blob: 6a9a99f1a9de77a200049499e23b1e31fc2579e1 [file] [log] [blame]
Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
distributed with this work for additional information
regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
'use strict';
AppServices.Services.factory('ug', function(configuration, $rootScope, utility,
$q, $http, $resource, $log, $location) {
var requestTimes = [],
running = false,
currentRequests = {};
function reportError(data, config) {
var getAccessToken = function() {
return sessionStorage.getItem('accessToken');
return {
get: function(prop, isObject) {
return isObject ? this.client().getObject(prop) : this.client().get(
set: function(prop, value) {
this.client().set(prop, value);
getUrls: function(qs) {
var host = $;
var BASE_URL = '';
var DATA_URL = '';
var use_sso = false;
switch (true) {
case host === '':
DATA_URL = '';
DATA_URL = Usergrid.overrideUrl;
//override with querystring
DATA_URL = qs['api_url'] || DATA_URL;
DATA_URL = DATA_URL.lastIndexOf('/') === DATA_URL.length - 1 ? DATA_URL.substring(0,DATA_URL.length-1) : DATA_URL;
return {
LOGIN_URL: BASE_URL + '/accounts/sign_in',
PROFILE_URL: BASE_URL + '/accounts/my_account',
LOGOUT_URL: BASE_URL + '/accounts/sign_out',
apiUrl: DATA_URL,
use_sso: use_sso
orgLogin: function(username, password) {
var self = this;
this.client().set('email', username);
this.client().set('token', null);
this.client().orgLogin(username, password, function(err, data, user,
organizations, applications) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('loginFailed', err, data);
} else {
self.initializeCurrentUser(function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast('loginSuccesful', user, organizations,
checkAuthentication: function(force) {
var ug = this;
var client = ug.client();
var initialize = function() {
ug.initializeCurrentUser(function() {
$rootScope.userEmail = client.get('email');
$rootScope.organizations = client.getObject('organizations');
$rootScope.applications = client.getObject('applications');
$rootScope.currentOrg = client.get('orgName');
$rootScope.currentApp = client.get('appName');
var size = 0,
for (key in $rootScope.applications) {
if ($rootScope.applications.hasOwnProperty(key)) size++;
$rootScope.$broadcast('checkAuthentication-success', client.getObject(
'organizations'), client.getObject('applications'), client.get(
'orgName'), client.get('appName'), client.get('email'));
isAuthenticated = function() {
var authenticated = client.get('token') !== null && client.get(
'organizations') !== null;
if (authenticated) {
return authenticated;
if (!isAuthenticated() || force) {
if (!client.get('token')) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('checkAuthentication-error',
'no token', {}, client.get('email'));
this.client().reAuthenticateLite(function(err) {
var missingData = err || (!client.get('orgName') || !client.get(
'appName') || !client.getObject('organizations') || !client
var email = client.get('email');
if (err || missingData) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('checkAuthentication-error', err,
missingData, email);
} else {
reAuthenticate: function(email, eventOveride) {
var ug = this;
this.client().reAuthenticate(email, function(err, data, user,
organizations, applications) {
if (!err) {
$rootScope.currentUser = user;
if (!err) {
$rootScope.userEmail = user.get('email');
$rootScope.organizations = organizations;
$rootScope.applications = applications;
$rootScope.currentOrg = ug.get('orgName');
$rootScope.currentApp = ug.get('appName');
$rootScope.currentUser = data;
$rootScope.currentUser.profileImg = utility.get_gravatar(
$rootScope.$broadcast((eventOveride || 'reAuthenticate') + '-' + (
err ? 'error' : 'success'), err, data, user, organizations,
logoutCallback: function() {
logout: function() {
$rootScope.activeUI = false;
$rootScope.userEmail = '';
$rootScope.organizations = {
"noOrg": {
name: "No Orgs Found"
$rootScope.applications = {
"noApp": {
name: "No Apps Found"
$rootScope.currentOrg = 'No Org Found';
$rootScope.currentApp = 'No App Found';
sessionStorage.setItem('accessToken', null);
sessionStorage.setItem('userUUID', null);
sessionStorage.setItem('userEmail', null);
this._client = null;
client: function() {
var options = {
buildCurl: Usergrid.options.client.buildCurl || false,
logging: Usergrid.options.client.logging || false
if (Usergrid.options && Usergrid.options.client) {
options.keys = Usergrid.options.client;
this._client = this._client || new Usergrid.Client(options,
return this._client;
setClientProperty: function(key, value) {
this.client().set(key, value);
getTopCollections: function() {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: ''
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error getting collections');
} else {
var collections = data.entities[0].metadata.collections;
$rootScope.$broadcast('top-collections-received', collections);
createCollection: function(collectionName) {
var collections = {};
collections[collectionName] = {};
var metadata = {
metadata: {
collections: collections
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
body: metadata,
endpoint: ''
var self = this;
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating collection');
type: collectionName,
testData: 'test'
}, function(err, entity) {
if (err) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating collection');
entity.destroy(function() {
self.getTopCollections(function(err, collections) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating collection');
} else {
createCollectionWithEntity: function(collectionName, entityData) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'JSON is not valid');
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: collectionName,
body: entityData
var self = this;
self.client().request(options, function(err, entity) {
if (err) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating collection');
self.getTopCollections(function(err, collections) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating collection');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'success', 'Collection created successfully.');
getApplications: function() {
this.client().getApplications(function(err, applications) {
if (err) {
applications && console.error(applications);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('applications-received', applications);
getAdministrators: function() {
this.client().getAdministrators(function(err, administrators) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error getting administrators');
$rootScope.$broadcast('administrators-received', administrators);
createApplication: function(appName) {
this.client().createApplication(appName, function(err, applications) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating application');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('applications-created', applications,
$rootScope.$broadcast('applications-received', applications);
createAdministrator: function(adminName) {
this.client().createAdministrator(adminName, function(err,
administrators) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error creating administrator');
$rootScope.$broadcast('administrators-received', administrators);
getFeed: function() {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: 'management/organizations/' + this.client().get('orgName') +
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error getting feed');
} else {
var feedData = data.entities;
var feed = [];
var i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < feedData.length; i++) {
var date = (new Date(feedData[i].created)).toUTCString();
var title = feedData[i].title;
var n = title.indexOf(">");
title = title.substring(n + 1, title.length);
n = title.indexOf(">");
title = title.substring(n + 1, title.length);
if (feedData[i].actor) {
title = feedData[i].actor.displayName + ' ' + title;
date: date,
title: title
if (i === 0) {
date: "",
title: "No Activities found."
$rootScope.$broadcast('feed-received', feed);
createGroup: function(path, title) {
var options = {
path: path,
title: title
var self = this;
this.groupsCollection.addEntity(options, function(err) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('groups-create-error', err);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('groups-create-success', self.groupsCollection);
$rootScope.$broadcast('groups-received', self.groupsCollection);
createRole: function(name, title) {
var options = {
name: name,
title: title
self = this;
this.rolesCollection.addEntity(options, function(err) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error creating role');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('roles-received', self.rolesCollection);
createUser: function(username, name, email, password) {
var options = {
username: username,
name: name,
email: email,
password: password
var self = this;
this.usersCollection.addEntity(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
if (typeof data === 'string') {
$rootScope.$broadcast("alert", "error", "error: " + data);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast("alert", "error",
"error creating user. the email address might already exist."
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('users-create-success', self.usersCollection);
$rootScope.$broadcast('users-received', self.usersCollection);
getCollection: function(type, path, orderBy, query, limit) {
var options = {
type: path,
qs: {}
if (query) {
options.qs['ql'] = query;
//force order by 'created desc' if none exists
if (options.qs.ql) {
options.qs['ql'] = options.qs.ql + ' order by ' + (orderBy ||
'created desc');
} else {
options.qs['ql'] = ' order by ' + (orderBy || 'created desc');
if (limit) {
options.qs['limit'] = limit;
this.client().createCollection(options, function(err, collection, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error getting ' +
collection._type + ': ' + data.error_description);
$rootScope.$broadcast(type + '-error', collection);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast(type + '-received', collection);
//temporarily adding scope.apply to get working in prod, otherwise the events won't get broadcast
//todo - we need an apply strategy for 3rd party ug calls!
if (!$rootScope.$$phase) {
runDataQuery: function(queryPath, searchString, queryLimit) {
this.getCollection('query', queryPath, null, searchString, queryLimit);
runDataPOSTQuery: function(queryPath, body) {
var self = this;
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: queryPath,
body: body
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error: ' + data.error_description);
$rootScope.$broadcast('error-running-query', data);
} else {
var queryPath = data.path;
//remove preceeding slash
queryPath = queryPath.replace(/^\//, '');
self.getCollection('query', queryPath, null, 'order by modified DESC', null);
runDataPutQuery: function(queryPath, searchString, queryLimit, body) {
var self = this;
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
endpoint: queryPath,
body: body
if (searchString) {
options.qs['ql'] = searchString;
if (queryLimit) {
options.qs['queryLimit'] = queryLimit;
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error: ' + data.error_description);
} else {
var queryPath = data.path;
self.getCollection('query', queryPath, null,
'order by modified DESC', null);
runDataDeleteQuery: function(queryPath, searchString, queryLimit) {
var self = this;
var options = {
method: 'DELETE',
endpoint: queryPath
if (searchString) {
options.qs['ql'] = searchString;
if (queryLimit) {
options.qs['queryLimit'] = queryLimit;
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error: ' + data.error_description);
} else {
var queryPath = data.path;
self.getCollection('query', queryPath, null,
'order by modified DESC', null);
getUsers: function() {
this.getCollection('users', 'users', 'username');
var self = this;
$rootScope.$on("users-received", function(evt, users) {
self.usersCollection = users;
getGroups: function() {
this.getCollection('groups', 'groups', 'title');
var self = this;
$rootScope.$on('groups-received', function(event, roles) {
self.groupsCollection = roles;
getRoles: function() {
this.getCollection('roles', 'roles', 'name');
var self = this;
$rootScope.$on('roles-received', function(event, roles) {
self.rolesCollection = roles
getNotifiers: function() {
var query = '',
limit = '100',
self = this;
this.getCollection('notifiers', 'notifiers', 'created', query, limit);
$rootScope.$on('notifiers-received', function(event, notifiers) {
self.notifiersCollection = notifiers;
getNotificationHistory: function(type) {
var query = null;
if (type) {
query = "select * where state = '" + type + "'";
this.getCollection('notifications', 'notifications', 'created desc',
var self = this;
$rootScope.$on('notifications-received', function(event, notifications) {
self.notificationCollection = notifications;
getNotificationReceipts: function(uuid) {
this.getCollection('receipts', 'receipts', 'created desc',
'notificationUUID=' + uuid);
var self = this;
$rootScope.$on('receipts-received', function(event, receipts) {
self.receiptsCollection = receipts;
getIndexes: function(path) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: path.split('/').concat('indexes').filter(function(bit) {
return bit && bit.length
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Problem getting indexes: ' + data.error);
} else {
sendNotification: function(path, body) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: path,
body: body
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Problem creating notification: ' + data.error);
} else {
getRolesUsers: function(username) {
var self = this;
var options = {
type: 'roles/users/' + username,
qs: {
ql: 'order by username'
this.client().createCollection(options, function(err, users) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error getting users');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('users-received', users);
getTypeAheadData: function(type, searchString, searchBy, orderBy) {
var self = this;
var search = '';
var qs = {
limit: 100
if (searchString) {
search = "select * where " + searchBy + " = '" + searchString + "'";
if (orderBy) {
search = search + " order by " + orderBy;
if (search) {
qs.ql = search;
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: type,
qs: qs
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error getting ' + type);
} else {
var entities = data.entities;
$rootScope.$broadcast(type + '-typeahead-received', entities);
getUsersTypeAhead: function(searchString) {
this.getTypeAheadData('users', searchString, 'username', 'username');
getGroupsTypeAhead: function(searchString) {
this.getTypeAheadData('groups', searchString, 'path', 'path');
getRolesTypeAhead: function(searchString) {
this.getTypeAheadData('roles', searchString, 'name', 'name');
getGroupsForUser: function(user) {
var self = this;
var options = {
type: 'users/' + user + '/groups'
this.client().createCollection(options, function(err, groups) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error getting groups');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-groups-received', groups);
addUserToGroup: function(user, group) {
var self = this;
var options = {
type: 'users/' + user + '/groups/' + group
this.client().createEntity(options, function(err, entity) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error adding user to group');
} else {
addUserToRole: function(user, role) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'roles/' + role + '/users/' + user
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error adding user to role');
} else {
addGroupToRole: function(group, role) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'roles/' + role + '/groups/' + group
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error adding group to role');
} else {
followUser: function(user) {
var self = this;
var username = $rootScope.selectedUser.get('uuid');
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'users/' + username + '/following/users/' + user
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error following user');
} else {
newPermission: function(permission, type, entity) { //"get,post,put:/mypermission"
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: type + '/' + entity + '/permissions',
body: {
"permission": permission
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'error adding permission');
} else {
newUserPermission: function(permission, username) {
this.newPermission(permission, 'users', username)
newGroupPermission: function(permission, path) {
this.newPermission(permission, 'groups', path)
newRolePermission: function(permission, name) {
this.newPermission(permission, 'roles', name)
deletePermission: function(permission, type, entity) { //"get,post,put:/mypermission"
var options = {
method: 'DELETE',
endpoint: type + '/' + entity + '/permissions',
qs: {
permission: permission
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error deleting permission');
} else {
deleteUserPermission: function(permission, user) {
this.deletePermission(permission, 'users', user);
deleteGroupPermission: function(permission, group) {
this.deletePermission(permission, 'groups', group);
deleteRolePermission: function(permission, rolename) {
this.deletePermission(permission, 'roles', rolename);
removeUserFromRole: function(user, role) { //"get,post,put:/mypermission"
var options = {
method: 'DELETE',
endpoint: 'roles/' + role + '/users/' + user
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error removing user from role');
} else {
removeUserFromGroup: function(group, role) { //"get,post,put:/mypermission"
var options = {
method: 'DELETE',
endpoint: 'roles/' + role + '/groups/' + group
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'error removing role from the group');
} else {
createWinNotifier: function(name,sid,apiKey, logging){
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'notifiers',
body: {
"sid": sid,
"apiKey": apiKey,
"name": name,
"logging": logging,
"provider": "windows"
this.client().request(options, this.notifierResponseReceived);
createAndroidNotifier: function(name, APIkey) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'notifiers',
body: {
"apiKey": APIkey,
"name": name,
"provider": "google"
this.client().request(options, this.notifierResponseReceived);
createAppleNotifier: function(file, name, environment,
certificatePassword) {
var provider = 'apple';
var formData = new FormData();
formData.append("p12Certificate", file);
formData.append('name', name);
formData.append('provider', provider);
formData.append('environment', environment);
formData.append('certificatePassword', certificatePassword || "");
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'notifiers',
formData: formData
this.client().request(options, this.notifierResponseReceived);
notifierResponseReceived:function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', data.error_description || 'error creating notifier');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'success',
'New notifier created successfully.');
initializeCurrentUser: function(callback) {
callback = callback || function() {};
if ($rootScope.currentUser && !$rootScope.currentUser.reset) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('current-user-initialized', '');
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: 'management/users/' + this.client().get('email'),
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error', 'Error getting user info');
} else {
$rootScope.currentUser =;
$rootScope.currentUser.profileImg = utility.get_gravatar(
$rootScope.userEmail = $;
$rootScope.$broadcast('current-user-initialized', $rootScope.currentUser);
updateUser: function(user) {
var body = {};
body.username = user.username; =; =;
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
endpoint: 'management/users/' + user.uuid + '/',
mQuery: true,
body: body
var self = this;
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
self.client().set('username', user.username);
if (err) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('user-update-error', data);
$rootScope.currentUser.reset = true;
self.initializeCurrentUser(function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-update-success', $rootScope.currentUser);
resetUserPassword: function(user) {
var body = {};
body.oldpassword = user.oldPassword;
body.newpassword = user.newPassword;
body.username = user.username;
var options = {
method: 'PUT',
endpoint: 'management/users/' + user.uuid + '/',
body: body,
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
return $rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Error resetting password');
//remove old and new password fields so they don't end up as part of the entity object
$rootScope.currentUser.oldPassword = '';
$rootScope.currentUser.newPassword = '';
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-reset-password-success', $rootScope.currentUser);
getOrgCredentials: function() {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: 'management/organizations/' + this.client().get('orgName') +
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err && data.credentials) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Error getting credentials');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('org-creds-updated', data.credentials);
regenerateOrgCredentials: function() {
var self = this;
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'management/organizations/' + this.client().get('orgName') +
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err && data.credentials) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Error regenerating credentials');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'success',
'Regeneration of credentials complete.');
$rootScope.$broadcast('org-creds-updated', data.credentials);
getAppCredentials: function() {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: 'credentials'
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err && data.credentials) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Error getting credentials');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('app-creds-updated', data.credentials);
regenerateAppCredentials: function() {
var self = this;
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'credentials'
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err && data.credentials) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'error',
'Error regenerating credentials');
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('alert', 'success',
'Regeneration of credentials complete.');
$rootScope.$broadcast('app-creds-updated', data.credentials);
signUpUser: function(orgName, userName, name, email, password) {
var formData = {
"organization": orgName,
"username": userName,
"name": name,
"email": email,
"password": password
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'management/organizations',
body: formData,
mQuery: true
var client = this.client();
client.request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('register-error', data);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('register-success', data);
resendActivationLink: function(id) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: 'management/users/' + id + '/reactivate',
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('resend-activate-error', data);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('resend-activate-success', data);
getAppSettings: function() {
$rootScope.$broadcast('app-settings-received', {});
getActivities: function() {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: 'activities',
qs: {
limit: 200
}, function(err, data) {
if (err) return $rootScope.$broadcast('app-activities-error', data);
var entities = data.entities;
//set picture if there is none and change gravatar to secure
entities.forEach(function(entity) {
if (! { = window.location.protocol + "//" + + window.location.pathname +
} else { =
/^http:\/\/www.gravatar/i, 'https://secure.gravatar');
//note: changing this to use the image on - since the gravatar default won't work on any non-public domains such as localhost
//this_data.picture = this_data.picture + encodeURI("?d="+window.location.protocol+"//" + + window.location.pathname + "images/user_profile.png");
if ('http')) { =;
} else { =
$rootScope.$broadcast('app-activities-received', data.entities);
getEntityActivities: function(entity, isFeed) {
var route = isFeed ? 'feed' : 'activities'
var endpoint = entity.get('type') + '/' + entity.get('uuid') + '/' +
var options = {
method: 'GET',
endpoint: endpoint,
qs: {
limit: 200
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast(entity.get('type') + '-' + route + '-error',
data.entities.forEach(function(entityInstance) {
entityInstance.createdDate = (new Date(entityInstance.created))
$rootScope.$broadcast(entity.get('type') + '-' + route +
'-received', data.entities);
addUserActivity: function(user, content) {
var options = {
"actor": {
"displayName": user.get('username'),
"uuid": user.get('uuid'),
"username": user.get('username')
"verb": "post",
"content": content
this.client().createUserActivity(user.get('username'), options,
function(err, activity) { //first argument can be 'me', a uuid, or a username
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-activity-add-error', err);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-activity-add-success', activity);
runShellQuery: function(method, path, payload) {
var path = path.replace(/^\//, ''); //remove leading slash if it does
var options = {
"method": method,
"endpoint": path
if (payload) {
options["body"] = payload;
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('shell-error', data);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('shell-success', data);
addOrganization: function(user, orgName) {
var options = {
method: 'POST',
endpoint: 'management/users/' + user.uuid + '/organizations',
body: {
organization: orgName
mQuery: true
client = this.client(),
self = this;
client.request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-add-org-error', data);
} else {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-add-org-success', $rootScope.organizations);
leaveOrganization: function(user, org) {
var options = {
method: 'DELETE',
endpoint: 'management/users/' + user.uuid + '/organizations/' + org
mQuery: true
this.client().request(options, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-leave-org-error', data);
} else {
delete $rootScope.organizations[];
$rootScope.$broadcast('user-leave-org-success', $rootScope.organizations);
* Retrieves page data
* @param {string} id the name of the single page item to get (a key in the JSON) can be null.
* @param {string} url location of the file/endpoint.
* @return {Promise} Resolves to JSON.
httpGet: function(id, url) {
var items, deferred;
deferred = $q.defer();
$http.get((url || configuration.ITEMS_URL)).
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
var result;
if (id) {
angular.forEach(data, function(obj, index) {
if ( === id) {
result = obj;
} else {
result = data;
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$log.error(data, status, headers, config);
reportError(data, config);
return deferred.promise;
* Retrieves page data via jsonp
* @param {string} url the location of the JSON/RESTful endpoint.
* @param {string} successCallback function called on success.
jsonp: function(objectType, criteriaId, params, successCallback) {
if (!params) {
params = {};
params.demoApp = $rootScope.demoData;
params.access_token = getAccessToken();
params.callback = 'JSON_CALLBACK';
var uri = $rootScope.urls().DATA_URL + '/' + $rootScope.currentOrg +
'/' + $rootScope.currentApp + '/apm/' + objectType + '/' + criteriaId;
return this.jsonpRaw(objectType, criteriaId, params, uri,
jsonpSimple: function(objectType, appId, params) {
var uri = $rootScope.urls().DATA_URL + '/' + $rootScope.currentOrg +
'/' + $rootScope.currentApp + '/apm/' + objectType + "/" + appId;
return this.jsonpRaw(objectType, appId, params, uri);
calculateAverageRequestTimes: function() {
if (!running) {
var self = this;
running = true;
setTimeout(function() {
running = false;
var length = requestTimes.length < 10 ? requestTimes.length : 10;
var sum = requestTimes.slice(0, length).reduce(function(a, b) {
return a + b
var avg = sum / length;
self.averageRequestTimes = avg / 1000;
if (self.averageRequestTimes > 5) {
$rootScope.$broadcast('request-times-slow', self.averageRequestTimes);
}, 3000);
jsonpRaw: function(objectType, appId, params, uri, successCallback) {
if (typeof successCallback !== 'function') {
successCallback = null;
uri = uri || ($rootScope.urls().DATA_URL + '/' + $rootScope.currentOrg +
'/' + $rootScope.currentApp + '/' + objectType);
if (!params) {
params = {};
var start = new Date().getTime(),
self = this;
params.access_token = getAccessToken();
params.callback = 'JSON_CALLBACK';
var deferred = $q.defer();
var diff = function() {
requestTimes.splice(0, 0, new Date().getTime() - start);
successCallback && $rootScope.$broadcast("ajax_loading", objectType);
var reqCount = currentRequests[uri] || 0;
if (self.averageRequestTimes > 5 && reqCount > 1) {
setTimeout(function() {
deferred.reject(new Error('query in progress'));
}, 50);
return deferred;
currentRequests[uri] = (currentRequests[uri] || 0) + 1;
$http.jsonp(uri, {
params: params
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
if (successCallback) {
successCallback(data, status, headers, config);
$rootScope.$broadcast("ajax_finished", objectType);
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
$log.error("ERROR: Could not get jsonp data. " + uri);
reportError(data, config);
return deferred.promise;
resource: function(params, isArray) {
//temporary url for REST endpoints
return $resource($rootScope.urls().DATA_URL +
'/:orgname/:appname/:username/:endpoint', {
}, {
get: {
method: 'JSONP',
isArray: isArray,
params: params
login: {
method: 'GET',
url: $rootScope.urls().DATA_URL + '/management/token',
isArray: false,
params: params
save: {
url: $rootScope.urls().DATA_URL + '/' + params.orgname + '/' +
method: 'PUT',
isArray: false,
params: params
httpPost: function(url, callback, payload, headers) {
var accessToken = getAccessToken();
if (payload) {
payload.access_token = accessToken;
} else {
payload = {
access_token: accessToken
if (!headers) {
headers = {
Bearer: accessToken
method: 'POST',
url: url,
data: payload,
headers: headers
success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
reportError(data, config);