blob: 56b9944b004651005925a50ce7509d377ee204ac [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
(the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
/// \class Computer
/// \brief extends Resource class to add things specific to resources of the
/// computer type
class Computer extends Resource {
/// \fn __construct()
/// \brief calls parent constructor; initializes things for Computer class
function __construct() {
$this->restype = 'computer';
$this->restypename = 'Computer';
$this->namefield = 'hostname';
$this->defaultGetDataArgs = array('sort' => 0,
'includedeleted' => 0,
'rscid' => '');
$this->basecdata['obj'] = $this;
/// \fn getData($args)
/// \param $args - array of arguments that determine what data gets returned;
/// must include:\n
/// \param $sort - (optional) 1 to sort computers; 0 not to
/// \b includedeleted - 0 or 1; include deleted images\n
/// \b rscid - only return data for resource with this id; pass 0 for all
/// (from computer table)
/// \return array of data as returned from getImages
/// \brief wrapper for calling getImages
function getData($args) {
return getComputers($args['sort'], $args['includedeleted'], $args['rscid']);
/// \fn fieldWidth($field)
/// \param $field - name of a resource field
/// \return string for setting width of field (includes width= part)
/// \brief generates the required width for the field; can return an empty
/// string if field should default to auto width
function fieldWidth($field) {
switch($field) {
case 'currentimg':
case 'nextimg':
$w = 17;
case 'notes':
$w = 14;
case 'IPaddress':
case 'privateIPaddress':
case 'natpublicIPaddress':
case 'natinternalIPaddress':
$w = 8;
case 'eth0macaddress':
case 'eth1macaddress':
$w = 8.5;
case 'procnumber':
$w = 3.5;
case 'imagerevision':
case 'ram':
$w = 4.5;
case 'vmhost':
case 'nathost':
$w = 8;
case 'type':
$w = 7;
case 'location':
$w = 9;
case 'predictivemodule':
$w = 10;
case 'provisioning':
$w = 11;
case 'owner':
$w = 12;
return '';
if(preg_match('/MSIE/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
preg_match('/Trident/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ||
preg_match('/Edge/i', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']))
$w = round($w * 11.5) . 'px';
$w = "{$w}em";
return "width=\"$w\"";
/// \fn fieldDisplayName($field)
/// \param $field - name of a resource field
/// \return display value for $field
/// \brief generates the display value for $field
function fieldDisplayName($field) {
switch($field) {
case 'currentimg':
return 'Current Image';
case 'imagerevision':
return 'Image Revision';
case 'nextimg':
return 'Next Image';
case 'ram':
return 'RAM';
case 'procnumber':
return 'Cores';
case 'procspeed':
return 'Processor speed';
case 'network':
return 'Network speed';
case 'IPaddress':
return 'Public IP Address';
case 'privateIPaddress':
return 'Private IP Address';
case 'eth0macaddress':
return 'Private MAC Address';
case 'eth1macaddress':
return 'Public MAC Address';
case 'vmhost':
return 'VM Host';
case 'provisioning':
return 'Provisioning Engine';
case 'predictivemodule':
return 'Predictive Loading Module';
case 'natenabled':
return 'Connect Using NAT';
case 'nathost':
return 'NAT Host';
case 'nathostenabled':
return 'Use as NAT Host';
case 'natpublicIPaddress':
return 'NAT Public IP Address';
case 'natinternalIPaddress':
return 'NAT Internal IP Address';
return ucfirst($field);
/// \fn extraSelectAdminOptions()
/// \return html
/// \brief generates HTML for option to create/update an image
function extraSelectAdminOptions() {
$h = '';
$h .= "<br>(Computer Utilities are now incorporated into Edit Computer ";
$h .= "Profiles)<br>\n";
return $h;
/// \fn extraResourceFilters()
/// \return html
/// \brief generates HTML for computer utilities drop down and filtering by
/// computer group
function extraResourceFilters() {
$h = '';
# selected items menu
$h .= "<div dojoType=\"dijit.form.DropDownButton\">\n";
$h .= "<span>" . i("Actions for selected computers") . "</span>\n";
$h .= "<div dojoType=\"dijit.Menu\" id=\"actionmenu\">\n";
# change NAT
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Change NAT</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$extra = array('onChange' => "toggleNAT('newnatenabled', 'newnathostid');");
$h .= labeledFormItem('newnatenabled', i('Connect Using NAT'), 'check', '', '', '1', '', '', $extra);
$nathosts = getNAThosts(0, 1);
$disabled = array('disabled' => 'true');
$h .= labeledFormItem('newnathostid', i('NAT Host'), 'select', $nathosts,
'', '', '', '', $disabled);
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcompNATchange', $cdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"natchangecont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('newnathostbtn', 'Confirm NAT Change', 'confirmNATchange();', 0);
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# change predictive loading module
$premodules = getPredictiveModules();
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Change Predictive Loading Module</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Change Predictive Loading Module to:<br>\n";
$h .= selectInputAutoDijitHTML('', $premodules, 'newpredictivemoduleid');
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcompPredictiveModuleChange', $cdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"predictivemodulechangecont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Confirm Predictive Loading Module Change', 'confirmPredictiveModuleChange();', 0);
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# change provisioning engine
$provisioning = getProvisioning();
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Change Provisioning Engine</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Change Provisioning Engine to:<br>\n";
$h .= selectInputAutoDijitHTML('', $provisioning, 'newprovisioningid');
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcompProvisioningChange', $cdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"provisioningchangecont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Confirm Provisioning Engine Change', 'confirmProvisioningChange();', 0);
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# change schedule
$resources = getUserResources(array("scheduleAdmin"), array("manageGroup"));
if(count($resources['schedule'])) {
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Change Schedule</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Change schedule to:<br>\n";
$h .= selectInputAutoDijitHTML('', $resources['schedule'], 'newscheduleid');
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcompScheduleChange', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"schedulecont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Confirm Schedule Change', 'confirmScheduleChange();', 0);
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# change state
$states = array("2" => "available",
"23" => "hpc",
"10" => "maintenance",
"20" => "convert to vmhostinuse");
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Change State</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Change state to:<br>\n";
$h .= selectInputAutoDijitHTML('', $states, 'newstateid');
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['states'] = $states;
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcompStateChange', $cdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"statechangecont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Confirm State Change', 'confirmStateChange();', 0);
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# delete
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.MenuItem\"\n";
$h .= " onClick=\"confirmDelete\">\n";
$h .= " Delete Computers\n";
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJdeleteComputers', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"deletecont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# generate /etc/hosts data
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.MenuItem\"\n";
$h .= " onClick=\"hostsData\">\n";
$h .= " Generate /etc/hosts Data\n";
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJhostsData', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"hostsdatacont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# generate private dhcpd data
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Generate Private dhcpd Data</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Enter the Management Node Private IP Address:<br>\n";
$h .= " <input type=\"text\" dojoType=\"dijit.form.TextBox\" id=\"mnprivipaddr\" ";
$h .= "required=\"false\"><br><br>\n";
$h .= " Select which NIC is used for the Private interface:<br>\n";
$h .= " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"prnic\" value=\"eth0\" id=\"preth0rdo\" ";
$h .= "checked=\"checked\"><label for=\"eth0rdo\">eth0</label><br>\n";
$h .= " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"prnic\" value=\"eth1\" id=\"preth1rdo\">";
$h .= "<label for=\"eth1rdo\">eth1</label><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Generate Data', "generateDHCPdata('private');", 0);
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJgenerateDHCPdata', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"privatedhcpcont\" value=\"$cont\">\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# generate public dhcpd data
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Generate Public dhcpd Data</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Select which NIC is used for the Public interface:<br>\n";
$h .= " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"punic\" value=\"eth0\" id=\"pueth0rdo\">";
$h .= "<label for=\"eth0rdo\">eth0</label><br>\n";
$h .= " <input type=\"radio\" name=\"punic\" value=\"eth1\" id=\"pueth1rdo\" ";
$h .= "checked=\"checked\"><label for=\"eth1rdo\">eth1</label><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Generate Data', "generateDHCPdata('public');", 0);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"publicdhcpcont\" value=\"$cont\">\n"; # use previous continuation
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# reload
$resources = getUserResources(array("imageAdmin", "imageCheckOut"));
if(count($resources['image'])) {
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.PopupMenuItem\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Reload with an Image</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px; border: 1px solid black;\">\n";
$h .= " Reload computers with the following image:<br>\n";
$extra = 'autoComplete="false"';
$h .= selectInputAutoDijitHTML('', $resources['image'], 'reloadimageid', $extra);
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJreloadComputers', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"reloadcont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Confirm Reload Computers', 'confirmReload();', 0);
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# show reservations
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.MenuItem\"\n";
$h .= " onClick=\"showReservations\">\n";
$h .= " Reservation Information\n";
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJshowReservations', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"showreservationscont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
# show reservation history
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.MenuItem\"\n";
$h .= " onClick=\"showReservationHistory\">\n";
$h .= " Reservation History\n";
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJshowReservationHistory', $this->basecdata);
$h .= " <input type=\"hidden\" id=\"showreservationhistorycont\" value=\"$cont\"><br>\n";
$h .= " </div>\n";
$h .= "</div>\n"; # close Menu
$h .= "</div>\n"; # close DropDownButton
# computer groups
$tmp = getUserResources(array($this->restype . 'Admin'), array('manageGroup'), 1);
$groups = $tmp[$this->restype];
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJfilterCompGroups', $this->basecdata);
$h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"filtercompgroupscont\" value=\"$cont\">\n";
$h .= "<div dojoType=\"dijit.form.DropDownButton\">\n";
$h .= " <span>Selected Computer Groups</span>\n";
$h .= " <div dojoType=\"dijit.TooltipDialog\" id=\"connectmethodttd\">\n";
$size = 10;
if(count($groups) < 10)
$size = count($groups);
$h .= selectInputHTML('', $groups, 'filtercompgroups',
"onChange=\"delayedCompGroupFilterSelection();\" size=\"$size\"",
-1, 0, 1);
$h .= " </div>\n"; # tooltip dialog
$h .= "</div>\n"; # drop down button
# refresh button
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Refresh Computer Data', 'refreshcompdata(0);');
# span to list count of computer in table
$h .= "<span id=\"computercount\"></span>\n";
$h .= "<div dojoType=dijit.Dialog\n";
$h .= " id=\"confirmactiondlg\"\n";
$h .= " duration=250\n";
$h .= " autofocus=false\n";
$h .= " draggable=true>\n";
#$h .= "<div id=\"actionmsg\"></div>\n";
$h .= "<div dojoType=\"dijit.layout.ContentPane\" id=\"actionmsg\"\n";
$h .= " style=\"background-color: white; padding: 5px;\">\n";
$h .= "</div>\n";
$h .= "<div id=\"complist\" style=\"overflow: auto;\"></div>\n";
$h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"submitcont\">\n";
$h .= "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n";
$h .= "<span id=\"submitactionbtnspan\">\n";
$h .= dijitButton('submitactionbtn', 'Submit', 'submitAction();', 0);
$h .= "</span>\n";
$h .= dijitButton('cancelactionbtn', 'Cancel', 'cancelAction();', 0);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # btn div
$h .= "</div>\n"; # confirmactiondlg
$h .= "<div dojoType=dijit.Dialog\n";
$h .= " id=\"noschedulenoadd\"\n";
$h .= " title=\"Cannot Add Computers\"\n";
$h .= " duration=250\n";
$h .= " autofocus=false\n";
$h .= " draggable=true>\n";
$h .= "All computers must have a schedule assigned to them. You do not<br>\n";
$h .= "have to any schedules or no schedules exist. You must be granted<br>\n";
$h .= "access to or create at least one schedule to be able to add computers.<br><br>\n";
$h .= "<div style=\"text-align: center;\">\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', 'Close', 'dijit.byId("noschedulenoadd").hide();', 0);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # btn div
$h .= "</div>\n"; # noschedulenoadd
# filter table
$h .= "<div id=\"extrafiltersdiv\" style=\"height: 65px;\"></div>\n";
return $h;
/// \fn AJfilterCompGroups
/// \brief generates regular expressions to match ids of all computers in the
/// submitted computer groups
function AJfilterCompGroups() {
$groupids = processInputVar('groupids', ARG_STRING);
if(! preg_match('/^[0-9,]+$/', $groupids)) {
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => "Invalid data submitted.");
$groupids = explode(',', $groupids);
$tmp = getUserResources(array($this->restype . 'Admin'), array('manageGroup'), 1);
$groups = $tmp[$this->restype];
$groupnames = array();
foreach($groupids as $id) {
if(array_key_exists($id, $groups))
$groupnames[] = $groups[$id];
$comps = getResourcesFromGroups($groupnames, 'computer', 1);
$regids = "^" . implode('$|^', array_keys($comps)) . "$";
$arr = array('status' => 'success',
'regids' => $regids);
/// \fn addEditDialogHTML($add)
/// \param $add - unused for this class
/// \brief generates HTML for dialog used to edit resource
function addEditDialogHTML($add) {
global $user;
# dialog for on page editing
$h = '';
$h .= "<div dojoType=dijit.Dialog\n";
$h .= " id=\"addeditdlg\"\n";
$h .= " title=\"Edit {$this->restypename}\"\n";
$h .= " duration=250\n";
$h .= " draggable=true>\n";
$h .= "<div id=\"addeditdlgcontent\">\n";
$h .= "<div id=\"computerdlgcontent\">\n";
# id
$h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"editresid\">\n";
$types = array("blade" => "Bare Metal", "lab" => "Lab", "virtualmachine" => "Virtual Machine");
$provisioning = getProvisioning();
$provtypes = getProvisioningTypes();
$states = array('blade' => array(2 => 'available',
10 => 'maintenance',
20 => 'vmhostinuse'),
'lab' => array(2 => 'available',
10 => 'maintenance'),
'virtualmachine' => array(10 => 'maintenance'));
$h .= "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n";
$h .= "var options = {\n";
$options = array();
foreach($types as $type => $tmp) {
$opt = '';
$opt .= " $type: {\n";
$opt .= " provisioning: [\n";
$arr = array();
foreach($provtypes[$type] as $key => $val)
$arr[] = " {value: '$key', label: '$val'}";
$opt .= implode(",\n", $arr);
$opt .= "\n ],\n";
$opt .= " states: [\n";
$arr = array();
foreach($states[$type] as $key => $val)
$arr[] = " {value: '$key', label: '$val'}";
$opt .= implode(",\n", $arr);
$opt .= "\n ]\n";
$opt .= " }";
$options[] = $opt;
$h .= implode(",\n", $options);
$h .= "\n}\n";
$h .= "</script>\n";
# add single or multiple
$h .= "<div id=\"singlemultiplediv\" class=\"hidden\">\n";
/*$h .= "<label for=\"addsingle\">Add Single Computer</label><span ";
$h .= "class=\"labeledform\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" ";
$h .= "id=\"addsingle\" checked=\"checked\" onclick=\"toggleAddSingle();\">";
$h .= "</span><br><br>\n";
$h .= "<label for=\"addmultiple\">Add Multiple Computers</label><span ";
$h .= "class=\"labeledform\"><input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" ";
$h .= "id=\"addmultiple\" onclick=\"toggleAddMultiple();\"><br><br>\n";*/
$extra = array('onChange' => 'toggleSingleMultiple();');
$modes = array('single' => 'Single Computer',
'multiple' => 'Multiple Computers');
$h .= labeledFormItem('mode', i('Add') . ' ', 'select', $modes, 1, '', '', '', $extra);
$h .= "<br>\n";
$h .= "</div>\n"; # singlemultiplediv
# add multiple note
$h .= "<div id=\"multiplenotediv\" class=\"hidden\">\n";
$h .= "<b>NOTE</b>: 'Start IP' and 'End IP' can only differ in the number ";
$h .= "after the last '.'. The<br>hostnames will be generated from the ";
$h .= "'Hostname' field. The hostnames for each<br>computer can only differ ";
$h .= "by the value of a number in the first part of the hostname.<br>Place ";
$h .= "a '%' character in the 'Hostname' field where that number will be. ";
$h .= "Then fill in<br>'Start value' and 'End value' with the first and last ";
$h .= "values to be used in the hostname.<br><br>";
$h .= "</div>\n"; # multiplenotediv
# div for canceling moving blade to vmhostinuse
$h .= "<div class=\"highlightnoticewarn hidden\" id=\"cancelvmhostinusediv\">\n";
$h .= "<span id=\"tohostfuturespan\">\n";
$h .= "NOTICE: This computer is scheduled to start being reloaded as a vmhost at<br>";
$h .= "<span id=\"tohostfuturetimespan\"></span>";
$h .= ". You may cancel this scheduled<br>reload by clicking the button below.";
$h .= "<br><br></span>\n";
$h .= "<span id=\"tohostnowspan\">\n";
$h .= "NOTICE: This computer is currently being reloaded as a vmhost. You may cancel this<br>";
$h .= "process by clicking on the button below. After canceling the reload, it may take several<br>";
$h .= "minutes for the cancellation process to complete.";
$h .= "<br><br></span>\n";
$h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"tohostcancelcont\">\n";
$h .= "<button dojoType=\"dijit.form.Button\">\n";
$h .= " Cancel Scheduled Reload\n";
$h .= " <script type=\"dojo/method\" event=onClick>\n";
$h .= " cancelScheduledtovmhostinuse();\n";
$h .= " </script>\n";
$h .= "</button>\n";
$h .= "</div>\n"; # cancelvmhostinusediv
$h .= "<div class=\"highlightnoticenotify hidden\" id=\"cancelvmhostinuseokdiv\"></div>\n";
# hostname
$errmsg = i("Name can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). It can be from 1 to 36 characters long.");
$h .= labeledFormItem('name', i('Name') . '*', 'text', '^([a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\.]{1,35})$',
1, '', $errmsg);
# start/end
$h .= "<div id=\"startenddiv\" class=\"hidden\">\n";
$extra = array('smallDelta' => 1, 'largeDelta' => 10);
$h .= labeledFormItem('startnum', i('Start') . '*', 'spinner', '{min:0,max:255,places:0}', 1);
$h .= labeledFormItem('endnum', i('End') . '*', 'spinner', '{min:0,max:255,places:0}', 1);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # startenddiv
# owner
$extra = array('onKeyPress' => 'setOwnerChecking');
$h .= labeledFormItem('owner', i('Owner') . '*', 'text', '', 1,
"{$user['unityid']}@{$user['affiliation']}", i('Unknown user'),
'checkOwner', $extra);
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJvalidateUserid');
$h .= "<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"valuseridcont\" value=\"$cont\">\n";
# type
$extra = array('onChange' => 'selectType();');
$h .= labeledFormItem('type', i('Type'), 'select', $types, 1, '', '', '', $extra);
# single computer fields
$h .= "<div id=\"singleipmacdiv\">\n";
# public IP
$ipreg = '(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)';
$ipreg1 = "^$ipreg$";
$errmsg = i("Invalid Public IP address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('ipaddress', i('Public IP Address') . '*', 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
# private IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid Private IP address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('privateipaddress', i('Private IP Address'), 'text', $ipreg1, 0, '', $errmsg);
# Public MAC
$macreg = '^([0-9a-fA-F]{2}:){5}[0-9a-fA-F]{2}$';
$errmsg = i("Invalid Public MAC address specified");
$h .= labeledFormItem('publicmac', i('Public MAC Address'), 'text', $macreg, 0, '', $errmsg);
# private MAC
$errmsg = i("Invalid Private MAC address specified");
$h .= labeledFormItem('privatemac', i('Private MAC Address'), 'text', $macreg, 0, '', $errmsg);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # singleipmacdiv
# multi computer fields
$h .= "<div id=\"multiipmacdiv\" class=\"hidden\">\n";
# start public IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid Start Public IP Address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('startpubipaddress', i('Start Public IP Address') . '*', 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
# end public IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid End Public IP Address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('endpubipaddress', i('End Public IP Address') . '*', 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
# start private IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid Start Private IP Address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('startprivipaddress', i('Start Private IP Address') . '*', 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
# end private IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid End Private IP Address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('endprivipaddress', i('End Private IP Address') . '*', 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
# start MAC
$errmsg = i("Invalid Start MAC Address specified");
$h .= labeledFormItem('startmac', i('Start MAC Address'), 'text', $macreg, 0, '', $errmsg);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # multiipsdiv
# provisioning engine
$extra = array('onChange' => 'selectProvisioning();');
$h .= labeledFormItem('provisioningid', i('Provisioning Engine'), 'selectonly', $provisioning, 1, '', '', '', $extra);
# state
$extra = array('onChange' => 'selectState();');
$states = array(2 => 'available',
23 => 'hpc',
10 => 'maintenance',
20 => 'vmhostinuse');
$h .= labeledFormItem('stateid', i('State'), 'selectonly', $states, 1, '', '', '', $extra);
# maintenance notes
$h .= "<div id=\"notesspan\">\n";
$h .= labeledFormItem('notes', i('Reason for Maintenance'), 'textarea');
$h .= "</div>\n";
# VMhost profile
$profiles = getVMProfiles();
uasort($profiles, 'sortKeepIndex');
$h .= "<div id=\"vmprofilespan\">\n";
$h .= labeledFormItem('vmprofileid', i('VM Host Profile'), 'select', $profiles);
$h .= "</div>\n";
# platform
$platforms = getPlatforms();
$h .= labeledFormItem('platformid', i('Platform'), 'select', $platforms);
# schedule
$tmp = getUserResources(array("scheduleAdmin"), array("manageGroup"));
$schedules = $tmp["schedule"];
$h .= labeledFormItem('scheduleid', i('Schedule'), 'selectonly', $schedules);
# current image
$h .= "<div id=\"curimgspan\">\n";
$h .= "<label for=\"curimg\">Current Image:</label>\n";
$h .= "<span class=\"labeledform\" id=\"curimg\"></span><br>\n";
$h .= "</div>\n";
# ram
$extra = array('smallDelta' => 1024, 'largeDelta' => 4096);
$h .= labeledFormItem('ram', i('RAM (MB)') . '*', 'spinner', '{min:500,max:16777215,places:0}', 1);
# cores
$extra = array('smallDelta' => 1, 'largeDelta' => 4);
$h .= labeledFormItem('cores', i('Cores') . '*', 'spinner', '{min:1,max:255,places:0}', 1);
# proc speed
$extra = array('smallDelta' => 100, 'largeDelta' => 1000);
$h .= labeledFormItem('procspeed', i('Processor Speed (MHz)') . '*', 'spinner', '{min:500,max:10000,places:0}', 1);
# network speed
$tmpArr = array("10" => "10", "100" => "100", "1000" => "1000", "10000" => "10000", "100000" => "100000");
$h .= labeledFormItem('network', i('Network'), 'select', $tmpArr);
# predictive loading module
$vals = getPredictiveModules();
$h .= labeledFormItem('predictivemoduleid', i('Predictive Loading Module'), 'select', $vals);
$h .= "<div class=\"boxedoptions\">\n";
# use NAT
$extra = array('onChange' => "toggleNAT('natenabled', 'nathostid');");
$h .= labeledFormItem('natenabled', i('Connect Using NAT'), 'check', '', '', '1', '', '', $extra);
# which NAT host
$nathosts = getNAThosts(0, 1);
$h .= labeledFormItem('nathostid', i('NAT Host'), 'selectonly', $nathosts);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # NAT
# NAT Host
$h .= "<div id=\"nathost\" class=\"boxedoptions\">\n";
# use as NAT host
$extra = array('onChange' => "toggleNAThost();");
$h .= labeledFormItem('nathostenabled', i('Use as NAT Host'), 'check', '', '', '1', '', '', $extra);
# public IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid NAT Public IP address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('natpublicipaddress', i('NAT Public IP Address'), 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
# internal IP
$errmsg = i("Invalid NAT Internal IP address specified - must be a valid IPV4 address");
$h .= labeledFormItem('natinternalipaddress', i('NAT Internal IP Address'), 'text', $ipreg1, 1, '', $errmsg);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # NAT Host
# compid
$h .= "<div id=\"compidspan\">\n";
$h .= "<label for=\"compid\">Computer ID:</label>\n";
$h .= "<span class=\"labeledform\" id=\"compid\"></span><br>\n";
$h .= "</div>\n";
# location
$errmsg = i("Location can be up to 255 characters long and may contain letters, numbers, spaces, and these characters: - , . _ @ # ( )");
$h .= labeledFormItem('location', i('Location'), 'text',
'^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\. ,@#\(\)]{0,255})$', 0, '', $errmsg);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # computerdlgcontent
$h .= "</div>\n"; # addeditdlgcontent
$h .= "<div id=\"addeditdlgerrmsg\" class=\"nperrormsg\"></div>\n";
$h .= "<div id=\"editdlgbtns\" align=\"center\">\n";
$h .= dijitButton('addeditbtn', "Confirm", "saveResource();");
$h .= dijitButton('', "Cancel", "dijit.byId('addeditdlg').hide();");
$h .= "</div>\n"; # editdlgbtns
$h .= "</div>\n"; # dialog
$h .= "<div dojoType=dijit.Dialog\n";
$h .= " id=\"groupingnote\"\n";
$h .= " title=\"Computer Grouping\"\n";
$h .= " duration=250\n";
$h .= " draggable=true>\n";
$h .= "Computer(s) successfully added. Each computer needs<br>to be a member of a computer resource group. The<br>following dialog<br>will allow you to add the new<br>computer(s) to a group.<br><br>\n";
$h .= "<div align=\"center\">\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', "Close", "dijit.byId('groupingnote').hide();");
$h .= "</div>\n"; # btn div
$h .= "</div>\n"; # groupingnote
$h .= "<div dojoType=dijit.Dialog\n";
$h .= " id=\"groupdlg\"\n";
$h .= " title=\"Computer Grouping\"\n";
$h .= " duration=250\n";
$h .= " draggable=true>\n";
$h .= "<div id=\"groupdlgcontent\"></div>\n";
$h .= "<div align=\"center\">\n";
$script = " dijit.byId('groupdlg').hide();\n";
$script .= " checkFirstAdd();\n";
$h .= dijitButton('', "Close", $script);
$h .= "</div>\n"; # btn div
$h .= "</div>\n"; # groupdlg
return $h;
/// \fn AJeditResource()
/// \brief sends data for editing a resource
function AJeditResource() {
$rscid = processInputVar('rscid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$resources = getUserResources(array($this->restype . 'Admin'), array('administer'), 0, 1);
if(! array_key_exists($rscid, $resources[$this->restype])) {
$ret = array('status' => 'noaccess');
$this->jsondata['showcancel'] = 0;
$query = "SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP(rq.start) AS start "
. "FROM request rq, "
. "reservation rs, "
. "state ls, "
. "state cs "
. "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. "rs.computerid = $rscid AND "
. "rq.laststateid = AND "
. "rq.stateid = AND "
. " = 'tovmhostinuse' AND "
. " NOT IN ('failed', 'maintenance', 'complete', 'deleted') AND "
. "rq.end > NOW() "
. "ORDER BY rq.start "
. "LIMIT 1";
$qh = doQuery($query);
if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['compid'] = $rscid;
$cont = addContinuationsEntry('AJcanceltovmhostinuse', $cdata, 300, 1, 0);
$this->jsondata['tohostcancelcont'] = $cont;
$this->jsondata['showcancel'] = 1;
$this->jsondata['tohoststart'] = date('g:i A \o\n l, F jS, Y', $row['start']);
if($row['start'] > time())
$this->jsondata['tohostfuture'] = 1;
$this->jsondata['tohostfuture'] = 0;
/// \fn AJsaveResource()
/// \brief saves changes to resource
function AJsaveResource() {
global $user;
$add = getContinuationVar('add', 0);
$data = $this->validateResourceData();
if($data['error']) {
$ret = array('status' => 'error', 'msg' => $data['errormsg']);
$promptuser = 0;
$promptuserfail = 0;
$multirefresh = 0;
if($add) {
if(! $data['rscid'] = $this->addResource($data)) {
sendJSON(array('status' => 'adderror',
'errormsg' => 'Error encountered while trying to create new computer(s).<br>Please contact an admin for assistance.'));
else {
$olddata = getContinuationVar('olddata');
$updates = array();
# hostname
if($data['name'] != $olddata['hostname'])
$updates[] = "hostname = '{$data['name']}'";
# ownerid
$ownerid = getUserlistID($data['owner']);
if($ownerid != $olddata['ownerid'])
$updates[] = "ownerid = $ownerid";
# cores
if($data['cores'] != $olddata['procnumber'])
$updates[] = "procnumber = '{$data['cores']}'";
# eth0macaddress
if($data['eth0macaddress'] != $olddata['eth0macaddress']) {
if($data['eth0macaddress'] == '')
$updates[] = "eth0macaddress = NULL";
$updates[] = "eth0macaddress = '{$data['eth0macaddress']}'";
# eth1macaddress
if($data['eth1macaddress'] != $olddata['eth1macaddress']) {
if($data['eth1macaddress'] == '')
$updates[] = "eth1macaddress = NULL";
$updates[] = "eth1macaddress = '{$data['eth1macaddress']}'";
# use NAT
if($data['natenabled'] != $olddata['natenabled']) {
if($data['natenabled']) {
$query = "INSERT INTO nathostcomputermap "
. "(computerid, "
. "nathostid) "
. "VALUES ({$data['rscid']}, "
. "{$data['nathostid']})";
else {
$query = "DELETE FROM nathostcomputermap "
. "WHERE computerid = {$data['rscid']}";
elseif($data['natenabled'] &&
$olddata['nathostid'] != $data['nathostid']) {
$query = "UPDATE nathostcomputermap "
. "SET nathostid = {$data['nathostid']} "
. "WHERE computerid = {$data['rscid']}";
# NAT host
if($data['nathostenabled'] != $olddata['nathostenabled']) {
if($data['nathostenabled']) {
$query = "INSERT INTO nathost "
. "(resourceid, "
. "publicIPaddress, "
. "internalIPaddress) "
. "({$olddata['resourceid']}, "
. "'{$data['natpublicIPaddress']}', "
. "'{$data['natinternalIPaddress']}') "
. "publicIPaddress = '{$data['natpublicIPaddress']}', "
. "internalIPaddress = '{$data['natinternalIPaddress']}'";
else {
$query = "DELETE FROM nathost "
. "WHERE resourceid = {$olddata['resourceid']}";
elseif($data['nathostenabled'] &&
($olddata['natpublicIPaddress'] != $data['natpublicIPaddress'] ||
$olddata['natinternalIPaddress'] != $data['natinternalIPaddress'])) {
$query = "UPDATE nathost "
. "SET publicIPaddress = '{$data['natpublicIPaddress']}', "
. "internalIPaddress = '{$data['natinternalIPaddress']}' "
. "WHERE resourceid = {$olddata['resourceid']}";
# other fields
$fields = array('type', 'IPaddress', 'privateIPaddress',
'provisioningid', 'platformid', 'scheduleid', 'ram',
'procspeed', 'network', 'predictivemoduleid', 'location');
foreach($fields as $field) {
if($data[$field] != $olddata[$field])
$updates[] = "`$field` = '{$data[$field]}'";
# stateid - if moving from vmhostinuse or reloading with a new image,
# make sure no reservations for VMs
if($olddata['stateid'] == 10 && $data['stateid'] == 20) {
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM computer vm, "
. "vmhost v "
. "WHERE v.computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vm.vmhostid = AND "
. "vm.notes = 'maintenance with host {$data['rscid']}' AND "
. "vm.stateid = 10";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$vmids = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh))
$vmids[] = $row['id'];
$allids = implode(',', $vmids);
if($data['provisioning'] != 'none') {
$profiles = getVMProfiles();
if(! array_key_exists('vmprofileid', $olddata) ||
$olddata['vmprofileid'] == '' ||
$profiles[$olddata['vmprofileid']]['imageid'] !=
$profiles[$data['vmprofileid']]['imageid']) {
# VCL provisioned, different image
# schedule VM host to be reloaded
$profiles = getVMProfiles($data['vmprofileid']);
$imageid = $profiles[$data['vmprofileid']]['imageid'];
$start = getReloadStartTime();
$rc = $this->scheduleTovmhostinuse($data['rscid'], $imageid, $start,
$data['vmprofileid'], $olddata['vmprofileid']);
if($rc == 0) {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to reload the ";
$msg .= "computer with the selected VM Host Profile. Please try ";
$msg .= "again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'VM Host Reload Failed';
else {
$multirefresh = 3;
else {
# VCL provisioned, same image
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br><br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer was previously in the vmhostinuse state. ";
$msg .= "You can:<br><br>\n";
$msg .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" value=\"vmhostinuse\" ";
$msg .= "id=\"modedirect\" checked=\"checked\"><label ";
$msg .= "for=\"modereload\">Move it directly back to vmhostinuse\n";
$msg .= "</label><br>\n";
$msg .= "<input type=\"radio\" name=\"mode\" value=\"reload\" ";
$msg .= "id=\"modereload\"><label for=\"modereload\">Have it reloaded ";
$msg .= "and then placed back into vmhostinuse</label><br><br>\n";
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['imageid'] = $profiles[$data['vmprofileid']]['imageid'];
$cdata['oldprofileid'] = $olddata['vmprofileid'];
$cdata['vmprofileid'] = $data['vmprofileid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$cdata['vmids'] = $vmids;
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Submit';
$title = 'State Change Option';
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated directly
else {
if(count($vmids)) {
$query = "UPDATE computer "
. "SET stateid = 2, "
. "notes = '' "
. "WHERE id in ($allids)";
$multirefresh = 1;
if(! array_key_exists('vmprofileid', $olddata) ||
$olddata['vmprofileid'] == '') {
$query = "INSERT INTO vmhost "
. "(computerid, "
. "vmprofileid) "
. "VALUES ({$data['rscid']}, "
. "{$data['vmprofileid']})";
elseif($olddata['vmprofileid'] != $data['vmprofileid']) {
$query = "UPDATE vmhost "
. "SET vmprofileid = {$data['vmprofileid']} "
. "WHERE computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vmprofileid = {$olddata['vmprofileid']}";
elseif($olddata['stateid'] != 20 && $data['stateid'] == 20) {
# check for reservations
$reloadstart = getCompFinalReservationTime($data['rscid'], 21);
$checkstart = getExistingChangeStateStartTime($data['rscid'], 21);
if($data['provisioning'] != 'none') {
# VCL provisioned
$profiles = getVMProfiles($data['vmprofileid']);
$imageid = $profiles[$data['vmprofileid']]['imageid'];
if($reloadstart) {
if($checkstart && $checkstart < $reloadstart)
$reloadstart = $checkstart;
# reservations, must wait until end time
$end = date('n/j/y g:i a', $reloadstart);
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer is currently allocated until $end and cannot ";
$msg .= "be reloaded until then. You can:\n";
$msg .= "<ul><li>Cancel and try later</li>\n";
$msg .= "<li>Schedule the computer to be reloaded with the selected ";
$msg .= "profile at $end</li></ul>\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace("|$end|", "<strong>$end</strong>", $msg, 1);
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['maintenanceonly'] = 0;
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['reloadstart'] = $reloadstart;
$cdata['imageid'] = $imageid;
$cdata['oldprofileid'] = $olddata['vmprofileid'];
$cdata['vmprofileid'] = $data['vmprofileid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Schedule Reload';
$title = 'Delayed State Change';
else {
# no reservations
$start = getReloadStartTime();
$checkstart = getExistingChangeStateStartTime($data['rscid'], 21);
if($checkstart && $checkstart < $start)
$start = $checkstart;
$rc = $this->scheduleTovmhostinuse($data['rscid'], $imageid, $start,
$data['vmprofileid'], $olddata['vmprofileid']);
if($rc == 0) {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to reload the ";
$msg .= "computer with the selected VM Host Profile. Please try ";
$msg .= "again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'VM Host Reload Failed';
$multirefresh = 3;
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated directly
else {
# manually provisioned
if($reloadstart) {
# reservations, must wait until end time
$end = date('n/j/y g:i a', $reloadstart);
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer is currently allocated until $end and cannot ";
$msg .= "be converted to a VM host until then. You can:\n";
$msg .= "<ul><li>Cancel and do nothing</li>\n";
$msg .= "<li>Schedule the computer to go in to maintenance at $end ";
$msg .= "and manually move it to vmhostinuse after that</li></ul>\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace("|$end|", "<strong>$end</strong>", $msg, 1);
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['maintenanceonly'] = 1;
$cdata['reloadstart'] = $reloadstart;
$cdata['imageid'] = getImageId('noimage');
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Schedule State Change';
$title = 'Delayed State Change';
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated yet
else {
# no reservations
$this->updateVmhostProfile($data['rscid'], $data['vmprofileid'], $olddata['vmprofileid']);
elseif($olddata['stateid'] == 20 && $data['stateid'] == 2) {
# only valid condition for VCL provisioned
# check for reservations
$reloadstart = getCompFinalVMReservationTime($data['rscid'], 1);
if($reloadstart == -1) {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to move VMs ";
$msg .= "off of the computer. Please try again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'Change to Available Failed';
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
elseif($reloadstart > 0) {
$end = date('n/j/y g:i a', $reloadstart);
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer currently has VMs with reservations on them until ";
$msg .= "$end and cannot be moved to the available state until then. ";
$msg .= "You can:\n";
$msg .= "<ul><li>Cancel and do nothing</li>\n";
$msg .= "<li>Schedule the VMs to be removed at $end and the computer ";
$msg .= "to be moved to available that</li></ul>\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace("|$end|", "<strong>$end</strong>", $msg, 1);
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['reloadstart'] = $reloadstart;
$cdata['imageid'] = getImageId('noimage');
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Schedule State Change';
$title = 'Delayed State Change';
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated yet
else {
# schedule tomaintenance reservations for VMs
# might be better to just directly move the VMs to the maintenance state
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
$imageid = getImageId('noimage');
$revid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid);
$start = getReloadStartTime();
$end = $start + SECINMONTH;
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM computer vm, "
. "vmhost v "
. "WHERE v.computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vm.vmhostid =";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$fail = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(! simpleAddRequest($row['id'], $imageid, $revid, $startdt,
$enddt, 18, $vclreloadid)) {
$fail = 1;
$multirefresh = 2;
if($fail) {
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated yet
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to remove VMs ";
$msg .= "from the computer. Please try again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'Change State to Available Failed';
elseif($olddata['stateid'] == 20 && $data['stateid'] == 10) {
# VCL provisioned and manually provisioned are the same
# check for reservations
$reloadstart = getCompFinalVMReservationTime($data['rscid'], 1, 1);
if($reloadstart == -1) {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to place assigned VMs ";
$msg .= "into the maintenance state. Please try again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'Change to Maintenance Failed';
elseif($reloadstart > 0) {
if(unixToDatetime($reloadstart) == '2038-01-01 00:00:00') {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer currently has VMs assigned to it that have server ";
$msg .= "reservations with indefinite endings. The computer cannot ";
$msg .= "be moved to the maintenance state while these reservations exist.";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'Change to Maintenance Failed';
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated
else {
$end = date('n/j/y g:i a', $reloadstart);
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer currently has VMs with reservations on them until ";
$msg .= "$end and cannot be moved to the maintenance state until then. ";
$msg .= "You can:\n";
$msg .= "<ul><li>Cancel and do nothing</li>\n";
$msg .= "<li>Schedule the computer and VMs to be moved into the ";
$msg .= "maintenance state at $end</li></ul>\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace("|$end|", "<strong>$end</strong>", $msg, 1);
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['reloadstart'] = $reloadstart;
$cdata['imageid'] = getImageId('noimage');
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Schedule State Change';
$title = 'Delayed State Change';
$data['stateid'] = $olddata['stateid']; # prevent state from being updated yet
else {
$query = "UPDATE computer c "
. "INNER JOIN vmhost v ON (c.vmhostid = "
. "SET c.stateid = 10, "
. "c.notes = 'maintenance with host {$data['rscid']}' "
. "WHERE v.computerid = {$data['rscid']}";
$multirefresh = 1;
elseif($olddata['stateid'] == 10 && $data['stateid'] == 2) {
if(is_numeric($olddata['vmprofileid'])) {
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
$imageid = getImageId('noimage');
$revid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid);
$start = getReloadStartTime();
$end = $start + SECINMONTH;
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
# move VMs to reload state so vcld will not skip them due to being in maintenance
$query = "UPDATE computer c, "
. "vmhost v "
. "SET c.stateid = 19, "
. "c.notes = '' "
. "WHERE v.computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "c.vmhostid =";
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM computer vm, "
. "vmhost v "
. "WHERE v.computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vm.vmhostid =";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$fails = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(! simpleAddRequest($row['id'], $imageid, $revid, $startdt,
$enddt, 18, $vclreloadid)) {
$fails[] = $row['id'];
$multirefresh = 2;
if(count($fails)) {
# just directly remove any VMs that failed to be scheduled
$query = "UPDATE computer "
. "SET stateid = 10, "
. "vmhostid = NULL, "
. "notes = '' "
. "WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $fails) . ")";
elseif($olddata['stateid'] == 20 && $data['stateid'] == 20 &&
$olddata['vmprofileid'] != $data['vmprofileid']) {
if($data['provisioning'] != 'none') {
$profiles = getVMProfiles($data['vmprofileid']);
if($profiles[$olddata['vmprofileid']]['imageid'] ==
$profiles[$data['vmprofileid']]['imageid']) {
$query = "UPDATE vmhost "
. "SET vmprofileid = {$data['vmprofileid']} "
. "WHERE computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vmprofileid = {$olddata['vmprofileid']}";
else {
$reloadstart = getCompFinalVMReservationTime($data['rscid'], 1);
if($reloadstart == -1) {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to place assigned ";
$msg .= "VMs into the maintenance state while reloading the computer. ";
$msg .= "Please try again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'Change VM Host Profile Failed';
elseif($reloadstart > 0) {
$end = date('n/j/y g:i a', $reloadstart);
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer must be reloaded to change to the selected VM Host ";
$msg .= "Profile and there are VMs on it with reservations until $end. ";
$msg .= "You can:\n";
$msg .= "<ul><li>Cancel and do nothing</li>\n";
$msg .= "<li>Schedule the VMs to be removed and the computer to be ";
$msg .= "reloaded at $end</li></ul>\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace("|$end|", "<strong>$end</strong>", $msg, 1);
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['reloadstart'] = $reloadstart;
$cdata['imageid'] = $profiles[$data['vmprofileid']]['imageid'];
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$cdata['oldprofileid'] = $olddata['vmprofileid'];
$cdata['vmprofileid'] = $data['vmprofileid'];
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Schedule Reload';
$title = 'Delayed VM Host Profile Change';
else {
# schedule VMs to be removed
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
$imageid = getImageId('noimage');
$revid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid);
$start = getReloadStartTime();
$end = $start + SECINMONTH;
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM computer vm, "
. "vmhost v "
. "WHERE v.computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vm.vmhostid =";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$fails = array();
$cnt = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(! simpleAddRequest($row['id'], $imageid, $revid, $startdt,
$enddt, 18, $vclreloadid)) {
$fails[] = $row['id'];
if(count($fails)) {
# just directly remove any VMs that failed to be scheduled
$query = "UPDATE computer "
. "SET stateid = 10, "
. "vmhostid = NULL, "
. "notes = '' "
. "WHERE id IN (" . implode(',', $fails) . ")";
# schedule host to be reloaded
$start = time() + 120; # allow 2 minutes for VMs to be removed
$rc = $this->scheduleTovmhostinuse($data['rscid'],
$start, $data['vmprofileid'],
if($rc == 0) {
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes were saved.<br>\nHowever, a ";
$msg .= "A ";
$msg .= "problem was encountered while attempting to reload the ";
$msg .= "computer with the selected VM Host Profile. Please try ";
$msg .= "again at a later time.\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$promptuserfail = 1;
$title = 'VM Host Reload Failed';
$multirefresh = 3;
else {
$query = "UPDATE vmhost "
. "SET vmprofileid = {$data['vmprofileid']} "
. "WHERE computerid = {$data['rscid']} AND "
. "vmprofileid = {$olddata['vmprofileid']}";
elseif($olddata['stateid'] != 10 && $data['stateid'] == 10) {
$reloadstart = getCompFinalReservationTime($data['rscid']);
if($reloadstart) {
$end = date('n/j/y g:i a', $reloadstart);
$msg = '';
$msg .= "Computer information changes saved.<br>\nHowever, this ";
$msg .= "This ";
$msg .= "computer has reservations on it until $end. You can:\n";
$msg .= "<ul><li>Cancel and do nothing</li>\n";
$msg .= "<li>Schedule the computer to be moved to maintenance at ";
$msg .= "$end</li></ul>\n";
$msg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $msg);
$msg = preg_replace("|$end|", "<strong>$end</strong>", $msg, 1);
$promptuser = 1;
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['reloadstart'] = $reloadstart;
$cdata['imageid'] = getImageId('noimage');
$cdata['compid'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['newstateid'] = $data['stateid'];
$cdata['oldstateid'] = $olddata['stateid'];
$promptcont = addContinuationsEntry('AJsubmitComputerStateLater', $cdata, SECINDAY, 1, 0);
$btntxt = 'Schedule Maintenance';
$title = 'Delayed Maintenance';
# else let UPDATE move it to maintenance
# notes (do these at the end because we don't want to update notes if
# state prevented from being changed)
# staying in maintenance
if($olddata['stateid'] == 10 && $data['stateid'] == 10) {
$testnotes = $olddata['notes'];
# check for notes being changed
if(! is_null($testnotes) && strpos($testnotes, '@') === true) {
$tmp = explode('@', $olddata['notes']);
$testnotes = $tmp[1];
if($testnotes != $data['notes']) {
$ts = unixToDatetime(time());
$updates[] = "notes = '{$user['unityid']} $ts@{$data['notes']}'";
# changing to maintenance
elseif($data['stateid'] == 10) {
$ts = unixToDatetime(time());
$updates[] = "notes = '{$user['unityid']} $ts@{$data['notes']}'";
# removing from maintenance
elseif($olddata['stateid'] == 10 && $data['stateid'] != 10) {
$updates[] = "notes = ''";
# stateid
if($data['stateid'] != $olddata['stateid'])
$updates[] = "stateid = {$data['stateid']}";
if(count($updates)) {
$query = "UPDATE computer SET "
. implode(', ', $updates)
. " WHERE id = {$data['rscid']}";
# clear user resource cache for this type
$key = getKey(array(array($this->restype . "Admin"), array("administer"), 0, 1, 0, 0));
$key = getKey(array(array($this->restype . "Admin"), array("administer"), 0, 0, 0, 0));
$key = getKey(array(array($this->restype . "Admin"), array("manageGroup"), 0, 1, 0, 0));
$key = getKey(array(array($this->restype . "Admin"), array("manageGroup"), 0, 0, 0, 0));
$args = $this->defaultGetDataArgs;
$arr = array('status' => 'success');
if(is_array($data['rscid'])) {
$tmp = $this->getData($args);
$arr['addmode'] = 'multiple';
$arr['data'] = array();
foreach($data['rscid'] as $compid) {
$tmp[$compid]['name'] = $tmp[$compid]['hostname'];
$arr['data'][] = $tmp[$compid];
$arr['grouphelp'] = "Select groups from the list on the right and click the "
. "Add button to add the new computer set to those groups.<br><br>";
$cdata = $this->basecdata;
$cdata['newids'] = $data['rscid'];
$cdata['mode'] = 'add';
$arr['addcont'] = addContinuationsEntry('AJaddRemGroupResource', $cdata);
$cdata['mode'] = 'remove';
$arr['remcont'] = addContinuationsEntry('AJaddRemGroupResource', $cdata);
else {
$arr['addmode'] = 'single';
$args['rscid'] = $data['rscid'];
$tmp = $this->getData($args);
$data = $tmp[$data['rscid']];
$arr['data'] = $data;
$arr['data']['name'] = $arr['data']['hostname'];
if($add) {
$arr['action'] = 'add';
$arr['nogroups'] = 0;
$groups = getUserResources(array($this->restype . 'Admin'), array('manageGroup'), 1);
$arr['groupingHTML'] = $this->groupByResourceHTML();
$arr['nogroups'] = 1;
$arr['action'] = 'edit';
if($promptuser) {
$arr['promptuser'] = 1;
$arr['btntxt'] = $btntxt;
$arr['title'] = $title;
$arr['msg'] = $msg;
$arr['cont'] = $promptcont;
elseif($promptuserfail) {
$arr['promptuserfail'] = 1;
$arr['title'] = $title;
$arr['msg'] = $msg;
$arr['multirefresh'] = $multirefresh;
/// \fn validateResourceData()
/// \return array with these fields:\n
/// \b rscid - id of resource (from computer table)\n
/// \b name - hostname of computer\n
/// \b startnum - start number when doing multiple add\n
/// \b endnum - end number when doing multiple add\n
/// \b owner\n
/// \b type - type of computer\n
/// \b IPaddress - public IP address\n
/// \b privateIPaddress - private IP address\n
/// \b eth0macaddress - public MAC address\n
/// \b eth1macaddress - private MAC address\n
/// \b startpubipaddress - start public IP address when doing multiple add\n
/// \b endpubipaddress - end public IP address when doing multiple add\n
/// \b startprivipaddress - start private IP address when doing multiple
/// add\n
/// \b endprivipaddress - end private IP address when doing multiple add\n
/// \b startmac - start MAC address when doing multiple add\n
/// \b provisioningid - id of provisioning engine for computer(s)\n
/// \b stateid - id for state of computer\n
/// \b notes - maintenance notes when setting computer to maintenance state\n
/// \b vmprofileid - id of vmprofile when setting to vmhostinuse state\n
/// \b platformid - id of platform\n
/// \b scheduleid - id of schedule\n
/// \b ram\n
/// \b cores\n
/// \b procspeed\n
/// \b network\n
/// \b predictivemoduleid - id of module to use when preloading nodes\n
/// \b natenabled - 1 to use NAT for this computer, 0 not to\n
/// \b nathostid - id of NAT host for this computer\n
/// \b location - free string describing location\n
/// \b mode - 'edit' or 'add'\n
/// \b addmode - 'single' or 'multiple'\n
/// \b startpubiplong - numeric value for start public IP address when doing
/// multiple add\n
/// \b endpubiplong - numeric value for end public IP address when doing
/// multiple add\n
/// \b startpriviplong - numeric value for start private IP address when
/// doing multiple add\n
/// \b endpriviplong - numeric value for end private IP address when doing
/// multiple add\n
/// \b error - 0 if submitted data validates; 1 if anything is invalid\n
/// \b errormsg - if error = 1; string of error messages separated by html
/// break tags
/// \brief validates form input from editing or adding a computer
function validateResourceData() {
global $user;
$return = array('error' => 0);
$return['rscid'] = getContinuationVar('rscid', 0);
$return['name'] = processInputVar('name', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['startnum'] = processInputVar('startnum', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['endnum'] = processInputVar('endnum', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['owner'] = processInputVar('owner', ARG_STRING, "{$user['unityid']}@{$user['affiliation']}");
$return['type'] = processInputVar('type', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['IPaddress'] = processInputVar('ipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['privateIPaddress'] = processInputVar('privateipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['eth0macaddress'] = processInputVar('privatemac', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['eth1macaddress'] = processInputVar('publicmac', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['startpubipaddress'] = processInputVar('startpubipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['endpubipaddress'] = processInputVar('endpubipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['startprivipaddress'] = processInputVar('startprivipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['endprivipaddress'] = processInputVar('endprivipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['startmac'] = processInputVar('startmac', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['provisioningid'] = processInputVar('provisioningid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['stateid'] = processInputVar('stateid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['notes'] = processInputVar('notes', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['vmprofileid'] = processInputVar('vmprofileid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['platformid'] = processInputVar('platformid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['scheduleid'] = processInputVar('scheduleid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['ram'] = processInputVar('ram', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['cores'] = processInputVar('cores', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['procspeed'] = processInputVar('procspeed', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['network'] = processInputVar('network', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['predictivemoduleid'] = processInputVar('predictivemoduleid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['natenabled'] = processInputVar('natenabled', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['nathostid'] = processInputVar('nathostid', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['nathostenabled'] = processInputVar('nathostenabled', ARG_NUMERIC);
$return['natpublicIPaddress'] = processInputVar('natpublicipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['natinternalIPaddress'] = processInputVar('natinternalipaddress', ARG_STRING, '');
$return['location'] = processInputVar('location', ARG_STRING, '');
$addmode = processInputVar('addmode', ARG_STRING);
if(! is_null($addmode) && $addmode != 'single' && $addmode != 'multiple') {
$return['error'] = 1;
$return['errormsg'] = "Invalid Add mode submitted";
return $return;
$olddata = getContinuationVar('olddata');
if($return['rscid'] == 0)
$return['mode'] = 'add';
$return['mode'] = 'edit';
$errormsg = array();
# hostname
$hostreg = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_][-a-zA-Z0-9_\.]{1,49}$/';
if($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'multiple')
$hostreg = '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_%][-a-zA-Z0-9_\.%]{1,49}$/';
if(! preg_match($hostreg, $return['name'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Hostname can only contain letters, numbers, dashes(-), periods(.), and underscores(_). It can be from 1 to 50 characters long";
elseif($this->checkForHostname($return['name'], $return['rscid'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "A computer already exists with this hostname.";
# add multiple
if($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'multiple') {
# ensure % in hostname
if(! preg_match('/%/', $return['name'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Name must contain % when adding multiple computers";
# startnum/endnum
if($return['startnum'] < 0 || $return['startnum'] > 255) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Start must be from 0 to 255";
if($return['endnum'] < 0 || $return['endnum'] > 255) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "End must be from 0 to 255";
if($return['startnum'] >= 0 && $return['startnum'] <= 255 &&
$return['endnum'] >= 0 && $return['endnum'] <= 255 &&
$return['startnum'] > $return['endnum']) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Start must be &gt;= End";
$checkhosts = array();
for($i = $return['startnum']; $i <= $return['endnum']; $i++)
$checkhosts[] = str_replace('%', $i, $return['name']);
$allhosts = implode("','", $checkhosts);
$query = "SELECT hostname FROM computer "
. "WHERE hostname IN ('$allhosts') AND "
. "deleted = 0";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$exists = array();
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh))
$exists[] = $row['hostname'];
if(count($exists)) {
$hosts = implode(', ', $exists);
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "There are already computers with these hostnames: $hosts";
else {
$return['startnum'] = 0;
$return['endnum'] = 0;
# owner
if(! validateUserid($return['owner'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Submitted owner is not valid";
# type
if(! preg_match('/^(blade|lab|virtualmachine)$/', $return['type'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Submitted type is not valid";
# edit or add single
if($return['rscid'] || ($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'single')) {
# ipaddress
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['IPaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
# private ipaddress
if(strlen($return['privateIPaddress']) &&
! validateIPv4addr($return['privateIPaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Private IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
# eth0macaddress
if(strlen($return['eth0macaddress'])) {
if(! preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return["eth0macaddress"])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Private MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX "
. "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)";
elseif($this->checkForMACaddress($return['eth0macaddress'], 0, $return['rscid'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "There is already a computer with this Private MAC address.";
# eth1macaddress
if(strlen($return['eth1macaddress'])) {
if(! preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return["eth1macaddress"])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Public MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX "
. "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)";
elseif($this->checkForMACaddress($return['eth1macaddress'], 1, $return['rscid'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "There is already a computer with this Public MAC address.";
else {
$return['IPaddress'] = '';
$return['privateIPaddress'] = '';
$return['eth0macaddress'] = '';
$return['eth1macaddress'] = '';
# add multiple
if($return['mode'] == 'add' && $addmode == 'multiple') {
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['startpubipaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Start Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['endpubipaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid End Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['startprivipaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Start Private IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['endprivipaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid End Private IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
$startpubiplong = ip2long($return['startpubipaddress']);
$endpubiplong = ip2long($return['endpubipaddress']);
if($startpubiplong > $endpubiplong) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Start Public IP Address must be lower or equal to End Public IP Address";
elseif(($endpubiplong - $startpubiplong) != ($return['endnum'] - $return['startnum'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Public IP Address range does not equal Start/End range";
$startpriviplong = ip2long($return['startprivipaddress']);
$endpriviplong = ip2long($return['endprivipaddress']);
if($startpriviplong > $endpriviplong) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Start Private IP Address must be lower or equal to End Private IP Address";
elseif(($endpriviplong - $startpriviplong) != ($return['endnum'] - $return['startnum'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Private IP Address range does not equal Start/End range";
$return['startpubiplong'] = $startpubiplong;
$return['endpubiplong'] = $endpubiplong;
$return['startpriviplong'] = $startpriviplong;
$return['endpriviplong'] = $endpriviplong;
$cnt = $endpubiplong - $startpubiplong + 1;
if($return['startmac'] != '') {
if(! preg_match('/^(([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}:){5}([A-Fa-f0-9]){2}$/', $return['startmac'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Start MAC address. Must be XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX "
. "with each pair of XX being from 00 to FF (inclusive)";
elseif($this->checkMultiAddMacs($return['startmac'], $cnt, $msg, $macs)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = $msg;
$return['macs'] = $macs;
$return['macs'] = array();
else {
$return['startpubipaddress'] = '';
$return['endpubipaddress'] = '';
$return['startprivipaddress'] = '';
$return['endprivipaddress'] = '';
$return['startmac'] = '';
# provisioningid
$provisioning = getProvisioning();
if(! array_key_exists($return['provisioningid'], $provisioning)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Provisioning Engine selected";
$return['provisioning'] = $provisioning[$return['provisioningid']]['name'];
# stateid 2 - available, 10 - maintenance, 20 - vmhostinuse
if(! preg_match('/^(2|10|20)$/', $return['stateid']) &&
($return['mode'] == 'add' || $return['stateid'] != $olddata['stateid'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for State";
# validate type/provisioning combinations
$provtypes = getProvisioningTypes();
if(($return['mode'] == 'add' || $olddata['provisioningid'] != $return['provisioningid']) &&
! array_key_exists($return['provisioningid'], $provtypes[$return['type']])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid Provisioning Engine selected for computer type";
# validate type/provisioning/state combinations
if($return['mode'] == 'add' || $olddata['stateid'] != $return['stateid']) {
if($return['type'] == 'lab') {
if($return['stateid'] != 2 && $return['stateid'] != 10) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid state submitted for computer type Lab";
elseif($return['type'] == 'virtualmachine') {
if($return['stateid'] != 10 &&
($return['mode'] == 'add' || ! is_numeric($olddata['vmhostid']) || $return['stateid'] != 2)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid state submitted for computer type Virtual Machine";
elseif($return['type'] == 'blade') {
if($provisioning[$return['provisioningid']]['name'] == 'none' &&
$return['stateid'] != 10 && $return['stateid'] != 20) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid state submitted for computer type Bare Metal";
# notes
if($return['stateid'] == 10) {
if(! preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\. ,#\(\)=\+:;]{0,5000})$/', $return['notes'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Maintenance reason can be up to 5000 characters long and may only<br>contain letters, numbers, spaces and these characters: - , . _ # ( ) = + : ;";
$return['notes'] = '';
# vmprofileid
$profiles = getVMProfiles();
if($return['type'] == 'blade' && $return['stateid'] == 20 &&
! array_key_exists($return['vmprofileid'], $profiles)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for VM Host Profile";
# platformid
$platforms = getPlatforms();
if(! array_key_exists($return['platformid'], $platforms)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Platform";
# scheduleid
$schedules = getSchedules();
if(! array_key_exists($return['scheduleid'], $schedules)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Schedule";
# ram
if($return['ram'] < 500 || $return['ram'] > 16777215) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for RAM";
# cores
if($return['cores'] < 1 || $return['cores'] > 255) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Cores";
# procspeed
if($return['procspeed'] < 500 || $return['procspeed'] > 10000) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Processor Speed";
# network
if(! preg_match('/^(10|100|1000|10000|100000)$/', $return['network'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Network";
# predictivemoduleid
$premodules = getPredictiveModules();
if(! array_key_exists($return['predictivemoduleid'], $premodules)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Predictive Loading Module";
$naterror = 0;
# natenabled
if($return['natenabled'] != 0 && $return['natenabled'] != 1) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value for Connect Using NAT";
$naterror = 1;
# nathostid
$nathosts = getNAThosts();
if(($return['natenabled'] && $return['nathostid'] == 0) ||
($return['nathostid'] != 0 && ! array_key_exists($return['nathostid'], $nathosts))) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for NAT Host";
$naterror = 1;
# nat change - check for active reservations
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
if($return['mode'] == 'edit') {
if($olddata['nathostid'] == '')
$olddata['nathostid'] = 0;
if(! $naterror && ($olddata['natenabled'] != $return['natenabled'] ||
$olddata['nathostid'] != $return['nathostid'])) {
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM request rq, "
. "reservation rs "
. "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. "rs.computerid = {$return['rscid']} AND "
. "rq.start <= NOW() AND "
. "rq.end > NOW() AND "
. "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND "
. "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND "
. "rq.userid != $vclreloadid";
$qh = doQuery($query);
if(mysqli_num_rows($qh)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "This computer has an active reservation. NAT settings cannot be changed for computers having<br>active reservations.";
$nathosterror = 0;
# nathostenabled
if($return['nathostenabled'] != 0 && $return['nathostenabled'] != 1) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value for Use as NAT Host";
$nathosterror = 1;
# natpublicIPaddress
if($return['nathostenabled'] &&
($return['mode'] == 'edit' || $addmode == 'single')) {
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['natpublicIPaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid NAT Public IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
$nathosterror = 1;
# natinternalIPaddress
if(! validateIPv4addr($return['natinternalIPaddress'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid NAT Internal IP address. Must be w.x.y.z with each of "
. "w, x, y, and z being between 1 and 255 (inclusive)";
$nathosterror = 1;
# nat host change - check for active reservations
if(! $nathosterror && $return['mode'] == 'edit') {
if($olddata['nathostenabled'] != $return['nathostenabled'] ||
$olddata['natpublicIPaddress'] != $return['natpublicIPaddress'] ||
$olddata['natinternalIPaddress'] != $return['natinternalIPaddress']) {
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM request rq, "
. "reservation rs, "
. "nathostcomputermap nhcm, "
. "nathost nh "
. "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. "rs.computerid = nhcm.computerid AND "
. "nhcm.nathostid = AND "
. "nh.resourceid = {$olddata['resourceid']} AND "
. "rq.start <= NOW() AND "
. "rq.end > NOW() AND "
. "rq.stateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND "
. "rq.laststateid NOT IN (1,5,11,12) AND "
. "rq.userid != $vclreloadid";
$qh = doQuery($query);
if(mysqli_num_rows($qh)) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "This computer is the NAT host for other computers that have active reservations. NAT host<br>settings cannot be changed while providing NAT for active reservations.";
# location
if(! preg_match('/^([-a-zA-Z0-9_\. ,@#\(\)]{0,255})$/', $return['location'])) {
$return['error'] = 1;
$errormsg[] = "Invalid value submitted for Location";
if($return['mode'] == 'add')
$return['addmode'] = $addmode;
$return['errormsg'] = implode('<br>', $errormsg);
return $return;
/// \fn checkForHostname($hostname, $compid)
/// \param $hostname - a computer hostname
/// \param $compid - (optional) a computer id to ignore
/// \return 1 if $hostname is already in the computer table, 0 if not
/// \brief checks for $hostname being somewhere in the computer table except
/// for $compid
function checkForHostname($hostname, $compid='') {
$query = "SELECT id FROM computer "
. "WHERE hostname = '$hostname' AND "
. "deleted = 0";
if(! empty($compid))
$query .= " AND id != $compid";
$qh = doQuery($query);
return 1;
return 0;
/// \fn checkForMACaddress($mac, $num, $compid)
/// \param $mac - computer mac address
/// \param $num - which mac address to check - 0 or 1
/// \param $compid - (optional) a computer id to ignore
/// \return 1 if $mac/$num is already in the computer table, 0 if not
/// \brief checks for $mac being somewhere in the computer table except
/// for $compid
function checkForMACaddress($mac, $num, $compid='') {
if($num == 0)
$field = 'eth0macaddress';
$field = 'eth1macaddress';
$query = "SELECT id FROM computer "
. "WHERE $field = '$mac' AND "
. "deleted = 0";
if(! empty($compid))
$query .= " AND id != $compid";
$qh = doQuery($query);
return 1;
return 0;
/// \fn checkForIPaddress($ipaddress, $type, $compid)
/// \param $ipaddress - a computer ip address
/// \param $type - 'public' or 'private' - which IP address to check
/// \param $compid - (optional) a computer id to ignore
/// \return 1 if $ipaddress is already in the computer table, 0 if not
/// \brief checks for $ipaddress being somewhere in the computer table except
/// for $compid
function checkForIPaddress($ipaddress, $type, $compid='') {
if($type == 'public')
$field = 'IPaddress';
$field = 'privateIPaddress';
$query = "SELECT id FROM computer "
. "WHERE $field = '$ipaddress'";
if(! empty($compid))
$query .= " AND id != $compid";
$qh = doQuery($query);
return 1;
return 0;
/// \fn addResource($data)
/// \param $data - array of needed data for adding a new resource
/// \return id of new resource
/// \brief handles adding a new computer and other associated data to the
/// database
function addResource($data) {
global $user;
$ownerid = getUserlistID($data['owner']);
$noimageid = getImageId('noimage');
$norevid = getProductionRevisionid($noimageid);
$keys = array('hostname', 'ownerid',
'type', 'IPaddress',
'privateIPaddress', 'eth0macaddress',
'eth1macaddress', 'provisioningid',
'stateid', 'platformid',
'scheduleid', 'RAM',
'procnumber', 'procspeed',
'network', 'currentimageid',
'imagerevisionid', 'location',
if($data['addmode'] == 'single') {
$eth0 = "'{$data['eth0macaddress']}'";
if($data['eth0macaddress'] == '')
$eth0 = 'NULL';
$eth1 = "'{$data['eth1macaddress']}'";
if($data['eth1macaddress'] == '')
$eth1 = 'NULL';
$values = array("'{$data['name']}'", $ownerid,
"'{$data['type']}'", "'{$data['IPaddress']}'",
"'{$data['privateIPaddress']}'", $eth0,
$eth1, $data['provisioningid'],
$data['stateid'], $data['platformid'],
$data['scheduleid'], $data['ram'],
$data['cores'], $data['procspeed'],
$data['network'], $noimageid,
$norevid, "'{$data['location']}'",
$query = "INSERT INTO computer ("
. implode(', ', $keys) . ") VALUES ("
. implode(', ', $values) . ")";
$rscid = dbLastInsertID();
# vmhost entry
if($data['stateid'] == '20') {
$query = "INSERT INTO vmhost "
. "(computerid, "
. "vmprofileid) "
. "VALUES ($rscid, "
. "{$data['vmprofileid']})";
if($data['natenabled']) {
$query = "INSERT INTO nathostcomputermap "
. "(computerid, "
. "nathostid) "
. "VALUES ($rscid, "
. "{$data['nathostid']})";
// add entry in resource table
$query = "INSERT INTO resource "
. "(resourcetypeid, "
. "subid) "
. "VALUES (12, "
. "$rscid)";
$resourceid = dbLastInsertID();
# NAT host
if($data['nathostenabled']) {
$query = "INSERT INTO nathost "
. "(resourceid, "
. "publicIPaddress, "
. "internalIPaddress) "
. "($resourceid, "
. "'{$data['natpublicIPaddress']}', "
. "'{$data['natinternalIPaddress']}')";
return $rscid;
else {
# add multiple computers
$alldis = array();
for($i = $data['startnum'], $cnt = 0; $i <= $data['endnum']; $i++, $cnt++) {
$hostname = str_replace('%', $i, $data["name"]);
$pubip = long2ip($data['startpubiplong'] + $cnt);
$privip = long2ip($data['startpriviplong'] + $cnt);
if(count($data['macs'])) {
$eth0 = "'" . $data['macs'][$cnt * 2] . "'";
$eth1 = "'" . $data['macs'][($cnt * 2) + 1] . "'";
else {
$eth0 = 'NULL';
$eth1 = 'NULL';
$values = array("'$hostname'", $ownerid,
"'{$data['type']}'", "'$pubip'",
"'$privip'", $eth0,
$eth1, $data['provisioningid'],
$data['stateid'], $data['platformid'],
$data['scheduleid'], $data['ram'],
$data['cores'], $data['procspeed'],
$data['network'], $noimageid,
$norevid, "'{$data['location']}'",
$query = "INSERT INTO computer ("
. implode(', ', $keys) . ") VALUES ("
. implode(', ', $values) . ")";
$rscid = dbLastInsertID();
# vmhost entry
if($data['stateid'] == '20') {
$query = "INSERT INTO vmhost "
. "(computerid, "
. "vmprofileid) "
. "VALUES ($rscid, "
. "{$data['vmprofileid']})";
if($data['natenabled']) {
$query = "INSERT INTO nathostcomputermap "
. "(computerid, "
. "nathostid) "
. "VALUES ($rscid, "
. "{$data['nathostid']})";
// add entry in resource table
$query = "INSERT INTO resource "
. "(resourcetypeid, "
. "subid) "
. "VALUES (12, "
. "$rscid)";
$allids[] = $rscid;
return $allids;
/// \fn AJcanceltovmhostinuse()
/// \brief cancels any reservations to place the computer in the vmhostinuse
/// state
function AJcanceltovmhostinuse() {
global $mysqli_link_vcl;
$compid = getContinuationVar('compid');
$type = 'none';
$query = "DELETE FROM request "
. "WHERE start > NOW() AND "
. "stateid = 21 AND "
. "id IN (SELECT requestid "
. "FROM reservation "
. "WHERE computerid = $compid)";
$type = 'future';
$query = "UPDATE request rq, "
. "reservation rs, "
. "state ls "
. "SET rq.stateid = 1 "
. "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. "rs.computerid = $compid AND "
. "rq.start <= NOW() AND "
. "rq.laststateid = AND "
. " = 'tovmhostinuse'";
$type = 'current';
$query = "SELECT rq.start "
. "FROM request rq, "
. "reservation rs, "
. "state ls, "
. "state cs "
. "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. "rs.computerid = $compid AND "
. "rq.laststateid = AND "
. "rq.stateid = AND "
. " = 'tovmhostinuse' AND "
. " NOT IN ('failed', 'maintenance', 'complete', 'deleted') AND "
. "rq.end > NOW() "
. "ORDER BY rq.start";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$arr = array('status' => 'failed');
else {
if($type == 'now')
$msg = "The reservation currently being processed to place this "
. "computer in the vmhostinuse state has been flagged for "
. "deletion. As soon as the deletion can be processed, the "
. "computer will be set to the available state.";
$msg = "The reservation scheduled to place this computer in the "
. "vmhostinuse state has been deleted.";
$arr = array('status' => 'success', 'msg' => $msg);
/// \fn scheduleTovmhostinuse($compid, $imageid, $start, $vmprofileid,
/// $oldvmprofileid)
/// \param $compid - id of a computer
/// \param $imageid - id of an image
/// \param $start - start time in unix timestamp format
/// \param $vmprofileid - id of vmprofile
/// \param $oldvmprofileid - id of possible previous vmprofile
/// \return 0 on failure, 1 on success
/// \brief schedules or updates a reservation to move a host to the
/// vmhostinuse state
function scheduleTovmhostinuse($compid, $imageid, $start, $vmprofileid,
$oldvmprofileid) {
# create a reload reservation to load machine with image
# corresponding to selected vm profile
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
$revid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid);
$end = $start + SECINYEAR; # don't want anyone making a future reservation for this machine
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
$failed = 0;
$mnid = findManagementNode($compid, $startdt, 'now');
if($mnid == 0)
return 0;
# check for existing tovmhostinuse reservation
$query = "SELECT, "
. "rq.start, "
. "rq.end, "
. "rs.imageid "
. "FROM request rq, "
. "reservation rs "
. "WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. "rs.computerid = $compid AND "
. "rq.stateid = 21 AND "
. "rq.start > NOW() "
. "ORDER BY rq.start "
. "LIMIT 1";
$qh = doQuery($query);
if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(! retryGetSemaphore($imageid, $revid, $mnid, $compid, $startdt, $enddt, $row['id']))
return 0;
# update existing reservation
$updates = array();
$startts = datetimeToUnix($row['start']);
if($start < $startts)
$updates[] = "rq.start = '$startdt'";
elseif($start > $startts)
$this->startchange = $startts;
if($row['imageid'] != $imageid)
$updates[] = "rs.imageid = $imageid";
if(count($updates)) {
$query = "UPDATE request rq, "
. "reservation rs "
. "SET " . implode(',', $updates)
." WHERE rs.requestid = AND "
. " = {$row['id']}";
else {
if(! retryGetSemaphore($imageid, $revid, $mnid, $compid, $startdt, $enddt))
return 0;
# add new reservation
if(! (simpleAddRequest($compid, $imageid, $revid, $startdt, $enddt, 21,
return 0;
$this->updateVmhostProfile($compid, $vmprofileid, $oldvmprofileid);
return 1;
/// \fn updateVmhostProfile($compid, $newprofileid, $oldprofileid)
/// \param $compid - id of computer
/// \param $newprofileid - id of new vmprofile
/// \param $oldprofileid - id of possible previous vmprofile
/// \brief updates a vmhost entry's vmprofileid or creates a new vmhost entry
function updateVmhostProfile($compid, $newprofileid, $oldprofileid) {
if(is_numeric($oldprofileid)) {
if($oldprofileid != $newprofileid) {
# update existing entry
$query = "UPDATE vmhost "
. "SET vmprofileid = $newprofileid "
. "WHERE computerid = $compid AND "
. "vmprofileid = $oldprofileid";
else {
# create vmhost entry
$query = "INSERT INTO vmhost "
. "(computerid, "
. "vmprofileid) "
. "VALUES ($compid, "
. "$newprofileid)";
/// \fn AJsubmitComputerStateLater()
/// \brief schedules a computer to be converted to another state at a future
/// time
function AJsubmitComputerStateLater() {
$compid = getContinuationVar('compid');
$maintenanceonly = getContinuationVar('maintenanceonly', 0);
$start = getContinuationVar('reloadstart');
$end = $start + SECINYEAR;
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
$vmprofileid = getContinuationVar('vmprofileid', 0);
$oldprofileid = getContinuationVar('oldprofileid', 0);
$newstateid = getContinuationVar('newstateid', 0);
$oldstateid = getContinuationVar('oldstateid', 0);
$imageid = getContinuationVar('imageid');
$revid = getProductionRevisionid($imageid);
$mode = processInputVar('mode', ARG_STRING);
$msg = '';
$refreshcount = 0;
if($oldstateid == 10 && $newstateid == 20 &&
! is_null($mode) && $mode != 'direct' && $mode != 'reload') {
$errmsg = "Invalid information submitted";
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => $errmsg);
$delayed = 0;
# maintenance directly back to vmhostinuse
if($mode == 'direct') {
$vmids = getContinuationVar('vmids');
if(count($vmids)) {
$allids = implode(',', $vmids);
$query = "UPDATE computer "
. "SET stateid = 2, "
. "notes = '' "
. "WHERE id in ($allids)";
$query = "UPDATE computer "
. "SET stateid = 20, "
. "notes = '' "
. "WHERE id = $compid";
$msg .= "The computer has been moved back to the vmhostinuse state and ";
$msg .= "the appropriate VMs have been moved to the available state.";
$title = "Change to vmhostinuse";
$refreshcount = 1;
# maintenance back to vmhostinuse with a reload
elseif($mode == 'reload') {
$vmids = getContinuationVar('vmids');
$start = getReloadStartTime();
$rc = $this->scheduleTovmhostinuse($compid, $imageid, $start,
$vmprofileid, $oldprofileid);
if($rc == 0) {
$errmsg .= "A problem was encountered while attempting to reload the ";
$errmsg .= "computer with the selected VM Host Profile. Please try ";
$errmsg .= "again at a later time.\n";
$errmsg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $errmsg);
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => $errmsg);
$msg .= "The computer has been scheduled to go back to the vmhostinuse ";
$msg .= "state and the appropriate VMs have been scheduled to go back ";
$msg .= "to the available state at %s.";
$title = "Change to vmhostinuse";
# anything else to vmhostinuse
elseif($oldstateid != 20 && $newstateid == 20) {
$mnid = findManagementNode($compid, unixToDatetime($start), 'future');
$tmp = getCompFinalReservationTime($compid, 21);
$checkstart = getExistingChangeStateStartTime($compid, 21);
if(! $checkstart && $checkstart != $start && $tmp > $start) {
$delayed = 1;
$start = $tmp;
$end = $start + SECINYEAR;
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
if($maintenanceonly) {
if(! retryGetSemaphore($imageid, $revid, $mnid, $compid, $start, $end)) {
$errmsg = "An error was encountered while trying to schedule this<br>\n";
$errmsg .= "computer for the maintenance state. Please try again later.\n";
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => $errmsg);
# create a tomaintenance reservation
if(! (simpleAddRequest($compid, $imageid, $revid, $startdt, $enddt,
18, $vclreloadid))) {
$errmsg = "An error was encountered while trying to schedule this<br>\n";
$errmsg .= "computer for the maintenance state. Please try again later.\n";
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => $errmsg);
$msg .= "The computer has been scheduled to be moved to the ";
$msg .= "maintenance state at %s.";
$title = "Change to maintenance state";
else {
# create a reload reservation to load machine with image
# corresponding to selected vm profile
$rc = $this->scheduleTovmhostinuse($compid, $imageid, $start,
$vmprofileid, $oldprofileid);
if(isset($this->startchange)) {
$start = $this->startchange;
$delayed = 1;
if($rc == 0) {
$errmsg = "An error was encountered while trying to convert this ";
$errmsg .= "computer to a VM host server. Please try again later.";
$errmsg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $errmsg);
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => $errmsg);
$msg .= "The computer has been scheduled to be moved to the ";
$msg .= "vmhostinuse state at %s.";
$title = "Change to vmhostinuse state";
# vmhostinuse to available
elseif($oldstateid == 20 && $newstateid == 2) {
$tmp = getCompFinalVMReservationTime($compid, 1);
if($tmp == -1) {
$errmsg .= "A problem was encountered while attempting to schedule ";
$errmsg .= "assigned VMs to be removed from the computer. Please ";
$errmsg .= "try again at a later time.\n";
$errmsg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $errmsg);
$ret = array('status' => 'error',
'errormsg' => $errmsg);
elseif($tmp > $start) {
$delayed = 1;
$start = $tmp;
$end = $start + SECINYEAR;
$startdt = unixToDatetime($start);
$enddt = unixToDatetime($end);
$vclreloadid = getUserlistID('vclreload@Local');
$query = "SELECT "
. "FROM computer vm, "
. "vmhost v "
. "WHERE v.computerid = $compid AND "
. "vm.vmhostid =";
$qh = doQuery($query);
$fail = 0;
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(! simpleAddRequest($row['id'], $imageid, $revid, $startdt,
$enddt, 18, $vclreloadid)) {
$fail = 1;
if($fail) {
$errmsg = "A problem was encountered while attempting to remove VMs ";
$errmsg .= "from the computer. Please try again at a later time.\n";
$errmsg = preg_replace("/(.{1,76}([ \n]|$))/", '\1<br>', $errmsg);