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* \file
$authFuncs['shibboleth'] = array('test' => 'testShibAuth',
'auth' => 'processShibAuth',
'unauth' => 'unauthShib');
/// \fn testShibAuth()
/// \returns 1 if SHIB_EPPN found in $_SERVER; 0 otherwise
/// \brief checks for authentication information related to Shibboleth
function testShibAuth() {
// TODO check for other shib variables, if found but EPPN not found, alert user that EPPN is not being released
if(array_key_exists('SHIB_EPPN', $_SERVER))
return 1;
return 0;
/// \fn processShibAuth()
/// \returns userid in userid@AFFILIATION form
/// \brief processes Shibboleth authentication information
function processShibAuth() {
# get VCL affiliation from shib affiliation
$tmp = explode(';', $_SERVER['SHIB_EPPN']);
$tmp = explode('@', $tmp[0]);
$username = strtolower($tmp[0]);
$shibaffil = vcl_mysql_escape_string(strtolower($tmp[1]));
$query = "SELECT name, shibonly FROM affiliation WHERE shibname = '$shibaffil'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
# if shib affiliation not already in VCL, create affiliation
if(! ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
$affil = strtolower($tmp[1]);
$tmp = explode('.', $affil);
$affilname = strtoupper(implode('', $tmp));
$affilname = preg_replace('/[^A-Z0-9]/', '', $affilname);
$query = "SELECT name, "
. "shibname "
. "FROM affiliation "
. "WHERE name LIKE '$affilname%' "
. "ORDER BY name DESC "
. "LIMIT 1";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
if(preg_match("/$affilname([0-9]+)/", $row['name'], $matches)) {
$cnt = $matches[1];
$newaffilname = $affilname . $cnt;
elseif($affilname != strtoupper($row['name']) && $affil != $row['shibname']) {
$newaffilname = $affilname;
else {
$msg = "Someone tried to log in to VCL using Shibboleth from an IdP "
. "affiliation that could not be automatically added.\n\n"
. "eppn: {$_SERVER['SHIB_EPPN']}\n"
. "givenName: {$_SERVER['SHIB_GIVENNAME']}\n"
. "sn: {$_SERVER['SHIB_SN']}\n";
if(array_key_exists('SHIB_MAIL', $_SERVER))
$msg .= "mail: {$_SERVER['SHIB_MAIL']}\n\n";
$msg .="tried to add VCL affiliation name \"$affilname\" with "
. "shibname \"$affil\"";
$mailParams = "-f" . ENVELOPESENDER;
mail(ERROREMAIL, "Error with VCL pages (problem adding shib affil)", $msg, '', $mailParams);
print "<html><head></head><body>\n";
print "<h2>Error encountered</h2>\n";
print "You have attempted to log in to VCL using a Shibboleth<br>\n";
print "Identity Provider that VCL has not been configured to<br>\n";
print "work with. VCL administrators have been notified of the<br>\n";
print "problem.<br>\n";
print "</body></html>\n";
$newaffilname = $affilname;
$query = "INSERT INTO affiliation "
. "(name, "
. "shibname, "
. "shibonly) "
. "('$newaffilname', "
. "'" . vcl_mysql_escape_string($affil) . "', "
. "1)";
doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1);
$row = array('name' => $newaffilname, 'shibonly' => 1);
$affil = $row['name'];
$affilid = getAffiliationID($affil);
# create VCL userid
$userid = "$username@$affil";
if($row['shibonly']) {
$userdata = updateShibUser($userid);
if(array_key_exists('SHIB_AFFILIATION', $_SERVER))
$groups = array('shibaffil' => $shibaffil);
updateShibGroups($userdata['id'], $groups);
$usernid = $userdata['id'];
else {
$usernid = getUserlistID($userid, 1);
if(is_null($usernid)) {
$tmp = updateShibUser($userid);
$usernid = $tmp['id'];
# call this so that user groups get correctly populated
updateUserData($usernid, "numeric", $affilid);
addLoginLog($userid, 'shibboleth', $affilid, 1);
/*if($affil == 'EXAMPLE1') {
$gid = getUserGroupID('All EXAMPLE1 Users', $affilid);
$query = "INSERT IGNORE INTO usergroupmembers "
. "(userid, usergroupid) "
. "VALUES ($usernid, $gid)";
if(array_key_exists('SHIB_LOGOUTURL', $_SERVER))
$logouturl = $_SERVER['SHIB_LOGOUTURL'];
$logouturl = '';
# save data to shibauth table
$shibdata = array('Shib-Application-ID' => $_SERVER['Shib-Application-ID'],
'Shib-Identity-Provider' => $_SERVER['Shib-Identity-Provider'],
#'Shib-AuthnContext-Dec' => $_SERVER['Shib-AuthnContext-Decl'],
'SHIB_LOGOUTURL' => $logouturl,
$serdata = vcl_mysql_escape_string(serialize($shibdata));
$query = "SELECT id "
. "FROM shibauth "
. "WHERE sessid = '{$_SERVER['Shib-Session-ID']}'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
$shibauthid = $row['id'];
else {
$ts = strtotime($_SERVER['Shib-Authentication-Instant']);
$ts = unixToDatetime($ts);
$query = "INSERT INTO shibauth "
. "(userid, "
. "ts, "
. "sessid, "
. "data) "
. "($usernid, "
. "'$ts', "
. "'{$_SERVER['Shib-Session-ID']}', "
. "'$serdata')";
doQuery($query, 101);
$qh = doQuery("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()", 101);
if(! $row = mysqli_fetch_row($qh)) {
# todo
$shibauthid = $row[0];
# get cookie data
$cookie = getAuthCookieData($userid, 'shibboleth', 600, $shibauthid);
# set cookie
if(version_compare(PHP_VERSION, "5.2", ">=") == true)
#setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", $cookie['ts'], "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 1, 1);
setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 0, 1);
#setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", $cookie['ts'], "/", COOKIEDOMAIN, 1);
setcookie("VCLAUTH", "{$cookie['data']}", 0, "/", COOKIEDOMAIN);
# TODO do something to set VCLSKIN cookie based on affiliation
return $userid;
/// \fn unauthShib($mode)
/// \param $mode - headers or content
/// \brief for headers, simply returns; for content, prints information that
/// user has been logged out and an iframe to log user out of Shibboleth if
/// SHIB_LOGOUTURL was provided; VCLAUTH cookie is cleared elsewhere
function unauthShib($mode) {
global $user;
if($mode == 'headers')
print "<h2>Logout</h2>\n";
print "You are now logged out of VCL and other Shibboleth authenticated web sites.<br><br>\n";
print "<a href=\"" . BASEURL . SCRIPT . "?mode=selectauth\">Return to Login</a><br><br><br>\n";
print "<iframe src=\"https://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}/Shibboleth.sso/Logout\" class=hidden>\n";
print "</iframe>\n";
if(array_key_exists('SHIB_LOGOUTURL', $_SERVER)) {
print "<iframe src=\"{$_SERVER['SHIB_LOGOUTURL']}\" class=hidden>\n";
print "</iframe>\n";
$shibdata = getShibauthDataByUser($user['id']);
if(isset($shibdata['Shib-Identity-Provider']) &&
! empty($shibdata['Shib-Identity-Provider'])) {
$tmp = explode('/', $shibdata['Shib-Identity-Provider']);
$idp = "{$tmp[0]}//{$tmp[2]}";
print "<iframe src=\"$idp/idp/logout.jsp\" class=hidden>\n";
print "</iframe>\n";
/// \fn getShibauthDataByUser($userid)
/// \param $userid - numeric id of a user
/// \return NULL if id not found in table or array of data with these keys:\n
/// \b userid - id of user that data belongs to\n
/// \b ts - datetime of when authdata was created\n
/// \b sessid - shibboleth session id\n
/// \b Shib-Application-ID - ??\n
/// \b Shib-Identity-Provider - ??\n
/// \b Shib-AuthnContext-Dec - ??\n
/// \b Shib-logouturl - idp's logout url\n
/// \b eppn - edu person principal name for user\n
/// \b unscoped-affiliation - shibboleth unscoped affiliation\n
/// \b affiliation - shibboleth scoped affiliation
/// \brief gets entry from shibauth table
function getShibauthDataByUser($userid) {
$query = "SELECT id, "
. "userid, "
. "ts, "
. "sessid, "
. "data "
. "FROM shibauth "
. "WHERE userid = $userid AND "
. "LIMIT 1";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
$data = unserialize($row['data']);
$data2 = array_merge($row, $data);
return $data2;
return NULL;
/// \fn updateShibUser($userid)
/// \param $userid - id of a user in userid@affiliation form
/// \return an array with these keys:\n
/// \b firstname
/// \b lastname
/// \b email
/// \b unityid - userid for user
/// \b affilid - id from affiliation table for user's affiliation
/// \b id - id of user from user table
/// \brief updates user's first name, last name, and email address, and
/// lastupdated timestamp in the user table from data provided by shibboleth
function updateShibUser($userid) {
global $mysqli_link_vcl;
$rc = getAffilidAndLogin($userid, $affilid);
if($rc == -1)
return NULL;
$displast = '';
$displayname = getShibVar('displayName');
$givenname = getShibVar('givenName');
$sn = getShibVar('sn');
$mail = getShibVar('mail');
if($displayname != '') {
# split displayname into first and last names
if(preg_match('/,/', $displayname)) {
$names = explode(',', $displayname);
$user['firstname'] = preg_replace('/^\s+/', '', $names[1]);
$user['firstname'] = preg_replace('/\s+$/', '', $user['firstname']);
$displast = preg_replace('/^\s+/', '', $names[0]);
$displast = preg_replace('/\s+$/', '', $displast);
else {
$names = explode(' ', $displayname);
$displast = array_pop($names);
$user['firstname'] = array_shift($names);
elseif($givenname != '')
$user['firstname'] = $givenname;
$user['firstname'] = '';
if($sn != '')
$user["lastname"] = $sn;
$user['lastname'] = $displast;
if($mail != '')
$user["email"] = $mail;
$user['unityid'] = $userid;
$user['affilid'] = $affilid;
# check to see if this user already exists in our db
$query = "SELECT id "
. "FROM user "
. "WHERE unityid = '$userid' AND "
. "affiliationid = $affilid";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if(! $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)) {
# add user to our db
$user['id'] = addShibUser($user);
return $user;
# update user's data in db
$user['id'] = $row['id'];
$first = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['firstname']);
$last = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['lastname']);
$query = "UPDATE user "
. "SET firstname = '$first', "
. "lastname = '$last', ";
if(array_key_exists('email', $user)) {
$email = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['email']);
$query .= "email = '$email', ";
$query .= "lastupdated = NOW(), "
. "validated = 1 "
. "WHERE id = {$user['id']}";
doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1);
return $user;
/// \fn addShibUser($user)
/// \param $user - array of user data with these keys:\n
/// \b unityid - userid\n
/// \b affilid - id from affiliation table matching user's affiliation\n
/// \b firstname\n
/// \b lastname\n
/// \b email
/// \return id from user table for user
/// \brief adds $user to the user table
function addShibUser($user) {
global $mysqli_link_vcl;
$unityid = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['unityid']);
$first = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['firstname']);
$last = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['lastname']);
$query = "INSERT INTO user "
. "(unityid, "
. "affiliationid, "
. "firstname, "
. "lastname, ";
if(array_key_exists('email', $user))
$query .= "email, ";
$query .= "emailnotices, "
. "lastupdated) "
. "VALUES ("
. "'$unityid', "
. "{$user['affilid']}, "
. "'$first', "
. "'$last', ";
if(array_key_exists('email', $user)) {
$email = vcl_mysql_escape_string($user['email']);
$query .= "'$email', ";
$query .= "0, "
. "NOW())";
doQuery($query, 101, 'vcl', 1);
if(mysqli_affected_rows($mysqli_link_vcl)) {
$user['id'] = mysqli_insert_id($mysqli_link_vcl);
return $user['id'];
return NULL;
/// \fn updateShibGroups($usernid, $groups)
/// \param $usernid - id from user table
/// \param $groups - data provided in the eduPersonScopedAffiliation attribute
/// or an array with a single element where the key is 'shibaffil' and the
/// value matches an entry for shibname from the affiliation table
/// \brief converts the shibboleth affiliation to VCL affiliation, prepends
/// 'shib-' to each of the group names and calls updateGroups to add the user
/// to each of the shibboleth groups; if $groups is the array option, user is
/// added to a single group named "All <affil name> users" where <affil name>
/// is the name field from the affiliation table
function updateShibGroups($usernid, $groups) {
if(is_array($groups) && array_key_exists('shibaffil', $groups)) {
$shibaffil = $groups['shibaffil'];
$groups = '';
$groups = explode(';', $groups);
$newusergroups = array();
foreach($groups as $group) {
# make sure $group contains non-whitespace
if(! preg_match('/\w/', $group))
list($name, $shibaffil) = explode('@', $group);
# get id for the group's affiliation
$query = "SELECT id FROM affiliation WHERE shibname = '$shibaffil'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if(! ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh))) {
$query = "SELECT id FROM affiliation WHERE shibname LIKE '%.$shibaffil'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
if(! ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh)))
$affilid = $row['id'];
# prepend shib- and escape it for mysql
$grp = vcl_mysql_escape_string("shib-" . $name);
array_push($newusergroups, getUserGroupID($grp, $affilid));
$query = "SELECT id, name FROM affiliation WHERE shibname = '$shibaffil'";
$qh = doQuery($query, 101);
$row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($qh);
$affilid = $row['id'];
$grp = vcl_mysql_escape_string("All {$row['name']} Users");
array_push($newusergroups, getUserGroupID($grp, $affilid));
$newusergroups = array_unique($newusergroups);
if(! empty($newusergroups))
updateGroups($newusergroups, $usernid);
/// \fn addShibUserStub($affilid, $userid)
/// \param $affilid - id of user's affiliation
/// \param $userid - user's login id
/// \return an array of user information with the following keys:\n
/// \b first - empty string\n
/// \b last - empty string\n
/// \b email - empty string\n
/// \b emailnotices - 0 or 1, whether or not emails should be sent to user
/// \brief adds $userid to database with both lastupdate and validated set to 0
function addShibUserStub($affilid, $userid) {
global $mysqli_link_vcl;
$query = "INSERT INTO user "
. "(unityid, "
. "affiliationid, "
. "emailnotices, "
. "lastupdated, "
. "validated) "
. "VALUES ("
. "'$userid', "
. "'$affilid', "
. "0, "
. "0, "
. "0)";
return dbLastInsertID();
return NULL;
/// \fn getShibVar($key)
/// \param $key - shib variable to check for
/// \return value of shib variable or empty string if not found
/// \brief checks for various forms of $key in $_SERVER
function getShibVar($key) {
$key2 = "SHIB_" . strtoupper($key);
$val = '';
if(isset($_SERVER[$key]) && ! empty($_SERVER[$key]))
return $_SERVER[$key];
elseif(isset($_SERVER[$key2]) && ! empty($_SERVER[$key2]))
return $_SERVER[$key2];