#Usergrid RESTful Integration Tests

These tests will run against a deployed instance of Usergrid and validate that APIs respond as expected. Tests require Node.js, Mocha, and Should.js.

Get Started:

  1. Install Node.js version 0.12.1 or newer
  2. Install Mocha: $ [sudo] npm -g install mocha
  3. $ cd to /integration_tests and run $ npm install.
  4. Using config/default.js as a template, create a copy config/override.js and modify it according to your environment.
  5. Once configured, run $ mocha test from /integration_tests to perform tests.


  • Connections do not currently support org/app credentials. For tests to pass, you will need to give Guest POST rights to /** in the Usergrid authorizations table.
  • In order for notifications tests to pass, you will need to create an Apple notifier named apple-dev using a valid development APNS certificate.
  • In order to skip tests, you can append .skip to the test method, e.g.: describe.skip() or it.skip().
  • Depending on your environment, certain tests may take longer than expected. You can override timeouts by setting this.timeout(timeInMilliseconds) and this.slow(timeInMilliseconds) inside the describe() method before the tests execute.
  • For more information on adding or modifying tests, check out the Mocha, and Should.js documentation.