i, @check_mac_addresses) } @domain_mac_addresses; |
| if (!@matching_mac_addresses) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring domain '$domain_name' because MAC address does not match any being used by $computer_name"); |
| next; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "found matching MAC address between $computer_name and domain '$domain_name':\n" . join("\n", sort(@matching_mac_addresses))); |
| push @matching_domain_names, $domain_name; |
| } |
| |
| if (!@matching_domain_names) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine active domain name, did not find any domains configured to use MAC address currently being used by $computer_name:\n" . join("\n", sort(@domain_mac_addresses))); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif (scalar(@matching_domain_names) == 1) { |
| my $active_domain_name = $matching_domain_names[0]; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "determined active domain name: $active_domain_name"); |
| return $active_domain_name; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine active domain name, multiple domains (" . join(', ', @matching_domain_names) . ") are configured to use MAC address currently being used by $computer_name:\n" . join("\n", sort(@domain_mac_addresses))); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_file_base_name |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the base name for files created for the current |
| reservation. A file extension is not included. This file name is |
| used for the domain's XML definition file and it's copy on write |
| image file. Example: 'vclv99-37_234-v23' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_file_base_name { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $computer_short_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $image_id = $self->data->get_image_id(); |
| my $image_revision = $self->data->get_imagerevision_revision(); |
| |
| return "$computer_short_name\_$image_id-v$image_revision"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_xml_directory_path |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the directory path on the node where domain definition |
| XML files reside. The directory used is: '/tmp/vcl' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_xml_directory_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| return "/tmp/vcl"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_xml_file_path |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the domain XML definition file path on the node. |
| Example: '/tmp/vcl/vclv99-37_234-v23.xml' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_xml_file_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_xml_directory_path = $self->get_domain_xml_directory_path(); |
| my $domain_file_name = $self->get_domain_file_base_name(); |
| |
| return "$domain_xml_directory_path/$domain_file_name.xml"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_image_base_directory_path |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the directory path on the node where all master images |
| reside. Example: '/var/lib/libvirt/images' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_image_base_directory_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $datastore_path = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_datastore_path(); |
| return $datastore_path; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_image_directory_path |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the directory path on the node where the master image |
| files reside. Example: |
| '/var/lib/libvirt/images/win7-Windows7Base64bitVM-1846-v3' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_image_directory_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $master_image_base_directory_path = $self->get_master_image_base_directory_path(); |
| |
| #return "$master_image_base_directory_path/$image_name"; |
| return $master_image_base_directory_path; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_image_file_path |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the path on the node where the master image file resides. |
| Example: |
| '/var/lib/libvirt/images/vmwarelinux-RHEL54Small2251-v1.qcow2' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_image_file_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return $self->{master_image_file_path} if $self->{master_image_file_path}; |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $master_image_directory_path = $self->get_master_image_directory_path(); |
| |
| # Check if the master image file exists on the VM host |
| my @master_image_files_found = $self->vmhost_os->find_files($master_image_directory_path, "$image_name.*"); |
| |
| # Prune known metadata files - otherwise if only a .xml file exists for the image, the .xml path will be returned |
| @master_image_files_found = grep(!/\.(xml|reference)$/i, @master_image_files_found); |
| |
| if (@master_image_files_found == 1) { |
| $self->{master_image_file_path} = $master_image_files_found[0]; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "found master image file on $node_name: $self->{master_image_file_path}"); |
| return $self->{master_image_file_path}; |
| } |
| |
| # File was not found, construct it |
| my $datastore_imagetype = $self->data->get_vmhost_datastore_imagetype_name(); |
| my $master_image_file_path = "$master_image_directory_path/$image_name.$datastore_imagetype"; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "constructed master image file path: $master_image_file_path"); |
| return $master_image_file_path; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_xml_file_path |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the path on the node where the master (reference) XML |
| file resides. This file is a dump of the domain XML which was used to capture |
| the image. |
| Example: |
| '/var/lib/libvirt/images/vmwarelinux-RHEL54Small2251-v1.xml' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_xml_file_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $master_image_directory_path = $self->get_master_image_directory_path(); |
| |
| return "$master_image_directory_path/$image_name.xml"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_copy_on_write_file_path |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the path on the node where the copy on write file for the |
| domain resides. Example: |
| '/var/lib/libvirt/images/vclv99-197_2251-v1.qcow2' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_copy_on_write_file_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $vmhost_vmpath = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_vmpath(); |
| my $domain_file_name = $self->get_domain_file_base_name(); |
| my $datastore_imagetype = $self->data->get_vmhost_datastore_imagetype_name(); |
| |
| return "$vmhost_vmpath/$domain_file_name.$datastore_imagetype"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_repository_image_directory_path |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the path of the directory in the repository mounted on |
| the node where the image file resides. Returns 0 if the |
| repository path is not configured in the VM host profile. |
| Example: |
| '/mnt/repository/win7-Windows7Base64bitVM-1846-v3' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_repository_image_directory_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $vmhost_repository_directory_path = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_repository_path(0); |
| |
| if ($vmhost_repository_directory_path) { |
| return "$vmhost_repository_directory_path/$image_name"; |
| } |
| else { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_repository_image_file_path |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the path in the repository mounted on the node where the |
| repository image file resides. Returns 0 if the repository path |
| is not configured in the VM host profile. |
| Example: |
| '/mnt/repository/win7-Windows7Base64bitVM-1846-v3/win7-Windows7Base64bitVM-1846-v3.qcow2' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_repository_image_file_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $repository_image_directory_path = $self->get_repository_image_directory_path(); |
| |
| if ($repository_image_directory_path) { |
| my $repository_imagetype = $self->data->get_vmhost_repository_imagetype_name(); |
| return "$repository_image_directory_path/$image_name.$repository_imagetype"; |
| } |
| else { |
| return 0; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_repository_xml_file_path |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Returns the path on the node where the repository (reference) XML |
| file resides. This file is a dump of the domain XML which was used to capture |
| the image. |
| Example: |
| '/mnt/repository/vmwarelinux-RHEL54Small2251-v1.xml' |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_repository_xml_file_path { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $repository_image_directory_path = $self->get_repository_image_directory_path(); |
| |
| return "$repository_image_directory_path/$image_name.xml"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_new_image_name |
| |
| Parameters : |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Constructs a new image name for images being captured. This is |
| used instead of the name in the database in case an image is |
| converted. The new image name shouldn't contain vmware. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_new_image_name { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_id = $self->data->get_image_id(); |
| my $image_os_name = $self->data->get_image_os_name(); |
| my $image_prettyname = $self->data->get_image_prettyname(); |
| my $imagerevision_revision = $self->data->get_imagerevision_revision(); |
| |
| # Clean up the OS name |
| $image_os_name =~ s/(vmware|image)*//g; |
| |
| # Remove non-word characters and underscores from the image prettyname |
| $image_prettyname =~ s/[\W\_]+//ig; |
| |
| return "$image_os_name\-$image_prettyname\-$image_id\-v$imagerevision_revision"; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 define_domain |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_xml_file_path, $autostart (optional) |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Defines a domain on the node. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub define_domain { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_xml_file_path = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_xml_file_path)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain XML file path argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $autostart = shift; |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $define_command = "virsh define \"$domain_xml_file_path\""; |
| my ($define_exit_status, $define_output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($define_command); |
| if (!defined($define_output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to define domain on $node_name: $domain_xml_file_path"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($define_exit_status eq '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "defined domain on $node_name, output:\n" . join("\n", @$define_output)); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to define domain on $node_name\ncommand: $define_command\nexit status: $define_exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$define_output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if ($autostart) { |
| # Parse the domain name from the 'virsh define' output, should look like this: |
| # Domain vclv11:linux-kvmimage-2935-v0 defined from /tmp/vcl/vcl11_2935-v0.xml |
| my ($domain_name) = join("\n", @$define_output) =~ /Domain\s+(.+)\s+defined/; |
| if ($domain_name) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "parsed domain name from 'virsh define' output: '$domain_name'"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to parse domain name from 'virsh define' output:\n" . join("\n", @$define_output)); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| my $autostart_command = "virsh autostart \"$domain_name\""; |
| my ($autostart_exit_status, $autostart_output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($autostart_command); |
| if (!defined($autostart_output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to configure '$domain_name' domain to autostart on $node_name"); |
| } |
| elsif ($autostart_exit_status eq '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "configured '$domain_name' domain to autostart on $node_name, output:\n" . join("\n", @$autostart_output)); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to configure '$domain_name' domain to autostart on $node_name\ncommand: $autostart_command\nexit status: $autostart_exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$autostart_output)); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 delete_existing_domains |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Deletes existing domains which were previously created for the |
| computer assigned to the current reservation. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub delete_existing_domains { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $computer_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| |
| my $domain_info = $self->get_domain_info(); |
| |
| for my $domain_name (keys %$domain_info) { |
| my $pattern = '^' . $computer_name . '[:_]'; |
| if ($domain_name !~ /$pattern/) { |
| # Display a message only if the existing domain name contains the computer name but does not match the pattern |
| if ($domain_name =~ /$computer_name/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring domain: '$domain_name', it does not match computer name pattern: '$pattern'"); |
| } |
| next; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "deleting domain: '$domain_name', it matches computer name pattern: '$pattern'"); |
| if (!$self->delete_domain($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to delete existing domains created for $computer_name on $node_name, '$domain_name' domain could not be deleted"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Delete existing XML files |
| my $domain_xml_directory_path = $self->get_domain_xml_directory_path(); |
| $self->vmhost_os->delete_file("$domain_xml_directory_path/$computer_name\_*.xml"); |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "deleted existing domains created for $computer_name on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 delete_domain |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Deletes a domain from the node. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub delete_domain { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $request_state_name = $self->data->get_request_state_name(); |
| |
| # Make sure domain is defined |
| if (!$self->domain_exists($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "'$domain_name' domain not deleted, it is not defined on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| # Power off the domain |
| if ($self->power_status($domain_name) !~ /off/) { |
| if (!$self->power_off($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to delete '$domain_name' domain on $node_name, failed to power off domain"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Delete all snapshots created for the domain |
| my $snapshot_info = $self->get_snapshot_info($domain_name); |
| for my $snapshot_name (keys %$snapshot_info) { |
| if (!$self->delete_snapshot($domain_name, $snapshot_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to delete '$domain_name' domain on $node_name, its '$snapshot_name' snapshot could not be deleted"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| my ($computer_name) = $domain_name =~ /^([^:_]+)[:_]/; |
| if ($request_state_name eq 'image' || $computer_name) { |
| # Delete disks assigned to to domain |
| my @disk_file_paths = $self->get_domain_disk_file_paths($domain_name); |
| for my $disk_file_path (@disk_file_paths) { |
| # For safety, make sure the disk being deleted begins with the domain's computer name |
| my $disk_file_name = fileparse($disk_file_path, qr/\.[^\/]+$/i); |
| if ($request_state_name ne 'image' && $disk_file_name !~ /^$computer_name\_/) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "disk assigned to domain NOT deleted because the file name does not begin with '$computer_name\_':\nfile name: $disk_file_name\nfile path: $disk_file_path"); |
| next; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "deleting disk assigned to domain: $disk_file_path"); |
| if (!$self->vmhost_os->delete_file($disk_file_path)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to delete '$domain_name' domain on $node_name, '$disk_file_path' disk could not be deleted"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine computer name from domain name '$domain_name' on $node_name, disks assigned domain will NOT be deleted for safety"); |
| } |
| |
| # Undefine the domain |
| my $command = "virsh undefine \"$domain_name\" --managed-save --snapshots-metadata"; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to undefine '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to undefine '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "undefined '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "deleted '$domain_name' domain from $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 generate_domain_xml |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Generates a string containing the XML definition for the domain. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub generate_domain_xml { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $request_id = $self->data->get_request_id(); |
| my $reservation_id = $self->data->get_reservation_id(); |
| my $image_name = $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $image_display_name = $self->data->get_image_prettyname(); |
| my $image_os_type = $self->data->get_image_os_type(); |
| my $image_project = $self->data->get_image_project(); |
| my $computer_name = $self->data->get_computer_short_name(); |
| my $management_node_name = $self->data->get_management_node_short_name(); |
| |
| my $timestamp = makedatestring(); |
| |
| my $domain_name = $self->get_domain_name(); |
| my $domain_type = $self->driver->get_domain_type(); |
| |
| my $copy_on_write_file_path = $self->get_copy_on_write_file_path(); |
| my $image_type = $self->data->get_vmhost_datastore_imagetype_name(); |
| my $vmhost_vmpath = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_vmpath(); |
| my $add_disk_cache = 0; |
| if (! $self->vmhost_os->is_file_on_local_disk($vmhost_vmpath)) { |
| # set disk cache to none if vmpath on NFS so live migration will work |
| $add_disk_cache = 1; |
| } |
| |
| my $disk_driver_name = $self->driver->get_disk_driver_name(); |
| my $disk_bus_type = $self->get_master_xml_disk_bus_type(); |
| |
| my $eth0_source_device = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_virtualswitch0(); |
| my $eth1_source_device = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_virtualswitch1(); |
| |
| my $network_info = $self->get_node_network_info(); |
| |
| my $eth0_interface_type = 'bridge'; |
| if (defined($network_info->{$eth0_source_device})) { |
| $eth0_interface_type = 'network'; |
| } |
| |
| my $eth1_interface_type = 'bridge'; |
| if (defined($network_info->{$eth1_source_device})) { |
| $eth1_interface_type = 'network'; |
| } |
| |
| my $eth0_mac_address; |
| my $is_eth0_mac_address_random = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_eth0generated(0); |
| if ($is_eth0_mac_address_random) { |
| $eth0_mac_address = get_random_mac_address(); |
| $self->data->set_computer_eth0_mac_address($eth0_mac_address); |
| } |
| else { |
| $eth0_mac_address = $self->data->get_computer_eth0_mac_address(); |
| } |
| |
| my $eth1_mac_address; |
| my $is_eth1_mac_address_random = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_eth1generated(0); |
| if ($is_eth1_mac_address_random) { |
| $eth1_mac_address = get_random_mac_address(); |
| $self->data->set_computer_eth1_mac_address($eth1_mac_address); |
| } |
| else { |
| $eth1_mac_address = $self->data->get_computer_eth1_mac_address(); |
| } |
| |
| my $interface_model_type = $self->get_master_xml_interface_model_type(); |
| |
| my $cpu_count = $self->data->get_image_minprocnumber() || 1; |
| |
| my $memory_mb = $self->data->get_image_minram(); |
| if ($memory_mb < 512) { |
| $memory_mb = 512; |
| } |
| my $memory_kb = ($memory_mb * 1024); |
| |
| my $description = <<EOF; |
| image: $image_display_name |
| revision: $image_name |
| load time: $timestamp |
| management node: $management_node_name |
| request ID: $request_id |
| reservation ID: $reservation_id |
| EOF |
| |
| # Per libvirt documentation: |
| # "The guest clock is typically initialized from the host clock. |
| # Most operating systems expect the hardware clock to be kept in UTC, and this is the default. |
| # Windows, however, expects it to be in so called 'localtime'." |
| my $clock_offset = ($image_os_type =~ /windows/) ? 'localtime' : 'utc'; |
| |
| my $cpusockets = $cpu_count; |
| my $cpucores = 1; |
| if($cpu_count > 2) { |
| $cpusockets = 2; |
| $cpucores = ($cpu_count - ($cpu_count % 2)) / 2; |
| } |
| |
| my $xml_hashref = { |
| 'type' => $domain_type, |
| 'description' => [$description], |
| 'name' => [$domain_name], |
| 'on_poweroff' => ['preserve'], |
| 'on_reboot' => ['restart'], |
| 'on_crash' => ['preserve'], |
| 'os' => [ |
| { |
| 'type' => { |
| 'content' => 'hvm' |
| } |
| } |
| ], |
| 'features' => [ |
| { |
| 'acpi' => [{}], |
| 'apic' => [{}], |
| } |
| ], |
| 'memory' => [$memory_kb], |
| 'vcpu' => [$cpu_count], |
| 'cpu' => [ |
| |
| { |
| mode => 'host-model', # Required, some images won't boot on different hosts without |
| model => { |
| 'fallback' => 'allow', |
| }, |
| topology => { |
| 'sockets' => $cpusockets, |
| 'cores' => $cpucores, |
| 'threads' => 1, |
| }, |
| } |
| ], |
| 'clock' => [ |
| { |
| 'offset' => $clock_offset, |
| } |
| ], |
| 'devices' => [ |
| { |
| 'disk' => [ |
| { |
| 'device' => 'disk', |
| 'type' => 'file', |
| 'driver' => { |
| 'name' => $disk_driver_name, |
| 'type' => $image_type, |
| #'cache' => 'none', |
| }, |
| 'source' => { |
| 'file' => $copy_on_write_file_path, |
| }, |
| 'target' => { |
| 'bus' => $disk_bus_type, |
| 'dev' => 'vda', # Required |
| }, |
| } |
| ], |
| 'interface' => [ |
| { |
| 'type' => $eth0_interface_type, |
| 'mac' => { |
| 'address' => $eth0_mac_address, |
| }, |
| 'source' => { |
| $eth0_interface_type => $eth0_source_device, |
| }, |
| #'target' => { |
| # 'dev' => 'vnet0', |
| #}, |
| 'model' => { |
| 'type' => $interface_model_type, |
| }, |
| }, |
| #{ |
| # 'type' => $eth1_interface_type, |
| # 'mac' => { |
| # 'address' => $eth1_mac_address, |
| # }, |
| # 'source' => { |
| # $eth1_interface_type => $eth1_source_device, |
| # }, |
| # #'target' => { |
| # # 'dev' => 'vnet1', |
| # #}, |
| # 'model' => { |
| # 'type' => $interface_model_type, |
| # }, |
| #} |
| ], |
| 'graphics' => [ |
| { |
| 'type' => 'vnc', |
| #'type' => 'spice', |
| #'autoport' => 'yes', |
| #'port' => '-1', |
| #'tlsPort' => '-1', |
| |
| } |
| ], |
| } |
| ] |
| }; |
| |
| if ($add_disk_cache) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "vmpath ($vmhost_vmpath) is on NFS; setting disk cache to none"); |
| $xml_hashref->{'devices'}[0]{'disk'}[0]{'driver'}{'cache'} = 'none'; |
| } |
| |
| # add nic for public, first check for project not including 'vcl', skipping the public network assigned to the vmhost profile |
| my $skipadditionalnicnetwork = ''; |
| if ($image_project !~ /vcl/i) { |
| foreach my $network_name (keys %{$network_info}) { |
| next if ($network_name =~ /^$eth0_source_device$/i || $network_name =~ /^$eth1_source_device$/i); |
| if ($network_name =~ /$image_project/i || $image_project =~ /$network_name/i) { |
| $skipadditionalnicnetwork = $network_name; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "network name ($network_name) and image project name ($image_project) intersect, setting public network interface for VM to network $network_name"); |
| my %interface = ( |
| 'type' => 'network', |
| 'mac' => { |
| 'address' => $eth1_mac_address, |
| }, |
| 'source' => { |
| 'network' => $network_name, |
| }, |
| 'model' => { |
| 'type' => $interface_model_type, |
| } |
| ); |
| push @{$xml_hashref->{'devices'}[0]{'interface'}}, \%interface; |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| my $nic_cnt = scalar @{$xml_hashref->{'devices'}[0]{interface}}; |
| |
| # if no public nic added above, add public nic on network assigned in the vmhost profile |
| if($nic_cnt == 1) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "image project is: $image_project, adding $eth1_source_device for public network"); |
| my %interface = ( |
| 'type' => $eth1_interface_type, |
| 'mac' => { |
| 'address' => $eth1_mac_address, |
| }, |
| 'source' => { |
| $eth1_interface_type => $eth1_source_device, |
| }, |
| 'model' => { |
| 'type' => $interface_model_type, |
| } |
| ); |
| push @{$xml_hashref->{'devices'}[0]{'interface'}}, \%interface; |
| } |
| |
| # add additional nics if project not strictly 'vcl' |
| if ($image_project !~ /^vcl$/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "image project is: $image_project, checking if additional network adapters should be configured"); |
| foreach my $network_name (keys %{$network_info}) { |
| next if ($network_name =~ /^$eth0_source_device$/i || $network_name =~ /^$eth1_source_device$/i); |
| next if ($network_name eq $skipadditionalnicnetwork); |
| if ($network_name =~ /$image_project/i || $image_project =~ /$network_name/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "network name ($network_name) and image project name ($image_project) intersect, adding network interface to VM for network $network_name"); |
| my %interface = ( |
| 'type' => 'network', |
| 'mac' => { |
| 'address' => get_random_mac_address('00:0c:29:'), |
| }, |
| 'source' => { |
| 'network' => $network_name, |
| }, |
| 'model' => { |
| 'type' => $interface_model_type, |
| } |
| ); |
| push @{$xml_hashref->{'devices'}[0]{'interface'}}, \%interface; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "network name ($network_name) and image project name ($image_project) do not intersect, network interface will not be added to VM for network $network_name"); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "generated domain XML:\n" . format_data($xml_hashref)); |
| return hash_to_xml_string($xml_hashref, 'domain'); |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_info |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves information about all of the domains defined on the |
| node and constructs a hash containing the information. Example: |
| "vclv99-197:vmwarewin7-Windows764bit1846-v3" => { |
| "id" => 135, |
| "state" => "paused" |
| }, |
| "vclv99-37:vmwarewinxp-base234-v23" => { |
| "state" => "shut off" |
| } |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh list --all"; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to list defined domains on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to list defined domains on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "listed defined domains on $node_name\ncommand: $command\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| } |
| |
| # [root@vclh3-10 images]# virsh list --all |
| # Id Name State |
| # ---------------------------------- |
| # 14 test-name running |
| # - test-2gb shut off |
| # - vclv99-197: vmwarelinux-RHEL54Small2251-v1 shut off |
| |
| my $defined_domains = {}; |
| my $domain_info_string = ''; |
| for my $line (@$output) { |
| my ($id, $name, $state) = $line =~ /^\s*([\d\-]+)\s+(.+?)\s+(\w+|shut off)$/g; |
| next if (!defined($id)); |
| |
| $defined_domains->{$name}{state} = $state; |
| $defined_domains->{$name}{id} = $id if ($id =~ /\d/); |
| |
| $domain_info_string .= "$id. $name ($state)\n"; |
| } |
| |
| if ($defined_domains) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved domain info from $node_name:\n$domain_info_string"); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "no domains are defined on $node_name"); |
| } |
| |
| return $defined_domains; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_xml_string |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition of a domain already defined on the |
| node. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_xml_string { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh dumpxml \"$domain_name\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to retrieve XML definition for '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve XML definition for '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return join("\n", @$output); |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_xml |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition of a domain already defined on the |
| node. Generates a hash. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_xml { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $domain_xml_string = $self->get_domain_xml_string($domain_name) || return; |
| if (my $xml_hash = xml_string_to_hash($domain_xml_string)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved XML definition for '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| #notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved XML definition for '$domain_name' domain on $node_name:\n" . format_data($xml_hash)); |
| return $xml_hash; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to convert XML definition for '$domain_name' domain to hash:\n$domain_xml_string"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_disk_file_paths |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : array |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition for the domain and extracts the disk |
| file paths. An array containing the paths is returned. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_disk_file_paths { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Get the domain XML definition |
| my $domain_xml = $self->get_domain_xml($domain_name); |
| |
| # Get the disk array ref section from the XML |
| my $disks = $domain_xml->{devices}->[0]->{disk}; |
| |
| my @disk_file_paths = (); |
| for my $disk (@$disks) { |
| # Make sure device type is 'disk' |
| if (!$disk->{device}) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring disk definition, 'device' key is not present:\n" . format_data($disk)); |
| next; |
| } |
| elsif ($disk->{device} !~ /^disk$/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring disk definition, 'device' key value is not 'disk', value: '$disk->{device}'\n" . format_data($disk)); |
| next; |
| } |
| |
| # Make sure $disk->{source}->[0]->{file} |
| if (!defined($disk->{source}->[0]->{file})) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring disk definition, '{source}->[0]->{file}' key is not present\n" . format_data($disk)); |
| next; |
| } |
| |
| push @disk_file_paths, $disk->{source}->[0]->{file}; |
| } |
| |
| return @disk_file_paths; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_domain_mac_addresses |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : array |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition for the domain and extracts the MAC |
| addresses. An array containing the addresses is returned. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_domain_mac_addresses { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Get the domain XML definition |
| my $domain_xml = $self->get_domain_xml($domain_name); |
| |
| # Get the interface array ref section from the XML |
| my $interfaces = $domain_xml->{devices}->[0]->{interface}; |
| |
| my @mac_addresses = (); |
| for my $interface (@$interfaces) { |
| #notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "interface configured for domain '$domain_name':\n" . format_data($interface)); |
| push @mac_addresses, $interface->{mac}->[0]->{address}; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved MAC addresses assigned to domain '$domain_name':\n" . join("\n", @mac_addresses)); |
| return @mac_addresses; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 domain_exists |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Determines if the domain is defined on the node. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub domain_exists { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| # Get the domain info hash, make sure domain is defined |
| my $domain_info = $self->get_domain_info(); |
| if (!defined($domain_info)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to determine if '$domain_name' domain exists, domain information could not be retrieved from $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif (!$domain_info) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "'$domain_name' domain does not exist, no domains are defined on $node_name"); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| elsif (!defined($domain_info->{$domain_name})) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "'$domain_name' is not defined on $node_name"); |
| return 0; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'OK'}, 0, "'$domain_name' exists on $node_name"); |
| return 1; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_snapshot_info |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves snapshot information for the domain specified by the |
| argument and constructs a hash. The hash keys are the snapshot |
| names. Example: |
| "VCL snapshot" => { |
| "creation_time" => "2011-12-07 16:05:50 -0500", |
| "state" => "shutoff" |
| } |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_snapshot_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!$domain_name) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "domain name argument was not supplied"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $command = "virsh snapshot-list \"$domain_name\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to list snapshots of '$domain_name' domain on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to list snapshots of '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "listed snapshots of '$domain_name' domain on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| } |
| |
| #virsh # snapshot-list 'vclv99-197:vmwarelinux-RHEL54Small2251-v1' |
| # Name Creation Time State |
| #------------------------------------------------------------ |
| # VCL snapshot 2011-11-21 17:10:05 -0500 shutoff |
| |
| my $shapshot_info = {}; |
| for my $line (@$output) { |
| my ($name, $creation_time, $state) = $line =~ /^\s*(.+?)\s+(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} [^a-z]+)\s+(\w+)$/g; |
| next if (!defined($name)); |
| |
| $shapshot_info->{$name}{creation_time} = $creation_time; |
| $shapshot_info->{$name}{state} = $state; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved snapshot info for '$domain_name' domain on $node_name:\n" . format_data($shapshot_info)); |
| return $shapshot_info; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 create_snapshot |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name, $description |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Creates a snapshot of the domain specified by the argument. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub create_snapshot { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| if (!$domain_name) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to create snapshot on $node_name, domain argument was not supplied"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $description = shift || $self->get_domain_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh snapshot-create-as \"$domain_name\" \"$description\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to create snapshot of domain '$domain_name' on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to create snapshot of domain '$domain_name' on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "created snapshot of domain '$domain_name' on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| } |
| |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 delete_snapshot |
| |
| Parameters : $domain_name, $snapshot |
| Returns : boolean |
| Description : Deletes a snapshot created of the domain specified by the |
| argument. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub delete_snapshot { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $domain_name = shift; |
| my $snapshot = shift; |
| if (!defined($domain_name) || !defined($snapshot)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to delete snapshot on $node_name, domain and snapshot arguments not supplied"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $command = "virsh snapshot-delete \"$domain_name\" \"$snapshot\" --children"; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to delete '$snapshot' snapshot of domain '$domain_name' on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to delete '$snapshot' snapshot of domain '$domain_name' on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "deleted '$snapshot' snapshot of domain '$domain_name' on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| } |
| |
| return 1; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_image_size_bytes |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : integer |
| Description : Returns the size of the image in bytes. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_image_size_bytes { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $master_image_file_path = $self->get_master_image_file_path($image_name); |
| |
| my $image_size_bytes; |
| |
| # Check if the master image file exists on the VM host |
| if ($self->vmhost_os->file_exists($master_image_file_path)) { |
| # Get a semaphore in case another process is currently copying to create the master image |
| if (my $semaphore = $self->get_master_image_semaphore()) { |
| $image_size_bytes = $self->vmhost_os->get_file_size($master_image_file_path); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine size of $image_name on $node_name: $master_image_file_path, unable to obtain semaphore"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| # Check the repository if the master image does not exist on the VM host or if failed to determine size |
| if (!$image_size_bytes) { |
| my @repository_image_file_paths = $self->find_repository_image_file_paths(); |
| if (!@repository_image_file_paths) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieved size of $image_name image, size could not be determined from $node_name and image files were not found in the repository"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Note - don't need semaphore because find_repository_image_file_paths gets one while it's checking |
| $image_size_bytes = $self->vmhost_os->get_file_size(@repository_image_file_paths); |
| if (!$image_size_bytes) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieved size of $image_name image from the repository mounted on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| if (!$image_size_bytes) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieved size of $image_name image on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved size of $image_name image on $node_name:\n" . get_file_size_info_string($image_size_bytes)); |
| return $image_size_bytes; |
| } ## end sub get_image_size_bytes |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 find_repository_image_file_paths |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : array |
| Description : Locates valid image files stored in the image repository. |
| Searches for all files beginning with the image name and then |
| checks the results to remove any files which should not be |
| included. File extensions which are excluded: vmx, txt, xml |
| If multiple vmdk files are found it is assumed that the image is |
| one of the split vmdk formats and the <image name>.vmdk contains |
| the descriptor information. This file is excluded because it |
| causes qemu-img to fail. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub find_repository_image_file_paths { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Attempt to get the image name argument |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| |
| # Return previosly retrieved result if defined |
| return @{$self->{repository_file_paths}{$image_name}} if $self->{repository_file_paths}{$image_name}; |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| my $vmhost_repository_directory_path = $self->data->get_vmhost_profile_repository_path(0); |
| |
| if (!$vmhost_repository_directory_path) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "repository path is not configured in the VM host profile for $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Get a semaphore in case another process is currently copying the image to the repository |
| my @matching_repository_file_paths; |
| if (my $semaphore = $self->get_repository_image_semaphore()) { |
| # Attempt to locate files in the repository matching the image name |
| @matching_repository_file_paths = $self->vmhost_os->find_files($vmhost_repository_directory_path, "$image_name*.*"); |
| if (!@matching_repository_file_paths) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "image $image_name does NOT exist in the repository mounted on $node_name"); |
| return (); |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to determine if $image_name exists on in the repository mounted on $node_name, unable to obtain semaphore"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Check the files found in the repository |
| # Attempt to determine which files are actual virtual disk files |
| my @virtual_disk_repository_file_paths; |
| for my $virtual_disk_repository_file_path (sort @matching_repository_file_paths) { |
| # Skip files which match known extensions which should be excluded |
| if ($virtual_disk_repository_file_path =~ /\.(vmx|txt|xml)/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "not including matching file because its extension is '$1': $virtual_disk_repository_file_path"); |
| next; |
| } |
| elsif ($virtual_disk_repository_file_path !~ /\/[^\/]*\.[^\/]*$/i) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "not including matching directory: $virtual_disk_repository_file_path"); |
| next; |
| } |
| |
| push @virtual_disk_repository_file_paths, $virtual_disk_repository_file_path; |
| } |
| |
| if (!@virtual_disk_repository_file_paths) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to locate any valid virtual disk files for image $image_name in repository on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Check if a multi-file vmdk was found |
| # Remove the descriptor file - <image name>.vmdk |
| if (@virtual_disk_repository_file_paths > 1 && $virtual_disk_repository_file_paths[0] =~ /\.vmdk$/i) { |
| my @corrected_virtual_disk_repository_file_paths; |
| for my $virtual_disk_repository_file_path (@virtual_disk_repository_file_paths) { |
| if ($virtual_disk_repository_file_path =~ /$image_name\.vmdk$/) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "excluding file because it appears to be a vmdk descriptor file: $virtual_disk_repository_file_path"); |
| next; |
| } |
| else { |
| push @corrected_virtual_disk_repository_file_paths, $virtual_disk_repository_file_path; |
| } |
| |
| } |
| @virtual_disk_repository_file_paths = @corrected_virtual_disk_repository_file_paths; |
| } |
| |
| # Save the result so this doesn't have to be done again |
| $self->{repository_file_paths}{$image_name} = \@virtual_disk_repository_file_paths; |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved " . scalar(@virtual_disk_repository_file_paths) . " repository file paths for image $image_name on $node_name:\n" . join("\n", @virtual_disk_repository_file_paths)); |
| return @virtual_disk_repository_file_paths |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_image_semaphore |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : Semaphore object |
| Description : Obtains a semaphore to be used to ensure that only a single |
| process is copying or querying the attributes of the master image |
| file at a time. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_image_semaphore { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Attempt to get the image name argument |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| |
| my $semaphore_id = "master:$image_name"; |
| my $semaphore = $self->get_semaphore($semaphore_id, (60 * 120), 15); |
| if ($semaphore) { |
| return $semaphore; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to obtain semaphore for master image: $image_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_repository_image_semaphore |
| |
| Parameters : $image_name (optional) |
| Returns : Semaphore object |
| Description : Obtains a semaphore to be used to ensure that only a single |
| process is copying or querying the attributes of the repository image |
| file at a time. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_repository_image_semaphore { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Attempt to get the image name argument |
| my $image_name = shift || $self->data->get_image_name(); |
| |
| my $semaphore_id = "repository:$image_name"; |
| my $semaphore = $self->get_semaphore($semaphore_id, (60 * 120), 15); |
| if ($semaphore) { |
| return $semaphore; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "unable to obtain semaphore for repository image: $image_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_node_network_info |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves information about all of the networks defined on the |
| node and constructs a hash containing the information. Example: |
| { |
| "private" => { |
| "autostart" => "yes", |
| "persistent" => "yes", |
| "state" => "active" |
| }, |
| "public" => { |
| "autostart" => "yes", |
| "persistent" => "yes", |
| "state" => "active" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_node_network_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh net-list --all"; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to list networks on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to list networks on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "listed networks on $node_name\ncommand: $command\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| } |
| |
| # root@bn17-231:/pools# virsh net-list --all |
| # Name State Autostart Persistent |
| # ---------------------------------------------------------- |
| # private active yes yes |
| # public active yes yes |
| |
| |
| my $info = {}; |
| for my $line (@$output) { |
| my ($name, $state, $autostart, $persistent) = $line =~ /^\s*([\w_]+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+(\w+)$/g; |
| next if (!defined($name) || $name =~ /Name/); |
| |
| $info->{$name}{state} = $state; |
| $info->{$name}{autostart} = $autostart; |
| $info->{$name}{persistent} = $persistent; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved network info from $node_name:\n" . format_data($info)); |
| return $info; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_node_network_xml_string |
| |
| Parameters : $network_name |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition of a network defined on the node. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_node_network_xml_string { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $network_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($network_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "network name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh net-dumpxml --network \"$network_name\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to retrieve XML definition for '$network_name' network on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve XML definition for '$network_name' network on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| my $xml_string = join("\n", @$output); |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved XML definition for '$network_name' network on $node_name\n$xml_string"); |
| return $xml_string; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_node_interface_info |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves information about all of the physical host interfaces |
| on the node and constructs a hash containing the information. |
| Example: |
| { |
| "br0" => { |
| "mac_address" => "00:50:56:23:00:1c", |
| "state" => "active" |
| }, |
| "br1" => { |
| "mac_address" => "00:50:56:23:00:1d", |
| "state" => "active" |
| }, |
| "lo" => { |
| "mac_address" => "00:00:00:00:00:00", |
| "state" => "active" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_node_interface_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh iface-list --all"; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to list physical interfaces on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to list physical interfaces on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "listed physical interfaces on $node_name\ncommand: $command\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| } |
| |
| # root@bn17-231:/pools# virsh iface-list --all |
| # Name State MAC Address |
| # --------------------------------------------------- |
| # br0 active 00:50:56:23:00:1c |
| # br1 active 00:50:56:23:00:1d |
| |
| my $info = {}; |
| for my $line (@$output) { |
| my ($name, $state, $mac_address) = $line =~ /^\s*(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+([\w\:]+)$/g; |
| next if (!defined($name) || $name =~ /^(Name|lo)/); |
| |
| $info->{$name}{state} = $state; |
| $info->{$name}{mac_address} = $mac_address; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved physical interface info from $node_name:\n" . format_data($info)); |
| return $info; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_node_interface_xml_string |
| |
| Parameters : $interface_name |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition of a network defined on the node. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_node_interface_xml_string { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $interface_name = shift; |
| if (!defined($interface_name)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "interface name argument was not specified"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $node_name = $self->data->get_vmhost_short_name(); |
| |
| my $command = "virsh iface-dumpxml --interface \"$interface_name\""; |
| my ($exit_status, $output) = $self->vmhost_os->execute($command); |
| if (!defined($output)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to execute virsh command to retrieve XML definition for '$interface_name' interface on $node_name"); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif ($exit_status ne '0') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve XML definition for '$interface_name' interface on $node_name\ncommand: $command\nexit status: $exit_status\noutput:\n" . join("\n", @$output)); |
| return; |
| } |
| else { |
| my $xml_string = join("\n", @$output); |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved XML definition for '$interface_name' interface on $node_name\n$xml_string"); |
| return $xml_string; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_xml_info |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves the XML definition from the file saved when the image |
| was captured. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_xml_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| if (defined($self->{master_xml_info})) { |
| return $self->{master_xml_info}; |
| } |
| |
| # Save the domain XML definition to a file in the master image directory |
| my $master_xml_file_path = $self->get_master_xml_file_path() || return; |
| if (!$self->vmhost_os->file_exists($master_xml_file_path)) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "master XML file does not exist: $master_xml_file_path"); |
| $self->{master_xml_info} = {}; |
| return $self->{master_xml_info}; |
| } |
| |
| my $master_xml_file_contents = $self->vmhost_os->get_file_contents($master_xml_file_path); |
| if (!$master_xml_file_contents) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "master XML file contents could not be retrieved"); |
| $self->{master_xml_info} = {}; |
| return $self->{master_xml_info}; |
| } |
| |
| my $master_xml_hashref = xml_string_to_hash($master_xml_file_contents); |
| if ($master_xml_hashref) { |
| $self->{master_xml_info} = $master_xml_hashref; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved master XML info from $master_xml_file_path"); |
| #notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved master XML info from $master_xml_file_path:\n" . format_data($self->{master_xml_info})); |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "retrieved master XML info could not be parsed"); |
| $self->{master_xml_info} = {}; |
| } |
| return $self->{master_xml_info}; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_xml_device_info |
| |
| Parameters : $device_name (optional) |
| Returns : hash reference |
| Description : Retrieves the device portion of the XML definition from the file |
| saved when the image was captured. |
| |
| If $device_name is specified, an array reference containing info |
| for the specific device is returned. |
| |
| If $device_name is not specified, a hash reference is returned. |
| Each key represents a device name. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_xml_device_info { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| my $device_name = shift; |
| |
| my $master_xml_file_path = $self->get_master_xml_file_path(); |
| |
| if (!defined($self->{master_xml_device_info})) { |
| my $master_xml_info = $self->get_master_xml_info() || return; |
| if (scalar(keys %$master_xml_info) == 0) { |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| # Should always be a 'devices' key which contains an array ref with a single array value: $master_xml_info->{devices}->[0] |
| my $devices_array_ref = $master_xml_info->{devices}; |
| if (!$devices_array_ref) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path, 'devices' key is missing:\n" . format_data($master_xml_info)); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif (!ref($devices_array_ref) || ref($devices_array_ref) ne 'ARRAY') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path, 'devices' key is not an array reference:\n" . format_data($master_xml_info)); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif (scalar(@$devices_array_ref) == 0) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "failed to retrieve device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path, 'devices' array reference is empty:\n" . format_data($master_xml_info)); |
| return; |
| } |
| elsif (scalar(@$devices_array_ref) > 1) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "retrieved device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path, 'devices' array reference contains multiple values:\n" . format_data($devices_array_ref)); |
| } |
| |
| $self->{master_xml_device_info} = @$devices_array_ref[0]; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path, hash reference keys:\n" . format_hash_keys($self->{master_xml_device_info})); |
| } |
| |
| if ($device_name) { |
| if (defined($self->{master_xml_device_info}{$device_name})) { |
| ## Only display the info once to reduce vcld.log noise |
| #if (!defined($self->{master_xml_device_info_displayed}{$device_name})) { |
| # notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved '$device_name' device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path:\n" . format_data($self->{master_xml_device_info}{$device_name})); |
| # $self->{master_xml_device_info_displayed}{$device_name} = 1; |
| #} |
| return $self->{master_xml_device_info}{$device_name}; |
| } |
| else { |
| notify($ERRORS{'WARNING'}, 0, "'$device_name' key does not exist in device info from master XML file: $master_xml_file_path:\n" . format_hash_keys($self->{master_xml_device_info})); |
| return; |
| } |
| } |
| else { |
| return $self->{master_xml_device_info}; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_xml_disk_bus_type |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Retrieves the disk bus type from the master XML file saved when |
| the image was captured. If unable to determine from master XML, |
| 'ide' is returned. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_xml_disk_bus_type { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type} if defined($self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type}); |
| |
| $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type} = 'ide'; |
| |
| my $disk_array_ref = $self->get_master_xml_device_info('disk') || return $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type}; |
| |
| for my $disk (@$disk_array_ref) { |
| # Make sure the device type is 'disk', ignore others such as 'cdrom' |
| my $device_type = $disk->{device} || '<unknown>'; |
| if ($device_type ne 'disk') { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring disk, type is $device_type:\n" . format_data($disk)); |
| next; |
| } |
| |
| unless (defined($disk->{target}) && defined($disk->{target}->[0]) && defined($disk->{target}->[0]->{bus})) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "ignoring disk, '->{target}->[0]->{bus}' value is missing:\n" . format_data($disk)); |
| next; |
| } |
| $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type} = $disk->{target}->[0]->{bus}; |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "retrieved disk bus type from master XML info: $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type}"); |
| return $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type}; |
| } |
| |
| notify($ERRORS{'DEBUG'}, 0, "unable to determine disk bus type from master XML info, returning default value: $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type}"); |
| $self->{master_xml_disk_bus_type}; |
| } |
| |
| #////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
| |
| =head2 get_master_xml_interface_model_type |
| |
| Parameters : none |
| Returns : string |
| Description : Retrieves the interface model type from the master XML file saved |
| when the image was captured. If unable to determine from master |
| XML, 'rtl8139' is returned. |
| |
| =cut |
| |
| sub get_master_xml_interface_model_type { |
| my $self = shift; |
| unless (ref($self) && $self->isa('VCL::Module')) { |
| notify($ERRORS{'CRITICAL'}, 0, "subroutine was called as a function, it must be called as a class method"); |
| return; |
| } |
| |
| return $self->{master_xml_interface_model_type} if defined($self->{master_xml_interface_model_type}); |
| |
| $self->{master_xml_interface_model_type} = 'rtl8139'; |
| |
| my $interface_array_ref = $self->get_master_xml_device_info('interface') || return $self->{master_xml_interface_model_type}; |
| |
| for my $interface (@$interface_array_ref) { |
| unless (defined($interface->{model}) && defined($interface->{model}->[ |